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Features That Could Improve Awakening


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- Soldier class playable for Ephraim, Amelia and Nephenee (Ephraim even appears as a Soldier in Champions!)

- Custom colours for Avatars/legacy units. It's so odd seeing Mia in blue and not orange.

- Joshua Spotpass team

- The ability to summon the teams of 3DS friends over the internet instead of settling for whatever stranger you happen to walk past.

Personally I don't think multiplayer works particularly well in Fire Emblem, so I'm not too fussed about that.

OH, AND: give me an option to disable the cut-ins! They're SO annoying! Tharja can't enter a single battle without Vengeance activating, and while she's my favourite character, her face pops up way too often.


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I'm not sure if this has been said, but custom voice-acting. I mean, how awesome would it be if you could voice-act your own Avatar and then streetpass him/her to other people (online interactions are not rated by the ESRB).

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-More plot twists
-Hardcore mode: For those Hardcore gamers who want to try to survive lunatic with only one life. Similar to Diablo 2.
-More customization would be fun
-An online multiplayer would be epic

More personalized Grima quotes based on Children and Spouse of Avatar

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I'm not sure if this has been said, but custom voice-acting. I mean, how awesome would it be if you could voice-act your own Avatar and then streetpass him/her to other people (online interactions are not rated by the ESRB).

Wahooo for insane amount of data being transmitted over wifi... not to mention the crap people can say. Come on, they censored customized MU names and weapon names to the point of stupidity in English.

They're not gonna take a chance for that. Not to mention quality control. I'd freaking die from it. And I play the game in Japanese voices. I doubt a lot of people around me know the language enough... Or to not sound freaking awkward with their accents... even if they DO understand it.

OH, AND: give me an option to disable the cut-ins! They're SO annoying! Tharja can't enter a single battle without Vengeance activating, and while she's my favourite character, her face pops up way too often.

I'm probably gonna be an annoying ass... but what about generics having cut-ins too?

I'd particularly enjoy a Dark Pegasus generic having quotes like Raimi. Hell, at least bosses should have cut ins. EVEN THE RISEN.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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And make the game easier? lol no thanks, as much as I adore Freddy Bear. xP

I got that idea from FE4 where characters have conversations that increase stats and give items (Finn and Quan's conversations come to mind) to be kinda neat and would like to see stuff like that in more FE games.

Edited by Zelos
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Wahooo for insane amount of data being transmitted over wifi... not to mention the crap people can say. Come on, they censored customized MU names and weapon names to the point of stupidity in English.

They're not gonna take a chance for that. Not to mention quality control. I'd freaking die from it. And I play the game in Japanese voices. I doubt a lot of people around me know the language enough... Or to not sound freaking awkward with their accents... even if they DO understand it.

Yeah, the online idea would probably crash in burn, but offline I like the idea.

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Well, I've heard that FE4 is much harder than the more recent FE games. xP

Well yes, when comparing default difficulties.

If you mean the harder modes, FE12 Lunatic would probably be the most fair, and yet challenging out of all of them.

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Well yes, when comparing default difficulties.

If you mean the harder modes, FE12 Lunatic would probably be the most fair, and yet challenging out of all of them.

Ah, I see. Never did know, since I don't play Japan only FE games or hard modes. xP

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Well, I've heard that FE4 is much harder than the more recent FE games. xP

Really? I always found it to be one of the easier FE games...

Ah, I see. Never did know, since I don't play Japan only FE games or hard modes. xP

Your missing out on some great games. (FE4-FE5 and FE12)

Anyways back on topic, I can't believe I forgot to mention this but unique supports between fathers and children. Owain's child support with the Avatar bugs the hell out of me (Even though I pair the Avatar with Cordelia) and I would like more than just a few choice lines changed in the supports.

Edited by Zelos
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Your missing out on some great games. (FE4-FE5 and FE12)

If they're ever localized here, I'll play them. Otherwise, I can't, seeing as I choose not to emulate.

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Your missing out on some great games. (FE4-FE5 and FE12)

The only Japan FE I have played is FE6 because my sister taught me how to emulate GBA games and because there was a fan translation patch here on SF (I have heard there is one for FE12 too, but I'm still trying to figure out how to emulate DS games...). Are there any fan translations for FE 2,4, and 5? Because if there are, I'll try seeing if I can play them one day. If not, I guess I'll just have to wait for a localization; I can only play games that I can read and understand, unfortunately... XP

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Really? I always found it to be one of the easier FE games...

Your missing out on some great games. (FE4-FE5 and FE12)

Anyways back on topic, I can't believe I forgot to mention this but unique supports between fathers and children. Owain's child support with the Avatar bugs the hell out of me (Even though I pair the Avatar with Cordelia) and I would like more than just a few choice lines changed in the supports.

The current FE4 patch (or the last one i saw) is butt and should feel bad.

Yeah like Brady and Virion. Virion says something about never having tea time in his life? What? No...just no....They really should have personalized those sorts of supports.

DLC characters need their own custom battle models. D:<

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The only Japan FE I have played is FE6 because my sister taught me how to emulate GBA games and because there was a fan translation patch here on SF (I have heard there is one for FE12 too, but I'm still trying to figure out how to emulate DS games...). Are there any fan translations for FE 2,4, and 5? Because if there are, I'll try seeing if I can play them one day. If not, I guess I'll just have to wait for a localization; I can only play games that I can read and understand, unfortunately... XP

Yeah there are fan translations of each of them.

The current FE4 patch (or the last one i saw) is butt and should feel bad.

Yeah like Brady and Virion. Virion says something about never having tea time in his life? What? No...just no....They really should have personalized those sorts of supports.

DLC characters need their own custom battle models. D:<

Really? I thought it was pretty good aside from lol Serlis and the ending.

Oh right, the DLC characters models really bugged me. I would honestly would have had all of them be of the lodestar class (except for Ephraim, Eirika and Micaiah) but give them totally unique models (we are PAYING for these characters) that look like either their original design or redesign.

Edited by Zelos
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The only things I'd have liked were Fog of War and Constitution to be in it. Fog of War I felt added something to Fire Emblem, it made chapters more difficult. Sure, it's a cheap way of doing so and enemies seemingly always know where you are, but it works just fine imo. You have to play more carefully and since you can't see the entire battlefield you can't plan everything accordingly. There's always a great deal of uncertainty and that always made the chapters more exciting to me. If nothing else it adds atmosphere and realism to the chapter. Being able to see everything in chapter 14 despite it being pitch black night... I don't know, kinda sketchy.

As for constitution, sure, it made calculating whether you would double or not more complicated but it also created an incentive to carrying around cheaper weapons apart from the fact that they're, well, cheaper, more common, and have more uses. Expensive weapons would double less often and Brave Weapons are heavier so they'd hit 4 times less. Once you have a lot of money you have basically no incentive to use weaker weapons anymore. I just bought Brave Weapons for everyone, bought a bunch of Tomahawks and Spears from the StreetPass characters and never looked back. Brave Weapons > Everything else in terms of damage, absolutely no contest. To me I find it ridiculous that using a Ladle or a Stick won't let you double the same as using a Silver Axe or another really heavy weapon. The lack of it just kind of took away from the game in my opinion.

Edited by Rawr
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As for constitution, sure, it made calculating whether you would double or not more complicated but it also created an incentive to carrying around cheaper weapons apart from the fact that they're, well, cheaper, more common, and have more uses. Expensive weapons would double less often and Brave Weapons are heavier so they'd hit 4 times less. Once you have a lot of money you have basically no incentive to use weaker weapons anymore. I just bought Brave Weapons for everyone, bought a bunch of Tomahawks and Spears from the StreetPass characters and never looked back. Brave Weapons > Everything else in terms of damage, absolutely no contest. To me I find it ridiculous that using a Ladle or a Stick won't let you double the same as using a Silver Axe or another really heavy weapon. The lack of it just kind of took away from the game in my opinion.

But then females get screwed because of body size.. Strength AS calculations screwed mages over since its their fault their not strong enough to carry a book. With CON, my plans on making miss hero severa an axe user is ruined.

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But then females get screwed because of body size.. Strength AS calculations screwed mages over since its their fault their not strong enough to carry a book. With CON, my plans on making miss hero severa an axe user is ruined.

Strength AS calculations are basically no AS calculations before long.

I liked using Con. Sure, females get weighed down more, but they tended to have more speed in general, so that compensated for medium-weight weapons and let them outclass males' speed with light weapons (which kinda caused an exaggeration of their dealing less damage, but hey, specialization is always nice)

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One mechanic I am glad was not included in this game is shoving. It's funny to imagine a bunch of people shoving each other around the battlefield in order to get further quicker.

I suppose the biggest thing to me is the lack of victory conditions. I love the variety of Radiant Dawn.

Edited by BlueFire
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I liked using Con. Sure, females get weighed down more, but they tended to have more speed in general, so that compensated for medium-weight weapons and let them outclass males' speed with light weapons (which kinda caused an exaggeration of their dealing less damage, but hey, specialization is always nice)


That is all

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I hate Con and Weight and stuff. D8 I don't play a fantasy game for realistic things like weapon weight. It became stupid when it came to tomes. Why are stronger tomes so freakin' heavy? The freedom that comes with using any weapon without worrying about weight is amazing.

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Please no, I'm tired of seize. It's basically defeat boss, but you have to bring the lord along too. Unless the boss moves from the throne and is uber powerful, seize is not that interesting.

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If my terrible memory serves me correctly, doesn't Radiant Dawn also have an Escape victory condition? That would have been perfect for chapters 10 and 21.

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I didn't thoroughly read this entire forum but what I think could improve Awakening is to have some sort of offline multiplayer for DLC maps or special trial maps made for co-op. I just like co-op.

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If my terrible memory serves me correctly, doesn't Radiant Dawn also have an Escape victory condition? That would have been perfect for chapters 10 and 21.

Yes. Any unit could escape, but the lord had to escape to clear the chapter. Similarly, another chapter had you escorting a friendly unit to a location on the map. There was also a "hold the line" chapter, where you had to stop all enemies from stepping into an area of many spaces.

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