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Snes vs Gba FE


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Don't you think GBA emblem are worse SNES?

SNES's have much better graphics, great soundtracks in better synth and better gameplay - immediate fixed supports > slow building pointless supports that makes character more fleshed out but are a pain in the ass.

About Gamecubes ones... POR and RD are like Thracia 776 withouth the bullshit, me thinks.

FE11 and FE12 are: the first very pale, the second harsh if you go for LTC on Maniac/Lunatic withouth arena abuse or rng abuse for misses.

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GBA has it's charm, and so does the SNES.

Of course, the only problem is that some people don't get any attraction to the snes ones due to the screwy balance.

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GBA has it's charm, and so does the SNES.

Of course, the only problem is that some people don't get any attraction to the snes ones due to the screwy balance.

Thracia 776 it's the most balanced FE ever, cause of caps, scrolls and challenge. It makes you think and preventive.

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Meanwhile, FE4 has the worst story pacing in the series and FE5 is horribly inconsistent with FE4 especially with the personalities of the characters.

Both have their good points and their bad points. Personally, I prefer the GBA games but it's all opinion since I like FE4 too.

LOL @ FE5 being the 'most' balanced.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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It's also among the easiest to break.

fe5 is really tedious at times.

fe4 is kind of a hit or miss game.

fe3 is fe1 with +5 statboosting items and +30% growth spheres.

Edited by Aquaman
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Fe5 thracia 776 it's easy to break but to play it at full it's necessary to get all characters.
Chapte 18 says hi!
What I like about Thracia 776 it's the buttload of weapons and items, skill and skill books that make your character even more unique.
I like, for example, to give dagda a short bow that will break immidealy so he can use it on an enemy and get D or C in bows before chapter 8x and then abuse some more and get a B so I have a bow user with massive Hp that can use Brave Bow.

Or Sara... Sara really was supposed to be flashed out much more as a character... hence it's necessary a new-gen HD 2D remake
of Thracia 776 with old school mode (Thracia 776 with SNES gameplay but flashed out characters) and we school (normal-like modality)

Also Eyveros... Eyveros with wrath + duel + innate prayer + innate solar = fuck you Olwen and fuck 0 pcc.

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Fe5 thracia 776 it's easy to break but to play it at full it's necessary to get all characters.

Chapte 18 says hi!

What I like about Thracia 776 it's the buttload of weapons and items, skill and skill books that make your character even more unique.

I like, for example, to give dagda a short bow that will break immidealy so he can use it on an enemy and get D or C in bows before chapter 8x and then abuse some more and get a B so I have a bow user with massive Hp that can use Brave Bow.

Or Sara... Sara really was supposed to be flashed out much more as a character... hence it's necessary a new-gen HD 2D remake

of Thracia 776 with old school mode (Thracia 776 with SNES gameplay but flashed out characters) and we school (normal-like modality)

Also Eyveros... Eyveros with wrath + duel + innate prayer + innate solar = fuck you Olwen and fuck 0 pcc.

Gba games - even POR or RD - are not as deep. Still, RD is really similiar to thracia 776, and I consider it a spiritual successor that, unfortunately, relies on stats instead of difficult situations.

Example: why to put me in front of - in hard mode of RD - a general with near capped speed? What is the point of that? Where is class diversity? Why not to give the general a very powerful weapon against a type of unit - so you beware that - instead of making him Oswin with staboots?

Edited by edza90
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My thought on the SNES era

FE3 - The story is..... hurt. Gameplay wise, lol 110% STR Kain

FE4 - Pacing, and gen 2 story. Gameplay is pretty unique

FE5 - One of my Favorite game, but inconsistency and whatnot

GBA era

FE6 - What flaws? It has Marcus and Zealot

FE7 - What flaws? it has Marcus and Ranked

FE8 - Lol

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SNES fe's generaly have more gameplay mechanics but the GBA FE's are better executed as a whole for the most part. I still like the SNES FE's sans FE3 better as a whole though.

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They both have their own appeals for me. I find SNES FE more engrossing and interesting gameplay wise (well, except FE3, which is like the GBA FE games but with all of these wierd quirks that make me mad), but the GBA games are far more easy to pick up and play.

So easy, in fact, that I've played them too much (except FE6) and burnt myself out on them. So I guess I still prefer SNES FE in the end.

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Neither of the consoles have galeforce, so they're automatically bad.

But if I had to choose between snes and gba, I'd choose snes. Ge5 is simply a masterpiece (in non galeforce terms, anyway), and Ge4 is excellent in its own right. The gba ones, while extremely solid (except lolge*6), don't do much to wow you.


Edited by Constable Galeforce
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Never played FE3, but I have played FE12, though that's not for SNES. Oh well, it's pretty much more or less the same game. I liked it a lot, though I'm not a fan on how 85% of the cast of FE12 is unusable in higher difficulties.

FE4 is among my favorite FEs, and it's actually pretty easy to break (Seliph promoting in Chapter 7, for starters). Also it has Patty. The game, though, is horribly unbalanced with foot units and mounted units, and the characters pretty much lack development. Barhara and Yied Massacres were well-done, though.

I can see why everyone likes FE5, and I like it somewhat, but I'm just not too big of a fan of it. The game has a good story, and Leif is one of the most well-done characters in the franchise, but going through it in the midgame, it feels to me to be a bit of a chore to play. I dunno, I just got a bit bored of it. I'll beat it one day, though.

FE6 has Tate, but that's not gonna save it from being my least favorite FE. The HM is great, but the game is even MORE of a chore to play to me than FE5. The hitrates piss me off, and it's overall...not that enjoyable compared to other FEs.

FE7 is awesome. If it had a postgame, it'd be 10/10 to me. I liked a lot of the characters, and the music was pretty great (Distant Travels especially). The gameplay is addictive, and it's pretty balanced. Enemies have terrible SPD, though.

FE8 to me is a shorter, less difficult FE7 with a postgame, a world map, better characters, and better music. If only the game was longer and had a Lunatic mode, or something. :/

I'm going with the GBA FEs here.


Best SNES FE character, though. Can't get better than that.

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Snes is my favorite Fire Emblem era, as it has a classic fire emblem experience, a one of a kind fire emblem experience, and a hard as rock Fire Emblem experience.

FE3 has a lot of charm, great, simple gameplay, ok graphics and story, and catchy as HELL music.

FE4 has good graphics, great gameplay(IMO) and great mechanics. It's my second favorite Fire Emblem game, and it also has a great story and of course, kick-ass music.

FE5 is eh for me, I liked it on my first playthrough, but it's a chore for me to play it now. I like the early chapters but when I go farther and farther into the game, I just grow more and more bored.

The GBA ones are my least favorite ones(sans NES never played those), I think they are all good games, but I can't find myself replaying them now. I just grow bored fast out of them. I might replay them again in the near future to see how they stand for me then, but now I can't.

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FE5 is the one with most mechanics sans FE12-13, so I think that really is the choise for old-school fe. Plus, if you know what you do, it's very rewarding and has great map animations as well and hidden mechanics. What kills it it's unproper character development because of lack of memory in the cartridge.

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