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So Xbox 'One' reveal


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I have nothing good to say about this. It's a tivo that plays games, and nothing else. The big reveals were FIFA, Racing games, Halo, and CoD. Oh, and this juicy bit.


I'm certainly not buying one. PS4 was hugely unimpressive but they are far superior to the X1 in this console war. And WiiU is still the like, best as far as feeling 'next gen'? At least they have a nifty controller that is fun to use, more than I can say for the other guys.

Dunno, but this may be the worst console war ever.


So I didn't snap a pic of it but this is what it looks like.


I like the look, actually. Now it doesn't look like a gigantic black box or a neon white box, but a smooth addition to an entertainment center. The controller looks good, until I actually touched one I couldn't give an opinion, but the turnoff is that the entire conference focused on its TV capabilities while largely ignoring it's uses as a gaming machine, that's what disappointed me most.

Also microsoft's stock dropped after the reveal and sony jumped by 8% while nintendo rose by 2% as well. Very telling numbers.

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It won't surprise me if this is the best selling console next gen because of how it's going to be marketed, but this system feels like it is for people I wouldn't even call gamers, let alone casual gamers. It's just bad.

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I'm not a Xbox person, so I've got no real comments.

However, I do find the name "Xbox One" (assuming it's the final name) really funny. I bet it's going to be hella confusing too when you talk about it and the original Xbox together or...

"So I just got a Xbox One"

"Which one? The first one or the new one?"

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Maybe since it's not even a game console anymore but a gigantic tv playing beast the Xbox One title is a way of rebranding it as a retry. Still, it makes me want microsoft to go out of business. Steve Jobs dies and instead of seizing the opportunity the spit out window 8 *barf* and this shitty pseudo-console? It's almost as bad as nintendo's PR issue with the LP'ers or Sony's not even revealing their console.

I seriously don't know what the fuck is going on with the newest gen.

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They notice they have a hard time competing with smartphones, indie gaming, et al., so instead of going back to their roots of actually playing games they go towards a more home media variant. Home consoles as we know it are dying as they try to be oversized smartphones able to do just about everything.

Not being able to play "used games", which also includes bringing a game over to a friend, is a rather questionable decision that's going to bring them way less money by not selling consoles over the small 10$ fees.

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Like I've said in my skype groups, at least nintendo has big hitters that always come in the first year, like SSB and Zelda. I didn't see one damn interesting exclusive for Xbox at all, and the PS4 had one that really grabbed me, Watchdogs, but then I learned the freakin' WiiU is getting that game anyway. Why even show off a game if it's not exclusive? 0/10.

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Anybody else missing cartridges yet

the point Mason what's the point

the games Microsoft where are the games

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The eighth generation will not be known as a console war.

No, it will be known as a console whimper, as all three companies plea for attention after all they've done wrong.

Get ready for the most biased unworthy read of your life. This article is the epitomy of a microsoft fanboy.


fox news

i knew you were bad

but seriously pfffthahahaha

looks like an obsidian Ninento Wii

who is ninento

More details on the XBox One will be forthcoming

also i am irrationally bothered by the fact that they camelcase here and nowhere else

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I literally have very little interest in this console. The games announced don't interest me at all. It seems that it's a entertainment system that just 'happens' to play games, rather than a gaming console that just 'happens' to have other entertainment features attached to it.

Pretty disappointing in my opinion. Plus I believe that Final Fantasy is becoming a PlayStation exclusive again, so PS4 is pretty much sold for me already! :D

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I literally have very little interest in this console. The games announced don't interest me at all. It seems that it's a entertainment system that just 'happens' to play games, rather than a gaming console that just 'happens' to have other entertainment features attached to it.

Pretty disappointing in my opinion. Plus I believe that Final Fantasy is becoming a PlayStation exclusive again, so PS4 is pretty much sold for me already! :D

Wasn't Final Fantasy mostly on Nintendo consoles at one point?

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[2:35:41 PM] B. Archer: According to screencapped Tweets on /v/, the clapping was not coming from the audience

[2:36:00 PM] Archiblad: They prerecorded that shit?

[2:36:03 PM] B. Archer: Yep

[2:36:17 PM] Archiblad: I thought they sounded a little too hyped at certain points...

[2:36:17 PM] B. Archer: I listened again

[2:36:26 PM] B. Archer: It was the exact same canned clapping every time something happened

[2:36:30 PM] Archiblad: How awkward it must be to be an audience member and listen to prerecorded clapping

[2:36:41 PM] Archiblad: Why did nobody in the room report this?

[2:36:57 PM] B. Archer: They did. Adam Sessler was one of the tweeters

[2:37:19 PM] B. Archer: https://twitter.com/AdamSessler/status/336901672662077443

This is so bad, it's almost not hilarious. Almost.

Sports, tv, fantasy sports, racing, Halo on tv, more fantasy sports, and, of course, guns. It's moments like today that make me a happy Wii U early adopter. Hopefully they'll price drop 3DS-style and give me some free shit. Goodbye, M$. If I ever have need of another console, I'll be picking up a PS4.

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"Guys, guys, check it. You know how the 360 had like the highest failure rate of any console in modern history?"

"Duh. It cost us millions! We're still getting shit over it! What about it?"

"Okay, get this. For the new console. Let's not --listen guys, this is great-- let's not include any backwards compatibility."



Another day in the Microsoft offices.

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And then that man was promoted and Nintendo hired him for a second job as their PR agent. He then declared let's plays on youtube as nintendo owned. The rest is history.

Okay, that LP thing is overblown as all hell. They're targeting people who are monetizing their products. I mean sure they could let it go, but it's not unfair for them to do so. Believe it or not, you don't have the right to make money LPing a game. As much as this makes the YouTubers bitch and moan, it's just reality. I haven't heard of anybody who isn't in a partnership being targeted. It's simply stopping people from making money off of Nintendo's property; the only "content" these people produce is their voice talking over a video game (video games that they don't have the right to make money off of).

But that's off-topic. Oops.

Microsoft sucks. There, we're back on topic.

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Okay, that LP thing is overblown as all hell. They're targeting people who are monetizing their products. I mean sure they could let it go, but it's not unfair for them to do so. Believe it or not, you don't have the right to make money LPing a game.

Why shouldn't you?

As much as this makes the YouTubers bitch and moan, it's just reality. I haven't heard of anybody who isn't in a partnership being targeted. It's simply stopping people from making money off of Nintendo's property; the only "content" these people produce is their voice talking over a video game (video games that they don't have the right to make money off of).

One of the most important and first lessons to learn in businesses is that just because something is legal doesn't mean it's ethical. Or in this case, just because a company has the right to do something doesn't mean they should do it.

And then that man was promoted and Nintendo hired him for a second job as their PR agent. He then declared let's plays on youtube as nintendo owned. The rest is history.

There will come a day when John Rigatoni reveals that he's masqueraded as top videogame officials since the beginning and all of this was his master plan. His resignation earlier this year was only used to give himself cover.
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