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Post your Morgans


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Do you play clash on the big bridge whenever your avatar enters battle?

I don't know. Does he wield guns and horrendously shatter the fourth wall?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I don't know. Does he wield guns and horrendously shatter the fourth wall?

Is it just a coincidence that those two characters resemble your Avatar and Olivia? o.o

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Do you play clash on the big bridge whenever your avatar enters battle?

I always imagine it when he does.

I don't know. Does he wield guns and horrendously shatter the fourth wall?

Well, he doesn't wield guns, but...


Err...yeah. That.

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Aww, they both look so cute! Maybe if I ever have a way to get more saves, I'll try getting a taguel Morgan; I'm sure they tear things apart!

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wait, but male Morgan can be taguel... Is that just female Morgan? or... just a male Morgan in some weird class? I mean considering the only male taguel possible is Yarne.......

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Well, it IS a thread where you can post your daughterfu and tell everyone else how awesome they are.

Yeah. With a camera as uncooperative as mine is, I'd really have to want to show her off.

And I do.

I felt like such a jerk when I forgot her birthday :(

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wait, but male Morgan can be taguel... Is that just female Morgan? or... just a male Morgan in some weird class? I mean considering the only male taguel possible is Yarne.......

If the female Avatar marries Yarne, the result will be a Taguel male Morgan.

Edited by Anacybele
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  • 2 weeks later...

From my Female Avatar run. Gerome's dad was Lon'Qu and I was +Spd -Lckattachicon.gifimage.jpg

Just wanted to point out that (according to the site, at least) you actually would have to be +Mag -Lck to make this happen; I guess it's easy to forget.

I was wondering if there was a proper, balanced Dread Fighter Morgan build that wasn't too slow.

Well, there it is. Kid doubles everything and has the offense to actually make Dread Fighter work. Owain's sword hand aches with envy.

And since you were interested, a Henry!Yarne!Morgan does the same thing but with equal or better stats except in Luck.

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All Stats Maxed

Henry Fathered, Magic Cap MU






For Streetpass teams. He also has Gale Force, Lifetaker, Sol, Armsthrift, Rally Spectrum, and Limit Breaker on the backlog for TSON. Technically he can't be hit by anything that isn't a bow without penalty or chance of penalty to damage or accuracy. Plus he has Counter and Lethality just to make things more annoying...

Edited by No~
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(Former) Main File Morgan (AKA, the Morgan I was devouring Streetpasses with):

Mother: Lucina

Class: Dark Flier


80 35+2 47+7 43+2 47+2 47+2 30+2 42+2


Aether, Luna, Galeforce, Tomefaire, All+2

Equip: 5x Celica's Gale (+5MT, +15Hit)

Morgan from my most recent file to actually get Morgan:

Mother: Sumia

Class: Bride


80 48+5 49 57 60 55 50 52

Skills: Limit Breaker, Counter, Vengeance, Miracle, Lancefaire

Equip: Brave Lance (+3MT, +25HIT)

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I left my phone downstairs and I'm too lazy to get it so... I'm typing up my Male Morgan :V

Father: Priam

Class: Hero

Stats: 46/29/50/47/47/23/24

Skills: Limit Breaker, Sol, GF, Armsthrift, Aggressor

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Did you know that Sumia and Panne have higher speed modifiers?

yes, but they only give one more speed anyway (also Sumia's str/def modifiers suck and Yarne...)

Edited by shadykid
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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you know that Sumia and Panne have higher speed modifiers?

Yes this is true. They are VERY fast. If speed is what you desire, you could do no worse than these two.

yes, but they only give one more speed anyway (also Sumia's str/def modifiers suck and Yarne...)

You could just ignore Yarne.


Damn it, I...I WANT to complain. But I can't...I know how he is...

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