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Does Galeforce live up to it's hype?

Da Bear

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I personally think it doesn't but I'm wondering what others think...

It's great to be able to move twice in a turn but it just comes too late for me to really think it's "the best skill in the game"

Best part is people on GameFAQs saying it's better than Limit Break for a min/max run...

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People on GameFAQ's are stupid. =____=

it's useful to at least have as an option on characters-- but I rarely ever pull it out.

I mean, sure you get a second turn-- but it's only actually useful in striking first or gaining bonuses from striking first.

In the end, you'd do better to just sit around on enemy phase and wipe out half the map that way. *shrugs*

*btw, we have soooooo many threads about this topic...*

Edited by Raine
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Galeforce is good for finishing maps quicker. That's about it. It doesn't save you from getting wrecked on the enemy's turn like Limit Breaker could. It's useless for streetpass teams because the player is more than likely going to reset if a character dies.

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Hey it was MAtt5TER who started that. He's pretty obvious.

Yes, he is isn't he? He and a couple walk-throughs are the only contact I've had with it and all of them place too much emphasis on finding the 'perfect way to play' when really the game's easy enough that all it really need is basic strategy explanations for those who aren't used to RNG strategy. Which leads back to why Galeforce is a terrible skill... Not only does it consume a skill slot but it doesn't actually affect battle. If you think about it, Galeforce only activates after battle-- and it's conditional on if you kill the unit. If you think of it this way, it's a wasted skill slot because all it does is allow you to deal with more weaker units-- it doesn't give you an edge against the stronger units in the game which becomes vital as you play harder and harder modes.

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It's a cool skill to have if you care about LTC or stuff like that, but otherwise it's kind of overrated. And it takes ages to get for anyone who isn't Sumia or Cordelia, so you have to grind a lot if you want it on every character who can have it, which is sort of... boring. Thank god for that EXP DLC map...

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Galeforce is overrated, but it is fun to whack one weakling then use second turn to heal or move further. And it really helps in defend npc maps, tiki map would have forced me to split the units otherwhise. But there is too few of thoose maps to really count.

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If you think of it this way, it's a wasted skill slot because all it does is allow you to deal with more weaker units-- it doesn't give you an edge against the stronger units in the game which becomes vital as you play harder and harder modes.

To be fair, not all skills need to help your combat to be of use - increased movement can be tremendously useful in many situations, and successfully activating Galeforce essentially doubles it. I just finished my Lunatic run today, and while I got Galeforce pretty late (around chapter 20), it turned out to be invaluable in rushing to the boss in Kill The Boss chapters without having to deal with too many of the overpowered mooks.

The final chapter in particular I wouldn't want to do without either Galeforce or Pass to bypass Grima's bodyguards. I don't think I could realistically survive even a single enemy phase with actual combat on that map.

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It's got really, really strong uses. I find it a godsend on chapters like Grima and Cynthia's recruitment chapter. You can outright skip some larger threats, use it to dive past threats with a large reach, or just take out a pair of key units. Galeforce can completely change how you look at the map; that's really worth a lot.

But as other people have said, it's too much work in the main campaign to get on characters other than Sumia/Cordelia/FeMU. Even in the case of Sumia/Cordelia, They have mediocre combat until tome rank gets up, and you'll likely be dumping any spirit dust you can get on them. The latter isn't really an issue though, competition is far from high.

Edited by LunaSaint
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Terrible skill 0/10 worse than Defender.

It's an overrated skill, but a decent one. It's highly situational, helping occasionally in some points when you just need to move, but it's insanely hard to utilize it ingame and only good postgame.

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It's an overrated skill, but the fact it's gender-locked is the main problem with it. Sons can't get it unless it's passed down. And considering the other female-only skills (Demoiselle? Rally Res? lol).

Other than that, it's a nice skill. Paired-up Galeforcers can run across entire maps.

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It's an overrated skill, but a decent one. It's highly situational, helping occasionally in some points when you just need to move, but it's insanely hard to utilize it ingame and only good postgame.

You could probably say that it's a good skill to have in situations where you can get it to work, but it's not crippling if you don't have it.

All of the gender-locked skills seem pretty situational.

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Its best left for postgame/DLC. Lots of Galeforce in the main campaign is a little impractical if you go out of your way to get it through grinding. Creating a team full of Galeforce will take hours. But if you plan on it for postgame, and going through the main game and your guys end up with it without much work, wooo! More power to ya.

It seems to me that people actually do build Galeforce teams for the main game and go "look at my low turn counts! neener! Galeforce is the shit!"

Its totes cool to build teams around that, and ive done it a few times. But claiming its the best thing ever is lamesauce.

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Galeforce is for Endgame application only, in my opinion. In fact, I really only found it necessary for the most recent DLC (The Future Past series). Otherwise, no. You can make better skill combinations.

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IMO, Galeforce gets a lot of hype simply because when you're passing gender-locked skills down from Avatar (F), Olivia, Lissa, and Maribelle, GF is simply so much better than the others. Of course, it's generally a LOT harder to get.

not that that's ever stopped me - on any of my main files, at least.

Anyways, it's certainly not THE best skill, even excluding Limit Breaker. I personally like Sol a lot.

Edited by Euklyd
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Its best left for postgame/DLC. Lots of Galeforce in the main campaign is a little impractical if you go out of your way to get it through grinding. Creating a team full of Galeforce will take hours. But if you plan on it for postgame, and going through the main game and your guys end up with it without much work, wooo! More power to ya.

It seems to me that people actually do build Galeforce teams for the main game and go "look at my low turn counts! neener! Galeforce is the shit!"

Its totes cool to build teams around that, and ive done it a few times. But claiming its the best thing ever is lamesauce.

Am I supposed to be impressed by the fact that those people grind like gangbusters in order to get a skill that allows them to trivialize chapters as best they can?

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Honestly, nothing could live up to all the hype it gets, but Galeforce is still a great skill simply because it makes every character with it more flexible. It opens up a lot of possibilities, and that's good enough in my book. Just imagine it and FE4 Canto together! :drool:

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I don't think anyone is saying that galeforce isn't a great skill, but many people (me included) think that getting galeforce on every unit who can gets it just takes far more time then its worth. Its great for Cordelia for example, but getting galeforce on Maribelle is time consuming and you will be stuck with a crappy unit until she hits level 15.

I've only grinded Olivia so she could pass on galeforce to Inigo, but even that took more time then I wanted. I myself can't imagine going trough the trouble of doing that for Lissa, Maribelle and other galeforce users as well.

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It can't possibly be overrated with you people underrating it in a new thread every single week. At this point we're in some kind of post-ironic cognitive dissonance state where everyone agrees something is overrated even though nobody is actually rating it highly (which is where it should be rated, because it is in fact one of the best skills).

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