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Your Top 5 Galeforce Users

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It's come to my attention that a topic of this sort was badly overdue, so here it is. Now I understand some of you guys may be conflicted what with the whole galeforce fiasco going on, but please try to keep it out of this thread. This is merely a forum of discussion in which you can give your opinions on who are the best of the best characters in Galeforcening.

5) Lissa

Haha you wish, good luck trying to get galeforce on anyone besides the next 4.

4) Cynthia

Cynthia's pretty bro. She'll likely have high stats when she joins in every playthrough (lol@not using Sumia), and is automatically able to promote to dark flier, if for some odd reason you don't have galeforce on Sumia yet. She's basically Sumia 2.0, just comes late

3) Female Avatar

Is 100% of the time getting second seal and going pegasus knight, and with her incredibly fast exp gains, she'll hit galeforce in no time. She even has great magic to use the normally pointless tomes that dark fliers get.

2) Cordelia

Unlike a certain other peg, she actually has inherent strength. She's not far off from promotion either, making it easier for her to get galeforce. Her being my waifu puts her above Avatar for me.

1) Sumia

She has low strength, but tonics/pair ups/being my second waifu means that this is insignificant. She'll be getting galeforce pretty soon after Avatar, but since she'll always be glued to Frederick, she'll have a better start. Absolutely wonderful.

So, who are you guys' top 5 galeforce users?

Edited by Constable Galeforce
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Going by both my support library files

1) FeMU

2) MMorgan

3) my other FeMU from my other file Owain

4) Kjelle

5) Lucina

Honorable mention to my other FeMU from that other file that I had on my friend's 3ds before I even got a 3ds

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If you pair them with certain fathers, yes. I have Kjelle with Donnel as a dad in my Male MU file so she got Peg through converting Villager into Peg.

IIRC Donnel and Gaius passes Peg, as does Male MU but he passes p much everything anyway.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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5. Brady. He deserves awesomeness (which reminds me, I should pair Maribelle with Virion for the super-mobile version of this).

4. Mariabelle. She is surprisingly effective as a Dark Flier (the hard part is getting her weaned off of the E-rank tomes)

3. Owain. Kill something as a War Monk, then reposition to Rescue someone else.

2. Severa. Much as I despise her character, she can destroy things with magic, then move up, equip Nosferatu, and never die.

1. MU/Morgan (depending on gender). I have yet to be disappointed.

Honorable Mention: Inigo. It's almost not worth the time, until he dodges everything and shanks the offenders.

(I grind unapologetically)

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(which reminds me, I should pair Maribelle with Virion for the super-mobile version of this).

's why I like Kjelleforce

Comes with Deliverer and Pass already in her skill packet

Slap on galeforce and just skip everyone 11 mov edition if you pair her with one of those +mov dudes

Edited by Thor Odinson
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's why I like Kjelleforce

Comes with Deliverer and Pass already in her skill packet

Slap on galeforce and just skip everyone 11 mov edition if you pair her with one of those +mov dudes

Erm. Super-mobile complete with Bowbreaker. :P:

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I find tomebreaker more useful generally but maybe that's because I run super tanky units who take minimal damage to bows while flying

Everyone way too much defense to care about bows but nobody has res :P

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Sumia - Because if Sumia get 12 MAG by Promotion, she become pretty godlike. Although im biased because I did not use MU in my run

FE-M - Reclass > 10/15 > Promote > Godmode

Cordelia - Worse than Sumia in this regard, because of alvaliability

Cynthia/Morgan - Inherits from Sumia or MU and can be recruited in a reasonable timespan because the latter has lolparalogue while the former's paralogue might be able to do at around 14 - 15

Edited by JSND
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Sumia and Cynthia were the only ones I needed. Although it's kind of hilarious having Maribelle hold her own and set enemies ablaze.

Edited by The Big Kazam
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5. Lucina

4. Owain

3. Severa

2. Inigo

1. Morgan/Female Avatar

But I usually use Inigo paired with Severa with Inigo as 1st and 3rd main while Severa 2nd as main.

The couple swept the map clean.

Edited by Fairlee
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1. Cynthia

2. Cynthia

3. Cynthia

4. Cynthia

5. Cynthia

I think you forgot to mention Cynthia in your list, Zeem.


But anyway... top FIVE only? Unfair. So here's my list, I guess. I'll make some as guesses because I haven't recruited them on my Hard file yet.

1. Male Morgan (and Rightful King!)

2. Female Avatar

3. Cynthia

4. Olivia

5. Sumia

WHY FIVE. Oh, hey, I just noticed every one of them are females except Morgan.

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But anyway... top FIVE only? Unfair. So here's my list, I guess. I'll make some as guesses because I haven't recruited them on my Hard file yet.

1. Male Morgan (and Rightful King!)

2. Female Avatar

3. Cynthia

4. Olivia

5. Sumia

WHY FIVE. Oh, hey, I just noticed every one of them are females except Morgan.

At least you guys still uses a first gen characters.

after getting all the children, I pretty much bench their parents.

Other than MU + spouse and Chrom + (not always) Olivia (cause he's needed in most map)

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At least you guys still uses a first gen characters.

after getting all the children, I pretty much bench their parents.

Other than MU + spouse and Chrom + (not always) Olivia (cause he's needed in most map)

lmao, I used to do the same too. XD With those exceptions. But I think you meant to put the parentheses before Olivia's name. Sumia changed because she's still pretty awesome for me... I also haven't gotten as many children as I should on Hard mode.

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5) Severa


4) Aversa

Lifetaker/Galeforce makes her practically immortal. Seriously. I love that combo.

3) Emmeryn

Her godly magic (and added tomefaire) makes her my best magic unit, and will be my powerful bride when she's finished her training. How could I not add my waifu?

2) Cynthia

This Falcon Knight with lancefaire, Luna, and deliverer when paired with her dad, frederick, makes clearing defeat commander battles as simple as 1,2,3(turns (at most)<- is that grammatically correct?

1) Lucina

As Maribelles child Dark Knight or Flier was the way to go. I tested her as a dark knight, but gave it up after she got lifetaker to be a Dark Flier, since I didnt really like how she looked, the dark flier armor is really appealing IMO, and I could just give parallel falchion to King Marth (I use him paired with a Bride Caeda cuz that's obviously the only way to play with Marth.)

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1. Morgan (shouldn't be included, feels like cheating)

2. Owain

3. Brady

4. Nah (Like Morgan, and with +mov skills = far coverage)

5. Aversa (Shadowgift and Anathemex)

6. Emmeryn

7. Inigo (Because my current don't have galeforce, Aether + GF sounds good on paper though)

Sage, Shadowgift, Hit Rate+20, Galeforce, Prescience, Focus, Mire, Rescue feel so complete for me.

Rescue someone with Bonds and heal up the rest.

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