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So I got [spoiler]

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It should be an obvious spoiler alert.


I find it sad how he lost it all, and he has hardly any will to live anymore. But when I did recruit him, I just made him take out the boss. It was awesome. Especially hearing that wicked laugh. It's liek "awww yeah shit got serious GANGREL IS BACK".

As a unit, I think he's pretty good too. I re-classed him to an Assassin and plan to re-class him back to Trickster after he hits lvl 10.

Also he took out Sothe.

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sweet title spoilers bro

(yeah i know you said spoilers are obvious but some people might not know you can get him at all)

Edited by Liquid Snake
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Why wouldn't you reclass him after level 15? Level 15 nets him Pass, while if you stop at 10, all he'll get is Lethality and 5 levels.

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eh, Gangrel wasn't exactly one of my favorites. I'll admit to being a little biased when I say that Gaius or Lon'qu are better-- not to mention the suicidal tendencies had me extremely close to just ending him once and for all in the paralogue =__=''

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Why wouldn't you reclass him after level 15? Level 15 nets him Pass, while if you stop at 10, all he'll get is Lethality and 5 levels.

Maybe he doesn't care for Pass as much. I personally wouldn't... That's a downfall for Assassins, for me anyway... I like them for their stats.

I... got Gangrel on my main (Normal) file but I just benched right away lol.

Not to mention, Tricksters look extremely gay to me.

Edited by Shirley
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sweet title spoilers bro

(yeah i know you said spoilers are obvious but some people might not know you can get him at all)

I wasn't sure how to do it in the title.

Why wouldn't you reclass him after level 15? Level 15 nets him Pass, while if you stop at 10, all he'll get is Lethality and 5 levels.

Uh...I didn't really think of that. Besides, it's not like I feel leveling him another 5 levels at the pace he levels-up.

eh, Gangrel wasn't exactly one of my favorites. I'll admit to being a little biased when I say that Gaius or Lon'qu are better-- not to mention the suicidal tendencies had me extremely close to just ending him once and for all in the paralogue =__=''

Not like I bothered training either of them. IIRC, I let them die (Lon'qu died, I must've benched Gaius)

Maybe he doesn't care for Pass as much. I personally wouldn't... That's a downfall for Assassins, for me anyway... I like them for their stats.

I... got Gangrel on my main (Normal) file but I just benched right away lol.

Not to mention, Tricksters look extremely gay to me.

Nah, Pass is pretty good, I just don't think it's that worth it.

thats gay shut up

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lol, well, to each their own~ Pass, Acrobat... they typically aren't worth the slot they take up. Honestly, I don't know what other classes Gangrel has, but you know you aren't gonna be using any of the skills from Assassin or Trickster. I guess that 7 skill might be alright on him, but Lethality really isn't worth the hype it gets. I'd probably throw it on him anyway for a lack of any other skills to put on him xD

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Were either of Gangrel's other classes worth looking at? I never used him so I never remembered them, and yet I know Ricken's other two classes, even though I used him a maximum of twenty times... No Ricken-hate was meant to be spurred up here, sorry if Ricken is one of your favorites, I'm just not terribly fond of him.

Poor Gangrel was just left as a shell of the tyrannical king he once was. I honestly felt bad for our original awakening villain when I saw what had happened to him, sort of like Lyon from sacred stones (yes, I will make an Fe8 reference in every post I make from now on) as soon as I learned the backstory, I felt bad for him, AND his whole damn country.

Of course, the citizens of Grado weren't all cultists who worshipped th glorified Satan of Fe13 (no offense meant to any satanists, my friend is a satanist, I'm not completly narrowminded)

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I used Gangrel mostly for the lulz (and that I like his character). Vengeance + Counter + Lifetaker + Limitbreaker + Lethality + Trickster + Forged Levin Sword = Fun and Streetpass trolling.

As a character I honeslty felt sorry for him and his ending was quite depressing.

Edited by Zelos
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I love Ganny! He's my headcannon husband for my female Avatar. I like everything about him, he's just awesome. Yeah, I sound like a total Gangrel's fangirl, but I can't help it... :>_<:

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Im not a big fan of the Trickster class (outside Lucky Sevens and Acrobat) and Aversa and Gangrel cant support (and they so should) so i dont really use him. I should try using him and seeing what he can do one of these times.

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Im not a big fan of the Trickster class (outside Lucky Sevens and Acrobat) and Aversa and Gangrel cant support (and they so should) so i dont really use him. I should try using him and seeing what he can do one of these times.

To be perfectly honest, I feel like a lot of the Spotpass characters should have had supports too ;;

I was disappointed to see Emm's only support was with the Avatar when her siblings were just right there...!

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To be perfectly honest, I feel like a lot of the Spotpass characters should have had supports too ;;

I was disappointed to see Emm's only support was with the Avatar when her siblings were just right there...!

Yan fel and Sah ri too =*(

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