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Why can't paladins have cooler skills

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They are already the best class for almost 12 game straight and is still one of the best class here, especially considering that manly +2 STR, +2 SKL, +2 SPD, and +2 DEF Pair Up Bonus

And their class tree involves getting Great Knight with Luna and Dual Guard+, the best(or second best) Offensive Procs in the game, and the second best support skill in the game, which means having Cavalier in your base class sets is an equivalent of hitting a jackpot

Tell me how that is not good. Anything more seems overkill, to be honest

FE10 featured paladins having lower caps and often taking move restrictions. They definitely weren't the best there.

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Almost impllied majority of the time

Which is maybe FE1, FE4, FE6, FE7, FE8

5/13 >_>

Good enough

*I never played 9 and 10, and 2 doesn't exist :Kappa:

Paladins were godlike in FE9, literally every single one was above average (maybe not Geoffrey, loljointime)

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If Paladins get Sol, Generals should get Luna instead. Just sayin'.

Heroes get Impale while GKs get Parity.

I would have like paladin with Sol and Aegis, and Great Knight with Luna and Pavise. It always really confusesn me that it isn't the case (+Hero with Defender and General with Dual guard + sorta makes sense to me...)

Almost impllied majority of the time

Which is maybe FE1, FE4, FE6, FE7, FE8

5/13 >_>

Good enough

*I never played 9 and 10, and 2 doesn't exist :Kappa:

In FE2 Mathilda is a goddess, and Zeke is pretty awesome too (Dat Spd Growth !), Mycen is garbage, and Clive have extemely high chance to get screwed (like the vast majority of the cast). They have pretty decent stats and move range as an ennemies (well, I also count GoldKnight as Paladin here...). Bow Knights obviously beats them in every aspects, but they are still one of the best classes and have access to the best non-Bow weapons.

Also, FE3 have Sirius...

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That would make Cavalier the most broken tree in the game. I like what they did because it FORCES second seals into other classes instead of everyone just sticking with their horses and sticks.

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Well, I wouldn't just give Paladins those skills and not mod everyone else. Fighters can get Weapon Specialization and Mages can get quicken spell and thieves can get sneak attack and monks can get the speed bonus. Good times.

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Fliers are the best FE9, 10, 11, 12(?) and 13.

definitely in 12, Palla+Catria+Caeda are pretty much the top 3 non-Avatar characters (at least I think Caeda's 3rd)

Edited by shadykid
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Defender isn't that good, but I think aegis is a pretty nice skill to have.

I'm more annoyed with the skills archers get. Skill +2 is useless, I forgot the other skill, but it wasn't that good either, +20 accuracy isn't exactly amazing either, unless you use it for long range dark magic or something. That leaves it with Bowfaire which only helps classes with bows, but none of the gen 1 characters who have archer can reclass into warrior and I believe only Stahl gets assassin.

Bow knight Is even worse with the useless rally skill and bowbreaker which is only sort of usefull for fliers.

I also think that the sage skills are a little boring. Tomfaire is awesome and rally magic has its uses, but both skills are a little boring in my opinion.

Edited by Sasori
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Aegis is really nice, especially for those with crap Res like... pretty much everyone that naturally has access to the cavalier class.

Defender however is really stupid.

It's only active when paired up (okay, which is usually the case for my units) and only gives +1 on every stat.

Give them All Stats +2 instead and you get double the effect, all the time.

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Ive always passionately avoided Padilans, probably cos there so many always but in Awakening i make nearly all units go through it for Aegis, and in my opinion its and best unit for Chrom

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Paladins are cool, especially in Awakening. Great all around stats, high movement, and AEGIS.

This guy has the right idea. Also they usually gain weapon experience quickly. Meaning easy and early access to silver and killer weapons.

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meh... paladins are boring

When you compare them to other games, there really aren't that many Paladins in awakening, especially since none of the children characters start as Cavaliers and most games have a lot more cavs in addition to the Red and Green Cavs and the Jagen (and Fred isn't even a Paladin).

Edited by Walhart
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