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Fire Emblem: Magvel 803 - Alternate Story Act One


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[spoiler=Player Phase]
Jason moves to (11,10)!
Jason attacks the soldier with Fire!
Jason strikes twice, burning the man to death!
Jason gains 36 XP!
Jason gains 4.5 Anima XP!
Cedric moves to (10,10)!
Aolong shoves Clyde!
Ezekiel move to (13,11)!
Ezekiel shoves Clyde!
Clyde moves to (7,10)!
Matthew flies to (7,8)!

[spoiler=Enemy Phase]
Civilian M moves to (8,6)!
Horlix moves to (14,4)!

[spoiler=Bandit Phase]
Bandit moves to (6,10)!
The bandit swings at Clyde with his iron axe!
It hits! Clyde takes 6 damage! (12 HP remaining)
Clyde slices the bandit into four easy to carry pieces! (Death by crit)
Clyde gets 30 XP!
Clyde gets 2 Sword WEXP!

[spoiler=Neutral Phase]
Child moves to (13,10)!
"Uncle Doug! I was so scared!"
"Don't worry, we'll escape the other way, the bandits can't get us there."

[spoiler=Allied Phase]
Pelmaza moves to (7,11)!
"Heh, so you saved the kid. don't let that choice kill you. Those bandits look pathetic... but that sniper... hm... I wonder..."


Our brave heroes have saved the child! But can they save themselves? What of this sniper character?

[spoiler=Clyde (7,10) (Breezy)]
Level 1.53
12/18 HP (57%)
5 Str (50%)
0 Mag (5%)
6 Skl (45%)
8 Spe (65%)
6 Lck (50%)
5 Def (40%)
2 Res (35%)
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid
Skills: Ambush, Adept
Weapons: Swords E (6)
Affinity: Wind
Supports: None
10 Atk
105 Hit
6 Crt
20 Avo
8 AS
Iron Sword (44/46)*
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Jason (11,10) (Rein)]
Level 1.66
18/18 HP (50%)
5 Str (45%)
4 Mag (40%)
4 Skl (45%)
8 Spe (40%)
5 Lck (30%)
4 Def (35%)
3 Res (40%)
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid
Skills: Discipline
Weapons: Anima E (5.5), Axes E (4)
Affinity: Fire
Supports: None
9 Atk
100 Hit
4 Crt
21 Avo
8 AS
Iron Axe (44/45)
Fire* (38/40)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Ezekiel (13,11)(Acacia)]
Level 1.30
16/16 HP (50%)
5 Str (45%)
0 Mag (0%)
6 Skl (50%)
7 Spe (60%)
6 Lck (60%)
2 Def (10%)
1 Res (5%)
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
Skills: Thievery, Farsight, Desert Walk, Water Walk, Adept
Weapons: Bows E (3)
Affinity: Dark
Supports: None
11 Atk
100 Hit
6 Crt
20 Avo
7 AS
Iron Bow* (44/45)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Aolong (14,11) (Terrador)]
Level 1.34
11/16 HP (75%)
2 Str (45%)
2 Mag (20%)
7 Skl (50%)
6 Spe (40%)
3 Lck (30%)
4 Def (40%)
0 Res (15%)
5 Mov
8 Con (10 Weight)
7 Aid
Skills: Armour, Discipline, Easywalk
Weapons: Lance C (72.5), Staff E (4)
Affinity: Thunder
Supports: None
12 Atk
85 Hit
37 Crt
15 Avo
6 AS
Killer Lance* (19/20)
Heal (29/30)
Vulnerary (2/3)

[spoiler=Cedric (10,10) (Balders)]
Level 1.40
20 HP (50%)
0 Str (0%)
6 Mag (70%)
9 Skl (50%)
7 Spe (45%)
6 Lck (75%)
2 Def (30%)
4 Res (45%)
6 Mov
6 Con (8 Weight)
12 Aid
Skills: Armour, Horse, Discipline
Weapons: Dark C (75.5)
Affinity: Lightning
Supports: None
13 Atk
101 Hit
9 Crt
17 Avo
7 AS
Knightmare (40/40)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Matthew (7,8) (Lupus)]
Level 1.60
3/20 HP (40%)
6 Str (45%)
0 Mag (0%)
4 Skl (30%)
4 Spe (30%)
3 Lck (30%)
4 Def (35%)
2 Res (20%)
7 Mov
6 Con
14 Aid
Skills: Wyvern
Weapons: Sword D (31), Lances D (33), Bows E (4)
Affinity: Dark
Supports: None
12 Atk
84 Hit
4 Crt
11 Avo
4 AS
Sanguinis Rasorium (30/30)
- 10mt, 7wt, 80 hit, 0 crit, sword
Javelin (18/20)
Iron Bow* (43/45)

[spoiler=Allied Units]
[spoiler=Captain Pelmaza (7,11)]
Level 9.57
25/29 HP
12 Str
1 Mag
7 Skl
7 Spe
6 Lck
11 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
9 Con (11 Weight)
8 Aid
Skills: Armour, Ambush
Weapons: Swords B (131)
Affinity: Fire
Supports: None
20 Atk
92 Hit
7 Crt
18 Avo
6 AS
Steel Sword* (26/30)
Elixir (3/3)
Speedwings (1/1)

[spoiler=Neutral Units]
[spoiler=(8,10) Child]
Level 1
13/13 HP
2 Str
0 Mag
2 Skl
4 Spe
2 Lck
1 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
4 Con
3 Aid
4 Atk
93 Hit
12 Crt
10 Avo
4 AS
Bag'o'stones (2 range, ignores defense)

[spoiler=(14,10) Civilian M]
Level 1
12/12 HP
3 Str
0 Mag
6 Skl
3 Spe
3 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
9 Atk
74 Hit
6 Crt
9 Avo
3 AS
Shovel (Axe)*

[spoiler= Enemies]
[spoiler= (14,4) Horlix - BOSS]
Level 5
30/30 HP
6 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
6 Spe
1 Lck
4+1 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
10 Con
9 Aid
14 Atk
85 Hit
5 Crt
13+10 Avo
6 AS
Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(8,6) Civilian M]
Level 1
17/17 HP
1 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
4 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
7 Atk
64 Hit
1 Crt
6 Avo
1 AS
Shovel (Axe)*

[spoiler=(1,9) Bandit]
Level 1
20/20 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
4 Spe
2 Lck
2 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
9 Con
8 Aid
12 Atk
86 Hit
5 Crt
10 Avo
4 AS
Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(1,11) Bandit]
Level 1
24/24 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
3 Spe
2 Lck
2 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
9 Con
8 Aid
12 Atk
86 Hit
5 Crt
8 Avo
3 AS
Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(2,10) Bandit]
Level 1
20/20 HP
7 Str
0 Mag
3 Skl
3 Spe
2 Lck
2 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
9 Con
8 Aid
15 Atk
82 Hit
3 Crt
8 Avo
3 AS
Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=Sniper (1,10)]
Level 1
29/29 HP
11 Str
2 Mag
13 Skl
10 Spd
6 Lck
10 Def
6 Res
6 Move
8 Con
8 Aid
A Bows

Skills: Elite, Pierce

20 Atk
99 Hit
13 Crt
24 Avo
9 AS


Steel Bow* (30/30)

Iron Bow (45/45)

Edited by Shin
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"Sound plan. Stay sharp, everyone." A beckon, to the rider.

"Matthew! Lean in, would you? This thing's damn near got to make contact with the wounds."

[To 12,9 and healing Mattimeo, as per Ced's plan]

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"Assume a defensive formation! We don't know how many waves of enemies there will be!" Captain, don't die

Cedric rode into the village and pulled up five yards from the last hostile civilian. "This is not your fight! You will not get a second warning. Flee or die, it matters not to us!"

Cedric attacks with Flux, choosing not to attack a second time.


If attacking once is not an option, he does not attack at all.

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"Well, that's one person dead. Time to honor that promise to dad...." Clyde said as he ripped a page out of a book, wrote to on the next one, and let the first one float away in the Wind.

{Clyde to (11,9) according to pran}

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Seems some unexpected company had showed up.

This position is too open, Ezekiel thought. Better find some cover.

With that, he moved over to the nearest house, bow at the ready.

[Moved to (11,8).]

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Thinking quick, Jason followed the rider, ready to attack the civilian if he doesn't stand down.

[Jason moves to (9, 7). If the civilian does not surrender after being attacked by Cedric, Jason attacks with Fire.]

also shin wanted someone to post lupus's move in the thread, which is Matthew moves to (12, 8)

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[spoiler=Player Phase]
Matthew moves to (12,8)!
Aolong moves to (12,9)!
Aolong heals Matthew with Heal!
Matthew regains 12HP!
Aolong gains 22XP!
Aolong gains 3 Staff WEXP!
Cedric moves to (10,6)!
Cedric attacks the civilian with Flux!
It hits! The civilian takes 13 damage! (4HP remaining)
Cedric gains 10XP!
Cedric gains 1.5 Dark WEXP!
"Gah, you'll never take our village."
Jason moves to (9,7)!
Jason shouts and uses Fire on the civilian!
The civilian burns to death horribly!
Jason gains 30XP!
Jason gains 3 Anima WEXP!
Clyde moves to (11,9)!
Ezekiel moves to (11,8)!

[spoiler=Enemy Phase]
Horlix moves to (10,5)!
Horlix attacks Cedric with his Iron Axe!
Horlix misses his strike!
Cedric counterattacks with Flux!
It hits! Horlix takes 14 damage! (16HP remaining)
Cedric gains 14XP!
Cedric gains 1.5 Dark WEXP!

[spoiler= Bandit Phase]
Bandit moves to (4,7)!
Bandit moves to (2,7)!
Sniper moves to (5,10)!
"Hm.. is it her? It's been quite a long time since i've seen that face"

[spoiler= Neutral Phase]
Civilian M moves to (18,10)!
Child moves to (17,10)!

[spoiler= Allied Phase]
Pelmaza moves to (3,10)!
Pelmaza attacks the bandit with her Steel Sword!
Pelmaza turns him into twins... but ew... (death by crit)
Pelmaza gains 22 XP!
Pelmaza gains 4 Sword WEXP!
"Eh? Who is he?"


How strange! The sniper didn't fire!

[spoiler=Clyde (11,9) (Breezy)]
Level 1.53
12/18 HP (57%)
5 Str (50%)
0 Mag (5%)
6 Skl (45%)
8 Spe (65%)
6 Lck (50%)
5 Def (40%)
2 Res (35%)
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid
Skills: Ambush, Adept
Weapons: Swords E (6)
Affinity: Wind
Supports: None
10 Atk
105 Hit
6 Crt
20 Avo
8 AS
Iron Sword (44/46)*
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Jason (9,7) (Rein)]
Level 1.96
18/18 HP (50%)
5 Str (45%)
4 Mag (40%)
4 Skl (45%)
8 Spe (40%)
5 Lck (30%)
4 Def (35%)
3 Res (40%)
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid
Skills: Discipline
Weapons: Anima E (8.5), Axes E (4.5)
Affinity: Fire
Supports: None
9 Atk
100 Hit
4 Crt
21 Avo
8 AS
Iron Axe (44/45)
Fire* (37/40)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Ezekiel (11,8)(Acacia)]
Level 1.30
16/16 HP (50%)
5 Str (45%)
0 Mag (0%)
6 Skl (50%)
7 Spe (60%)
6 Lck (60%)
2 Def (10%)
1 Res (5%)
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
Skills: Thievery, Farsight, Desert Walk, Water Walk, Adept
Weapons: Bows E (3)
Affinity: Dark
Supports: None
11 Atk
100 Hit
6 Crt
20 Avo
7 AS
Iron Bow* (44/45)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Aolong (12,9) (Terrador)]
Level 1.56
11/16 HP (75%)
2 Str (45%)
2 Mag (20%)
7 Skl (50%)
6 Spe (40%)
3 Lck (30%)
4 Def (40%)
0 Res (15%)
5 Mov
8 Con (10 Weight)
7 Aid
Skills: Armour, Discipline, Easywalk
Weapons: Lance C (72.5), Staff E (7)
Affinity: Thunder
Supports: None
12 Atk
85 Hit
37 Crt
15 Avo
6 AS
Killer Lance* (19/20)
Heal (28/30)
Vulnerary (2/3)

[spoiler=Cedric (10,10) (Balders)]
Level 1.64
20 HP (50%)
0 Str (0%)
6 Mag (70%)
9 Skl (50%)
7 Spe (45%)
6 Lck (75%)
2 Def (30%)
4 Res (45%)
6 Mov
6 Con (8 Weight)
12 Aid
Skills: Armour, Horse, Discipline
Weapons: Dark C (78.5)
Affinity: Lightning
Supports: None
13 Atk
101 Hit
9 Crt
17 Avo
7 AS
Knightmare (40/40)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Matthew (12,8) (Lupus)]
Level 1.60
15/20 HP (40%)
6 Str (45%)
0 Mag (0%)
4 Skl (30%)
4 Spe (30%)
3 Lck (30%)
4 Def (35%)
2 Res (20%)
7 Mov
6 Con
14 Aid
Skills: Wyvern
Weapons: Sword D (31), Lances D (33), Bows E (4)
Affinity: Dark
Supports: None
12 Atk
84 Hit
4 Crt
11 Avo
4 AS
Sanguinis Rasorium (30/30)
- 10mt, 7wt, 80 hit, 0 crit, sword
Javelin (18/20)
Iron Bow* (43/45)

[spoiler=Allied Units]
[spoiler=Captain Pelmaza (7,11)]
Level 9.79
25/29 HP
12 Str
1 Mag
7 Skl
7 Spe
6 Lck
11 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
9 Con (11 Weight)
8 Aid
Skills: Armour, Ambush
Weapons: Swords B (135)
Affinity: Fire
Supports: None
20 Atk
92 Hit
7 Crt
18 Avo
6 AS
Steel Sword* (25/30)
Elixir (3/3)
Speedwings (1/1)

[spoiler=Neutral Units]
[spoiler=(17,10) Child]
Level 1
13/13 HP
2 Str
0 Mag
2 Skl
4 Spe
2 Lck
1 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
4 Con
3 Aid
4 Atk
93 Hit
12 Crt
10 Avo
4 AS
Bag'o'stones (2 range, ignores defense)

[spoiler=(18,10) Civilian M]
Level 1
12/12 HP
3 Str
0 Mag
6 Skl
3 Spe
3 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
9 Atk
74 Hit
6 Crt
9 Avo
3 AS
Shovel (Axe)*

[spoiler= Enemies]
[spoiler= (10,5) Horlix - BOSS]
Level 5
16/30 HP
6 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
6 Spe
1 Lck
4 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
10 Con
9 Aid
14 Atk
85 Hit
5 Crt
13 Avo
6 AS
Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(4,7) Bandit]
Level 1
20/20 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
4 Spe
2 Lck
2 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
9 Con
8 Aid
12 Atk
86 Hit
5 Crt
10 Avo
4 AS
Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(2,7) Bandit]
Level 1
24/24 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
3 Spe
2 Lck
2 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
9 Con
8 Aid
12 Atk
86 Hit
5 Crt
8 Avo
3 AS
Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=Sniper (5,10)]
Level 1
29/29 HP
11 Str
2 Mag
13 Skl
10 Spd
6 Lck
10 Def
6 Res
6 Move
8 Con
8 Aid
A Bows
Skills: Elite, Pierce
20 Atk
99 Hit
13 Crt
24 Avo
9 AS
Steel Bow* (30/30)
Iron Bow (45/45)

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Shaking, only perceptible in the slightest. "Aolong, don't panic, worse scrapes are survivable."

When asked who he was talking to, Aolong remained silent. "Ced's right. Clyde, get over here; you need healing."

[Moves to (9,7) and heals Clyde]

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Cedric trots back a little way [to (8,5)] in order to cast Flux on the fighter. "You there, archer! Nail him after he flinches!"

Meanwhile, Jason moves to (5,7) and equips iron axe

Clyde moves to (8,7)

Matthew moves to (8,6)

Edited by Baldrick
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The coast was clear. "I'm on it!" at the given order, Ezekiel moved over into the open area, keeping his distance from the fighter. Taking aim, he released the arrow at his direction.

[Moved to (9,6) and attacked Horlix.]

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[spoiler=Player Phase]
Jason moves to (5,7)!
Jason equips his axe!
Clyde moves to (8,7)!
Aolong moves to (9,7)!
Aolong heals Clyde!
Aolong gains 22 XP!
Aolong gains 3 Staff WEXP!
Cedric moves to (8,5)!
Cedric attacks Horlix with Flux!
Horlix is hurt by the darkness for 13 damage! (3HP remaining)
Cedric gained 14XP!
Cedric gained 1.5 Dark WEXP!
Matthew flies to (8,6)!
Ezekiel moves to (9,6)!
Ezekiel shoots at Horlix with his Iron Bow!
The arrow misses and smashes a window!
Ezekiel gains 1 XP!
Ezekiel gains 1 Bow WEXP!

[spoiler=Enemy Phase]
Horlix moves to (10,7)!
Horlix attempts to hack Aolong to pieces!
Aolong takes 10 damage! (1HP remaining)
Aolong doesn't have a weapon out! That saved him!
Aolong gains 1 XP!
Aolong gains 10 BEXP for sheer balls!

[spoiler=Bandit phase]
Bandit attacks Jason with his Iron Axe!
Ouch! Jason takes 8 damage! (10HP remaining)
Jason counter attacks!
The strike deals 11 damage! (9HP remaining)
Jason gains 10XP!
Jason gains 1.5 Axe WEXP!
Jason reaches level 2!
Magic Up!
Skill Up!
Luck Up!
Defense Up!
The other bandit moves to (3,7)!
Sniper moves to (11,10)!

[spoiler=Neutral Phase]
The civilians escape!

[spoiler=Allied Phase]
Pelmaza moves to (8,10)!


So close! But what about that sniper?

[spoiler=Clyde (8,7) (Breezy)]
Level 1.53
18/18 HP (57%)
5 Str (50%)
0 Mag (5%)
6 Skl (45%)
8 Spe (65%)
6 Lck (50%)
5 Def (40%)
2 Res (35%)
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid
Skills: Ambush, Adept
Weapons: Swords E (6)
Affinity: Wind
Supports: None
10 Atk
105 Hit
6 Crt
20 Avo
8 AS
Iron Sword (44/46)*
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Jason (5,7) (Rein)]
Level 2.06
10/18 HP (50%)
5 Str (45%)
5 Mag (40%)
5 Skl (45%)
8 Spe (40%)
6 Lck (30%)
5 Def (35%)
3 Res (40%)
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid
Skills: Discipline
Weapons: Anima E (8.5), Axes E (6)
Affinity: Fire
Supports: None
13 Atk
86 Hit
4 Crt
19 Avo
7 AS
Iron Axe* (44/45)
Fire (37/40)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Ezekiel (9,6)(Acacia)]
Level 1.31
16/16 HP (50%)
5 Str (45%)
0 Mag (0%)
6 Skl (50%)
7 Spe (60%)
6 Lck (60%)
2 Def (10%)
1 Res (5%)
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
Skills: Thievery, Farsight, Desert Walk, Water Walk, Adept
Weapons: Bows E (4)
Affinity: Dark
Supports: None
11 Atk
100 Hit
6 Crt
20 Avo
7 AS
Iron Bow* (44/45)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Aolong (9,7) (Terrador)]
Level 1.89
1/16 HP (75%)
2 Str (45%)
2 Mag (20%)
7 Skl (50%)
6 Spe (40%)
3 Lck (30%)
4 Def (40%)
0 Res (15%)
5 Mov
8 Con (10 Weight)
7 Aid
Skills: Armour, Discipline, Easywalk
Weapons: Lance C (72.5), Staff E (10)
Affinity: Thunder
Supports: None
-- Atk
-- Hit
-- Crt
15 Avo
6 AS
-- CEV
Killer Lance (19/20)
Heal (27/30)
Vulnerary (2/3)

[spoiler=Cedric (8,5) (Balders)]
Level 1.78
20 HP (50%)
0 Str (0%)
6 Mag (70%)
9 Skl (50%)
7 Spe (45%)
6 Lck (75%)
2 Def (30%)
4 Res (45%)
6 Mov
6 Con (8 Weight)
12 Aid
Skills: Armour, Horse, Discipline
Weapons: Dark C (80)
Affinity: Lightning
Supports: None
13 Atk
101 Hit
9 Crt
17 Avo
7 AS
Knightmare (40/40)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Matthew (8,6) (Lupus)]
Level 1.60
15/20 HP (40%)
6 Str (45%)
0 Mag (0%)
4 Skl (30%)
4 Spe (30%)
3 Lck (30%)
4 Def (35%)
2 Res (20%)
7 Mov
6 Con
14 Aid
Skills: Wyvern
Weapons: Sword D (31), Lances D (33), Bows E (4)
Affinity: Dark
Supports: None
12 Atk
84 Hit
4 Crt
11 Avo
4 AS
Sanguinis Rasorium (30/30)
- 10mt, 7wt, 80 hit, 0 crit, sword
Javelin (18/20)
Iron Bow* (43/45)

[spoiler=Allied Units]
[spoiler=Captain Pelmaza (8,10)]
Level 9.79
25/29 HP
12 Str
1 Mag
7 Skl
7 Spe
6 Lck
11 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
9 Con (11 Weight)
8 Aid
Skills: Armour, Ambush
Weapons: Swords B (135)
Affinity: Fire
Supports: None
20 Atk
92 Hit
7 Crt
18 Avo
6 AS
Steel Sword* (25/30)
Elixir (3/3)
Speedwings (1/1)

[spoiler= Enemies]
[spoiler= (10,7) Horlix - BOSS]
Level 5
3/30 HP
6 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
6 Spe
1 Lck
4 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
10 Con
9 Aid
14 Atk
85 Hit
5 Crt
13 Avo
6 AS
Iron Axe (44/45)*

[spoiler=(4,7) Bandit]
Level 1
9/20 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
4 Spe
2 Lck
2 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
9 Con
8 Aid
12 Atk
86 Hit
5 Crt
10 Avo
4 AS
Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(3,7) Bandit]
Level 1
24/24 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
3 Spe
2 Lck
2 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
9 Con
8 Aid
12 Atk
86 Hit
5 Crt
8 Avo
3 AS
Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=Sniper (11,10)]
Level 1
29/29 HP
11 Str
2 Mag
13 Skl
10 Spd
6 Lck
10 Def
6 Res
6 Move
8 Con
8 Aid
A Bows
Skills: Elite, Pierce
20 Atk
99 Hit
13 Crt
24 Avo
9 AS
Steel Bow* (30/30)
Iron Bow (45/45)

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Clyde moves to (10,6) and attacks Horlix with Iron Sword

If Clyde misses: (Clyde has >100 accuracy with WTA, so this should be impossible, but in case I’ve made a miscalculation.)

Cedric moves to (10,5) and attacks Horlix with Flux

If Ced misses: (At this point, it’s impossible to prevent someone dying to the sniper if he’s hostile)

Ezekiel attacks Horlix with Iron Bow

Matthew moves to (10,8), attacks Horlix with his sword; offers a truce with the Sniper.

Jason moves to (8,7), attacks Horlix with Fire

Aolong moves to (8,8), heals Jason

If Ced hits, he cantoes to (8,4)

Matthew moves to (10,5), rescues Clyde, cantoes to (12,3)

Jason uses a Vulnerary

Aolong moves to (8,3)

If Clyde hits:

Cedric moves to (10,5), rescues Clyde, cantoes to (8,4)

Aolong moves to (8,3), takes Clyde, drops him to his left.

Matthew moves to (5,8), attacks the bandit with an Iron Bow

If Matthew hits, Jason attacks the (3,7) bandit with Fire

If Matthew misses, Jason uses a Vulnerary

Ezekiel moves to (12,4)

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Seems it was time to make a strategic retreat. Better take cover again. Ezekiel thought as he went over into a street.

[Moved to (12,4).]

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[spoiler= Player Phase]
Clyde moves to (10,6)!
Clyde attacks Horlix with his Iron Sword!
Horlix kicks the bucket!
"Why... why do you do this..."
Clyde gains 55XP!
Clyde grows to level 2!
Strength Up!
Speed Up!
Resistance Up!
Clyde gains 2 Sword WEXP!
Cedric moves to (10,5)!
Cedric rescues Clyde and goes to (8,4)!
Aolong moves to (7,4)!
Aolong rescue-drops Clyde!
Matthew flies to (5,8)!
Matthew attacks the bandit with his Iron Bow!
He takes an arrow to the spleen and dies!
Matthew gains 30XP!
Matthew gains 2 Bow WEXP!
Jason unleashed his flames on the bandit!
The bandit suffers two hits! For 10 damage a piece! (4HP remaining)
Jason gains 9XP!
Jason gains 3 Anima WEXP!
Ezekiel moves to (12,4)!

[spoiler=Bandit Phase]
The bandit flees!
What a coward!
The sniper shoots a funny looking arrow at Pelmaza!
It misses, but he cheeses it!

With the civilians gone, and the bandits dead, the village is now left to Grado! Your captain seems pleased with the outcome, but you notice that she is holding something in her hand. The company is greeted by a Wyvern Squad, lead by none other than General Valter himself. He talks to the captain, smiling fiendishly as he hears of your great success. Leaving a few of his men behind, he soon leaves.

Your captain gathers you for a debriefing (which will be done via Skype).

Chapter Complete!

Party Style: "Forceful Occupation" - (Militia killed, minor civilian casualties, bandits defeated)

MVP: Aolong

Unsung Hero: Ezekiel

Lucky Chump: Aolong

Bosskiller: Clyde

[spoiler= BEXP]

Clyde gains 30 BEXP!

Jason gains 25 BEXP!

Ezekiel gains 50 BEXP!

Aolong gains 30 BEXP!

Aolong levels up!

- HP up!

- Strength up!

- Skill up!

- Speed up!

- Defense up!

Aolong's body regains some strength!

- Strength up!

- Defense up!

Cedric gains 30 BEXP!

Cedric levels up!

- Magic up!

- Luck up!

- Resistance up!

Matthew gains 20 BEXP!

Matthew levels up!

- Strength up!

- Speed up!

Pelmaza gains 25 BEXP!

- Pelmaza hits level 10!

- HP up!

- Strength up!

- Skill up!

- Luck up!

- Defense up!


[spoiler=Clyde (Breezy)]
Level 2.38
18/18 HP (57%)
6 Str (50%)
0 Mag (5%)
6 Skl (45%)
9 Spe (65%)
6 Lck (50%)
5 Def (40%)
3 Res (35%)
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid
Skills: Ambush, Adept
Weapons: Swords E (8)
Affinity: Wind
Supports: Gant (Fire) [4:30:03 PM] (+1 attack, +5 hit, +2 crit, +2 avo, +5 CEV)
11 Atk
105 Hit
6 Crt
22 Avo
9 AS
Iron Sword (43/46)*
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Jason (Rein)]
Level 2.50
18 HP (50%)
5 Str (45%)
5 Mag (40%)
5 Skl (45%)
8 Spe (40%)
6 Lck (30%)
5 Def (35%)
3 Res (40%)
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid
Skills: Discipline
Weapons: Anima E (11.5), Axes E (6)
Affinity: Fire
Supports: Thwomp C (+5 hit, 5 avoid, 5 CEV)
10 Atk
103 Hit
5 Crt
21 Avo
8 AS
Iron Axe (44/45)
Fire* (37/40)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Ezekiel (Acacia)]
Level 1.81
16 HP (50%)
5 Str (45%)
0 Mag (0%)
6 Skl (50%)
7 Spe (60%)
6 Lck (60%)
2 Def (10%)
1 Res (5%)
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
Skills: Thievery, Farsight, Desert Walk, Water Walk, Adept
Weapons: Bows E (6)
Affinity: Dark
Supports: None
11 Atk
100 Hit
6 Crt
20 Avo
7 AS
Iron Bow* (40/45)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Aolong (Terrador)]
Level 2.29
17 HP (75%)
4 Str (45%)
2 Mag (20%)
8 Skl (50%)
7 Spe (40%)
3 Lck (30%)
6 Def (40%)
0 Res (15%)
5 Mov
8 Con (10 Weight)
7 Aid
Skills: Armour, Discipline, Easywalk
Weapons: Lance C (72.5), Staff E (10)
Affinity: Thunder
Supports: None
-- Atk
-- Hit
-- Crt
17 Avo
7 AS
-- CEV
Killer Lance (19/20)
Heal (27/30)
Vulnerary (2/3)

Level 2.08
20 HP (50%)
0 Str (0%)
7 Mag (70%)
9 Skl (50%)
7 Spe (45%)
7 Lck (75%)
2 Def (30%)
5 Res (45%)
6 Mov
6 Con (8 Weight)
12 Aid
Skills: Armour, Horse, Discipline
Weapons: Dark C (80)
Affinity: Lightning
Supports: None
14 Atk
101 Hit
9 Crt
20 Avo
7 AS
Knightmare (40/40)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Matthew (Lupus)]
Level 2.10
20 HP (40%)
7 Str (45%)
0 Mag (0%)
4 Skl (30%)
5 Spe (30%)
3 Lck (30%)
4 Def (35%)
2 Res (20%)
7 Mov
6 Con
14 Aid
Skills: Wyvern
Weapons: Sword D (31), Lances D (33), Bows E (6)
Affinity: Dark
Supports: None
13 Atk
84 Hit
4 Crt
13 Avo
5 AS
Sanguinis Rasorium (30/30)
- 10mt, 7wt, 80 hit, 0 crit, sword
Javelin (18/20)
Iron Bow* (42/45)

[spoiler=Allied Units]
[spoiler=Captain Pelmaza]
Level 10.04
30 HP
13 Str
1 Mag
8 Skl
7 Spe
7 Lck
12 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
9 Con (11 Weight)
8 Aid
Skills: Armour, Ambush
Weapons: Swords B (135)
Affinity: Fire
Supports: None
20 Atk
92 Hit
7 Crt
18 Avo
6 AS
Steel Sword* (25/30)
Elixir (3/3)
Speedwings (1/1)

Edited by Shin
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After the success that was the village takeover, the group carries out little tasks on their own. Upon returning to their shared barracks, which is a converted family home, they are perplexed to find that Cedric is absent, his horse still tied up outside. The night is quiet, there are no attacks from bandits or enemy forces... and the civilians do not dare make a fuss. The time is early morning, roll call will take place in about half an hour.

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Matthew decides it would be a good idea to spar with Clyde but ends up knocking himself out. -2 Speed for the day.

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On guard duty, Jason made friends with Thwomp, the friendly giant. C support awarded.

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After the first day, the team reassemble for dinner. Cedric is still missing, but your numbers are actually larger due to the friends the group has made. None of you are on guard duty tonight, the evening is yours!

(dinner chat will last until you are all happy to progress)

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  • 2 weeks later...

With the main force arriving to handle the village, our intrepid players have a new task at hand.

"Rumours are that there's still a unit from Renais in the area, You've been tasked to find and remove them. All of them are trained soldiers, so no being soft! I've been called with handling a few things here, so Sergeant Thwomp will be accompanying you."

With an hour or so to gather your things, you think of the mission at hand... and the future of the war.

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You all bid the village farewell, noting that you played a key role in its destruction and possibly even feeling pretty good about it. Lead by the hulking Thwomp, you come across a particularly yucky part of the woods. However, something isn't right.

"We fallen in trap!" shouts Thwomp, alerting to the presence of many enemies.

It looks like the bandits knew you were coming, a few of them even seem rather familiar.

"Heh, Mr Courage was right, there are Grado troops around here. No matter, we be stealin' what they got, doesn't matter where you come from."


Please choose your starting formation as a group.

[spoiler=Clyde (Breezy)]
Level 2.38
18/18 HP (57%)
6 Str (50%)
0 Mag (5%)
6 Skl (45%)
9 Spe (65%)
6 Lck (50%)
5 Def (40%)
3 Res (35%)
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid
Skills: Ambush, Adept
Weapons: Swords E (8)
Affinity: Wind
Supports: Gant (Fire) (+1 attack, +5 hit, +2 crit, +2 avo, +5 CEV)
11 Atk
105 Hit
6 Crt
22 Avo
9 AS
Iron Sword (43/46)*
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Jason (Rein)]
Level 2.50
18 HP (50%)
5 Str (45%)
5 Mag (40%)
5 Skl (45%)
8 Spe (40%)
6 Lck (30%)
5 Def (35%)
3 Res (40%)
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid
Skills: Discipline
Weapons: Anima E (11.5), Axes E (6)
Affinity: Fire
Supports: Thwomp C (+5 hit, 5 avoid, 5 CEV)
10 Atk
103 Hit
5 Crt
21 Avo
8 AS
Iron Axe (44/45)
Fire* (37/40)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Ezekiel (Acacia)]
Level 1.81
16 HP (50%)
5 Str (45%)
0 Mag (0%)
6 Skl (50%)
7 Spe (60%)
6 Lck (60%)
2 Def (10%)
1 Res (5%)
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
Skills: Thievery, Farsight, Desert Walk, Water Walk, Adept
Weapons: Bows E (6)
Affinity: Dark
Supports: None
11 Atk
100 Hit
6 Crt
20 Avo
7 AS
Iron Bow* (40/45)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Aolong (Terrador)]
Level 2.29
17 HP (75%)
4 Str (45%)
2 Mag (20%)
8 Skl (50%)
7 Spe (40%)
3 Lck (30%)
6 Def (40%)
0 Res (15%)
5 Mov
8 Con (10 Weight)
7 Aid
Skills: Armour, Discipline, Easywalk
Weapons: Lance C (72.5), Staff E (10)
Affinity: Thunder
Supports: None
-- Atk
-- Hit
-- Crt
17 Avo
7 AS
-- CEV
Killer Lance (19/20)
Heal (27/30)
Vulnerary (2/3)

[spoiler=Hendrick (Objection)]
Level 1.00
20/20 HP (50%)
0 Str (5%)
7 Mag (60%)
4 Skl (25%)
6 Spd (50%)
6 Lck (60%)
3 Def (30%)
6 Res (50%)
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
Skills: Desertwalk, Thievery
Weapon Ranks: Anima E (1)
Affinity: Anima
Supports: None
12 Atk
101 Hit
4 Crt
18 Avo
6 AS
Fire* (40/40)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Warren (Cyron)]
Level 1.00
20/20 HP (50%)
7 Str (5%)
0 Mag (60%)
5 Skl (25%)
7 Spd (50%)
6 Lck (60%)
7 Def (30%)
1 Res (50%)
6 Mov
8 Con (10 weight)
10 Aid
Skills: Wyvern, Armour
Weapon Ranks: Axes E (1) Bows E (1)
Affinity: Wind
Supports: None
18 Atk
78 Hit
5 Crt
8 Avo
2 AS
Steel Axe* (35/35)
Iron Bow (45/45)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Allied Units]
Level 5.00
30/30 HP (130%)
14 Str (60%)
0 Mag (5%)
3 Skl (15%)
2 Spd (20%)
9 Lck (50%)
12 Def (50%)
0 Res (10%)
4 Mov
18 con (20 weight)
17 aid
Skills: Ambush
Weapons: Axes D
Affinity: Ice
Supports: Jason C (+5 hit, 5 avoid, 5 CEV)
26 Atk
70 Hit
3 Crt
13 Avo
2 AS
Thwomp Axe (E rank, 12 Might, 60% hit, 16 weight, 0 crit 40/40 non-Prf)

[spoiler=(11,14) Thief]
Level 2
22/22 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
4 Skl
7 Spe
2 Lck
3 Def
3 Res
6 Mov
10 Con
9 Aid
10 Atk
99 Hit
4 Crt
16 Avo
7 AS
Iron Sword(46/46)*
Armourslayer (18/18)

[spoiler=(9,13) Thief]
Level 2
22/22 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
4 Skl
6 Spe
4 Lck
5 Def
0 Res
6 Mov
10 Con
9 Aid
10 Atk
100 Hit
4 Crt
16 Avo
6 AS
Iron Sword(46/46)*
Armourslayer (18/18)

[spoiler=(14,12) Thief]
Level 2
23/23 HP
7 Str
0 Mag
7 Skl
5 Spe
2 Lck
2 Def
0 Res
6 Mov
10 Con
9 Aid
12 Atk
105 Hit
7 Crt
12 Avo
5 AS
Iron Sword(46/46)*
Armourslayer (18/18)

[spoiler=(8,10) Thief]
Level 2
18/18 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
12 Skl
6 Spe
6 Lck
2 Def
1 Res
6 Mov
10 Con
9 Aid
13 Atk
100 Hit
42 Crt
12 Avo
5 AS
Killing Edge (20/20)* DROPPABLE

[spoiler=(7,7) Lucky Bandit]
Level 2
21/21 HP
7 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
5 Spe
20 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
12 Con
10 Aid
15 Atk
95 Hit
5 Crt
30 Avo
5 AS
20 CEV
Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(9,4) Bandit]
Level 2
30/30 HP
3 Str
0 Mag
0 Skl
3 Spe
6 Lck
7 Def
7 Res
5 Mov
12 Con
10 Aid
11 Atk
78 Hit
0 Crt
19 Avo
3 AS
Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(3,2) Bandit]
Level 2
25/25 HP
7 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
5 Spe
2 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
12 Con
10 Aid
14 Atk
71 Hit
5 Crt
12 Avo
5 AS
Hand Axe (20/20)*

[spoiler=(8,2) Bandit]
Level 2
25/25 HP
5 Str
2 Mag
5 Skl
6 Spe
4 Lck
5 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
12 Con
10 Aid
12 Atk
72 Hit
5 Crt
14 Avo
6 AS
Hand Axe (20/20)*

[spoiler=(6,1) Bandit]
Level 2
25/25 HP
7 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
6 Spe
2 Lck
6 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
12 Con
10 Aid
12 Atk
81 Hit
10 Crt
14 Avo
6 AS
Wing Chopper (20/20)*

[spoiler=(3,10) Archer]
Level 2
18/18 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
8 Skl
3 Spe
3 Lck
9 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
11 Atk
102 Hit
8 Crt
9 Avo
3 AS
Iron Bow (45/45)*

[spoiler=(5,10) Archer]
Level 2
18/18 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
8 Skl
3 Spe
3 Lck
9 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid
11 Atk
102 Hit
8 Crt
9 Avo
3 AS
Iron Bow (45/45)*

[spoiler=(4,10) Sniper]
Level 1
29/29 HP
11 Str
2 Mag
13 Skl
10 Spd
6 Lck
10 Def
6 Res
6 Move
8 Con
8 Aid
A Bows
Skills: Elite, Pierce
20 Atk
99 Hit
13 Crt
24 Avo
9 AS
Steel Bow* (30/30)
Iron Bow (45/45)

[spoiler=(3,13) Courage the Cowardly Bandit]
29/29 HP
13 Str
0 Mag
10 Skl
13 Spd
6 Lck
7+1 Def
1 Res
10 Con
9 Aid
Skills: Ambush
23 Atk
88 Hit
10 Crt
24+20 Avo
9 AS
Brave Axe* (30/30)
Hand Axe (20/20)

[spoiler=(16,8) Child]
Level 1
20/20 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
6 Spe
6 Lck
5 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid
10 Atk
103 Hit
5 Crt
18 Avo
6 AS
Knife (30/30)*

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