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Bravo at NoA for doing such a hamfisted censoring job that the end result is actually MORE lewd than it was originally.

Honestly that makes it funny enough that I can't even complain.

At least, not while I have the Japanese version with all the DLC on it as well.

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Here I was hoping for Thraja to have like a veil skirt instead it's a thick ass curtain...

Oh well not like I give a damn about such images since all I care is the convos, now if any of ya would be so nice to take me to the shopping mall so I can cash in my check AND buy a 20 dollar card to avoid repeating that fiasco with Nintendo's E-shop....

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Ok, this DLC is more fun than I expected. And I enjoyed a lot Gaius and Avatar conversations when they are married, I screamed like a crazy fangirl... :XD:

Oh but I had some fun with other certain character too



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It's the principal interrest of this DL, censured it is a shame! -_-'

I'm verry disapointed of this translation, I waited one year for THIS?!

Next time I'll Buy the japanese version and whatever I understand only the half...

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It's the principal interrest of this DL, censured it is a shame! -_-'

I'm verry disapointed of this translation, I waited one year for THIS?!

Next time I'll Buy the japanese version and whatever I understand only the half...

Relax. It's only just Tharja. And if you're that upset you can just find a pic of it on the FE Wiki.

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The censoring doesn't really matter to me.

It doesn't either to me. Because I don't like her AND I have the Japanese version anyway.

It's just fun to laugh at the decisions NoA and NoE makes when it comes to censorship.

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This censorship is truly beautiful! We could have had some generic ass shot like in the Japanese version, but we instead got what could very well be the most hilarious censorship in a Nintendo game!

NoE could still come out on top if they find a way to put a curtain over Cordelia's chest.

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It's the principal interrest of this DL, censured it is a shame! -_-'

I'm verry disapointed of this translation, I waited one year for THIS?!

Next time I'll Buy the japanese version and whatever I understand only the half...

The CGs are only a small part of this DLC. The conversations are excellent for anyone who wanted to have a more romantic bond between characters. There is a LOT of text here, plus none of the other CGs are censored and the text retains the fanservicey bent that this DLC was created for. I'd say the curtain hardly matters.

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[12:42:46 PM] AstraLunaSol: snrrk

[12:43:11 PM] AstraLunaSol: >can't show asses

>basilio mentions his ass everywhere

[12:43:32 PM] Lumi: they should've included basilio

[12:43:34 PM] Lumi: in a speedo

[12:43:41 PM] Lumi: so we can really see his big brown feroxi arse

[12:43:45 PM] PKLucas531: i'd pay for that

[12:46:35 PM] shadowofchaos: I would too.

[12:46:51 PM] Lumi: me too and and you know how much I hate spending money

"Chrom and Robin 4 ever"

*Remembers the Drama CD*


Edited by shadowofchaos
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Brilliant choice of words.

Lol I just notice what ya meant when ya quoted me.

I like to thank the academy for being so horrendous, and my massive ego for making this post. :smug:

@shadowofChaos Wait a darn second you already have the Drama CD and know Chrom's and Robin's pairings? C-c-Could be possible to get spoiled? Since my Japanese sucks harder than my Russian.

Edited by Honzou
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Relax. It's only just Tharja. And if you're that upset you can just find a pic of it on the FE Wiki.

I know, but it's the total of all these censures that frustruate me ><

I hate one thing in video games/animes/manga, it's the censure. We are in 2013, not in 1990...

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The censoring doesn't really matter to me.

It personally doesn't matter to me either I have the internet. However, the censoring doesn't even do anything, and it's really random.

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However, the censoring doesn't even do anything, and it's really random.

Which is why I don't think it's that bad.

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I am sure I am not the only one, but the curtain seriously makes it look like she is wearing a thong or something XD

Yup, that censor makes it look like she is wearing something a lot more risque than reality.

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I don't really care about the censorship, I guess I'm just... annoyed at how people are responding to it, I suppose. Anyway that's my problem, I'll just avoid this thread for the time being until this whole thing blows over.

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Shit, this is what I get when I don't have the DLC when everyone else does because I'm stuck in finals review class all day... >_<

As curious as I am about Chrom's convo and all this hilarious censoring business, I'll ignore those videos for now because I'd like to see them on my own files and I have to stop procrastinating and go do some semblance of work................................. haha, yeah that's not happening..............................

Oh god, I can't wait to see that Chrom x F Avatar convo, especially if it really is as sweet as everyone says! And Avatar is the only waifu of his that gets it! XD

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Which is why I don't think it's that bad.

I feel like my priorities are screwed up. More bothered by the fact that the censorship looks tacked-on than the fact that it's censored.

We all know the conversations are the real fanservice, anyway.

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I think that Tharja's bottom in the scene could might be a little too inappropriate and I think that part from the scene in the Japanese version that I kinda find to be little a too disturbing. Besides that, I did seen that Nintendo did a bunch of editing alot of censorships like such as the Pokemon series (which it had alot of Censorships), the Punch-Out!! arcade had Soda Popinski as Vodka Drunkenski (that Nintendo doesn't even allow alcohol), and plus, I think that there was a censorship from Chapter 12 on Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon about that there was an Slave Merchant that was selling the children.

Edited by King Marth 64
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