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If you were to create a Fire Emblem Class... what would it be?

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Mage Soldier- A mounted mage who uses anima magic in battle. More balanced than a regular mage. Promotes into Mage Knight (Anima, swords) or Dark Knight (Dark, swords).

Equip: Anima

Master Sage- A very powerful Sage who wields all types of magic. It is only obtainable by using a Magic Seal (only one is found in the entire game) on a Sage, Sorcerer, or Bishop.

Equip: Anima, Dark, Light, Staff

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Trapsetter - Has high speed and luck much like a dancer but cannot attack. Sets traps.

Traps have limited number of uses and are bought on shops.

* Land Mine - enemies and allies who move to the trap get damaged and automatically wait.

* Light Wall - places a wall on a tile where no units can pass for a turn.

* Chaos Trap - units who step on the trap trigger an explosive that does heavy damage to that unit and low damage to all units next to him.

Promotes to Stealth - can now use swords (starts at E level), has increased movement, and can set traps.

Rocker - like a bard/dancer, but with a guitar. Can refresh allies. Can also attack enemies for very low damage and reduces enemy stats.

my idea for a recruit... (low stats class base stat caps are 10 hp and caped at 20) however they can use any weapon type but at E rank (can not use armscrolls). However they still gain weapon exp which can be seen letting them reach D rank wich triggers their promotion to a base class relying on that weapon type that are avalible to the charecters gender would be base class of civilians.

Its tough to think of balenced ones...

I think that's an interesting an idea, considering how Donnel loses his lance once he promotes.

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However that gives me a much better idea. Narwhal Riders!

How is that a "better" idea, exactly? Seeing as they would be completely useless in maps that aren't deeply flooded with water.

Anyway, I was going go with Ninja/Ninja Master, but they'd practically be the same as Assassins, so...

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How is that a "better" idea, exactly? Seeing as they would be completely useless in maps that aren't deeply flooded with water.

Anyway, I was going go with Ninja/Ninja Master, but they'd practically be the same as Assassins, so...

Ninja Master. XD That sounds wicked cool.

I'd love a gun-wielding class tree in my opinion. Pirate class maybe? Can promote to either Bucaneer (swords/guns) or Swashbuckler (guns/knives or lances)

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How is that a "better" idea, exactly? Seeing as they would be completely useless in maps that aren't deeply flooded with water.

You underestimate the power of the Narwhal.

Edited by Jotari
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Cataphract (or Kataphraktoi): A very heavily armored mounted unit (similar to FE 8's Great Knight) that wields a 2-handed lance and a bow. Can also shove/smite units and push them due to its mass.


Scythed Chariot/Chariot: A unit similar to Merlinus. Alone, it can only charge at and cut enemies quite ineffectively. What makes it useful is that any non-mounted character can join the chariot to receive +4 mobility through roads and plains and still attack from the chariot. So an archer would become a nomad (in a sense) for example. Perhaps in a promotion it can take up to 2 characters? Would be a horrible beast to fight against, imagine putting Nino and Raven on a chariot.....


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I want an elite mercernary class that wield crossbow and swords, but never find the right name for it.

You underestimate the power of the Narwhal.

So, Narwhal Rider basically rides on a magic-floating narwhal?

That sounds pretty OP, literally flying unit without weakness.

Edited by Shengar
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I suppose I'll start listing these out over time. Each class will be spoilered, to prevent the making with the big pages that show off their great length.

Sea Manakete

- Sea Dragons who have long since sealed their powers into a Seastone, and become manaketes. Like common manaketes, their skin is a pale gray. Unlike the draconian features of other manaketes, they have no wings or claws. What Sea manakete DO have, however, is their abnormal limb and body rotation, stemming from their Sea Dragon forms. Their eyes are adapted to underwater conditions. The strange arrangement of their teeth is also a dead giveaway.

- As manaketes, Sea Dragons are capable of using all lesser-tribe Dragon-stones (i.e. Firestone, Wyvernstone, Magestone, Icestone,) in addition to their unique forms given by Sea Stones. Some classify the Sea Manaketes as the greater tribe to Ice Dragons status as a lesser tribe, but Divine Dragons and Earth Dragons often disagree.

- Of special note is how Dragon-type weakness is handled in regards to Sea Dragons. Having lithe, twisting eel-like bodies, Sea Dragons and Sea Manaketes lack the dragon scales which dragon-effective weapons such as Wrymslayers and Holy Dragon's mist breath specifically target. In effect, Sea Manaketes are not weak to anti-dragon attacks unless they transform using a lesser dragon-stone or reclass.

- Sea Dragon's water blast has superior range, speed (that is, it attacks twice like a brave weapon), and accuracy at the cost of low Might and Crit. In addition, Sea Dragons themselves enjoy the luxury of being able to negate an enemy attack based off of the formula (Speed/2)% by literally shifting their vital organs and whole body around an attack. On the other hand, Sea draogns are not known for actual Defenes or Strength, but can be fair mages (or Mage Dragons) with Average Magic, Average Resistance, and Good speed.

- Sea Dragons were once know for being merchants and, occasionally, scholars. Personality wise, they also make merciless or cold tacticians, cutthroat businessmen, keen bowmen, swift thieves, or paranoid, even backstabbing, friends. Sea dragons also naturally hate flying.

-Unlike Amphibious units (Ice Dragons) or Land units who can tread water (Heroes, Pirates) Sea Dragons are native to all waters. As such, they receive no movement or combat penalty when in water, instead recovering five hp per turn on any water tiles.

- On the other hand, Sea Dragons are easily destroyed by volcanic or desert environments, requiring much more water than the average combatant. After two turns in desert combat, Sea dragons begin to tire (-3 Atk, -5 Spd) and their vision begins to haze (-15 hit.) At five turns in desert combat, these effects double, in addition to a loss of one move.

- Level 1 Skill

- Level 15 Skill

Manakete Soldier

-Less a class and more a title, these are Manaketes who have trained themselves to use human weapons in addition to being able to transform. Manakete Soldiers are a variation on a standard manakete, and are thusly heavily influenced by the Manakete's race, rather than conforming to a strict class regime.

-On average, each tribe prefers a certain weapon and style, vaguely mirroring human classes. Most things which apply to a Manakete's normal form applies here as well.

-Fire Manaketes usually use Axes, and sometimes swords, in combat. Their high Health and Strength makes them powerful frontline combatants, resembling Heroes or Warriors.

-Ice Manaketes Prefer Lances as a primary weapon, though they may also wield bows. Owing to great Defense and Skill, Ice Manaketes make great skirmishers and shocktroopers, most resembling Halberdiers or Snipers.

-Wyvern Manaketes, instead of preferring a weapon type, prefer weapons under a certain weight, opting for fast and erratic movements in combat, rather than being weighed down. They do not have any aptitude for magic at all.

-Though no Divine Dragons are known to be Manakete Soldiers, their natural affinites lend to them being anima or light mages. Healers are also a possibility thanks to the empathy of Divine Dragons.

-Mage Dragons make effective Mages of all kinds, but also they also lend themselves to being hyrbid magic-physical fighters, perhaps even tacticians if it weren't for an unstable state of mind.

-Earth Dragons, having superior physical ability to all other tribes besides speed, make powerful users of any physical weapon. Their affinity with the shadows also lend them some use out of Dark Tomes, but actually specializing in them is rare in a tribe that so values physical skill. On the other hand, Earth Dragon's superiority complex precludes them from "stooping so low as to human weapons."

-Sea Dragon soldiers can utilize their keen eye for accurate bowmanship, though they leave power to be desired. Low defense also hampers effectiveness as soldiers, though some are still brazen enough to go into combat with swords.

-Sky Dragons can cause galeforce level winds with their wings alone, giving them a powerful ranged attack while still bare-handed. Their exceptional strength allows them to wield heavy Axes or Lances easily, but they cannot wear any sort of armor without heavy modification thanks to their truly obscene wings, conspicuous and unwieldy.

- In comparison to human classes, Manakete soldiers tend to lack the maximum statistical caps which humans posses, but can harness the power of their dragon-stones without having to transform. In this respect, they show a similar technique to the Half Shift present in RD/PoR.*

-Of final importance is the effects of Mage Dragons trying to utilize a Divine Stone for combat. Divine stones reject the tainted blood of Mage Dragons when trying to transform with or even hold them. A Mage Dragon can still draw power from a Divine Stone in combat, but it will damage them over time.

- Maneketes with this style of combat tend to only appear in secluded villages where Humans and Manaketes actually succeed in peaceful coexistance. Generally, this usage of dragonstones conserves scarce supplies more easily than beginning combat as Dragons.

Exorcist - Incomplete

- Returning from Gaiden, Exorcists are well rounded servants of powers beyond the ken of humans. They have turned their back on something dear to them in return for unfettered power - whether to serve themselves, or others. Those who are especially greedy and pursue the path to becoming Exorcists generally aim for Lichdom along the way, but this cuts down their numbers considerably thanks to the high failure rate of successful lichdom.

- Even when utilizing Tome Magic in combat, Exorcists still differ from summoners, conjurers, and necromancers by their method of summons-it is still Blood Magic, and thus draws from their health. They have access to a wide variety of monsters, but Exorcists poor Hp growth and upper limit on Hp limit summons somewhat. On the other hand, Multiple monsters are summoned with each use, unlike a conjurer or summoner.

- Outside of their minions, Exorcists are fairly close to bishops rather than sorcerers, wielding Light Magic, Staves, and their unique variation of summoning. In addition, Exorcists have negative modifiers for Hp and Luck growth and poor caps for defense and skill. Their magic and resistance are exceptional, but they are generally away from the frontline anyways.

In other news, this down here is just a side project of giving FE2/8 monsters skills akin to FE13. Except Balrog.

(Revenant Level 1):

(Revenant Level 15):

Undying (Entombed Level 5): (Level) chance of finishing a round of combat despite Hp dropping to zero. In plain english, counter attack even if killed, then die once combat ends IF health is not recovered.

(Entombed Level 15):

Hp +20 (Cyclops Level 5): +20 to Max Hp.

Titan Strength (Cyclops Level 20): +5 Atk when equipped with physical weapons and +1 range to thrown weapons but doubles weapon usage rate. *Armsthrift only affects the base "weapon wear",

Ill Omen (Mogall Level 1): -4 Luck to adjacent enemies.

Senses (Mogall Level 10): +3 to Vision in FoW

Scourge (Arch Mogall Level 5): -2 to all stats to enemies within 3 spaces.

Conduit (Arch Mogall Level 15): If the unit does not move before attacking, magic range +1 (+2 if siege magic)

(Gorgon Level 1):

Magic Surge (Gorgon Level 20): Use action command to grant Mag +10 and deal 20 damage to one allied unit.

Brittle (Bonewalker Level 1): +2 to Spd/Res, -2 to Str/Def

Submerge (Bonewalker Level 10): When traversing water can only be seen by adjacent units.

(Wight Level 5):

(Wight Level 15):

Venom (Bael Level 1):
A successful hit poison the enemy, dealing slight damage for up to five turns regardless of Def. Trigger = (Hp)%

Terrain Boost + (Bael Level 15): Doubles terrain effects.

Webbing (Elder Bael Level 5): On hit, stun unit for one turn. Trigger = (Skill/2)

(Elder Bael Level 15):

Assault (Tarvos Level 1): +2 Atk when attacking.

Intimidate (Tarvos Level 5): When attacking enemy units are inflicted with -10 Hit/Crit.

Stampede (Maelduin Level 5): Add (Spd/2) to attack. Trigger = (Spd/2%)

(Maelduin Level 15):

Hit Rate +10 (Mauthe Doog Level 1): +10 to Hit. (This skill appears in the normal game, but only on Lunatic and above.)

Scavenger (Mauthe Doog Level 10): User recovers +10 Hp on defeating an enemy.

(Gwyllgi Level 5):

Blood Frenzy (Gwyllgi Level 15):+1 Mov and +4 Spd/Str after killing an enemy or on arriving to the battlefield for two turns.

(Gargoyle Level 1):

Opportunist (Gargoyle Level 10): +5 Atk when performing a Dual Strike

Pursuit (Deathgoyle Level 5): Initiates a second round of combat if Speed is at least 5 points higher than the opponent's. Trigger Rate (After requirements are met) = (Speed / 2)

Desperation (Deathgoyle Level 15): +30 Hit/Dodge if under half HP.

(Dracozombie Level 1):

(Dracozombie Level 15):

(White Dragon Level 10):

Cataclysm (White Dragon Level 20): Brings a great destruction. Mt 25, Rng 1~2, Hit 65, Crit 15.

Last Update:7/15/13

Edited by Verdant Shade
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I suppose I'll start listing these out over time.

Sea Manakete

- Sea Dragons who have long since sealed their powers into a Seastone, and become manaketes. Like common manaketes, their skin is a pale gray. Unlike the draconian features of other manaketes, they have no wings or claws. What Sea manakete DO have, however, is their abnormal limb and body rotation, stemming from their Sea Dragon forms.

- As manaketes, Sea Dragons are capable of using all lesser-tribe Dragon-stones (i.e. Firestone, Wyvernstone, Magestone, Icestone,) in addition to their unique forms given by Sea Stones.

- Of special note is how Dragon-type weakness is handled in regards to Sea Dragons. Having lithe, twisting eel-like bodies, Sea Dragons and Sea Manaketes lack the dragon scales which dragon-effective weapons such as Wrymslayers and Holy Dragon's mist breath specifically target. In effect, Sea Manaketes are not weak to anti-dragon attacks unless they transform using a lesser dragon-stone.

- Sea Dragon's water blast has superior range, speed, and accuracy at the cost of low Might and Crit. In addition, Sea Dragons themselves enjoy the luxury of being able to negate an enemy attack based off of the formula (Speed/2)% by literally shifting their vital organs and whole body around an attack. On the other hand, Sea draogns are not known for actual Defenes or Strength, but can be fair mages (or Mage Dragons) with Average Magic, Average Resistance, and Good speed.

- Sea Dragons were once know for being merchants and, occasionally, scholars. They also make merciless tacticians, cutthroat businessmen, keen bowmen, swift thieves, or backstabbing friends.


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I would like to see a Dark Mage/Fighter Hybrid class based heavily off of Malik Ceasar from Tales of Graces. High HP/STR/MAG, garbage everything else. Just love watching those muscles being wasted in the back row. Also we need a flying bow user. It would be an epic battle between two flying bow users

Edited by thetiger39
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I have more on the Sea Dragons/Manaketes if anyone wants to hear, in addition to some other classes. I'm afraid several are related to my sub-par unpublished Fan Fics and ridiculous OC's, but I suppose I can still make them work.

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I think guns would be a little out of place in FE games, but they might be fun to experiment with. They'd have horrible accuracy but high damage.

Martial Artist/Monk might be fun. A summoner-type class could also be fun to play with. Maybe have mages with elemental summons, druids with nature summons, and a necromancers with undead summons to make a "summon" triangle.

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I have more on the Sea Dragons/Manaketes if anyone wants to hear, in addition to some other classes. I'm afraid several are related to my sub-par unpublished Fan Fics and ridiculous OC's, but I suppose I can still make them work.

I do! If anyone else does, post it but if not, you can PM it to me.

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Sneak promotes to Shadow

Wields Knifes (like FE10) and Dark Tomes

Skills would be along to lines of Stillness, Shadow, Celerity, Vigiliance and Disarm

Low STR and DEF

Medium MAG, RES

Above average SPED


Edited by shorty
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Eh, I don't like guns or cannons. I'd rather not see them in FE...

I'd like to see a standard bearer and a unit who rides llamas, but I don't think that will happen, nor have I really developed the ideas.

Maybe I'll add info later in an edit...if I remember.

Edited by Crizix
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