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Do you want weapon weight to return?

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5 Mov

Yeah right

Every other non mounted unit has 5 mov too in first tier. He just doesn't get any upon promotion which means he's only one behind all the sages, snipers, swordmasters and heroes.

Edited by Jotari
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Every other non mounted unit has 5 mov too in first tier. He just doesn't get any upon promotion which means he's only one behind all the sages, snipers, swordmasters and heroes.

We're talking about post-promotion here. The whole point is that after promotion, Hector can't be carried around because his CON is too high; which just so happens to be when he falls behind everyone else in movement as well.
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Considering this is a thread about the future and not the past of weapon weight, the question we should asking is whether rescuing will return in it's classic form, or will they continue with the pair up system in Awakening?

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Considering this is a thread about the future and not the past of weapon weight,

Except, not really? This thread isn't a guessing game about whether weapon weight will return (and it won't). This is asking whether they want weapon weight in one of it's previous forms to return. So discussing how weapon weight affected the game in previous titles is totally relevant, because without knowing that, how do we know if we want it to return? And many people seem to have misconceptions about how weapon weight in earlier games actually affected game balance, and I am doing my bit to dispel these misconceptions.
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If we're not discussing it's possibilities then the thread would just be what did you think of weapon weight? Discussing it's flaws and benefits to see exactly why it should or shouldn't return seems to be what everyone is doing here before it became a discussion about Hector. Perhaps I am misreading the conversation but the return aspect of the title makes me consider the future.

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WT does nothing good.

Sure it may bring into question what weapon you're using... oh wait, until recently, Steel (The heaviest) is the workhorse of the army. Now it's silver (which is lighter anyways). It was asked why use an Iron Sword in Awakening when Silver is availible? The same reason to use an Iron sword over Silver any other time: Cost. The only catch is now Iron or Steel is no longer a (rather dumb) question-- Steel > Iron.

Unrestricted, like in FE4, it causes something: Sword/Wind Superiority-- the lightest weapons dominate, the weapon triangle be damned.

Con damns certain characters without a chance for redemption, because outside of FE5, Con is a static stat, and Statue Frags are rare. In FE5 con could grow, but the rates were abysmally low.

STR=Con causes a different problem entirely, namely, Mages are worthless.

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I don't really want weight to return, but I wouldn't particularly mind if it does.

Only on the condition that it be subtracted from Strength instead of from Con. It was totally unfair how characters of a smaller frame were basically penalized for using heavier weapons in the GBA games.

Edited by Sublime Manic
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I quite like weight. There just needs to be a little less varation in con. If pegs had a con of say 7 compared to a cav's 9, it might work a little better. It gives some tactical element to weapon choices, but it really needs to be done better.

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Nope. I just did a run of FE4 with no weight (and everyone including enemies having pursuit and critical), and I have to say the game was much better like this. In some games (such as FE4) it justs makes the game swords and wind magic to win, while in others it screw over female units or units who would need those heavier weapons to do sufficient damage.

Edited by Zelos
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I don't get the obsession with "but bu- why would anyone use an iron weapon over a steel weapon without weight?"

like Anouleth said, this is supposed to be a clear upgrade, limited by however many uses of steel/silver/whatever weapons you have (until you can buy it infinitely of course, cause money is never low in Fire Emblem)

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I don't get the obsession with "but bu- why would anyone use an iron weapon over a steel weapon without weight?"

like Anouleth said, this is supposed to be a clear upgrade, limited by however many uses of steel/silver/whatever weapons you have (until you can buy it infinitely of course, cause money is never low in Fire Emblem)

Especially if we're dealing with something like New Mystery's Lunatic modes, where there are several cases where you need Silver weapons (as well as Killer weapons, and anti-dragon weapons) to 1RKO the enemy.

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as long as the constitution system didn't get back as well

i daresay mages had 30 Con in lunatics

Edited by Pukuriripo
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I don't get the obsession with "but bu- why would anyone use an iron weapon over a steel weapon without weight?"

like Anouleth said, this is supposed to be a clear upgrade, limited by however many uses of steel/silver/whatever weapons you have (until you can buy it infinitely of course, cause money is never low in Fire Emblem)

Well weight doesn't necessarily mean that Steel weapons have to be much heavier than Iron Weapons. In FE4, Iron/Steel/Silver weapons were always the same weight. And of course, FE4 didn't have the issue of people using "nothing but Silver", because weapons were always kind of limited (there only being two Silver Swords/Lances/Bows in the game).

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Well weight doesn't necessarily mean that Steel weapons have to be much heavier than Iron Weapons. In FE4, Iron/Steel/Silver weapons were always the same weight. And of course, FE4 didn't have the issue of people using "nothing but Silver", because weapons were always kind of limited (there only being two Silver Swords/Lances/Bows in the game).

well yes, but that game was a sword/windfest anyway

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What's your point? It's true that sword users were the most common type of unit, but what does that have to do with the weight of Steel or Silver weapons?

the balance was even worse, that's what

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