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Fire Emblem Cosplay?


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Who would your dream Fire Emblem Cosplay be?

I'm thinking of putting together a Cosplay of Henry from Awakening at some point.

Just to give a bit of context here's my DA: http://camisicado.deviantart.com/. I've been Cosplaying for a couple of years on and off.

The main thing that's putting me off is making his clothing, I'm no expert at making costumes and while his face/wig would be easy

to recreate his clothing seems a bit tricky.

(Sorry if this is in the wrong place but I couldn't find a Cosplay thread anywhere and this seemed the most obvious place to put one.)

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I've been talking to a friend of mine about cosplaying Fire Emblem at some point, together. Lissa/Tharja/Masked Marth are all pretty ideal.

Realisitically I'd probalby do Florina *3* And yeah, Henry seems like it would require some aptitude with sewing to do appropriately, but you shoudl still give it a shot!

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I've been talking to a friend of mine about cosplaying Fire Emblem at some point, together. Lissa/Tharja/Masked Marth are all pretty ideal.

Realisitically I'd probalby do Florina *3* And yeah, Henry seems like it would require some aptitude with sewing to do appropriately, but you shoudl still give it a shot!

I've seen quite a few Masked Marth Cosplays. it makes sense to do since obviously if people went full Lucina there would be plenty of con goers who would have no idea who she was

or why she looked so much like Marth.

While I love the Fire Emblem designs some of them sure are tricky. Like most fantasy cosplays I'd want to do it great or not at all.

Haha thank you, I really do need to work on my sewing!

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I'd cosplay Nino if her skirt wasn't so short ;w; Her oufit is so cute. Not sure what I would have done about my hair, though. The hairstyle is right, but obviously, my color isn't.

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I used to thought about going as Mist from FE9/10... and then I grew annoyed at her and I also don't know where to get any resources for cosplaying. Not to forget the fact that I don't know how to sew or anything!

But if I were to ever think about it again... I'm not sure who I'd go as... Maybe Sumia... since Olivia's clothes are way too...revealing for me.

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I'm planning on cosplaying as a Female Tactician because I really wanted to get into cosplay and Female Tactician became my dream cosplay. I even got a costume commissioned because I can't sew stuff from scratch, only mend holes in my clothes.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure if it will be done in time...

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I would love to go as soooo many people from Fire Emblem, but my dream cosplays would be Masked Marth/Lucina (two in one) and (default) Female Avatar. Lately I've been leaning more towards Lucina, but since she has armor pieces I can just imagine how expensive a commission for a costume would be (I'm not a very good craftswoman)....not to mention where I'd find a good mask replica and tiara....but I'll try once I get the funds one day.

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Yep, wrong forum. Off to General FE with you!

(as for cosplay, I'd probably dress up as a generic villager or something)

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Yep, wrong forum. Off to General FE with you!

(as for cosplay, I'd probably dress up as a generic villager or something)

Ah thanks a lot :)

Has anyone seen any really impressive Fire Emblem Cosplays out there?

I've seen one or two Masked Marth Cosplays but not much else.

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Have you ever tried it?

Yeah sorta. I dressed up as an FE mage for Halloween one year.

Would you ever try it?

If i did an actual character, maybe if i can find something that looks like character wear. I cannot sew.

Who would your dream Fire Emblem Cosplay be?

I would love to cosplay as Sephiran to be honest. But i could be probably the best Miriel on the planet without too much effort.

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There were several FE cosplays at Seattle SakuraCon. I saw several Masked Marths and a few Lucinas. There was a really good trio that I saw of Sumia, Cordelia, and Masked Marth. They all had appropriate weapons, too. I also met another Sumia who went with a Gaius. He gave me candy ;D

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I also met another Sumia who went with a Gaius. He gave me candy ;D

Haha that's adorable.

I'd love to do a paired cosplay with someone dressed as Tharja but she's be a pretty daring Cosplay for anyone to take on.

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My dream paired cosplay would be Me as Female Avatar with someone cosplaying Chrom. But I think his basic Lord outfit would be rather complex to make.

And I have horrible luck when it comes to...my own OTP IRL.

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slkalsfg you're that amazing England/Spain cosplayer I saw like years ago on LJ oh my god

I've never cosplayed because I have terrible self-esteem but I wouldn't mind trying it some day... Though Fire Emblem doesn't seem like the best starting point, since most characters wear kind of complicated clothes, with armors and weapons and stuff and I have no sewing skills (but I've been wanting to learn for a while!)... Oh, I saw some girls cosplaying as Lucia, Heather and Micaiah at a con I went to like a month ago. They were so cute~. I regret not asking them for a pic...

As for me, I'd probably like to cosplay as Olwen. Or Marcia.

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I've certainly considered cosplaying as Tharja... although I'm a bit, dark. I can't sew for a damn either, so I'll have to see if I can't find the costume somewhere.

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I'd honestly like to cosplay Sumia some day. I already have the long brown hair naturally, so I wouldn't have to worry about a wig. Making her outfit seems like it could be a pain, though, because I'm a bit of a perfectionist about such things. It could probably end up being pretty pricey in the end.

I also don't thnk I'd be able to convince my partner to dress up as Chrom alongside me, so the pretty picture in my head of them together wouldn't come true. :<

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probably donny , since my hair perfectly match with his, sadly i don't have that kettle hat like he had.. his clothes and costumes probably the simplest FE chara cosplay, but i don't how to make one...at least the imagination already vividly comes to my mind ... ;D

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I went as Marth last year for Halloween and Ohayocon. I made the costume last summer with my grandma since she's good at sewing and such. It was a pain in the neck, but it turned out so good :3 I might post a picture if I can find one.

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A friend of mine wants me to cosplay at A-Kon this year, and I picked the Avatar. He's making the costume, though...'cuz I can't for crap. XD

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I would like to cosplay as a female avatar or. if I knew how to make a fake armor, I would like to go as Meg... Ya see, I like to cosplay as characters that make sense for me to cosplay. Female avatar is ok because as long as she have the tactician's clothes, we know that she can look like anyone. Meg is the only chubby FE girl I know so...

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i'd really like to do a Lewyn cosplay one day; hell, i'm even already devising some vague ideas for certain aspects thereof

in that respect i'm getting far too ahead of myself here given that i've never cosplayed before and i really should attempt something a little less strenuous before... well, practically anything from FE

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