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This is the one that I am planning to create on my current run.

+Mag/-Def Avatar (Super Sage)

Mother: Aversa

Final Class: Sage

Skills: Limit Breaker, Vantage, Vengeance, Wrath (Inherited from Avatar) [To be swapped out for Galeforce in certain times], Shadowgift (Inherited from Aversa)

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Update time. Tiki's Tear+ Dragonstone ++ Owain pair up

74 strength and defense total.

76 resistance total. I love my daughterfu. While I'm at it I may as well post Nah too.


Same boost method as Morgan but different stats. Pair up with me, her father.

Sorry for awful quality.

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I posted my Morgan before with random skills, but this is what I gave her for Apotheosis (normal run): LB, Galeforce, Luna, Ignis, Armsthrift. She owned baddies with her forged Celica's Gale, Brave Sword, and hubby Owain, and made her daddy proud ;-;

For Anna route I might swap out Ignis for Renewal or something.

I keep changing my mind about her StreetPass set up though not that I actually get StreetPass hits

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I posted my Morgan before with random skills, but this is what I gave her for Apotheosis (normal run): LB, Galeforce, Luna, Ignis, Armsthrift. She owned baddies with her forged Celica's Gale, Brave Sword, and hubby Owain, and made her daddy proud ;-;

For Anna route I might swap out Ignis for Renewal or something.

I keep changing my mind about her StreetPass set up though not that I actually get StreetPass hits

no no no, keep Ignis, Renewal is pointless because Fortify

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no no no, keep Ignis, Renewal is pointless because Fortify

Yeah I probably will. I didn't really have to heal much on the normal route. I'm considering getting her Lancebreaker though...Anna scares me

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Yeah I probably will. I didn't really have to heal much on the normal route. I'm considering getting her Lancebreaker though...Anna scares me

Anna won't be scaring anyone with Lancebreaker

Aether? can't hit me anyway, deal with it

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My Morgan (Yes, I finally got the game) is a Grandmaster. /likes characters in their original classes

Parents: Chrom and SPD+LCK- MU

Skills: Limit Breaker, Lethality, Rightful King, Galeforce, Armsthrift.

Weapons: Excalibur, (Forged) Celica's Gale, Forseti, (Forged) Brave Sword, and an Elixir.

Wife: Ricken!Severa

All his stats are maxed out.

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Got a nifty little thing in my "No Grind" (err, actually, No DLC. I used "Queen of Lunatic", so I can't really say it was No Grind.) Lunatic+ run.

...Namely, a 3rd Gen main game Morgan. Nothing to spectacular, but I did it-- she caught up to my main group no problem. (Chrom gives me more trouble than she does.)


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The freaking hell is that?

The character you so love and a cheap ass spam strat.... breaks the Valm arc via overpowered Lucina. (And Olivia is left being stupidly overpowered as well)

(In short, spam dance Olivia till Level freaking 60 (30->Second Seal-Dancer->30(Hell do it again if you want)), have her marry Chrom. Resultant Lucina is obscene.)

By all technicality, it doesn't count as "No Grind" but I still didn't run away to the outrealms. (Obviously, other grinding methods are off limits in L+)

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Interesting that you chose +skl as your asset. For more Aether procs I assume?

But of course.

Made it a pain in the ass to get through Lunatic+, though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hahaha, this thread is great just so I can laugh at peoples forged weapon names. Divine Bolt? Pah. It pales in comparison to my Heavenly Thunder!

Your power level is still too low with your "Divine Weapon" name:


Japanese is known for its ridiculous naming conventions with weapons and attack names.

Some are to the point. Some are cheesy. Some are both.

And some are just plain "wat".

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you're gonna have to explain this to us

and in English

The Transforming Holy Sword, "One Wing".

Also known as the Holy Sword: The Better Half, only wieldable by half angels.

At least it isn't freaking 蛇翼崩天刃 (Jayoku Houtenjin) which is "Snake Wing-Crumbling Heaven Blade"

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how can people get mad at Rey's waifu killing video and not this.


that is not ok.

Yeah... that's just... no.

Not cool. Especially since Morgan is saying "Father" instead of "Master Grima", which means... :(

(Now if she said the latter, who cares? She evil)

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