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FE1 Growths


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Does anyone know where in the FE1 (NES) rom I can find character growth rates (while hex editing)? I remember this was very easy in Radiant Dawn because they were all in strings, but I couldn't find any this time through searches. All I can find so far are base stats for some of the characters. Any help is much appreciated.

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well the mainsite has them and in the sf(i know blazers site doesent have them(last i checked) nightmare modules topic there is a set for fe1(i think) which you could use to find the offsets

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insert rage about how they're technically not "strings" since they don't denote text data

have you tried compressing the data you're searching for? it's a small chance, but it's possible that character data in general was run through a compressor to make it smaller

maybe try searching for individual growths near the place where you found those base stats

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Wait, I think I've found something. I was assuming they'd be the hexadecimal for the growth, ie. 50 for Marth's strength, but it seems that might be written as 05 in the games code (and multiplied by 10 by the game?). I've basically found a lot of strings that correspond to the character's growths although hp growth is at the end for some reason and res growth doesn't exist (well, it was 0 for everyone in the game). I'll edit them and see if anything changes.

I wonder if this is common knowledge for someone experienced in hex editing though. I'm new at this.

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The NES games are pretty weird when it comes to storing data; it's not just you ^^

I think it's around FE3 or FE4 when all the character, class and item data starts getting predictable.

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