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The origin of griffins?

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This is kind of trivial, but have people ever wondered where griffins suddenly came from in the world of Awakening?

About 2000 years, during Marth's time, we never saw any griffins, except maybe on a country's national flag.

I suppose you could ask the same question about the Taguel and we don't really have an answer for that either (except as a possible descendant of the Laguz).

Although I did notice something minor when looking at the Griffon Knight concept art in the the Knights of Iris artbook...

This will be obvious to some people, but griffins are half lion and half eagle creatures. Meanwhile, lions and eagles (well, hawks, but apparently they're close enough according to the developers) feature in FE9/10. Is it possible the Lion and Hawk Laguz somehow "evolved" and then devolved into griffins?

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Must've taken a pretty heavy night of drinking for Tibarn to get with Skrimir.

Jokes aside, I'm actually surprised they didn't bring back the Wyvern Knight class instead, even if that one didn't make much sense either. A draconic mage class could've been interesting too.

It's also pretty filler in terms of stats. Bases are nicely balanced and caps are essentially Bow Knight + 5 Defense.

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Considering the Outrealm Gate, I wouldn't be surprised if griffons were "imported" from another dimension.

Though as far as local theorizing goes... maybe natural evolution, someone playing mix-and-match with animals, or something...

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Must've taken a pretty heavy night of drinking for Tibarn to get with Skrimir.

Jokes aside, I'm actually surprised they didn't bring back the Wyvern Knight class instead, even if that one didn't make much sense either. A draconic mage class could've been interesting too.

It's also pretty filler in terms of stats. Bases are nicely balanced and caps are essentially Bow Knight + 5 Defense.


but seriously, I guess I haven't really thought much about it... or used Griffin Riders. Maybe it is some kinda evolution/devolution of laguz....but to become mounted creatures? I dunno....

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Is there any reference to them in the script at all? Wyverns get mentioned plenty in Cherche and Gerome's supports and dialogue, but I don't recall a single mention of a griffon anywhere, ever.

Maybe if there'd been a character whose base class was Griffon Rider we would've gotten some actual lore around them, but not even an enemy uses it as their baseline class.

Edited by Renall
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Griffons are mentioned by Sumia in the Barracks/Event Tiles when asked about her dream. Supposedly they're pretty rare, since she always wanted to try fortune telling with them.

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I don't recall them explaining where wyverns originated from either...



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I don't know if it was changed in the remake, but in the original Mystery of the Emblem, it was stated they were actually degenerated dragons. This is apparent since if you examine the Flying Dragons, you'll see they are indeed the same as the mounts, just without the armor and rider of course.

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Can we say they (The Griffins) flew from Zenobia? Because that would connect FE with Ogre Battle. One of my favorite series ever.

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