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Does Galeforce live up to it's hype?

Da Bear

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I suppose it can be argued to be overrated in some of the harder DLC maps, where having a strong enemy phase bolstered by skills directly relevant to EP combat can give the player an "easier" time than would having an extra player phase. In the context of the main game, it's feasible to obtain and has no opportunity cost in terms of turn counts; it even saves you money since you won't have to burn as many Rescues.

The problem is not only that people avoid specifying the context in which Galeforce is to be argued, but they also seem to disagree on what criteria should be used to rate skills.

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Am I supposed to be impressed by the fact that those people grind like gangbusters in order to get a skill that allows them to trivialize chapters as best they can?

Umm no? That actually wasnt my point at all. :rolleyes:

And Galeforce may be overhyped but not as much as Sorcs do.

Sorcerers with Galeforce! :P:

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Raine, on 20 May 2013 - 11:22 AM, said:

Except Dual Support + which every back unit should have imo. Such a great skill. So underrated.

I'll take Dual Support+ niche anyday. This with Dual Guard/Strike with critical weapons on your support characters => High Chance Kill on enemy turn.

Dual Support+ is much harder to get, think about leveling cleric, but a +4 increase in support (or izzit +5?) is too awesome, especially when S rank.

Galeforce is said to be overrated when you see half of the post commenting Galeforce is the BEST skill or YOU'RE SCREWED IF YOU DONT HAVE GALEFORCE.

It is a useful skill, and helps to grind for other skills faster when you put Auto in Expgrowth Map.

The thing is Galeforce works After Kill, not Aid Kill. Dual Support+ increase chances in kill, survival and indirectly save weapon usage.

Armsthift, imo, is the BEST SKILL, if galeforce is put in as same context. Legendary weapons are much more fun than brave weapons.

Brave weapons are strong but BORING.

Luna spear means you can have lancefaire and when power is not enough, you can replace armsthrift if you don't mind losing the weapon.

Edited by SirSalute
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It seems like Galeforce has split the community into sides: the people who are talented at the game, and the jealous others.

a lot of things make it painfully obvious that the majority of the community doesn't give a whit about how a handful of players are really good at fire emblem

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I havent played this game, but I can clearly see that Galeforce is a really good skill. Especially if you actually strategize and attempt to low turn.

It is good for speedy playthrough when the enemies are weak enough to chain galeforce.

In lunatic, you will need armsthrift more to save your weapons/money then to galeforce the whole map of enemies.

20characters x 2move = 40 which is < 50 total amount of enemies.

That is if you can reach them in 1 turn, while on other hand, you have 1 more skill for economic or defense to survive during enemy turn while don't even need to 'plan' on who to kill.

The latter approach is more effective to me. To keep up with galeforce effectiveness, you need to forge weapons which wears out quickly, while killing enemies during non-player turns usually plays with dispensable or indestructible weapons. The best part, you won't screw up. RNG and suicidal counter enemies also exist even if you opt to take galeforce.

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It's a tough call... I get galeforce on every opportunity, but only use it to make grinding go a little faster. When it comes to streetpass teams, galeforce and armsthrift are the first skills I replace with other skills.

Worth all the hype? Not unless grinding is THAT boring for you, although, personal opinion here; galeforce dark knight Brady is really strong, my son-in-law knows what he's doing

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