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What kind of character would you like the next new lord to be?

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A girl. The only female lord to arguably get her own full game is Eirika, but you can still choose to have Ephraim take the reigns. Lyn had a short little part and was irrelevant after and Micaiah got completely overshadowed by Ike. I don't know about Celica but I'm pretty sure she's not a full-game protagonist.

But, well, it is a Nintendo series not named "Metroid."

I think a lord like Jill in FE9 would be cool, though. Has strong beliefs in what s/he is fighting for, but certain events make him/her think otherwise and s/he has to choose between older and newer comrades.

This. I'm tired of female lords always having a male counterpart, instead of standing on their own (and no, Celica isn't a full-game protagonist, unfortunately; half of the game you play as Alm, and you actually start the game playing as him).

A female lord would be great, but please don't give her a dumb fanservice design (like the ones found in Awakening).

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I'd REALLY love a delicate, skinny, and pretty male Lord who specializes exclusively in magic. Let's break those stupid stereotypes already.

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I want a male magelord who believes in uniting the world into a totalitarian government for 'peace' where the 'strong' are forced to protect the 'weak'. And a female axelord who opposes his ideals and seek to spread anarchy where the 'strong' are meant to climb to the top from the bodies of the 'weak'. There will be no middle ground and you can only play through one of their paths, which ends in the utter merciless annihilation of the other.

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I want a male magelord who believes in uniting the world into a totalitarian government for 'peace' where the 'strong' are forced to protect the 'weak'. And a female axelord who opposes his ideals and seek to spread anarchy where the 'strong' are meant to climb to the top from the bodies of the 'weak'. There will be no middle ground and you can only play through one of their paths, which ends in the utter merciless annihilation of the other.

That's actually a pretty interesting concept.

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I want a male magelord who believes in uniting the world into a totalitarian government for 'peace' where the 'strong' are forced to protect the 'weak'. And a female axelord who opposes his ideals and seek to spread anarchy where the 'strong' are meant to climb to the top from the bodies of the 'weak'. There will be no middle ground and you can only play through one of their paths, which ends in the utter merciless annihilation of the other.

But who is the non-human final boss/human final boss with ties to non-human being or creature?

Edited by The Void
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But who is the non-human final boss/human final boss with ties to non-human being or creature?

Erm, both draw powers from cosmic entities. or in good ol' fire emblem spirit, Dragons. Mage can get from some ice dragon while axe user calls upon the might of a fire dragon. So when you get to the end fight, you either face a powerful Ice or Fire dragon after taking down their pawn/champion/representative.

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A female lord who has a different body type than your standard slim. Muscle or fat, I don't care. Just something different.

That's not happening ever.

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A hero like Leif wouldbe food, but I want a character like August to accompany him. He really was a great character.

I would be interrested by a Merchant Lord. Someone who is phisically weak, but pretty smart, and thinks only of his own profit. Pretty coward and whinyas well.

He will be forced on the conflict and latter will learn the value of courage and friendship eventually.

Or, a true pacifist Staff-wieldig Lord. S/he will try to protect others at all costand refuses to harm others. The tactician, and good character, but who really stay close to his principle. S/he even can stay Staff-locked, but learns Bride-class style Skill;

S/he can even team with the merchant lord for a more interresting dynamique. Merchant will be forced to fight and question his conviction to protect her.

Or, maybe not as a Lord,a trickster tactician. Not necessary the class, but a charcater who is pacifist.

S/he wants to avoid blood and killing others, but doesn't hesitate to manipulate others and lie to them.

It's a twist on the hero who have to confront his/her ideals to defend his cause.his/

So, it's a character who is Gender Savvy and will really save the world by using underhandled tactics. S/he won't be on the spotlights, but everyone who saws her acting will have to accept that s/he saved the day.

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I'll agree with female lord, who is the primary lord throughout the entire game. I'd like her to wield bows upon promotion as well. Her personality should be that of an independent, strong-willed, but perhaps naive and hotheaded noble. Swords or Axes as primary weapon, mounted on promote.

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A female lord would be great, but please don't give her a dumb fanservice design (like the ones found in Awakening).

A female lord who has a different body type than your standard slim. Muscle or fat, I don't care. Just something different.

While I understand and side with these concerns, considering their target audience, if they felt they needed to make her a bit more "sexy" to ensure sales I would be okay with that as long as they don't go overboard and she's still a well-written character. As unfortunate and potentially insulting as it is, the logic is there.

A buff, axe-wielding female lord would be pretty awesome, though.

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I would like something like the relation towards Alm and Celica expanded. Basically, Alm is in the spotlight and do all the cool stuffs, but he have no idea of what the conflict is all about, and do at least one really big mistake. Cellica is here for supports, and is the only reason why Alm succeed.

...I really wants a FE2 Remake...

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That's not happening ever.

Well, not officially, but if I ever get off my lazy butt and actually make a hack/fangame/whatever it will certainly happen.

Pudgy thief girl "lord" who spoils herself and her partners in crime with their earnings. (And also it would mean no "Killing all these people is one thing, but taking their stuff? We have morals, Shinon")

While this theoretical protagonist is a thief, she's not really all that morally-ambiguous, for the most part. She'd certainly be a combat pragmatist, and would lead her troups accordingly, but it wouldn't be to the extent of monstrous acts for the sake of victory. (At least, not 95% of the time)

My idea was that the first few chapters would have her and her merry band going about their roguish business before getting caught by the local guard force. Perhaps with the same manipulative tactics she uses to aid in her thefts, the protagonist convinces the guard forces to let her work off her crimes instead of being locked up, so she's conscripted to fight with them. After reports of a seemingly-minor skirmish turn out to be something more, an unexpected chain of events leads to her and her troup trapped far from home, in hostile territory, with rumors of the main force's safety being none-too-reassuring. This fear, doubt and unease would lead to conflicts of interest and even leadership amongst the group, something they can ill afford given their current situation...

Of course, this would likely just be the first arc, but it's a start.

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While I understand and side with these concerns, considering their target audience, if they felt they needed to make her a bit more "sexy" to ensure sales I would be okay with that as long as they don't go overboard and she's still a well-written character. As unfortunate and potentially insulting as it is, the logic is there.

A buff, axe-wielding female lord would be pretty awesome, though.

I mean, there's nothing wrong with making her cute or whatever (actually, a non conventionally pretty female as a main character would be great, but let's be realistic here...). Something like Eirika's design is fine: it looks cute/attractive while not being ridiculous. But I'd rather not have any more battle panties and thigh high boots on horseback units.

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I'd REALLY love a delicate, skinny, and pretty male Lord who specializes exclusively in magic. Let's break those stupid stereotypes already.

And expanding on this, perhaps they have an older brother who's a more typical lord and is loved by everyone while our protagonist is looked down upon for being a bit of a weed. Then the brother dies and suddenly the quiet bookish prince has to step into the hero role.

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It's more that I'm just really bored with pretty much one-build everyone 5 con female lord. Hell, I'll be happy if they just made her taller (like model tall or sth) but kept her "conventionally attractive". It's just dudes get at least some variation (I'd be pretty down if a male lord's built like Brom too, though) like there's a big difference between Eliwood and Hector but between female lords the variations are pretty much minimal. It's just women have a wide variety of bodies and all the female lords being so similar in build is boring, not there's anything wrong with the "conventionally attractive" builds inherently.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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+1 in favor of protagonists of unconventional build here, female or otherwise

[also +1 in favor of motion that "unconventional" and "attractive" are far from necessarily opposite]

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+1 in favor of protagonists of unconventional build here, female or otherwise

[also +1 in favor of motion that "unconventional" and "attractive" are far from necessarily opposite]


I'd love another female lord, really. I'm a bit too new to the series to actually give a decent summary of the lords so far, but a lord whose morality falls more on the chaotic axis than straight lawful/neutral good would be fantastic.

If my muse wasn't half-dead due to me being tired, I'd make an example.

EDIT: Oh you know what? I did make an example. It's somewhere in this forum, I'll find it.

And agreed on the no-more-swordsman rule. Swords are cool, but not THAT cool. Axes need their fair share of representation, and while Hector does a swell job, it's time we added another.

Edited by Vashiane
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Granted I'm not a fan of mounted units, but wouldn't it be cool if the next lord promoted into something like FE4's master knight class?

Ooh, yes. Mounted lords for the win.

If we do get a male lord though, and he does get mounted, I would have no complaints if said lord were riding a griffon.

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I'd like a hero like Gulcasa from Yggdra Union (an exquisite weapon would also be nice). Basically, a mixture of Leaf becomming a morally ambiguous Trabant by endgame.

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