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Fire Emblem: Magvel 803 - Alternate Story Act One


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Aolong is bleeding profusely, but he will not back down. Not when he can do this without any needless death. Pelmaza left the matter in his atrophied hands... and, handled carefully, he could defeat half of the opposition with the sharpest sword of all.

"Listen up! Ezekiel, take this man out (12,16)!"

If he lives...

"Damnation. Jason! Take him down (12,15)!"


"Jason! Get close--we're going to need you soon (12,15)!"

"Clyde! Get to the village and tell them to board up! We don't want any of these people getting killed!"

"Cedric! Finish that brigand (5,16) and get over here (9,15)!"

If he lives...

"Impossible! Matthew, shoot him down (5,14) and make your way towards the village (5,12)! We've got to warn them!"

"Matthew, get to that village (6,9) and make sure they board everything up! If any more of these bastards arrive, we're not letting them die!"

"Captain, by your leave, wait just a bit longer before engaging the regulars! Even if these civilians are going to listen to sense, it's going to take a moment for them to start running!"

In the unlikely event that the Bandit beside him lives, Aolong savages the bastard himself. If not, he moves to (10,13), two tiles up, and applies a salve. He addresses the Renais village once more:

"Flee, men and women of Renais! Decide: will you throw down your weapons, melt into the crowd, and survive to support your friends and families... or will you commit suicide at our hands? We are not here to kill; the decision is yours! Listen to reason, and we can all live to see another day!"

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Matt moves to follow the plan and is fully prepared to counter anybody who attacks him,including civilians

"Ain't anybody more important then me or Siegfried" he strokes his neck "i love you buddy"

Edited by Lupus
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[Clyde moves to village and enters]

" I am fully aware you do not like us, but bandits are approaching and I rather not see any death. So please board up, and we can take care of the bandits.Also, have any of you heard of a girl named Isabel passing through here?"

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"Understood!" At the given order, I went over to get in position to get a clear shot at the brigand. I pulled an arrow to the quiver, focused, and released.

[Moved to (12,16) and attacked the Bandit at (11,15).]

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Heeding orders once more, Jason once again judged that his idea was sound, despite his alarming lack of self-preservation.

Jason moves to (12, 15) and attacks with Fire if the bandit is still alive.

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[spoiler=Player Phase]
Ezekiel moves to (12,16)!
Ezekiel takes aim and fires his Iron Bow at the bandit!
It hits! The bandit dies!
"Ugh... the others will get you..."
Ezekiel gains 30 XP!
Ezekiel gains 2 Bow WEXP!
Jason moves to (12,15)!
Clyde goes to (17,18), to warn the village...
but it's empty?
Cedric moves to (5,14)!
Cedric casts Flux at the bandit!
The bandit is consumed by the darkness!
"Heh, this village is still toast..."
Cedric gains 30XP!
Cedric gains 2 Dark WEXP!
Cedric uses Canto to move to space (9,15)!
Matthew flies to (6,9), warning the village of the bandit attack!
"Thanks sonny boy. Nobody likes being attacked by bandits, you have our gratitude! You might be invading, but I'd rather that than be murdered by bandits."
Aolong moves to (10,13), appealing to the people of the village!
The citizens grumble amongst themselves!
One of the fighters call out!
"Your words are greatly apreciated... but as knights of Renais, we choose to fight until the end! Your fight is against us, not the villagers!"
Aolong drinks some magic juice!
He recovers 10HP

[spoiler=Enemy Phase]
Fighter moves to (11,9)!
Soldier moves to (10,10)!
Civilian M moves to (10,4)!

[spoiler=Neutral Phase]
Civilian M moves to (5,16)!
Civilian M moves to (6,14)!
Civilian F moves to (5,7)!
Civilian M moves to (10,7)!
Civilian F moves to (4,10)!
[spoiler=Allied Phase]
"Hahaha, that gets rid of most of them! Time to cut down the soldiers!"
Palmeza moves to (11,14)!

Not bad at all! Can our intrepid adventurers claim the village?
[spoiler=Clyde (17,16) (Breezy)]
Level 1.10
11/18 HP (57%)
5 Str (50%)
0 Mag (5%)
6 Skl (45%)
8 Spe (65%)
6 Lck (50%)
5 Def (40%)
2 Res (35%)
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid
Skills: Ambush, Adept
Weapons: Swords E (2)
Affinity: Wind
Supports: None
10 Atk
105 Hit
6 Crt
20 Avo
8 AS
Iron Sword (45/46)*
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Jason (12,15) (Rein)]
Level 1.00
18/18 HP (50%)
5 Str (45%)
4 Mag (40%)
4 Skl (45%)
8 Spe (40%)
5 Lck (30%)
4 Def (35%)
3 Res (40%)
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid
Skills: Discipline
Weapons: Anima E (1), Axes E (1)
Affinity: Fire
Supports: None
13 Atk
85 Hit
4 Crt
19 Avo
7 AS
Iron Axe* (45/45)
Fire (40/40)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Ezekiel (9,18)(Acacia)]
Level 1.30
16/16 HP (50%)
5 Str (45%)
0 Mag (0%)
6 Skl (50%)
7 Spe (60%)
6 Lck (60%)
2 Def (10%)
1 Res (5%)
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
Skills: Thievery, Farsight, Desert Walk, Water Walk, Adept
Weapons: Bows E (3)
Affinity: Dark
Supports: None
11 Atk
100 Hit
6 Crt
20 Avo
7 AS
Iron Bow* (44/45)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Aolong (10,15) (Terrador)]
Level 1.11
11/16 HP (75%)
2 Str (45%)
2 Mag (20%)
7 Skl (50%)
6 Spe (40%)
3 Lck (30%)
4 Def (40%)
0 Res (15%)
5 Mov
8 Con (10 Weight)
7 Aid
Skills: Armour, Discipline, Easywalk
Weapons: Lance C (72.5), Staff E (1)
Affinity: Thunder
Supports: None
12 Atk
85 Hit
37 Crt
15 Avo
6 AS
Killer Lance* (19/20)
Heal (30/30)
Vulnerary (2/3)

[spoiler=Cedric (9,15) (Balders)]
Level 1.40
20 HP (50%)
0 Str (0%)
6 Mag (70%)
9 Skl (50%)
7 Spe (45%)
6 Lck (75%)
2 Def (30%)
4 Res (45%)
6 Mov
6 Con (8 Weight)
7 Aid
Skills: Armour, Horse, Discipline
Weapons: Dark C (75.5)
Affinity: Lightning
Supports: None
13 Atk
101 Hit
9 Crt
17 Avo
7 AS
Knightmare (40/40)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Matthew (6,9) (Lupus)]
Level 1.10
11/20 HP (40%)
6 Str (45%)
0 Mag (0%)
4 Skl (30%)
4 Spe (30%)
3 Lck (30%)
4 Def (35%)
2 Res (20%)
7 Mov
6 Con
14 Aid
Skills: Wyvern
Weapons: Sword D (31), Lances D (31), Bows E (2)
Affinity: Dark
Supports: None
12 Atk
94 Hit
4 Crt
9 Avo
3 AS
Sanguinis Rasorium (30/30)
- 10mt, 7wt, 80 hit, 0 crit, sword
Javelin (20/20)
Iron Bow* (44/45)

[spoiler=Allied Units]
[spoiler=Captain Pelmaza (11,14)]
Level 9.00
29 HP
12 Str
1 Mag
7 Skl
7 Spe
6 Lck
11 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
10 Con
9 Aid
Skills: Armour, Ambush
Weapons: Swords B
Affinity: Fire
Supports: None
20 Atk
92 Hit
7 Crt
18 Avo
6 AS
Steel Sword* (30/30)
Elixir (3/3)
Speedwings (1/1)

[spoiler=Neutral Units]
[spoiler=(10,7) Civilian M]
Level 1
20/20 HP
3 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
3 Spe
3 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
8 Atk
74 Hit
1 Crt
9 Avo
3 AS
Stick (Lance)*

[spoiler=(6,14) Civilian M]
Level 4
20/20 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
5 Spe
5 Lck
5 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
10 Atk
102 Hit
5 Crt
15 Avo
5 AS
Iron Sword (46/46)*

[spoiler=(5,16) Civilian M]
Level 1
14/14 HP
3 Str
0 Mag
6 Skl
3 Spe
3 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
9 Atk
74 Hit
6 Crt
9 Avo
3 AS
Shovel (Axe)*

[spoiler=(5,7) Civilian F]
Level 1
16/16 HP
2 Str
0 Mag
4 Skl
4 Spe
3 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
7 Atk
90 Hit
14 Crt
11 Avo
4 AS
Frying Pan(Axe)*

[spoiler=(5,7) Civilian F]
Level 1
17/17 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
4 Skl
4 Spe
2 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
9 Atk
84 Hit
9 Crt
10 Avo
4 AS
Rolling Pin(Sword)*

[spoiler=(15,10) Child]
Level 1
13/13 HP
2 Str
0 Mag
2 Skl
4 Spe
2 Lck
1 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
4 Con
3 Aid
4 Atk
93 Hit
12 Crt
10 Avo
4 AS
Bag'o'stones (2 range, ignores defense)

[spoiler=(10,10) Soldier]
Level 1
20/20 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
3 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
12 Atk
83 Hit
1 Crt
5 Avo
1 AS
Iron Lance (45/45)*

[spoiler=(13,8) Soldier]
Level 1
21/21 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
3 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
12 Atk
83 Hit
1 Crt
5 Avo
1 AS
Iron Lance (45/45)*

[spoiler=(11,8) Soldier]
Level 1
21/21 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
3 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
12 Atk
83 Hit
1 Crt
5 Avo
1 AS
Iron Lance (45/45)*

[spoiler=(12,7) Soldier]
Level 3
24/24 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
0 Skl
2 Spe
3 Lck
5 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
15 Atk
71 Hit
0 Crt
0 Avo
0 AS
Steel Lance (30/30)*

[spoiler=(11,9) Fighter]
Level 3
21/21 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
3 Skl
5 Spe
1 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
13 Atk
81 Hit
3 Crt
11 Avo
5 AS
Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(18,3) Horlix - BOSS]
Level 5
30/30 HP
6 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
6 Spe
1 Lck
4+1 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
10 Con
9 Aid
14 Atk
85 Hit
5 Crt
13+10 Avo
6 AS
Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(10,4) Civilian M]
Level 1
17/17 HP
1 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
4 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
7 Atk
64 Hit
1 Crt
6 Avo
1 AS
Shovel (Axe)*

[spoiler=(18,9) Civilian M]
Level 1
12/12 HP
3 Str
0 Mag
6 Skl
3 Spe
3 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
9 Atk
74 Hit
6 Crt
9 Avo
3 AS
Shovel (Axe)*

Edited by Shin
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Jason moves to (13,14); equips Iron Axe
Matthew moves to (9,9); attacks the Soldier with Javelin; Cantos back to (6,9)
Clyde moves to (14,16)
Ezekiel moves to (14,17) and shoves Clyde upwards
Aolong moves to (14,14) and heals Clyde
Cedric moves to (13,15)

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[spoiler=Player Phase]

Jason moves to (13,14), equipping his Iron Axe!
Matthew moves to (9,9)!
Matthew attacks the soldier with his Javelin!
It hits! The Soldier takes 9 damage! (11HP remaining)
Matthew gains 10XP!
Matthew gains 1 Lance WEXP!
Matthew retreats to (6,9)!
Clyde moves to (14,16)!
Ezekiel moves to (14,17)!
Ezekiel pokes Clyde in the backside with an arrow!
Aolong moves to (14,14)!
Along uses Heal on Clyde!
Clyde returns to full HP!
Aolong gains 22 XP!
Aolong gains 3 Staff WEXP!
Cedric moves to (13,15)!

[spoiler=Enemy Phase]
"One's been separated from the group! Take him out!"
Soldier moves to (6,10)!
The soldier attacks Matthew with his Iron Lance!
It hits! Matthew takes 8 damage! (3HP remaining)
Matthew counterattacks with his Javelin!
It barely hits, the soldier takes 9 damage! (2HP remaining)
Matthew gains 10XP!
Matthew gains 1 Lance WEXP!
Soldier moves to (13,13)!
The soldier attacks Jason with his Iron Lance!
It misses!
Jason counterattacks with his Iron Axe!
Jason cuts the soldier in half... lengthways (death via crit)
Jason gains 30XP!
Jason gains 3 Axe WEXP!
"Careful, that one's dangerous! Go for the woman!"
Soldier moves to (11,13)!
The soldier attacks Palmeza? What a fool!
It hits, Palmeza takes 2 damage. (27HP remaining)
Palmeza counters! But the soldier falls in the dirt and dodges!
Palmeza attacks again!
It hits! The soldier takes 16 damage! (5HP remaining)
Pelmaza gains 7 XP!
Pelmaza gains 4 Sword WEXP!
"Take out the flying one, the armoured ones are too strong!"
Fighter moves to (7,10)!
Civilian M moves to (14,10)!

[spoiler=Neutral Phase]
Civilian M escapes!
Civilian M moves to (3,16)!
Civilian F escapes!
Civilian F escapes!
Civilian M moves to (5,7)!
Child moves to (13,10)!

[spoiler=Allied Phase]
Pelmaza moves to (11,12)!
Pelmaza attacks the soldier with her Steel Sword!
She cuts his head clean off! (16 damage dealt)
Pelmaza gains 22 XP!
Pelmaza gains 2 Sword WEXP!

With the civilians leaving, the fight became much easier! It helps that the bandits are all dead, right?
[spoiler=Clyde (14,15) (Breezy)]
Level 1.10
18/18 HP (57%)
5 Str (50%)
0 Mag (5%)
6 Skl (45%)
8 Spe (65%)
6 Lck (50%)
5 Def (40%)
2 Res (35%)
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid
Skills: Ambush, Adept
Weapons: Swords E (2)
Affinity: Wind
Supports: None
10 Atk
105 Hit
6 Crt
20 Avo
8 AS
Iron Sword (45/46)*
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Jason (13,14) (Rein)]
Level 1.00
18/18 HP (50%)
5 Str (45%)
4 Mag (40%)
4 Skl (45%)
8 Spe (40%)
5 Lck (30%)
4 Def (35%)
3 Res (40%)
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid
Skills: Discipline
Weapons: Anima E (1), Axes E (4)
Affinity: Fire
Supports: None
13 Atk
85 Hit
4 Crt
19 Avo
7 AS
Iron Axe* (45/45)
Fire (40/40)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Ezekiel (14,17)(Acacia)]
Level 1.30
16/16 HP (50%)
5 Str (45%)
0 Mag (0%)
6 Skl (50%)
7 Spe (60%)
6 Lck (60%)
2 Def (10%)
1 Res (5%)
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
Skills: Thievery, Farsight, Desert Walk, Water Walk, Adept
Weapons: Bows E (3)
Affinity: Dark
Supports: None
11 Atk
100 Hit
6 Crt
20 Avo
7 AS
Iron Bow* (44/45)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Aolong (14,14) (Terrador)]
Level 1.33
11/16 HP (75%)
2 Str (45%)
2 Mag (20%)
7 Skl (50%)
6 Spe (40%)
3 Lck (30%)
4 Def (40%)
0 Res (15%)
5 Mov
8 Con (10 Weight)
7 Aid
Skills: Armour, Discipline, Easywalk
Weapons: Lance C (72.5), Staff E (4)
Affinity: Thunder
Supports: None
12 Atk
85 Hit
37 Crt
15 Avo
6 AS
Killer Lance* (19/20)
Heal (29/30)
Vulnerary (2/3)

[spoiler=Cedric (13,15) (Balders)]
Level 1.40
20 HP (50%)
0 Str (0%)
6 Mag (70%)
9 Skl (50%)
7 Spe (45%)
6 Lck (75%)
2 Def (30%)
4 Res (45%)
6 Mov
6 Con (8 Weight)
7 Aid
Skills: Armour, Horse, Discipline
Weapons: Dark C (75.5)
Affinity: Lightning
Supports: None
13 Atk
101 Hit
9 Crt
17 Avo
7 AS
Knightmare (40/40)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Matthew (6,9) (Lupus)]
Level 1.30
3/20 HP (40%)
6 Str (45%)
0 Mag (0%)
4 Skl (30%)
4 Spe (30%)
3 Lck (30%)
4 Def (35%)
2 Res (20%)
7 Mov
6 Con
14 Aid
Skills: Wyvern
Weapons: Sword D (31), Lances D (33), Bows E (2)
Affinity: Dark
Supports: None
12 Atk
74 Hit
4 Crt
3 Avo
0 AS
Sanguinis Rasorium (30/30)
- 10mt, 7wt, 80 hit, 0 crit, sword
Javelin* (18/20)
Iron Bow (44/45)

[spoiler=Allied Units]
[spoiler=Captain Pelmaza (11,12)]
Level 9.29
27/29 HP
12 Str
1 Mag
7 Skl
7 Spe
6 Lck
11 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
10 Con
9 Aid
Skills: Armour, Ambush
Weapons: Swords B (127)
Affinity: Fire
Supports: None
20 Atk
92 Hit
7 Crt
18 Avo
6 AS
Steel Sword* (28/30)
Elixir (3/3)
Speedwings (1/1)

[spoiler=Neutral Units]
[spoiler=(5,7) Civilian M]
Level 1
20/20 HP
3 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
3 Spe
3 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
8 Atk
74 Hit
1 Crt
9 Avo
3 AS
Stick (Lance)*

[spoiler=(3,16) Civilian M]
Level 4
20/20 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
5 Spe
5 Lck
5 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
10 Atk
102 Hit
5 Crt
15 Avo
5 AS
Iron Sword (46/46)*

[spoiler=(15,10) Child]
Level 1
13/13 HP
2 Str
0 Mag
2 Skl
4 Spe
2 Lck
1 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
4 Con
3 Aid
4 Atk
93 Hit
12 Crt
10 Avo
4 AS
Bag'o'stones (2 range, ignores defense)

[spoiler=(6,10) Soldier]
Level 1
2/20 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
3 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
12 Atk
83 Hit
1 Crt
5 Avo
1 AS
Iron Lance (44/45)*

[spoiler=(12,7) Soldier]
Level 3
24/24 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
0 Skl
2 Spe
3 Lck
5 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
15 Atk
71 Hit
0 Crt
0 Avo
0 AS
Steel Lance (30/30)*

[spoiler=(7,10) Fighter]
Level 3
21/21 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
3 Skl
5 Spe
1 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
13 Atk
81 Hit
3 Crt
11 Avo
5 AS
Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(18,3) Horlix - BOSS]
Level 5
30/30 HP
6 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
6 Spe
1 Lck
4+1 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
10 Con
9 Aid
14 Atk
85 Hit
5 Crt
13+10 Avo
6 AS
Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(10,4) Civilian M]
Level 1
17/17 HP
1 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
4 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
7 Atk
64 Hit
1 Crt
6 Avo
1 AS
Shovel (Axe)*

[spoiler=(14,10) Civilian M]
Level 1
12/12 HP
3 Str
0 Mag
6 Skl
3 Spe
3 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
9 Atk
74 Hit
6 Crt
9 Avo
3 AS
Shovel (Axe)*

Edited by Shin
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No civilian will be given up on. Not a one.

"Matthew, finish that Soldier (6,8 Iron Bow) and flee to safety (6,2)!"

"The rest of you... two columns. I'll front the right, and cue you to your positions. If I've not led you astray before, trust me one more time."

Aolong shoulders his lance read: unequips and approaches the child (14,10). A quick tap on the shoulder, followed by the offering of a purse (100 G).

"No need to starve." Aolong then turns to the man--the boy's father, presumably?

"And no need to leave him fatherless in a war-torn world, either."

He applies a salve, steeling himself for the inevitable attack to come; he cues the others into position with his off hand.

[Clyde: (13,11); that is, below the child
Jason: (13,12); that is, below Clyde

Cedric: (14,11); that is, below Aolong

Ezekiel: (14,12); that is, below Cedric.]



Edited by Mienshao
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Terrador, I assume you're banking on the civilian turning? In that formation, the civilian can attack you from (15,10) and the soldier from (14,9). By my calculations, the civilian does 6 damage and the soldier does 11, so if they both hit you will die.

Scanning the buildings to the north, Cedric could see a house with its gate unlocked, not far from where one of the peasants stood with garden tool raised. In the distance, there was another open house being guarded by another unmoving peasant. Coincidence, perhaps, but if they wanted to minimise casualties (and time spent in battle) they should not leave any stone unturned.

Cedric moves to (15,11)

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Terrador, I assume you're banking on the civilian turning? In that formation, the civilian can attack you from (15,10) and the soldier from (14,9). By my calculations, the civilian does 6 damage and the soldier does 11, so if they both hit you will die.

Scanning the buildings to the north, Cedric could see a house with its gate unlocked, not far from where one of the peasants stood with garden tool raised. In the distance, there was another open house being guarded by another unmoving peasant. Coincidence, perhaps, but if they wanted to minimise casualties (and time spent in battle) they should not leave any stone unturned.

Cedric moves to (15,11)

[spoiler=OOC]No, I'm not. Ruins cannot be traversed. I'll ask Shin just to double-check, but I'm very nearly certain about this.

...wait, no, you're right. I'm going to rethink this, and have another plan in a few minutes.

The only plan I can think of that makes talking to the kid work requires Cedric to rescue Aolong. That's a pretty selfish prerogative in-character, but it really only inconveniences Baldrick and myself; everyone else is more-or-less doing the same ol' same ol'. I'll talk to Baldrick about it.

...and I just realized that the Civilian by the child can't be there. Ruins are 2-costing terrain; it would've taken 8 Move to get there.

Edited by Mienshao
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The number of enemy soldiers was dwindling, it was time to finally approach the village proper. Ezekiel advanced forward, but still kept his distance. After all, it wouldn't do good to get into a bad position.

[Moved to (12,14).]

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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[Clyde moves to 13,11 and talks to child civilian]

"Listen kid, I don't want anyone to get hurt, especially a kid. So stay away from that girl in armor, she won't have mercy on you like I am"

Edited by Doctor Who
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Seeing the enemy forces dwindle, Cedric felt a surge of adrenaline. They were nearly at the end of this horrid battle... "Axeman! Stand next to the captain at (12,12) and prepare to attack! Archer, back us up at (12,14)! The rest of you, get those civilians out of danger, one way or another!" He only hoped that dragoon knew what he was doing...

Cedric settled himself at the safe end of the formation at (15,11)

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[4:47:36 PM] Alec: I walk up, start applying salve.

[4:47:53 PM] Alec: [i'm assuming this is 1-range and I can get a half-decent exchange in, right?]

[4:47:58 PM] Nelon: yes

[4:48:30 PM] Alec: "...Who is the child to you? Son? Nephew? Little brother?"

[4:48:41 PM] Nelon: "He is my brother's son."

[4:48:56 PM] Nelon: "Your kind have already had the pleasure of killing his father."

[4:49:30 PM] Nelon: "You will not take our village, we know what happens to villages captured by Grado."

[4:50:06 PM] Alec: "If you flee, we won't be able to catch you. War is a terrible thing, but... doesn't that boy need you? Why die here, in a battle you can't win?"

[4:50:24 PM | Edited 4:50:30 PM] Alec: Aolong, at this point, stows his spear and retrieves 100G. He offers the gold.

[4:50:35 PM] Alec: "Just in case."

[4:50:52 PM] Nelon: "I will fight for my brother's memory."

[4:50:56 PM] Nelon: "The boy still has his mother."

[4:51:39 PM] Alec: Aolong be pretty pissed at this point.

[4:52:27 PM] Alec: "Might as well take someone with you! Come on, take your best shot!!"

[4:52:34 PM] Alec: [NOTE: lance still stowed.]

[4:52:55 PM] Nelon: "I will then, Darrs, run!"

[4:53:33 PM] Alec: "You won't die by my hands, but you will die."

[4:55:15 PM] Alec: Barked at Darrs: "Go ahead! You and your mother won't be picked off by bandits inside of a week without your suicidal uncle around!!"

[4:55:50 PM] Nelon: the boy will flee, also because of Breezy's words

[4:55:56 PM] Nelon: but the man seems rather adamant

[4:56:05 PM] Nelon: it's unlikely he'll listen to anything more you've said

[4:56:16 PM] Alec: *nod*

[4:56:19 PM] Alec: I tried.

[4:56:31 PM] Alec: If they're going to take him down, they're going to take him down, but I won't do it myself.

[4:58:16 PM] Nelon: all is cruel in war, no?

[4:58:25 PM] Alec: *nod*

[4:58:38 PM] Alec: I'm assuming he didn't take my monies?

[4:58:48 PM] Nelon: he did not

Edited by Mienshao
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[spoiler=Player Phase]
Matthew moves to (6,8)!
Matthew attacks the soldier with his Iron Bow!
It hits! The Soldier dies!
Matthew gains 30 XP!
Matthew gains 2 Bow WEXP!

Matthew retreats to (6,2)!

Clyde moves to (13,11)!
Clyde talks to the child!
The child will flee!

Jason moves to (12,12)!

Aolong moves to (14,12), chugging his vulnerary!
Aolong tries to reason with the civilian!
No luck, he's still hostile!

Cedric moves to (15,11)!
Ezekiel moves to (14,12)!

[spoiler=Enemy Phase]
Soldier moves to (13,10)!
The soldier engages Clyde with his Steel Lance!
The soldier misses!
Clyde counters with his Iron Sword!
It hits! The soldier takes 4 damage! (20HP remaining)
He hits again for another 4 damage! (16HP remaining)
Clyde gains 13XP!
Clyde gains 2 Sword WEXP!

The fighter moves to (12,10)!
The fighter swings at Pelmaza with his Iron Axe!
He misses! Pelmaza laughs
Pelmaza strikes with her Steel Sword!
It hits, Pelmaza deals 17 damage! (4HP remaining)
Pelmaza gains 8 XP!
Pelmaza gains 2 Sword WEXP!

The civilian attacks Aolong!

"You're not getting this village!"

Aolong takes another shovel to the face! 5 damage! (11HP remaining)
Aolong refuses to attack... heck, he doesn't even have a weapon out!
Aolong gains 1 XP!

[spoiler=Neutral Phase]
Civilian M escapes!
Civilian M escapes!
Child moves to (8,10)!

[spoiler spoiler=Ally Phase]
Pelmaza moves to (11,10)
Pelmaza attacks the Fighter with her Steel Sword!
The fighter is cut in half.
Pelmaza gets 20XP!
Pelmaza gets 2 Sword WEXP!

"Heh, what a chump."


With most of the civilians gone, the fight becomes easier... yet more difficult. The appearance of a bandit from the west does not bode well.

"When the others catch up this place is ours! It's a shame those civilians from earlier were so noisy."


[spoiler=Clyde (13,11) (Breezy)]
Level 1.23
18/18 HP (57%)
5 Str (50%)
0 Mag (5%)
6 Skl (45%)
8 Spe (65%)
6 Lck (50%)
5 Def (40%)
2 Res (35%)
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid
Skills: Ambush, Adept
Weapons: Swords E (4)
Affinity: Wind
Supports: None
10 Atk
105 Hit
6 Crt
20 Avo
8 AS
Iron Sword (45/46)*
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Jason (12,12) (Rein)]
Level 1.00
18/18 HP (50%)
5 Str (45%)
4 Mag (40%)
4 Skl (45%)
8 Spe (40%)
5 Lck (30%)
4 Def (35%)
3 Res (40%)
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid
Skills: Discipline
Weapons: Anima E (1), Axes E (4)
Affinity: Fire
Supports: None
13 Atk
85 Hit
4 Crt
19 Avo
7 AS
Iron Axe* (45/45)
Fire (40/40)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Ezekiel (12,14)(Acacia)]
Level 1.30
16/16 HP (50%)
5 Str (45%)
0 Mag (0%)
6 Skl (50%)
7 Spe (60%)
6 Lck (60%)
2 Def (10%)
1 Res (5%)
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
Skills: Thievery, Farsight, Desert Walk, Water Walk, Adept
Weapons: Bows E (3)
Affinity: Dark
Supports: None
11 Atk
100 Hit
6 Crt
20 Avo
7 AS
Iron Bow* (44/45)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Aolong (14,12) (Terrador)]
Level 1.34
11/16 HP (75%)
2 Str (45%)
2 Mag (20%)
7 Skl (50%)
6 Spe (40%)
3 Lck (30%)
4 Def (40%)
0 Res (15%)
5 Mov
8 Con (10 Weight)
7 Aid
Skills: Armour, Discipline, Easywalk
Weapons: Lance C (72.5), Staff E (4)
Affinity: Thunder
Supports: None
12 Atk
85 Hit
37 Crt
15 Avo
6 AS
Killer Lance* (19/20)
Heal (29/30)
Vulnerary (2/3)

[spoiler=Cedric (15,11) (Balders)]
Level 1.40
20 HP (50%)
0 Str (0%)
6 Mag (70%)
9 Skl (50%)
7 Spe (45%)
6 Lck (75%)
2 Def (30%)
4 Res (45%)
6 Mov
6 Con (8 Weight)
7 Aid
Skills: Armour, Horse, Discipline
Weapons: Dark C (75.5)
Affinity: Lightning
Supports: None
13 Atk
101 Hit
9 Crt
17 Avo
7 AS
Knightmare (40/40)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Matthew (6,2) (Lupus)]
Level 1.60
3/20 HP (40%)
6 Str (45%)
0 Mag (0%)
4 Skl (30%)
4 Spe (30%)
3 Lck (30%)
4 Def (35%)
2 Res (20%)
7 Mov
6 Con
14 Aid
Skills: Wyvern
Weapons: Sword D (31), Lances D (33), Bows E (4)
Affinity: Dark
Supports: None
12 Atk
84 Hit
4 Crt
11 Avo
4 AS
Sanguinis Rasorium (30/30)
- 10mt, 7wt, 80 hit, 0 crit, sword
Javelin (18/20)
Iron Bow* (43/45)

[spoiler=Allied Units]
[spoiler=Captain Pelmaza (11,12)]
Level 9.57
25/29 HP
12 Str
1 Mag
7 Skl
7 Spe
6 Lck
11 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
10 Con
9 Aid
Skills: Armour, Ambush
Weapons: Swords B (131)
Affinity: Fire
Supports: None
20 Atk
92 Hit
7 Crt
18 Avo
6 AS
Steel Sword* (26/30)
Elixir (3/3)
Speedwings (1/1)

[spoiler=Neutral Units]
[spoiler=(8,10) Child]
Level 1
13/13 HP
2 Str
0 Mag
2 Skl
4 Spe
2 Lck
1 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
4 Con
3 Aid
4 Atk
93 Hit
12 Crt
10 Avo
4 AS
Bag'o'stones (2 range, ignores defense)

[spoiler= Enemies]
[spoiler=(12,11) Soldier]
Level 3
16/24 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
0 Skl
2 Spe
3 Lck
5 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
15 Atk
71 Hit
0 Crt
0 Avo
0 AS
Steel Lance (30/30)*

[spoiler= (18,3) Horlix - BOSS]
Level 5
30/30 HP
6 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
6 Spe
1 Lck
4+1 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
10 Con
9 Aid
14 Atk
85 Hit
5 Crt
13+10 Avo
6 AS
Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(10,4) Civilian M]
Level 1
17/17 HP
1 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
4 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
7 Atk
64 Hit
1 Crt
6 Avo
1 AS
Shovel (Axe)*

[spoiler=(14,10) Civilian M]
Level 1
12/12 HP
3 Str
0 Mag
6 Skl
3 Spe
3 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
9 Atk
74 Hit
6 Crt
9 Avo
3 AS
Shovel (Axe)*

[spoiler=(1,10) Bandit]
Level 1
20/20 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
2 Spe
1 Lck
2 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
9 Con
8 Aid
12 Atk
85 Hit
5 Crt
5 Avo
2 AS
Iron Axe (45/45)*

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Seizing the opportunity, Jason made his way to behind the Soldier and set him ablaze (or fails to if he double misses or something I guess. I dunno yet).

Jason moves to (11, 10) and uses Fire on the Soldier.

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[8:21:54 PM] Doug: "What's your angle?"

[8:23:00 PM] Cedric: "It's tragic, isn't it? The young boy escaped from the invading army, only to be cut down by bandits..."

[8:23:12 PM] Doug: "What! You said he could go!"

[8:23:45 PM] Cedric: "Go, yes. Nothing about protecting him along the way. The bandits are not our allies, either"

[8:24:00 PM] Doug: "Blast, I won't get there in time"

[8:24:51 PM] Cedric: "I suppose I could order my soldiers to rescue the boy... but it's difficult, since we have to fend off a shovel-wielding maniac at the same time"

[8:24:59 PM] Doug: "Grr...

[8:25:12 PM] Doug: "Save the boy, I surrender..."

[8:25:19 PM] Cedric: "Good man"

[8:25:22 PM] Doug: "Do what you like with me... just save him"

[8:25:35 PM] Doug: he drops his shovel

[8:26:07 PM] Douglas: "Wait, I recognise that bandit"

[8:26:14 PM] Cedric: "...?"

[8:26:16 PM] Douglas: "be careful, rumour is they have a powerful ally."

[8:27:01 PM] Cedric: "I see. We will be careful."

[8:27:34 PM] Cedric: "You and the boy can do as you please after the battle"

After this conversation, Cedric moves on to (10,10) and issues the following orders:

Aolong shoves Clyde to the left

Ezekiel moves to (13,11) shoves Clyde to the left

Clyde moves to (7,8)

Matthew moves to (10,3), uses a Vulnerary, orders the civilian to stand down, cantoes to (10,4)

Edited by Baldrick
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"Just because I lost my family doesn't mean I'm one to force it onto others. Besides, I'm sure you guys can handle the village while I take care of this bandit." Clyde says to the group.

[Clyde to 7,10]

Edited by Doctor Who
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"Just because I lost my family doesn't mean I'm one to force it onto others. Besides, I'm sure you guys can handle the village while I take care of this bandit." Clyde says to the group.

[Clyde to 7,8]


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Matthew moves to (10,3), uses a Vulnerary, orders the civilian to stand down, cantoes to (10,4)

"Damn,that hurts,fucking we need stronger vulnerarys"

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