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I'm not getting this game.

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I have a quick and easy solution to every aspect of hate:

Character Perfectionism: Play the game twice, get the Gaiden cast in one and do the no-death thing in another.

Class Swap: Don't use it.

Faceless recruits: DON'T SUCK.

Pallet Swaps: Turn off Battle Animations

The game is too short: Take breaks between chapters or put the text and animations on the slowest setting.

The box looks stupid: Buy it used.

The sky is blue and I'd perfer the sky to be some purple color: Do drugs, but the sky is always blue.

Okay, I'm done being really insulting. Really, if there's an aspect of the game you dislike, ignore it. It's not like anyone forces you to Rank 5 in all Ranking sets in FE7...

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Crappy Gaidens, Identical Palletes, Faceless Units and...


I am gonna sound cruel, and get warned, but my warn is only 10, I can take it. Shut up man, you are acting like an ass. All things you said are fucking awesome. What in fucks name is fail about Class swap? And Faceless units?? SO WHAT?! I do not mean offense to you, you know I love you right? But this sounds retarded.
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I am gonna sound cruel, and get warned, but my warn is only 10, I can take it. Shut up man, you are acting like an ass. All things you said are fucking awesome. What in fucks name is fail about Class swap? And Faceless units?? SO WHAT?! I do not mean offense to you, you know I love you right? But this sounds retarded.

Yes, I am going to warn you for that. Whether you agree or not, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I don't want to have to do this again.

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Right, I'm not going to get this game either, because *drumroll* ........................................I don't have a DS.

Hey High five, I don't have a DS either

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Hey High five, I don't have a DS either

Nice! *high-fives* Yeah, I'm too poor to buy a DS. I did get a PSP for my birthday, though.

*on-topic* Well, this new game can't be worse than FE8. I mean, FE8 wasn't horrible, just, erm, you could probably finish it half-asleep while brushing your teeth.

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Class swap adds a ton more depth and replay value to the game, I don't see why anyone would complain in the first place. <_<

I'll admit that I thought it was a bit weird at first, but it's actually a great idea.

I agree, and plus, Class Swap is just extra, so you don't have to use it. But, I'm guessing people don't like it because people will abuse it during wireless/wifi.

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Right, I'm not going to get this game either, because *drumroll* ........................................I don't have a DS.

I don't have a DS either.

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I agree, and plus, Class Swap is just extra, so you don't have to use it. But, I'm guessing people don't like it because people will abuse it during wireless/wifi.

Well, there isn't exactly anything to abuse because there isn't some god class you can change all your characters to or anything. <_<

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Crappy Gaidens, Identical Palletes, Faceless Units and...


*cough* Sir! IF you bought FE 8 then why would you not buy this game. FE 8 had no gaidens. Who cares about character palettes THAT much. And no other FE had class swap and I'm sure we all got through just fine. Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to use it. :) *is buying this game AND using class swap*

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Really, if your complaints consist of the optional stuff, I do not see why get this game is not worth it. Once it makes it to American shelves, I'll get it as soon as possible. If it doesn't make it to America by December, I'll import it for Christmas. I'd love to see Marth and Pals.

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The game most likely will be out between February and May, on a bell curve :/

And no other FE had class swap and I'm sure we all got through just fine.

Gaiden, villagers promoted to a Mage, Archer, Social Knight, Sword Fighter, or Soldier--this can be seen somewhat as a similar feature, although it is a static promotion, so no real swapping occurs--just large promotional availabilities ^^

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*cough* Sir! IF you bought FE 8 then why would you not buy this game. FE 8 had no gaidens. Who cares about character palettes THAT much. And no other FE had class swap and I'm sure we all got through just fine. Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to use it. :) *is buying this game AND using class swap*

Technically, FE8 had 7x as a gaiden chapter.

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Actually that was 5X, and that's hardly a gaiden chapter since it's NOT optional.

Uh... Isn't that what I just said

BTW: WE NEED A NEW TOPIC (IS not asking BACON personally. IS asking everyone)

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