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On Mila and Doma.

The Void

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Well I looked at Doma again and saw how he looked like a undead dragon.

So, would it be a stretch for Mila and Doma to be members of the dragonkin? The Falchion in Gaiden is tied to Doma, which could be like how the Falchion in the Akaneia/Ylisse games is tied to Naga.

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I think Duma (which is the official localized name from FE13, for reference) is probably of some relation to the dragonkin, although, as he kind of looked like... a lime green cycloptic slime-dragon to me, it's not really clear exactly what kind of dragon he is, although he's likely as not his own sort of creature, being a god and all.

Mila, on the other hand, is never shown, although considering she and Duma are siblings, it wouldn't be a stretch to say she's also a dragon of some sort, although she's probably significantly prettier and less... odd-looking, than Duma.

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Part of me asking about Doma and Mila is that the other Kaga games that featured non-humans who weren't tamed creatures like wyverns or wild animals all had the beings of worship either as dragons, drawing power from a dragon, descended from a dragon, or otherwise tied to a dragon. Mila and Doma weren't flat out said to be part of the dragonkin, so they stick out compared to Loptyr, Naga, etc.

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Part of me asking about Doma and Mila is that the other Kaga games that featured non-humans who weren't tamed creatures like wyverns or wild animals all had the beings of worship either as dragons, drawing power from a dragon, descended from a dragon, or otherwise tied to a dragon. Mila and Doma weren't flat out said to be part of the dragonkin, so they stick out compared to Loptyr, Naga, etc.

That makes me asks a lot of questions about the Demon King in FE8.

They are some kind of gods, or godlike creature, so dragons doesn't seems to far fetched....

I always thiught that he and Mila had some kind of human form as well...

Weren't they supposed to be siblings ?

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Yes, they are siblings.

I never really got the impression that Mila and Duma were ment to be dragons. I always just sort of filed that idea under "fanon ment to better mesh Gaiden with the cosmology of the other games".

With that said, not all the gods in FE are dragons. Aside from the obvious like Ashera, Yune, and such, I recall the developers notes note that magic is actually drawing power from minor nature deities, and I think the old version of the official FE site mentions a sky god named Yudu. But that is all backstory stuff not mentioned in the games themselves...

Also, Mila and Duma appear in human form at the end of the manga, if that helps anyway.

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Ashera and Yuna were in the post-Kaga FE games though.

As for those deities, from reading the design notes it comes across as people in Akaneia believing in deities that were actually sources to get the types of magic from. And those sources were deified.

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Ashera and Yuna were in the post-Kaga FE games though.

As for those deities, from reading the design notes it comes across as people in Akaneia believing in deities that were actually sources to get the types of magic from. And those sources were deified.

I know, but I was pretty sure someone was going to bring them up.

And I read the opposite from the designer notes. Gotoh took the preexisting nature gods and taught humanity how to harness their power, as they couldn't use the equivelent technology that the dragon clan used.

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Considering the wing-like upper limbs and Reptilian-esque head shape, it's not that far off, I could see the connection at first too. Though, seeing that it emerged from a pile of green slime with no sign of scales and some tissue that I can't discern if muscles or supporting tentacles, if that is even a thing, I dismissed that too.

It's hard to classify whatever that is behind the visible body as a tail or anything draconesque, either. I like to think Duma and Mila aren't related to the dragons. With that in mind, some background on them would definitively be interesting, should that ever occur.

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We know Fae is a Dragon because of her human form, an extremely small child, which is how most playable manaketes are.

Not to mention she's holding a Dragonstone.

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Duma's resemblance to a reptile of some description is pretty hard to see in just static screenshots, since his head kind of blends in with everything else to form a bizarre facade of eldritch i-don't-even-know, but it's significantly easier to make sense out of his form when one actually sees him moving when he enters a battle:


the way i see it, the dragon resemblance is definitely there in his "upper" body, but there's more to him than just that. i could be wrong here, but of all things i'm actually seeing a bit of snail in his "lower body", though that could just be a coiled serpentine trunk

alternatively Duma is just the FE series' Rorschach inkblot test for fandom theories

yeah let's go with that

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