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How Many Warning Points Do You Have?

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I personally have 0. I've always been curious as to how many the regular SFer has, and how many it takes to get banned.

Also, if we're not supposed to share info like this, feel free to close this thread. I didn't see any rules against sharing how many warning points you have, but it might be one of those implied and assumed rules. I'm not sure which one it is.

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Nobody has seen fit to warn me for a single thing over a span of five years now. I'm a bit peeved I never even got one when I literally asked for it

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I don't have any, although a certain someone saw fit to give me two verbal warnings. One of them wasn't even a serious warning. -_-

Edited by Hyde
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Nobody has seen fit to warn me for a single thing over a span of five years now. I'm a bit peeved I never even got one when I literally asked for it

Post a link to a certain shock site involving old men and genetalia. Then after 5 weeks if someone randomly spots it you can have your wish.

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I've only had my warn bar added to twice, but once was for a self requested suspension. Currently I have 0 warn.

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I got banned at four points. I had gotten up to six at once prior to that. I have eight right now. I had nine when unbanned because they do that for some reason and then the fruit took away my wonderful novelty of being permanently one warning away from ban as a christmas gift a couple years ago because she's a demon or something I don't know.

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I find this hard to believe.

Is this really an appropriate topic (even for FFtF)?

I'm not really sure either. Either way, I invited any mod to close it in my opening post, just in case it is inappropriate.

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I don't have any warning points but I just had fun going back and reading the posts that led to me getting warns

It's cool because I don't remember typing any of them so it's like some other insanely handsome guy wrote something I would

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Post a link to a certain shock site involving old men and genetalia. Then after 5 weeks if someone randomly spots it you can have your wish.

Thanks for the suggestion but I think I prefer "rebel with a cause" to "rebel without"

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