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Sometimes, I'm downright ashamed of my country.

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The most common blood type, the most average income level, the most simple ssn

O+, ~$50,000 yearly in America, and...uh, 000000001.


Depends on how biteable it is

It's incredibly biteable. Or not biteable at all. Whichever works. :B

i was cripplingly afraid of needles for the first nine years of my life

then for the following nine i had to get a penicillin shot once a fucking month

get on my level

I had to get my blood taken weekly for months. Face.

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i was cripplingly afraid of needles for the first nine years of my life

then for the following nine i had to get a penicillin shot once a fucking month

get on my level

Okay, do I get there via warp zone or to I just play that one flute?

Srsly though, I had to be tested for allergies when I was real young (5-6 maybe) and I had to get like 30-something shots up and down my back all the while being held down by like 7 doctors and nurses to stop me from kicking and flailing everywhere. Honestly it would've been easier to use restraints but I guess they didn't have 'em.

The fact that I was so young is probably what made the whole thing 10 times as dramatic as is should have been. Nowadays I just gotta tell myself to suck it up (when mandatory. You won't see me volunteering my bodily fluids, and I mean that on many levels).

Eventually I had to get allergy shots on a weekly basis. Technically I should still be getting them, but my insurance decided it would stop covering it so I said fuck it. Kind of a shame as the allergy shots actually helped me face my fear and quell it quite a lot

Well that's not a straight answer at all

You're not a straight answer.

*High fives Esau*


Edit: Also my spellchecking plugin isn't working for whatever reason so if I posted a typo..... yeah...

BTW, how did we go from the OP to this?

Edited by Happy_Dingo
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What, do you not even need ancestry.com to find your bloodline or something? Are you like related to some famous Japanese daimyo or something. NOBUNAGA IS THAT YOU

Also O+ means I'm way more of a sunny beautiful flower so there.

Given what I know of my family history, I'd have the best luck walking into a government office and asking for records. . .well, at least my father's half. My mother's half is beyond hopeless.

O+ means that you make everyone happy except for me. Meanie.

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Given what I know of my family history, I'd have the best luck walking into a government office and asking for records. . .well, at least my father's half. My mother's half is beyond hopeless.

Well, they're all public info. If you know various info about them such as birthplace and date, names, etc., you should be able to move progressively farther back with ease.

O+ means that you make everyone happy except for me. Meanie.

All according to keikaku~

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Well, they're all public info. If you know various info about them such as birthplace and date, names, etc., you should be able to move progressively farther back with ease.

All according to keikaku~

Dad has a bit of a family tree, and he's got a good idea where to look. I think the hardest part will be the language barrier.

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You know what you gotta do, eclipse. You've got to learn all the Japanese. All of it.

Then you'll have to make a journey fraught with peril and adventure. Along the way you will experience love, betrayal, and great tragedy. By your quest's end you will realize something incredibly simple that you were aware of at the beginning but always took for granted. Then the credits will roll and people will be like "That was okay I guess but I wouldn't pay to see it again"

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You know what you gotta do, eclipse. You've got to learn all the Japanese. All of it.

Then you'll have to make a journey fraught with peril and adventure. Along the way you will experience love, betrayal, and great tragedy. By your quest's end you will realize something incredibly simple that you were aware of at the beginning but always took for granted. Then the credits will roll and people will be like "That was okay I guess but I wouldn't pay to see it again"

It'll probably end up with "HOW THE FUCK DID MY ENTIRE FAMILY NOT GET EXECUTED FOR HIGH TREASON?!" or something along those lines.

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A little high treason here, a little raping and pillaging there. It's cool. It builds family character. :newyears:

If what little I know of my family history is correct, said treason was relatively recent.

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If what little I know of my family history is correct, said treason was relatively recent.

why did you have to go and steal the imperial regalia eclipse

maybe they would have let you borrow them if you just asked nicely

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why did you have to go and steal the imperial regalia eclipse

maybe they would have let you borrow them if you just asked nicely


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