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An even worse FE13 HM playlog


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Right. Playing in HM and using this team:

ChromxAvatar F

This will be "efficiency" not LTC.


Build 03
Face 04
Hair 05
Hair Color 17
Female 2 Voice

Asset Magic
Flaw Strength


Killed Validar with Chrom and THE WIFE.

2 turns


Had Frederick kill the mages. The rest of the exp was for Chrom and THE WIFE.
Lissa healed them to ensure they could take more hits. Frederick weakened boss

5 turns

Chapter 1

Frederick weakened stuff here and there including the boss. THE WIFE and Chrom paired and
alternated turns.

Unit      Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom     3.70  22    9      1      9      9      7      8      2      Sword D
THE WIFE  4.74  21    6      8      7      7      4      8      5      Sword E Tome D
Lissa     2.20  18    2      5      4      5      8      4      4      Staff E
Frederick 1.51  28    13     2      12     10     6      14     3      Sword D Lance B Axe D

4 turns

Chapter 2

Stahl paired with Vaike took most of the punishment. Fred would use his Bronze Sword to weaken things so
Stahl could kill them in Enemy Phase. THE WIFE got some kills too as did Chrom. Later, Fred lured all the enemies near the boss.
Lissa healed Stahl and he tanked them all. Fred then weakened the boss so Stahl could take the kill.

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom       4.15  23    10     1      9      10     7      8      3      Sword D
THE WIFE    6.48  23    7      9      9      9      6      9      5      Sword E Tome D
Lissa       3.40  19    2      5      4      5      8      5      4      Staff E
Frederick   1.99  28    13     2      12     10     6      14     3      Sword C Lance B Axe D
Stahl       5.20  24    11     1      8      8      6      10     1      Sword E Lance D

6 turns

Chapter 3

Chrom moved ahead and recruited Kellam. Kellam is traded to Stahl and Stahl whacks a soldier.
Frederick is paired with Sumia and he kills one of the archers. THE WIFE went to the right side to get some exp.
Stuff happened that resulted in a Sumia kill of the Door key archer. She then opened the door and Stahl went through and tanked
stuff. Fred weakened the boss so Stahl could get the kill.

6 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom       4.95  23    10     1      9      10     7      8      3      Sword D
THE WIFE    7.37  24    8      9      9      9      7      9      5      Sword E Tome D
Frederick   2.53  29    14     2      13     10     6      15     3      Sword C Lance B Axe D
Stahl       7.81  26    12     1      9      10     7      10     1      Sword D Lance C
Sumia       1.37  18    6      3      11     11+2   8      5      7      Lance D

Paralogue 1

Chrom and THE WIFE weakened the first barbarian then the thief. Frederick!Sumia killed the archer.
Donnel killed the thief and got 60 exp then in the EP he got the remaining 40 xp. Kellam!Stahl rushed to the left with Iron Sword equipped.
Frederick rushed through the hall. Stahl and THE WIFE got the Killer Lance and Rescue and Frederick killed the boss because no one else
can reliably kill him any time soon. Took another turn than needed to give Stahl another kill. Worth it.

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        5.30    24    11    1    10    11    8    8    3    Sword D
THE WIFE    9.45    26    10    11    9    10    7    10    7    Sword E Tome D
Frederick    3.45    30    15    2    14    11    6    16    3    Sword C Lance B Axe D
Stahl        9.20    28    14    1    9    10    8    11    2    Sword D Lance C
Sumia        2.28    19    7    3    12    11+2    9    5    8    Lance D

7 turns.

Sumia Fred C happened.

Chapter 4

Frederick pairs into Sumia and she flies up then switches to him to lure Lucina. Fred silver lances her. Chrom paired
with THE WIFE kills the right hand barbarian and Stahl with Kellam ORKOs the other barbarian (dual strike). Then Stahl
OHKOs a mage with Iron Lance. Chrom finishes off Lucina. The other mage is handled by Frederick. In Turn 3, I switch to Sumia because
I notice she can ORKO a barbarian, turns out she misses the first hit (93%) this game hates me. Fred doesnt dual so stahl finished the dude off.

3 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom       6.50  24    12     1      10     12     8      8      3      Sword D
THE WIFE    9.63  26    10     11     9      10     7      10     7      Sword E Tome D
Frederick   3.75  30    15     2      14     11     6      16     3      Sword C Lance B Axe D
Stahl       10.12 29    14     1      10     11     8      12     2      Sword D Lance C
Sumia       2.39  19    7      3      12     11+2   9      5      8      Lance D
Kellam      5.30  21    10     0      7      5      3      12+2   2      Lance D
Lon'qu      4.00  20    6      1      12     13     7      7      2      Sword C

Chapter 5

Frederick!Sumia kills a Dark Mage. THE WIFE and Chrom kill a barbarian.
Stahl weakens a myrmidon and Ricken with Maribelle finishes him off. Lon'qu is paired with Vaike
and he goes left to kill 2 barbs near the start and lure a dark mage. Later, Sumia flew Fred up towards boss area and switched to Fred, who equipped Javelin, killing stuff and denting the boss. Ricken Elwinds a Wyvern and is healed by Lissa.Later, the boss fell to Ricken's Elwind in EP and the rest of the enemies including the reinforcements fell.

4 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom       6.65  24    12     1      10     12     8      8      3      Sword C
THE WIFE    11.35 28    11     13     9      11     8      11     7      Sword E Tome C
Frederick   4.66  31    16     2      15     11     6      16     3      Sword C Lance A Axe D
Stahl       10.61 29    14     1      10     11     8      12     2      Sword D Lance B
Sumia       3.82  20    8      4      13     12+2   10     6      8      Lance D
Kellam      5.40  21    10     0      7      5      3      12+2   2      Lance D
Lon'qu      5.32  21    6      1      13     14     7      7      2      Sword C
Lissa       4.80  19    3      5      4      5      9      6      5      Staff D
Ricken      4.61  21    3      9+2    7      6      11     7      3      Tome D

Paralogue 2

Fred pairs with Sumia and together they save the village. THE WIFE pairs with Ricken and aids him in getting kills.
Lissa heals people that needed healing. Stahl took care of the mages by OHKO'ing them. Ricken lured the boss and THE WIFE
and him took him down. The rest of the enemies fell to Chrom and Stahl.

7 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom       7.35  25    12     1      11     12     9      9      3      Sword C
THE WIFE    11.50 28    11     13     9      11     8      11     7      Sword E Tome C
Frederick   4.81  31    16     2      15     11     6      16     3      Sword B Lance A Axe D
Stahl       11.65 30    14     1      11     11     9      13     2      Sword C Lance B
Sumia       5.33  21    8      6      13     12+2   11     6      8      Lance D
Kellam      5.40  21    10     0      7      5      3      12+2   2      Lance D
Lon'qu      5.32  21    6      1      13     14     7      7      2      Sword C
Lissa       5.80  20    4      5      4      6      9      6      6      Staff D
Ricken      7.53  24    4      11+2   9      8      14     7      5      Tome D

Chapter 6

Maribelle rescues Chrom!Stahl. He moves down towards Gaius, switches to Chrom, Chrom recruits Gaius and then
switches to Stahl who uses Javelin to weaken the barbarian. Gaius finishes off the barbarian. Ricken and THE WIFE
kill a barbarian near Lucina. Sumia and Frederick go through the right side killing stuff (frederick doing most of the things because sumia is
2HKO'd). When Panne arrives, Ricken weakens a thief so she can ORKO him and vaike pairs with panne. Stahl and Chrom take down enemies
in the left side surprisingly well (holy shit Stahl is ORKO'ing with javelin). Gaius makes his way to the secret book.
Validar is KO'd by Fred and Sumia. He almost died in EP 3 which wouldve resulted in a 3 turn clear but Sumia missed the second Killer
Lance hit on the EP. Good news for her, since she can now get the boss kill.

4 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom       8.65  26    12     1      11     13     9      9      3      Sword C
THE WIFE    12.18 29    11     13     9      11     9      11     7      Sword E Tome C
Frederick   5.85  32    17     2      16     12     6      16     4      Sword B Lance A Axe C
Stahl       13.08 32    15     1      13     12     10     15     2      Sword C Lance B
Sumia       6.75  21    9      6      13     13+2   12     6      8      Lance C
Lon'qu      5.32  21    6      1      13     14     7      7      2      Sword C
Lissa       6.00  21    4      6      5      6      10     6      7      Staff D
Ricken      8.03  25    4      12+2   10     8      15     7      6      Tome D
Maribelle   4.43  19    0      5      5      7      5      3      6+2    Staff D
Gaius       5.33  22    7      0      13     15     6      5      2      Sword D
Panne       6.80  28    8+3    1      9+5    10+5   8+4    7+1    3

Ricken and THE WIFE C happened
Frederick Sumia A too

Chapter 7

Panne is paired with Lon'qu and she kills an archer. Sumia and Fred full move right and switch
to fred. Ricken is paired with Maribelle and he puts himself in range of a wyvern. Stahl moves
to the right. THE WIFE and Chrom kill a barbarian. Lissa does nothing. In EP, a wyvern dies to Ricken and dudes die to
Fred's sheer manliness. Next turn, Fred kills an archer. Ricken is healed by Lissa and he puts himself in range
of another wyvern. THE WIFE parks in a forest with wind equipped. Panne and Stahl hide. In EP, only the boss survives
because Fred didnt crit with Killer Lance. So I parked Panne in his range and he died in EP to her.

3 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom       8.95  26    12     1      11     13     9      9      3      Sword C
THE WIFE    14.96 31    13     14     10     11     10     11     8      Sword E Tome C
Frederick   6.55  33    17     2      17     13     7      16     5      Sword B Lance A Axe C
Stahl       13.49 32    15     1      13     12     10     15     2      Sword C Lance B
Sumia       6.95  21    9      6      14     13+2   12     6      8      Lance C
Lon'qu      5.43  21    6      1      13     14     7      7      2      Sword C
Lissa       6.38  21    4      6      5      6      10     6      7      Staff D
Ricken      8.69  25    4      12+2   10     8      15     7      6      Tome D
Maribelle   4.68  19    0      5      5      7      6      3      6+2    Staff D
Panne       8.10  30    9+3    1      10+5   11+5   8+4    9+1    3
Cordelia    7.00  25    9      3      13     12+2   9      8      8      Lance C

THE WIFE and Chrom married.
Ricken and Maribelle C happened.

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Paralogue 3

Stahl pairs with Cordelia and she ORKOs an archer on the left side. Fred pairs with Sumia
and she moves towards the boss, blocking an armor's path towards a villager and switching to Fred.
THE WIFE paired with Ricken and he took down the Javelin armor. Chrom went a bit to the left to fight a merc and barbarian. Panne was paired with Lon'qu and she blocked enemies from getting to Maribelle. Cordelia kills a barbarian and weakens 2 pegs in the EP. Ricken damages a barbarian and I notice he now has 20% crit on enemies for some reason o_O. Panne doubles a merc thanks to Lon'qu and almost ORKOs. Fred takes down an armor. Cordelia then went down and used a vulnerary. Chrom healed with a concoction. Panne and Ricken killed stuff and Maribelle hides from enemies. Fred goes down and switches to sumia and she kills the archer near the boss. After that, Panne and Ricken helped kill the remaining enemies. Cordelia and Stahl took down the remaining enemies in the south.
And Fred ORKOs the boss with Silver Lance. All the villagers survived.

4 turns

Unit             Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom            9.25  27    12     1      12     13     10     10     3      Sword C
THE WIFE         15.05 32    14     15     10     12     10     11     8      Sword E Tome C
Frederick        6.85  33    17     2      17     13     7      16     5      Sword B Lance A Axe C
Stahl            13.95 32    15     1      13     12     10     15     2      Sword B Lance B
Sumia            8.01  22    11     6      16     14+2   13     6      9      Lance C
Lon'qu           5.43  21    6      1      13     14     7      7      2      Sword C
Ricken           10.39 27    4      14+2   11     10     16     7      6      Tome C
Maribelle        5.68  19    1      6      6      8      7      3      7+2    Staff D
Panne            9.20  31    10+3   1      11+5   12+5   8+4    9+1    3
Cordelia         9.16  27    11     3      14     14+2   11     9      10     Lance C

Gave the Robe to Cordelia.
Sumia and Fred married.
Lon'qu Panne C.

Chapter 8

Fred pairs with Sumia. Stahl pairs with Cordelia. Together they all stomped the desert.
Cordelia got a bunch of kills, Sumia switched to Fred and he destroyed everything near the boss
then he went to the boss himself and switched to Sumia, who Killer Lanced him in the EP then getting the Second Seal village in Turn 4. Ricken ferried THE WIFE around and he actually could ORKO stuff.
Now with Focus he has like 25 crit on stuff its hilarious. He doubled and ORKO'd the dark mages then tagged out to THE WIFE when they got to the master seal village. Nowi and Gregor went for the Rescue staff. Panne battled some enemies near the start and got to Level 10. Wyveeeeeerrnnnn Tiiime!

4 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom       9.55  27    12     1      12     13     10     10     3      Sword C
THE WIFE    15.57 32    14     15     10     12     10     11     8      Sword E Tome C
Frederick   7.37  34    18     2      18     13     7      17     5      Sword B Lance A Axe C
Stahl       14.34 33    16     1      14     12     11     16     2      Sword B Lance B
Sumia       8.84  22    11     6      16     14+2   13     6      9      Lance C
Lon'qu      5.43  21    6      1      13     14     7      7      2      Sword C
Ricken      12.12 29    4      16+2   13     11     18     7      6      Tome C
Maribelle   6.59  19    2      6      6      9      8      3      7+2    Staff D
Panne       10.10 32    10+3   1      12+5   13+5   8+4    9+1    4
Cordelia    11.06 34    11     3      15     15+2   13     11     11     Lance C
Nowi        3.59  18    4+8    0+5    2+3    3+2    8      2+10   2+7
Gregor      10.10 30    12     0      13     11     8      10     2      Sword C

THE WIFE and Ricken B happened.
Stahl and Cordelia C happened.

Ladle forge for Panne because a freaking Skirmish is blocking Bronze Axes ugh.

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Chapter 9

Energy Drop to Cordelia.

Panne is paired with Chrom and she goes down ORKOs a Wyvern. Gregor pairs with Ricken and Ricken kills a soldier. Fred pairs with Sumia and she kills a mage. Stahl pairs with Cordelia and she
kills an archer. In EP, enemies remaining there die to Ricken. Cordelia lures a dark mage and a mage to her and ORKOs them. Next turn, Panne switches to Chrom, chrom recruits him and switches to Panne, who trades Rescue staff to him then Panne gives Chrom to Libra. Libra rescues Lon'qu down and he pairs with Panne.
Cordelia and Sumia fly towards boss area and switch to their cavaliers. Stahl takes down all the enemies that go to him including the archers. Tharja isnt lured. Libra uses Ward on Stahl and he parks next to boss with Silver Lance. The Ward is so tharja doesnt go for him instead of Panne. Panne now goes right towards a soldier and is in range of the last wyvern on the right and in range of tharja. She uses a vulnerary. She lures Tharja, kills the soldier and dents the wyvern. The wyvern is then killed in player phase and Libra switches to chrom so he can recruit tharja. Boss is finished by Cordelia.

4 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom       9.66  27    12     1      12     13     10     10     3      Sword C
THE WIFE    15.57 32    14     15     10     12     10     11     8      Sword E Tome C
Frederick   7.49  34    18     2      18     13     7      17     5      Sword B Lance A Axe C
Stahl       15.57 34    16     1      15     12     12     17     2      Sword B Lance A
Sumia       9.22  23    11     6      17     14+2   14     6      9      Lance C
Lon'qu      5.55  21    6      1      13     14     7      7      2      Sword C
Ricken      13.32 30    4      17+2   14     12     19     8      6      Tome C
Maribelle   7.01  20    2      7      6      9      9      3      8+2    Staff D
Panne       2.59  34    15+2   1      15     14     8      14     2      Axe E
Cordelia    13.12 36    15     3      17     15+2   13     12     11     Lance B
Gregor      10.30 30    12     0      13     11     8      10     2      Sword C
Libra       1.65  39    14     16     13     14     10     11     16     Axe C Staff C
Tharja      10.00 25    4      11     5      12     3      10     7      Tome D

Ricken Gregor C happened
Panne Lonqu B happened

Paralogue 4

Gregor pairs with Ricken. Libra uses Ward on Ricken. Maribelle is paired with THE WIFE
and she uses rescue staff on Anna so Chrom can talk to her and recruit her. Anna
opens the closest door and Ricken kills the Archer there killing the mages and the barbarian in the
enemy phase. Cordelia and Panne just rush and kill enemies. Sumia and Fred kill the thief that goes for the Arms scroll. Stahl lured the boss and a combination of Stahl's javelin in EP,
Fred's Steel Sword and Cordelia's Iron Lance killed him. Anna then went for the Arms Scroll.

5 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom       10.39 28    13     1      13     13     11     11     3      Sword C
THE WIFE    15.57 32    14     15     10     12     10     11     8      Sword E Tome C
Frederick   7.68  34    18     2      18     13     7      17     5      Sword B Lance A Axe C
Stahl       16.54 34    16     1      15     13     13     18     2      Sword B Lance A
Sumia       10.71 23    11     6      18     15+2   15     7      9      Lance C
Lon'qu      5.85  21    6      1      13     14     7      7      2      Sword C
Ricken      15.05 32    5      18+2   15     13     20     9      7      Tome C
Maribelle   7.91  20    2      7      6      9      9      3      8+2    Staff D
Panne       4.59  36    16+2   1      17     16     9      15     3      Axe E
Cordelia    15.00 37    17     3      18     15+2   14     14     11     Lance B
Gregor      10.40 30    12     0      13     11     8      10     2      Sword C
Libra       2.57  40    14     16     13     14     10     12     16     Axe C Staff C
Anna        1.67  36    12     17     23     22     26     8      10     Sword C Staff D

Stahl and Cordelia B happened.

My sumia and Cordelia dont want to proc spd at all in this playthrough it seems :/

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Sumia received a Dracoshield.

Chapter 10

Sumia and Frederick go to the boss, switching and separating twice on the way there so they'd have
enough move. Chrom and THE WIFE took down enemies in the northeast. Ricken went for the Seraph Robe
with Rescue help from Anna. Cordelia got the Wyrmslayer thief and the Master Seal thief and some exp.
Panne just trained and obtained the Bullion.

3 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        12.09    28    14    2    14    15    12    12    3    Sword B
THE WIFE    15.89    32    14    15    10    12    10    11    8    Sword E Tome C
Frederick    8.21    35    19    2    19    13    8    17    6    Sword A Lance A Axe C
Stahl        16.88    34    16    1    15    13    13    18    2    Sword B Lance A
Sumia        12.25    25    12    6    19    16+2    17    9    9    Lance B
Lon'qu        6.09    22    7    1    14    14    8    8    3    Sword C
Ricken        15.51    32    5    18+2    15    13    20    9    7    Tome B
Panne        6.59    38    18+2    1    18    17    10    17    4    Axe D
Cordelia    16.06    38    17    3    19    16+2    15    15    11    Lance B
Gregor        10.40    30    12    0    13    11    8    10    2
Anna        2.40    37    12    18    23    22    26    9    10    Sword C Staff D

Lon'qu Panne A happened.

Cordelia promotes to Dark Flier.
Stahl promotes to Paladin.

Chapter 11

Ricken Gregor take down random wyverns and a mage. Cordelia took down mages then the entire group around
the boss and the thief. Fred was flown down to the hero by sumia and he took down every enemy there.

3 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        12.09    28    14    2    14    15    12    12    3    Sword B
THE WIFE    15.89    32    14    15    10    12    10    11    8    Sword E Tome C
Frederick    9.02    36    20    2    19    14    8    18    7    Sword A Lance A Axe C
Stahl        1.28    41    19    2    17    15    13    21    8    Sword B Lance A
Sumia        12.79    30    12    6    19    16+2    17    9    9    Lance B
Lon'qu        6.16    22    7    1    14    14    8    8    3    Sword C
Ricken        16.38    33    6    18+2    16    13    21    9    8    Tome B
Panne        7.77    39    19+2    1    18    18    10    18    4    Axe D
Cordelia    3.39    42    20    8    21    18+2    16    18    14    Lance B Tome E
Gregor        10.51    30    12    0    13    11    8    10    2    Sword C
Olivia        1.51    18    3    1    8    9    5+4    3    2    Sword D

Gregor Ricken B happened.
Cordelia Stahl A too.

Chapter 12

Stahl and Cordelia took down enemies in the ship with their duo of awesomeness.
Fred and Sumia took down the left Bow Knight and his cavalier friends. Ricken took down some
random armors here and there and Panne was just...Panne. Hammered stuff and was just awesome as

3 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        12.22    28    14    2    14    15    12    12    3    Sword B
THE WIFE    17.15    34    15    16    11    13    10    11    8    Sword E Tome B
Frederick    10.54    37    21    2    20    14    9    18    7    Sword A Lance A Axe C
Stahl        3.48    42    20    2    18    17    14    22    8    Sword B Lance A
Sumia        13.15    31    12    6    20    17+2    18    9    10    Lance B
Lon'qu        6.35    22    7    1    14    14    8    8    3    Sword C
Ricken        17.82    34    6    19+2    16    13    21    10    8    Tome B
Panne        10.05    42    22+2    1    19    20    12    20    7    Axe D
Cordelia    6.49    45    22    8    22    21+2    17    19    16    Lance A Tome E
Gregor        10.57    30    12    0    13    11    8    10    2    Sword C
Olivia        1.85    18    3    1    8    9    5+4    3    2    Sword D
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Hmm, should I get the Boots? Is it even worth it in NOTLTC?


*tumbleweed rolls by*

PKL yells: "Is anybody there?" HELLLOOOOOOOOOOO?

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Hmm, should I get the Boots? Is it even worth it in NOTLTC?


*tumbleweed rolls by*

PKL yells: "Is anybody there?" HELLLOOOOOOOOOOO?

I've always gotten the boots..

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I used Naga on Cordelia (i always give it to my favorite characters, its always her or Stahl). Not sure of the value of Boots in Efficiency. Its not like I wanna save turns or anything. And they cost me 2 turns and reliability of Chapter 17 (Panne has to dodge a rexcalibur to the face eventually to get the chest)

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If you don't care about LTC, anything that +2 MV would get you can also be reasonably approximated with Rescue and/or Dance. Personally I don't consider it to be a big deal. In your case, especially so, since it will slow you down.

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Yes, he gives him spd and def. Its honestly Ricken's only good support option aside from Avatar, but just like I said with Miriel, who would waste Avatar on these terrible mages?

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Chapter 13

Everyone gets a kill. Olivia dances Cordelia Stahl and Cordelia ORKOs the boss with Silver Lance

1 turn

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        12.65    28    14    2    14    15    12    12    3    Sword B
THE WIFE    1.00    38    18    19    13    15    10    13    10    Sword E Tome B
Frederick    10.67    37    21    2    20    14    9    18    7    Sword A Lance A Axe C
Stahl        3.67    42    20    2    18    17    14    22    8    Sword B Lance A
Sumia        13.26    31    12    6    20    17+2    18    9    10    Lance B
Lon'qu        6.41    22    7    1    14    14    8    8    3    Sword C
Ricken        18.12    35    7    19+2    16    14    22    11    8    Tome B
Panne        1.15    45    24+2    1    23    24    12    20    10    Axe D
Cordelia    7.13    46    22    8    23    21+2    17    20    16    Lance A Tome E
Gregor        10.57    30    12    0    13    11    8    10    2    Sword C
Olivia        2.02    19    3    2    8    10    6+4    3    2    Sword D
Lucina        10.00    30    13    6    14    14    13    10    4    Sword C

Stahl Cordelia married.
Lucina has C support with her parents.

Ricken promotes to Sage.
Lucina reclasses to Cavalier.

Morgan's Paralogue

Cordelia Stahl fly up to the boss. Panne gets the Bullion from the Thief.
Lucina trains by OHKO'ing the Wyverns with Parallel Falchion and ORKO'ing mages.
Ricken rescued Morgan out of danger first turn and Chrom recruited him.
His bases are pretty bad, like THE WIFE. The boss fell to Stahl.

4 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        12.71    28    14    2    14    15    12    12    3    Sword B
THE WIFE    1.05    38    18    19    13    15    10    13    10    Sword E Tome B
Frederick    11.40    38    22    2    20    15    9    19    8    Sword A Lance A Axe C
Stahl        5.52    44    20    3    20    19    15    23    8    Sword A Lance A
Sumia        13.56    31    12    6    20    17+2    18    9    10    Lance B
Lon'qu        7.01    22    8    2    15    15    9    8    3    Sword C
Ricken        2.01    39    8    22+2    18    17    23    13    10    Tome B Staff E
Panne        2.18    46    24+2    1    23    25    12    20    10    Axe C
Cordelia    9.35    48    23    8    25    22+2    18    21    17    Lance A Tome E
Gregor        10.57    30    12    0    13    11    8    10    2    Sword C
Olivia        2.70    19    3    2    8    10    6+4    3    2    Sword D
Lucina        6.00    36    17    7    15    14    18    13    4    Sword C Lance E
Morgan        11.13    29    13    13    13    12    9    10    10    Sword C Tome C

Chapter 14

Lucina gets 2 kills with assistance from THE WIFE.
Sumia gets the Bullion with Gaius. Everyone else gets a kill. Cordelia Stahl open the way
for Panne to ORKO the boss with Hammer.

1 turn

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        12.77    28    14    2    14    15    12    12    3    Sword B
THE WIFE    1.25    38    18    19    13    15    10    13    10    Sword E Tome B
Frederick    11.53    38    22    2    20    15    9    19    8    Sword A Lance A Axe C
Stahl        5.67    44    20    3    20    19    15    23    8    Sword A Lance A
Sumia        13.56    31    12    6    20    17+2    18    9    10    Lance B
Lon'qu        7.01    22    8    2    15    15    9    8    3    Sword C
Ricken        2.24    39    8    22+2    18    17    23    13    10    Tome B Staff E
Panne        2.71    46    24+2    1    23    25    12    20    10    Axe C
Cordelia    9.42    48    23    8    25    22+2    18    21    17    Lance A Tome E
Olivia        2.87    19    3    2    8    10    6+4    3    2    Sword D
Lucina        7.70    37    18    7    15    15    19    13    4    Sword E Lance E

THE WIFE Lucina B happened.
Naga Tear on Cordelia.

Chapter 15

Ricken rescues Say'ri. Panne took down enemies in Say'ri's area. Cordelia Stahl took
down enemies near the boss and the boss himself. Lucina got a lot of exp.
Ricken Gregor and sumia Fred took down enemies in the beach.

3 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        12.89    28    14    2    13    15    12    12    3    Sword B
THE WIFE    3.14    40    20    20    13    17    11    13    12    Sword E Tome B
Frederick    11.97    38    22    2    20    15    9    19    8    Sword A Lance A Axe C
Stahl        6.13    45    21    3    20    19    16    24    8    Sword A Lance A
Sumia        14.90    32    12    6    21    18+2    19    10    11    Lance B
Lon'qu        7.22    22    8    2    15    15    9    8    3    Sword B
Ricken        3.75    40    8    23+2    19    17    24    13    11    Tome B Staff E
Panne        4.45    48    25+2    2    25    26    13    21    11    Axe C
Cordelia    10.86    54    26    10    27    24+2    21    24    19    Lance A Tome E
Olivia        3.04    19    3    3    8    11    7+4    4    2    Sword D
Lucina        11.18    41    21    7    19    17    23    14    4    Sword C Lance D
Morgan        11.51    29    13    13    13    12    9    10    10    Sword C Tome C
Gregor        10.69    30    12    0    13    11    8    10    2    Sword C

Chapter 16

Cordelia Stahl rush with Stahl taking out the bow guys. Panne hammers the boss. Obtained all the loot.

3 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        13.09    29    14    2    15    16    13    12    3    Sword B
THE WIFE    3.99    40    20    20    13    17    11    13    12    Sword E Tome B
Frederick    12.49    39    23    2    20    15    9    20    8    Sword A Lance A Axe C
Stahl        7.41    46    22    3    20    20    17    25    8    Sword A Lance A
Sumia        15.02    33    12    6    22    18+2    19    10    11    Lance B
Lon'qu        7.43    22    8    2    15    15    9    8    3    Sword B
Ricken        5.08    41    8    24+2    20    18    26    13    11    Tome B staff E
Panne        5.48    49    26+2    2    25    26    13    21    11    Axe C
Cordelia    11.60    55    27    10    28    25+2    21    24    19    Lance A Tome E
Olivia        no one cares
Lucina        3.09    50    24    9    21    20    25    18    10    Sword C Lance D
Morgan        11.51    29    13    13    13    12    9    10    10    Sword C Tome C
Gregor        10.89    30    12    0    13    11    8    10    2    Sword C

Sumia promotes to Falcon Knight.
Frederick reclasses to Paladin.
Merc Morgan.

Im not sure about my sumia anymore. Is she even salvageable :/

Chapter 17

Morgan pairs with Lucina and she ORKOs a War Monk in the right side. Cordelia Stahl
kill a sniper (with Stahl in the lead) and the 2 make their way to the boss.
The others just gathered exp and fended off enemies near the start of the map.
Boss got ORKO'd by Cordelia. She actually had good hit (88) and doubled.
Decided to skip boots because this isnt LTC.

4 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        13.40    29    14    2    15    16    13    12    3    Sword B
THE WIFE    5.49    42    20    22    14    19    11    14    13    Sword E Tome B
Frederick    1.26    38    21    3    21    18    9    16    13    Sword A Lance A
Stahl        8.21    47    23    3    21    22    17    25    8    Sword A Lance A
Sumia        1.42    37    14    7    25    21+2    19    12    14    Lance B Staff E
Lon'qu        7.58    22    8    2    15    15    9    8    3    Sword B
Ricken        5.68    41    8    24+2    20    18    26    13    11    Tome B Staff E
Panne        5.97    49    26+2    2    25    26    13    21    11    Axe C
Cordelia    13.39    57    28    12    29    27+2    21    25    19    Lance A Tome E
Olivia        3.89    19    3    3    8    11    7+4    4    2    Sword D
Lucina        5.35    50    25    9    23    22    25    19    11    Sword C Lance C
Morgan        1.72    31    14    10    16    14    9    10    7    Sword C
Gregor        1.00    34    15    1    16    14    8    13    5    Sword C Axe E

Chapter 18

Cordelia Stahl go down and I dont even have to switch out Cordelia because theres no bows.
Anyway, she gets enough exp to get Galeforce by Turn 3. She then ORKO'd Yen'fay (spd tonic and stahl
support let her double). The others fended off enemies. Ricken even got a ORKO on like 3 dudes it was amazing.

3 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        13.40    29    14    2    15    16    13    12    3    Sword B
THE WIFE    5.81    42    20    22    14    19    11    14    13    Sword E Tome B
Frederick    1.48    38    21    3    21    18    9    16    13    Sword A Lance A
Stahl        9.12    48    24    3    21    22    18    26    8    Sword A Lance A
Sumia        2.03    38    14    7    25    22+2    19    13    15    Lance B Staff E
Lon'qu        8.07    22    9    3    15    16    9    8    3    Sword B
Ricken        6.91    42    8    25+2    20    19    26    13    11    Tome B Staff E
Panne        7.10    52    28+2    2    26    27    14    23    12    Axe B
Cordelia    16.12    60    29    13    31    29+2    22    27    22    Lance A Tome E
Olivia        4.40    20    3    4    8    12    8+4    4    2    Sword D
Lucina        7.21    51    26    10    25    23    26    20    11    Sword C Lance C
Morgan        1.88    31    14    10    16    14    9    10    7    Sword C
Gregor        1.05    irrelevant

Cordelia reclassed to Falcoknight.

Tiki Paralogue

Had Ricken rescue Tiki into a better position and just tanked with everyone.
Ricken and Fred actually doubled and ORKO'd Wyverns and Griffons. Fred falls off, my ass.

7 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        13.61    29    14    2    15    16    13    12    3    Sword B
THE WIFE    9.06    46    22    25    16    20    13    16    15    Sword E Tome B
Frederick    2.32    39    21    3    22    19    9    16    14    Sword A Lance A
Stahl        10.22    49    25    3    21    22    18    27    8    Sword A Lance A
Sumia        2.18    38    14    7    25    22+2    19    13    15    Lance A Staff E
Lon'qu        8.24    22    9    3    15    16    9    8    3    Sword B
Ricken        9.46    45    10    26+2    20    21    28    15    11    Tome A Staff E
Panne        9.02    54    29+2    2    27    29    14    23    12    Axe B
Cordelia    1.15    61    30    10    33    30+2    22    28    22    Lance A Staff E
Olivia        5.42    20    4    5    9    13    8+4    4    3    Sword D
Lucina        9.63    53    26    11    26    25    28    20    12    Sword B Lance B
Morgan        2.12    32    15    10    16    14    10    10    7    Sword C
Gregor        GREGOR SMASH

Chapter 19

Walhart is lured by Stahl, who can tank everything thanks to Tonics.
Everyone gets some exp including Tiki (who is paired with Say'ri). Ricken
could ORKO Paladins with Arcthunder. Walhart got KO'd by Stahl in EP 2.

2 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        13.61    29    14    2    15    16    13    12    3    Sword B
THE WIFE    9.66    46    22    25    16    20    13    16    15    Sword E Tome A
Frederick    2.47    39    21    3    21    19    9    16    14    Sword A Lance A
Stahl        12.95    51    27    3    21    24    19    28    9    Sword A Lance A
Sumia        2.24    38    14    7    25    22+2    19    13    15    Lance A Staff E
Lon'qu        8.24    22    9    3    15    16    9    8    3    Sword B
Ricken        10.36    46    10    27+2    21    22    29    15    11    Tome A Staff E
Panne        9.51    54    29+2    2    27    29    14    23    12    Axe B
Cordelia    1.74    61    30    10    33    30+2    22    28    22    Lance A Staff E
Olivia        5.42    20    4    5    9    13    8+4    4    3    Sword D
Lucina        10.45    54    26    11    26    25    28    20    12    Sword B Lance B
Morgan        2.28    32    15    10    16    14    10    10    7    Sword C
Gregor        whatever
Tiki        22.52    47    21+11    12+6    17+5    21+4    23    18+13    15+9
Say'ri        tikibot

Chapter 20

Cordelia kills a Warrior and activates Galeforce, gos up and a bit to the right, hiding
from Excellus and switches to Stahl and he uses a Pure Water. Tiki with Say'ri took down the entire horde of enemies
near Cervantes. Ricken took the right side, ORKO'ing everything with Arcthunder.
Panne took the left side and reclassed to Wyvern Lord. Later, Cordelia kills a random dude to
activate Galeforce and move further towards Walhart and switches to Stahl, who takes 0 damage except from Walhart
and Excellus who dont quite 2HKO (he used an Elixir). Later, Cordelia ORKO'd Walhart because of the damage
he had taken in EP.

3 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        13.68    29    14    2    15    16    13    12    3    Sword B
THE WIFE    9.81    46    22    25    16    20    13    16    15    Sword E Tome A
Frederick    2.55    39    21    3    21    19    9    16    14    Sword A Lance A
Stahl        15.54    54    29    4    22    25    21    31    9    Sword A Lance A
Sumia        3.07    39    14    7    25    22+2    19    13    16    Lance A Staff E
Lon'qu        speedbot
Ricken        11.46    47    10    30+2    22    23    30    16    11    Tome A Staff E
Panne        1.14    57    31+2    2    26    27    14    27    13    Lance E Axe B
Cordelia    2.99    62    30    10    34    31+2    22    29    22    Lance A Staff E
Olivia        5.93    20    4    5    9    13    8+4    4    3    Sword D
Lucina        11.05    55    27    12    27    26    29    20    13    Sword B Lance B
Morgan        2.44    32    15    10    16    14    10    10    7    Sword C
Gregor        Rickenbot
Tiki        26.70    54    21+11    13+6    19+5    24+4    27    22+13    18+9
Say'ri        1.72    base

Thinking of recruiting the remaining kids (Cynthia, Severa and Yarne) before Chapter 21.

It would also give my awful Avatar a chance to train for rally spectrum.

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Yarne Paralogue

Im brave and decided to aid NO ONE.

Cordelia Stahl take down the Paladin group (stahl gives no fucks about physical attacks at
this point). Panne takes the general group with assistance from Ricken and THE WIFE.
Got all villages, hence the turncount.

5 turns.

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        13.82    29    14    2    15    16    13    12    3    Sword B
THE WIFE    13.46    50    24    27    17    24    14    19    17    Sword E Tome A
Frederick    2.76    39    21    3    21    19    9    16    14    Sword A Lance A
Stahl        18.83    56    30    4    24    27    24    34    9    Sword A Lance A
Sumia        3.12    39    17    4    25    22+2    19    13    16    Lance A Staff E
Ricken        12.80    48    10    30+2    22    24    30    16    11    Tome A Staff D
Panne        2.56    58    32+2    2    27    28    15    30    13    Lance E Axe A
Cordelia    3.92    63    31    11    35    31+2    23    29    23    Lance A Staff E
Olivia        6.74    21    5    5    10    13    8+4    5    4    Sword D
Lucina        11.71    55    27    12    27    26    29    20    13    Sword B Lance B

Severa Paralogue

Everyone clears the way for Severa to full move every turn. Fed kills to everyone.

Wow Cordelia got some pretty nasty levels here.

10 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        14.04    30    15    2    16    17    14    12    3    Sword A
THE WIFE    15.08    51    26    28    18    26    16    20    18    Sword E Tome A
Frederick    2.93    39    21    3    22    19    9    16    14    Sword A Lance A
Stahl        20.00    57    32    5    26    28    26    36    9    Sword A Lance A
Sumia        5.13    40    16    7    26    22+2    20    15    17    Lance A Staff E
Ricken        13.79    49    11    31+2    22    24    30    16    11    Tome A Staff D
Panne        3.47    59    32+2    2    28    29    18    31    14    Lance E Axe A
Cordelia    5.26    65    32    11    37    33+2    24    31    24    Lance A Staff E
Olivia        7.70    21    6    5    11    14    8+4    5    4    Sword D
Lucina        12.53    55    28    12    28    27    30    20    14    Sword B Lance B
Severa        10.00    45    22    4    24    22    17    22    8    Sword C

Meet Severa, she's definetely the child of Stahl and Cordelia. Dem stats. She also has Galeforce and Aegis.
Thinking of making her Bow Knight.

Now that Sumia reached Rally Speed, it is a good idea to get Cynthia.

Edited by Peekayell
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Cynthia Paralogue

Rally Spectrum everyone then had Cordelia Stahl Galeforce their way to the boss and killed him in PP 2.
Panne took down the northwest enemies. Ricken destroyed like 12 enemies in the first EP like a boss
and almost reached Tomefaire. Cynthia was recruited by Sumia Fred in Turn 2 and she hid from enemies.

2 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        14.04    30    15    2    16    17    14    12    3    Sword A
THE WIFE    15.08    51    26    28    18    26    16    20    18    Sword E Tome A
Frederick    3.12    40    22    3    22    20    9    17    14    Sword A Lance A
Stahl        1.76    57    32    5    26    28    26    36    11    Sword A Lance A
Sumia        5.28    40    16    7    26    22+2    20    15    17    Lance A Staff E
Lon'qu        8.96    22    9    3    15    16    9    8    3    Sword B
Ricken        14.92    50    12    32+2    22    24    31    19    11    Tome A Staff D
Panne        4.74    61    33+2    2    29    29    17    32    15    Lance E Axe A
Cordelia    5.88    65    32    11    37    33+2    24    31    24    Lance A Staff E
Olivia        7.86    21    6    5    11    14    8+4    5    4    Sword D
Lucina        12.74    55    28    12    28    27    30    20    14    Sword B Lance B
Cynthia        10.00    29    13    4    18    18+2    18    11    13    Lance C

Chapter 21

Rally Spectrum everyone. Then Ricken Tiki and Panne took down the 2 Swordmasters
and the Berserker. Cordelia Stahl kill the nearest Sorcerer and Galeforce down, Cordelia
switches to Stahl and he uses pure water and gives no shit about anything in EP. Then Cordelia kills another dude,
Galeforces down and switches to Stahl. Then she kills another dude and goes for the boss.

3 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        14.04    30    15    2    16    17    14    12    3    Sword A
THE WIFE    15.08    51    26    28    18    26    16    20    18    Sword E Tome A
Frederick    3.42    40    22    3    22    20    9    17    14    Sword A Lance A
Stahl        3.74    59    34    5    28    29    26    38    12    Sword A Lance A
Sumia        5.28    40    16    7    26    22+2    20    15    17    Lance A Staff E
Lon'qu        9.12    23    10    4    16    17    10    9    3    Sword B
Ricken        15.22    50    13    33+7    23    24    32    20    11    Tome A Staff D
Panne        5.11    62    33+2    2    29    30    17    32    16    Lance E Axe A
Cordelia    6.83    66    33    11    37    34+2    25    31    24    Lance A Staff E
Lucina        13.12    56    28    12    29    27    31    21    14    Sword B Lance B
Severa        1.13    51    25    4    26    25    17    23    10    Sword B Bow D
Tiki        27.13    56    21+11    13+6    20+5    25+4    28    23+13    19+9
Olivia        7.86    21    6    5    11    14    8+4    5    4    Sword D

Chapter 22

Rally Spectrum, Rally Magic. Cordelia Stahl went up and got danced and she KO'd stuff near Aversa.
She could take the Rexcalibur to the face and all the others things almost tinked her so she wouldnt have died
if everything hit (waste had 0 hit). Levin Sword Lucina lured the Helswath dude and ended up ORKO'ing him with
Aether. Panne KO'd the valflame valkyrie. Fred KO'd the Gungnir dude in Player Phase 2. Afterwards, Balmung dude died to
Galeforce Cordelia and she KO'd Aversa.

2 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        14.04    30    15    2    16    17    14    12    3    Sword A
THE WIFE    15.08    51    26    28    18    26    16    20    18    Sword E Tome A
Frederick    3.99    40    22    3    22    20    9    17    14    Sword A Lance A
Stahl        3.99    59    34    5    28    29    26    38    12    Sword A LAnce A
Sumia        5.34    40    16    7    26    22+2    20    15    17    Lance A Staff E
Lon'qu        9.21    23    10    4    16    17    10    9    3    Sword B
Ricken        15.32    50    13    33+7    23    24    32    20    11    Tome A Staff D
Panne        6.01    64    34+2    2    30    30    18    32    16    Lance E Axe A
Cordelia    8.29    67    35    12    37    35+2    25    33    24    Lance A Staff E
Lucina        14.77    57    29    13    29    28    31    21    14    Sword B Lance A
Olivia        8.18    22    6    5    12    15    8+4    5    4    Sword D

Chapter 23

Cordelia Stahl Galeforce their way to the future boss area (switching to Stahl afterwards because of bows).
Panne @ Helswath killed stuff in the middle. Ricken @ Valflame took down some enemies in the northwest.
Tiki Lucina and Fred killed enemies here and there. Olivia stayed hidden. Validar fell to Panne
and Stahl Cordelia.

3 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        14.11    30    15    2    16    17    14    12    3    Sword A
THE WIFE    15.42    51    26    28    18    26    16    20    18    Sword E Tome A
Frederick    4.23    41    23    3    23    21    9    17    14    Sword A Lance A
Stahl        6.29    62    36    5    30    31    27    41    13    Sword A Lance A
Sumia        5.34    40    16    7    26    22+2    20    15    17    Lance A Staff E
Lon'qu        9.39    23    10    4    16    17    10    9    3    Sword B
Ricken        16.56    51    14    33+7    24    24    32    21    12    Tome A Staff D
Panne        6.73    64    34+2    2    30    30    18    32    16    Lance E Axe A
Cordelia    9.44    67    36    12    38    36+2    26    33    24    Lance A Staff E
Lucina        15.70    58    29    14    29    29    32    21    14    Sword B Lance A
Olivia        8.34    22    6    5    12    15    8+4    5    4    Sword D
Tiki        28.27    58    21+11    13+6    20+5    26+4    29    24+13    20+9
Say'ri        1.86    base
Basilio        10.05    67    34    4    28    25    20    23    9    Axe A Bow B
Flavia        11.05    54    28    6    33    31    25    26    13    Sword A Axe B

Chapter 24

Dark Knight Ricken can ORKO everyone here and be like 6HKO'd which is pretty impressive for a
supposedly bad unit. Cordelia Stahl and Panne also helped with their flight.

3 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        14.11    30    15    2    16    17    14    12    3    Sword A
THE WIFE    15.42    51    26    28    18    26    16    20    18    Sword E Tome A
Frederick    4.63    41    23    3    23    21    9    17    14    Sword A Lance A
Stahl        7.09    63    36    5    31    31    28    42    13    Sword A Lance A
Sumia        5.04    40    16    7    26    22+2    20    15    17    Lance A Staff E
Lon'qu        9.57    23    10    4    16    17    10    9    3    Sword A
Ricken        3.17    58    19    31+7    26    23    33    27    13    Sword E Tome A
Panne        7.57    65    35+2    2    30    31    18    33    16    Lance E Axe A
Cordelia    10.09    68    37    12    38    37+2    26    33    25    Lance A Staff E
Lucina        16.51    59    30    14    29    30    33    22    14    Sword B Lance A
Olivia        8.50    22    6    5    12    15    8+4    5    4    Sword D
Tiki        29.51    59    22+11    14+6    20+5    26+4    30    25+13    20+9
Say'ri        2.00    42    19    8    24    27    21    14    11    Sword B

Chapter 25

Cordelia Galeforce'd up then switched to Stahl so he could tank hits. The others tanked enemies
near the start. Ricken was bro and tanked a bunch of enemies in the first EP.

2 turns

Unit        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapons
Chrom        1.00    35    19    2    18    19    14    15    9    Sword A Lance E
THE WIFE    15.41    51    26    28    18    26    16    20    18    Sword E Tome A
Frederick    4.73    41    23    3    23    21    9    17    14    Sword A Lance A
Stahl        8.27    64    36    5    32    31    29    43    13    Sword A Lance A
Sumia        5.34    40    16    7    26    22+2    20    15    17    Lance A Staff E
Lon'qu        9.75    23    10    4    16    17    10    9    3    Sword A
Ricken        4.55    59    19    31+7    26    24    34    27    13    Sword E Tome A
Panne        8.16    66    35+2    2    30    32    18    34    17    Lance E Axe A
Cordelia    11.07    69    37    12    39    37+2    26    33    26    Lance A Staff E
Lucina        16.85    59    30    14    29    30    33    22    14    Sword B Lance A
Olivia        8.66    22    6    5    12    15    8+4    5    4    Sword D
Tiki        30.00    60    23+11    15+6    20+5    26+4    31    25+13    21+9
Say'ri        2.30    42    19    8    24    27    21    14    11    Sword B

Endgame Grima

Forged Brave Lance to max MT and a Brave Sword to max MT too.
Rally Strength then Rally Spectrum. Cordelia stahl is danced by Olivia
and she Galeforces after killing the dude next to Grima.
She switches to Stahl, who uses Brave Sword. This is what happened:
Stahl Brave Sword.
Cordelia Brave Lance.
Cordelia Brave Lance.
Stahl Brave Sword.
Cordelia Brave Lance.
Cordelia Brave Lance.
Stahl Brave Sword.
Cordelia Brave Lance.
Cordelia Brave Lance, missed.
Stahl Brave Sword, Pavise'd so she survived with like 14 HP.
Enemy Phase Grima attacked first and died.
Also, she did a total of 8 damage to Stahl.

GG game.

1 turn

Unit Stuff

Battles 46 Victories 27

Level 14 Lord/1.00 Great Lord HP 35 Str 19 Mag 2 Skl 18 Spd 19 Lck 14 Def 15 Res 6 Sword A Lance E

A great support unit. If a bit too good at supporting I would say. It's easy to forget he's a unit
that can lead with his amazing support bonuses. Next playlog I will use him as lead more since
he seems to be a fantastic unit.

Battles 93 Victories 63

Level 17 Tactician/15.42 Grandmaster HP 51 Str 26 Mag 28 Skl 18 Spd 26 Lck 16 Def 20 Res 18 Sword E Tome A

Did I accidentally go +str -spd? Seriously, she was terrible for a looong time and only got good after
I visited the children paralogues because she got some nice levels finally. Rally Spectrum made
sure she was useful in lategame though.

Battles 139 Victories 86

Level 12 Great Lord/4.73 Paladin HP 41 Str 23 Mag 3 Skl 23 Spd 21 Lck 9 Def 17 Res 14

Only fell off in Chapter 21 because I rarely fed him kills. He was better than Sumia and could actually ORKO
a lot of enemies into the lategame with the right weapon.

Battles 40 Victories 33

Level 15 Pegasus Knight/5.34 Falcon Knight HP 40 Str 16 Mag 7 Skl 26 Spd 22+2 Lck 20 Def 15 Res 17 Lance A Staff E

Welp. Wasnt completely useless actually since she gave spd to a better unit!

Stahl Gold
Battles 234 Victories 158

Level 16 Cavalier/20 Paladin/8.27 Paladin HP 69 Str 36 Mag 5 Skl 32 Spd 31 Lck 29 Def 43 Res 13 Sword A Lance A

Wooooooow. He was amazing since the beginning to the end. Cordelia gave him the spd and res he needed at times
and he supplied her back with no bow weakness and massive str def spd bonuses. He's truly an amazing unit.

Cordelia Silver
Battles 146 Victories 130

The other woooow unit. She never had trouble with anything. Helped a lot in every chapter after she joined.
Even when there were bows, I would just switch Stahl in and be done with that. Once she hit Galeforce, it was

Battles 5 victories 4

Level 9.75 HP 23 Str 10 Mag 4 Skl 16 Spd 17 Lck 10 Def 9 Res 3 Sword A

Wouldve trained him if it wasnt for that exp being better on Panne. Will never have 1-2 range or good
durability. He's got a good start in C5 but that's about it. He's better off giving his support
bonuses to someone that's actually good.

Panne Bronze
Battles 151 Victories 111

Level 10 Taguel/10 Wyvern Rider/10 Griffon Rider/8.16 Wyvern Lord HP 66 Str 36+2 Mag 2 Skl 30 Spd 32 Lck 18 Def 34 Res 17 Lance E Axe A

Wow. This is with only so much as a Talisman given to her and I didnt favor her at all.
She just wrecks things so hard that it isnt even funny.

Battles 128 Victories 103

Level 18 Mage/16 Sage/4.55 Dark Knight HP 59 Str 19 Mag 31+7 Skl 26 Spd 24 Lck 34 Def 27 Res 13 Sword E Tome A

Much better than people think. He's not even that tough to train. Definetely better than at LEAST
Virion Lissa Maribelle and Donnel. He never really had trouble doubling starting in Paralogue 3.
His strong 1-2 range and actual durability made him actually pretty useful in a lot of the chapters.
He was really strong with Gregor support and never had trouble ORKO'ing anything.

Fun fact:
He could OHKO a lot of C23 enemies with Valflame lol. Was a solid contributor in pretty much every map
even during his training. This is more than Virion Donnel or a lot of chumps can say.

Battles 0 Victories 0

Pure support bot. Supplied Ricken with spd and def.

Battles 0 Victories 0

Dancer. Even though she wasnt used to save turns much, she did have other uses so I dont understand why
the tier list has her THAT low.

Battles 0 Victories 0

Was damaging generals as Tiki's support bot in Chapter 20. That speaks highly of her bases.

Battles 82 Victories 57

Level 10 Lord/Level 10 Cavalier/Level 16.85 Paladin HP 59 Str 30 Mag 14 Skl 29 Spd 30 Lck 33 Def 22 Res 14 Sword B Lance A

Oh god she was terrible this run. I guess thats what happens when you got 2 incompetent parents!


Battles 27 Victories 21

Level 30 Manakete HP 60 Str 23+11 Mag 15+6 Skl 20+5 Spd 26+4 Lck 31 Def 25+13 Res 21+9

Pretty nice filler. Seems to have an actual spd growth.

Im doing another playlog with another team.

Edited by Peekayell
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Whoops, forgot Cordelia's final stats, was too busy fangirling over her.

Level 16 Pegasus Knight/16 Dark Flier/11.07 Falcon Knight HP 69 Str 37 Mag 12 Skl 39 Spd 37+2 Lck 26 Def 33 Res 26 Lance A Staff E

wow Stahl was amazing. poor THE WIFE tho haha

also awesome endgame
stahl/cordeila is so good

Endgame was the easiest map of the game :P. And yeah, Stahl Cordelia is a great pairing <3

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I'm thinking an efficient run of this game should hover around 130-150 turns, depending on how many children paralogues you end up getting, and the difficulty of said paralogues. Anything over 150 seems counterproductive in my mind.

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