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Character ages

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I don't think Cherche is THAT young. D: In her S Support with My Unit, she laments that she and Minerva will be old maids forever. I don't know if she says the same in the Japanese version, but it makes me think she's 25 or older.

Yeah there was something in the Japanese version about her being "left on the shelf" too long in terms of marriage which makes me think of a 25+ year old woman in a medieval setting.

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Yeah there was something in the Japanese version about her being "left on the shelf" too long in terms of marriage which makes me think of a 25+ year old woman in a medieval setting.

Wow really?

Who says things like that? >_>

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I actually dont know the exact quote. Just that Cherche lamented about being a bit old for being unmarried. (hey Reyface! *shines the weeb signal* Maybe you can clarify?)

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Yeah, Cherche considers herself old and she's been serving Virion for some time but her support with Donnel suggests that she's 19, which seems suspiciously young but it gives information on how old Cherche was when she met Minerva and how long it's been since, and that passage of time suggests Cherche is 19.

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If I remember correctly, original Japanese support conversation translations seemed to imply that Cherche considered herself "too old for marriage". Since this game is made by Japanese people, and there is/was apparently a mindset in Japan about women who are over 25 being "too old to marry", I considered her to be at least 25. There is no way she's in her teens.

(Note: look up wikipedia article on "Christmas cake". I think nowadays this age is "31", but ehh)

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Basilio - 40

Flavia - 40

Wasn't there one support or another where Flavia mentioned being old enough to be Chrom's mother?

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If I remember correctly, original Japanese support conversation translations seemed to imply that Cherche considered herself "too old for marriage". Since this game is made by Japanese people, and there is/was apparently a mindset in Japan about women who are over 25 being "too old to marry", I considered her to be at least 25. There is no way she's in her teens.

(Note: look up wikipedia article on "Christmas cake". I think nowadays this age is "31", but ehh)

it's Japan, with their population issues it may as well be going up forever

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Wasn't there one support or another where Flavia mentioned being old enough to be Chrom's mother?

20ish is a healthy age to have a kid at. D: Neither Flavia nor Basilio look older than 50 to me. 40 seemed reasonable, because 30 somehow seems too young.

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I've never made age guesses on ALL the characters, but I did on some.

Chrom: 18-19 (most of the lords seem to be near this age)

Frederick: 25, maybe 26

Lissa: 15-16 (nothing says she couldn't have been a baby when her parents died)

Donnel: 15 (he could be younger than Lissa by maybe half a year)

Maribelle: Same as Lissa

Ricken: 14 (seriously, he barely even looks like a teenager)

Sumia: 17-18

Cordelia: 18-19

Aaaand, that's really it so far.

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I'm just gonna say that all of the children are 21-25.

There's no way they're younger than that.

That's way too old...

Especially after what Noire says in the beginning of FoD1 (I refuse it to call it by its English name). She says something along the lines of, "I want to enjoy normal, teen lives" or something like that. Granted it's her NPC self, but I would think there shouldn't be that big of a difference. I guess all the children came to the current timeline at the same time as Lucina so add 2 years to their FoD selves...? It'd still be at least under 20, if you ask me. Because for someone to say they want to enjoy their teens, they're probably pretty young.. Maybe 15 or so? I know not all the kids would be the same age, but probably around the same.

I do like Faye's guesses. I think they're the best ones I'd guess. But I'm also bad at guessing ages based on looks.

But really, remember FE is in medieval times. People do wed young and give birth at an even younger age. I did wonder the characters' ages before though... (or only Chrom.)

Edit: Wait, they actually stated Emm's age in-game?! @ OP.

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I'm just gonna say that all of the children are 21-25.

There's no way they're younger than that.


are you sure about this

Laurent's the oldest, and he doesn't look like he could possibly be over 21. I'd probably call him 19.

The rest of the children look younger than him; Gerome and Lucina probably being the next oldest, and Cynthia and Morgan probably being the youngest. No way in hell are Morgan and Cynthia over 20; I'd doubt they're above 14. I'd probably guess something like this between appearance and emotional maturity:

  • Laurent - 19
  • Lucina - 18
  • Gerome - 18
  • Severa - 17
  • Kjelle - 17
  • Brady - 17
  • Owain - 16
  • Yarne - 16
  • Noire - 15
  • Inigo - 15
  • Nah - 14
  • Cynthia - 13
  • Morgan - 13


This is completely unrelated, but I just thought of it, and now I wonder if the age difference between Laurent and Lucina is why Miriel can't marry Chrom.

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I'll give this a shot.

Chrom - 22

Lissa - 18

Frederick - 25

Sully - 22

Virion - 26

Stahl - 22

Vaike - 24

Miriel - 22

Sumia - 20

Kellam - 23

Donnel - 17

Lon'qu - 24

Ricken - 17

Maribelle - 19

Gaius - 21

Panne - 30

Cordelia - 22

Gregor - 43

Libra - 24

Tharja - 21

Anna - 25

Olivia - 20

Cherche - 27

Henry - 18

Say'ri - 26

Basilio - 40

Flavia - 40

Priam - 35

Emmeryn - 25

Gangrel - 27

Aversa - 30

Yen'fay - 28

Walhart - 50

The kids are around 16-17 years old. Laurent is 19 because he was sent 3 years earlier, and Lucina is possibly 18 as the 2nd earliest kid.

Also, in Gregor's support he stated that he fought a young Basilio once so I could assume he's older than him.

EDIT: Then again, FE games didn't care about age much so...

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Some of y'all think the kids are waay too young.

The way I see it: Cynthia and Noire are probably the youngest of the children, I think most people agree. (Aside from Morgan and possibly Nah). I'm basing this off of their appearance. Thing is, their appearance also includes pretty sizable breasts... Based on that (assuming they are of average cup size) they have to be at least 16-17, unless my memory is faulty/girls have begun developing faster/more since I was a teenager. Yeah, Noire does say she wants to be a normal teen in Future Past...but teens are from 13-19. The way they speak also makes me think they are older teens rather than younger ones (yes even Cynthia, she comes across as wanting to be a kid foreva rather than actually being a kid). So I'd put them at 17ish, the other kids at 17-18, Lucina at 18-19, Laurent at least 20.

Morgan is Morgan, s/he is pobably ageless.

As for Nah I have a totally unprovable (inprovable? is there even a word for that) theory that she is older than most of the kids save Lucina and Laurent. So if we put Lucina at 18 and Laurent at least 20 Nah is probably 18, looking like a 10-year-old because that's what Manaketes do and her 1000ish-year-old mom looks like a 13-year-old. Would explain why she won't tell anyone her age.

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Don't forget that there is a two year timeskip in the middle of the game, so any children character ages you give have to account for the fact that they've been around for 2 years. Indeed, characters like Cynthia appear to be very childish, but I doubt she's been flying around killing stuff since she was 12.

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Lucina said she came from MORE THAN ten years in the future.

Which could be anything from 3,651 days to... well, mathematically, infinity is greater than ten...

I'd say she probably came from 16 years in the future and is 18, but that's just a wild guess.

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Lucina said she came from MORE THAN ten years in the future.

Which could be anything from 3,651 days to... well, mathematically, infinity is greater than ten...

I'd say she probably came from 16 years in the future and is 18, but that's just a wild guess.

One assumes Lucina isn't trying to mislead you. Socially normal numbers to say "More than X" for are 10, 15, 20, really. So saying 10 years most likely means 10-15, making her at most 17 years old.

Or to put it another way: Suppose you're 19 years old and someone asks roughly how long ago you were born. Would you be more likely to say "More than 10 years ago" or "Almost 20 years ago"? While both are true, the first seems a very strange response to give.

There's also the fact that Lawrent, the oldest child, looks like he's in his early 20's at most, and that'd fit with Lucina being 15-17.

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Some of y'all think the kids are waay too young.

The way I see it: Cynthia and Noire are probably the youngest of the children, I think most people agree. (Aside from Morgan and possibly Nah). I'm basing this off of their appearance. Thing is, their appearance also includes pretty sizable breasts... Based on that (assuming they are of average cup size) they have to be at least 16-17, unless my memory is faulty/girls have begun developing faster/more since I was a teenager. Yeah, Noire does say she wants to be a normal teen in Future Past...but teens are from 13-19. The way they speak also makes me think they are older teens rather than younger ones (yes even Cynthia, she comes across as wanting to be a kid foreva rather than actually being a kid). So I'd put them at 17ish, the other kids at 17-18, Lucina at 18-19, Laurent at least 20.

Morgan is Morgan, s/he is pobably ageless.

As for Nah I have a totally unprovable (inprovable? is there even a word for that) theory that she is older than most of the kids save Lucina and Laurent. So if we put Lucina at 18 and Laurent at least 20 Nah is probably 18, looking like a 10-year-old because that's what Manaketes do and her 1000ish-year-old mom looks like a 13-year-old. Would explain why she won't tell anyone her age.

I dunno about Laurent since I didn't really use him so I don't know how he talks in his supports... but well, 17-18 isn't too far of a guess for the children's ages I still sorta feel they'd be around their younger teens, but then as pointed out, there were 2 years in between the current timeline from the FoD selves.

As for Nah... perhaps we won't be able to tell, but isn't she still half-Manakete? And she'd still have to be born first unlike her mother who's definitely been around the world for way longer. So she's at least younger than Lucina.... since Lucina's been born in the current timeline before Nowi even had a kid.

Unless I shouldn't bring in that into comparison.

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Everyone's age by the end of the game

14-Ricken, Avatar Body 2

18-Lissa, Maribelle, Henry, Donnel

19-Olivia, Sumia, Gaius, Tharja

20- Stahl, Cordelia, Chrom, Sully, Vaike, Lon'qu, Avatar Body 1

21-Cherche, Virion, Kellam

22-Miriel, Libra,

24-Frederick, Anna, Panne, Avatar Body 3

26-Emmeryn, Say'ri

28-Aversa, Yen'fay







The children

13-Cynthia, Nah, Morgan

14-Kjelle, Owain, Inigo, Brady, Yarne

15-Lucina, Gerome, Severa, Noire


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One assumes Lucina isn't trying to mislead you. Socially normal numbers to say "More than X" for are 10, 15, 20, really. So saying 10 years most likely means 10-15, making her at most 17 years old.

Or to put it another way: Suppose you're 19 years old and someone asks roughly how long ago you were born. Would you be more likely to say "More than 10 years ago" or "Almost 20 years ago"? While both are true, the first seems a very strange response to give.

There's also the fact that Lawrent, the oldest child, looks like he's in his early 20's at most, and that'd fit with Lucina being 15-17.

Well, Nasir described Kurthnaga as "at least a hundred years old" in PoR, but Ena's ending in RD says that her child was "the first dragon born in centuries." Given that "centuries" means at least 200 years, that means that either Kurthnaga was closer to 200 years old, or Ena's pregnancy lasted nearly a hundred years. I'm inclined towards the former.

If "at least a hundred" can mean "(nearly) two hundred," then "more than ten" can mean "nearly twenty."

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Well, Nasir described Kurthnaga as "at least a hundred years old" in PoR, but Ena's ending in RD says that her child was "the first dragon born in centuries." Given that "centuries" means at least 200 years, that means that either Kurthnaga was closer to 200 years old, or Ena's pregnancy lasted nearly a hundred years. I'm inclined towards the former.

If "at least a hundred" can mean "(nearly) two hundred," then "more than ten" can mean "nearly twenty."

Do we know if Kurthnaga is the last dragon born before Ena's child?

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Do we know if Kurthnaga is the last dragon born before Ena's child?

Nasir also says Kurth is the youngest dragon currently.

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Nasir also says Kurth is the youngest dragon currently.

Well, Soren is technically a half-dragon too... but that doesn't really belong here.

And for Aversa, it's probably the best guess to her age if we knew Chrom's. The only one who states how many years older. But she does seem to be in her late 20's/early 30s.

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