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If male characters had their own children...


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What would happen?

Who would be sought after mothers?

I know Cordelia and Olivia would be sought after for providing both Galeforce and Armsthrift (only sons for Olivia).

Vaike would get a female thief for a daughter just for auto access to the awesome class set Vaike provides for daughters.

I'm trying to imagine Henry with a Barbarian for a son.

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Lon'qu would have a super feminine Troubadour thief daughter with a personality similar to Serra and Aversa put together. Also her name is Rox'an.

For best results also make Inigo his son. Hilarity ensues.


As a reminder children need to be a class from their parents class sets. They can only be different if their parents have gender restricted classes.

Dang, changed. Edited by Owain Dark
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Vaike would get a female thief for a daughter just for auto access to the awesome class set Vaike provides for daughters.

If they were anything alike their supports would probably be completely hilarious.
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If Henry had a kid who was a carbon copy in personality and was Noire's sibling......I'm seriously trying to imagine that wacky family right now.....

And Tiki should have a kickass Manakete son so that my Female Morgan can have a cool older brother and so that we have a male manakete.

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Henry's barbarian son would be just like him in every way, except he'd be obsessed with burning down and pillaging evacuated villages as opposed to killing people.

Gaius's kid will be chubby. He/she would be the Meg of this game.

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Stahl would have a softspoken, but frighteningly pragmatic Myrmidon daughter who's good at improvised cooking. Whoever is her sibling is kind of terrified by her, but she's protective of her family.

Edited by Perlia
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Vaike's kid would be a male Noire. Weak, timid and uses tomes or bows.

Henry's son would be squeamish around blood.

Slightly off-topic since it isn't a male but Anna's kid would be named Anna. Something horrible in her conception occurred so she's a hippie, "socialist" cleric who is charitable and pious.

Edited by WyvernSurfer
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Libra should have a jaded, cynical, atheist Dark Mage for a son. Who's also an anarchist and thinks his father is a wuss.

Donnel should have a kid like Serra, who doesn't speak in his annoying accent or else I'll never use her. She should be a...Pegasus Knight, who hates work and farms.

...and Ricken's daughter should be hella tall. Otherwise, just like him in every way.


As a reminder children need to be a class from their parents class sets. They can only be different if their parents have gender restricted classes.

Oops. Fixed.

Edited by Euklyd
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Man oh man, I'd really love it if male characters could have their own kids.

I actually imagine that Henry's kid would be well-adjusted, since Henry's canonical paired ending always says he's a good father. Would probably be a magic user. Maybe a mage (if not a dark mage like Henry).

Vaike's kid would probably exasperated with him over his dramatic displays and obsession with outdoing Chrom.

Frederick's kid would probably be like a less zealous Frederick when it comes to Lucina (and her possible sibling).

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Vaike's kid would probably exasperated with him over his dramatic displays and obsession with outdoing Chrom.

This. Also, Vaike's daughter (not son, daughters get a better class set) should better at everything than he is, but also very humble and/or reserved.

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This. Also, Vaike's daughter (not son, daughters get a better class set) should better at everything than he is, but also very humble and/or reserved.

She should have a rivalry with Lucina. Girl's gotta keep the bloodline going.

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She should have a rivalry with Lucina. Girl's gotta keep the bloodline going.

Lucina doesn't strike me as the type to have a rivalry, so she'd probably just blow it off. Maybe Chrom's other kid? (Or just a one-sided rivalry, like Vaike and Chrom already have...)

Or, Chrom's other kid could be the one "obsessed" with his/her 'rival', and Vaike's daughter could be the uninterested one.

Anything involving the "other kid" would be a lot of work to write convos for and to program, however.

These hypothetical characters need names, even if they're pathetic ones like "The Vaike Jr." (for sons) or "Teachette" (daughters).

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Imagine what the sibling convos would be like. Male Morgan could also get a sibling if the dudes had children. I wonder if he would be trying to get his memories back like female Morgan, or if it would (should) be different.

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Imagine all the hair colors going around too....if you paired a guy and a girl, I think its only fair that since the mother's child get's the father's hair color, the father's child should get the mother's hair color.

And I still think that if Lucina can't get varied hair colors, her sibling should've gotten the mother's color (even though I like my blue haired Morgan, I find it unfair that no child of Female Avatar's inherits her color...)

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As a reminder children need to be a class from their parents class sets. They can only be different if their parents have gender restricted classes.

No, they don't. Kjelle (Sully's daughter) is a Knight, even though that class isn't part of Sully's class set, and Sully doesn't have any gender restricted classes in her set.

Edited by Paper Jam
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As a reminder children need to be a class from their parents class sets. They can only be different if their parents have gender restricted classes.

No, they don't. Kjelle (Sully's daughter) is a Knight, even though that class isn't part of Sully's class set, and Sully doesn't have any gender restricted classes in her set.

As a general rule of thumb, I think it's a pretty good one, even if I was on the wrong end of it earlier. I think that in a case like this, I think it is much easier to look at the parent, look at the class set, and try to figure out a personality/backstory from that, rather than sifting through all possible classes.

But it probably shouldn't be an absolute rule set in stone.

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Lucina doesn't strike me as the type to have a rivalry, so she'd probably just blow it off. Maybe Chrom's other kid? (Or just a one-sided rivalry, like Vaike and Chrom already have...)

Or, Chrom's other kid could be the one "obsessed" with his/her 'rival', and Vaike's daughter could be the uninterested one.

Anything involving the "other kid" would be a lot of work to write convos for and to program, however.

These hypothetical characters need names, even if they're pathetic ones like "The Vaike Jr." (for sons) or "Teachette" (daughters).

Chrom's...third...kid? ...Maybe making it a one-sided rivalry like the one Chrom and Vaike has. ^^

Imagine all the hair colors going around too....if you paired a guy and a girl, I think its only fair that since the mother's child get's the father's hair color, the father's child should get the mother's hair color.

And I still think that if Lucina can't get varied hair colors, her sibling should've gotten the mother's color (even though I like my blue haired Morgan, I find it unfair that no child of Female Avatar's inherits her color...)

But I dunno, is that really realistic? Granted FE isn't really about realism... It would be a cool idea though.

As for inheriting female Avatar's hair color... dang, that's a lot to go through, but, probably still doable on a coding level.

I...I can't say I have any suggestions for children of the male characters... but this thread is a good idea. Even if my male Morgan will always have a sibling (Lucina), it'd be nice for him to be able to have siblings with other fathers too.

Edited by Cordelia
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Chrom's...third...kid? ...Maybe making it a one-sided rivalry like the one Chrom and Vaike has. ^^

But I dunno, is that really realistic? Granted FE isn't really about realism... It would be a cool idea though.

As for inheriting female Avatar's hair color... dang, that's a lot to go through, but, probably still doable on a coding level.

I...I can't say I have any suggestions for children of the male characters... but this thread is a good idea. Even if my male Morgan will always have a sibling (Lucina), it'd be nice for him to be able to have siblings with other fathers too.

Third...kid? When I said "other kid" I meant his second one, after Lucina, because that's either Cynthia, Inigo, Brady, Kjelle, or Morgan (M).

And inheriting FemAvatar's hair color is certainly doable, simply because they did it for the males, and all it would take is a simple logic statement in the "hair color-code" for Morgan (M) that checks if Chrom is the father.

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Hair color is a confusing thing in the FE world, isn't it?

Anyway, Olivia doesn't have mercenary anywhere in her class set, but Inigo starts off as one. I'd say that there's no "rule" as to what classes the non-Morgan children must be. I guess whatever fits their personality the best.

Also, I don't like the idea of Vaike's kid having a one-sided rivalry with Chrom's kid just because Vaike does. I don't want the kids to be like copies of their parents. Like ... Laurent is similar to Miriel in the who academic angle, but he also has quite a bit of differences from her.

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Hair color is a confusing thing in the FE world, isn't it?

Anyway, Olivia doesn't have mercenary anywhere in her class set, but Inigo starts off as one. I'd say that there's no "rule" as to what classes the non-Morgan children must be. I guess whatever fits their personality the best.

Also, I don't like the idea of Vaike's kid having a one-sided rivalry with Chrom's kid just because Vaike does. I don't want the kids to be like copies of their parents. Like ... Laurent is similar to Miriel in the who academic angle, but he also has quite a bit of differences from her.

Olivia has a gender-exclusive class (Peg Knight) and an exclusive class (Dancer). I don't think exclusive classes are replaced (certainly not for Chrom's second child, who doesn't get anything replacing Lord, IIRC), but there's no reason to believe that Peg Knight wasn't replaced with Merc.

EDIT: Just checked the main site, and Dancer is replaced with Barbarian.

Anyways, I was saying that it's a useful rule simply because it allows one to constrain oneself into thinking of new children characters, rather than new characters altogether; then again, it's not my topic.

I think that if you've got a great idea that's not part of the existing class set for the parent, then there shouldn't be any reason not to post it.

Edited by Euklyd
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