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Women are strange sometimes.

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Since I'm always so quiet, the only time I've had the experience of somebody acting like they were interested in me was a super popular kid who I had a crush on who only did it because he enjoyed how shyly I reacted... he was never the slighted bit interested in me and I was so blinded by my crush on him that I didn't even realize how he was toying with me until after I wasn't interested in him anymore...

Even though I remember a particular instance where I was having lunch and after he had played with me for a bit he just went back to his table of friends and they all started laughing... I was way too gullible ;~;

He ruined my trust in flirty people...

gasap another big big striked out post!

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I hate you...

The fact that this is what most people say is kind of sad...

Alright, feel free to prove me wrong. Post a picture of yourself with your ridiculously ugly boy/girlfriend and show me your noble idea of what love really is. I never said personality wasn't important, but if someone doesn't have looks that I'm interested in, I'm not gonna be interested in them. I don't mind average and I can even be intimidated by someone being really attractive, but I also don't like women that I find to be unattractive, and neither would anyone else.

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Since I'm always so quiet, the only time I've had the experience of somebody acting like they were interested in me was a super popular kid who I had a crush on who only did it because he enjoyed how shyly I reacted... he was never the slighted bit interested in me and I was so blinded by my crush on him that I didn't even realize how he was toying with me until after I wasn't interested in him anymore...

Even though I remember a particular instance where I was having lunch and after he had played with me for a bit he just went back to his table of friends and they all started laughing... I was way too gullible ;~;

He ruined my trust in flirty people...

gasap another big big striked out post!

I hate it when people do this kind of thing. It's just flat out horrible.

Alright, feel free to prove me wrong. Post a picture of yourself with your ridiculously ugly boy/girlfriend and show me your noble idea of what love really is. I never said personality wasn't important, but if someone doesn't have looks that I'm interested in, I'm not gonna be interested in them. I don't mind average and I can even be intimidated by someone being really attractive, but I also don't like women that I find to be unattractive, and neither would anyone else.

I never said you were wrong. I said it's sad that it's the truth these days. (that statement makes me feel old)

Also I misunderstood at first I thought you meant that if a girl isn't a knockout you wouldn't date them...

Edited by bearclaw13
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Also I misunderstood at first I thought you meant that if a girl isn't a knockout you wouldn't date them...

Understandable. Most of the time when someone says "I don't go out with ugly people" they also mean "I only go out with knockouts."

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Sorry, but I have no interest in having a relationship with an ugly girl. And if a girl thinks I'm ugly, she won't want a relationship with me. Say all you want about how great personality and etc is, but if I find someone to be literally ugly and/or repulsive for any reason, I'm not going to go out with them. I doubt you would either.

I do agree, while it's noble to look beyong the surface, there tends to have at least a limit to how much one can't agree in physical appearance. While I believe that personalities usually make for the best relationship, the physical side can't be easily ignored, that's not how most brains work, superficial as it may sound.

Thankfully, the physical appearance can be improved on in most circumstances, so an awareness or desire for a romantic relationship should drive people to improve themselves, and in other times they can find someone that is pretty ok with them. Just trying to forcefuly ignore the physical side doesn't reap a lot of happiness for yourself.

Lovely day out there isn't it wait it's raining outside darnit

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I still don't see where race/ethnicity comes into play. :V but I do agree with the other qualities listed there....just for men.

and no way am I playing that video.

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I still don't see where race/ethnicity comes into play. :V but I do agree with the other qualities listed there....just for men.

and no way am I playing that video.

Well personally I prefer Asain women to most others(African American, white, etc).

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I do agree, while it's noble to look beyong the surface, there tends to have at least a limit to how much one can't agree in physical appearance. While I believe that personalities usually make for the best relationship, the physical side can't be easily ignored, that's not how most brains work, superficial as it may sound.

As much as it probably bothers people to read this, this is the way I also see it. I don't like to think that appearance matters at all, but I feel like there's just a part of me that can't really help that. But I do aim for personality.

I'm just so lucky to have found somebody that I get along with super well and also looks gorgeous at the same time~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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people are strange, when you're a stranger, etc

Can we just say that human beings in general are confusing? It's not like all men think alike and all women think alike and feel the same way. It's the humanity in us that makes us all confusing to one another, not our gender.

Also, can't a person of the opposite gender be nice to you because s/he thinks you're an awesome person and that s/he wants to be your friend? Why does it always have to have something to do with a relationship?


I do agree, while it's noble to look beyong the surface, there tends to have at least a limit to how much one can't agree in physical appearance. While I believe that personalities usually make for the best relationship, the physical side can't be easily ignored, that's not how most brains work, superficial as it may sound.

Thankfully, the physical appearance can be improved on in most circumstances, so an awareness or desire for a romantic relationship should drive people to improve themselves, and in other times they can find someone that is pretty ok with them. Just trying to forcefuly ignore the physical side doesn't reap a lot of happiness for yourself.

Lovely day out there isn't it wait it's raining outside darnit

Do you have any particular neuroscience tidbits in mind as to why that is?

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I hate it when girls act that way... the fact that I'm 13 and have run across it several times is horrible... not as much as when they're attracted to me though because I've decided to avoid dating until like college or something and I'e actually had to explain that before several times.

On average, guys are worse at gauging feelings than girls. What may appear as signs of attraction can actually just be playful friendliness. Of course, there are guys who can read well and girls who can't, it's just a general trend.

I also agree with Boron. A relationship can co-exist with a friendship, often it's actually an extension of a friendship.

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Do you have any particular neuroscience tidbits in mind as to why that is?

Poor wording and less-than-fair generalization on my part, I am well aware there are exceptions. I won't claim any knowledge on the basis of neuroscience other than what I learned for academic purposes, I considered it a discrete enough assumption based on my experience and the experience of other people I know.

Edited by Xin'dy
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I don't like to think that appearance matters at all, but I feel like there's just a part of me that can't really help that.

There's nothing wrong with it. People who are confident and pleasant usually love themselves enough to take care of themselves. I hate myself, so unpleasant to be around and I look ugly as sin. It's not like appearance and personality don't connect.

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Majestic Paladin, this kind of stuff happens in life.

Eventually you'll read someone correctly, whether through learning how to better tell when a girl is romantically interested, or just plain dumb luck.

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On average, guys are worse at gauging feelings than girls. What may appear as signs of attraction can actually just be playful friendliness. Of course, there are guys who can read well and girls who can't, it's just a general trend.

I also agree with Boron. A relationship can co-exist with a friendship, often it's actually an extension of a friendship.

well, yes, on a general note. But some girls (and guys) can be way too friendly that it's hard to be able to tell the difference. Probably best way is if you know they have a boyfriend/girlfriend already.

Majestic Paladin, this kind of stuff happens in life.

Eventually you'll read someone correctly, whether through learning how to better tell when a girl is romantically interested, or just plain dumb luck.

again, sometimes even if you learn how to better tell if someone is interested in you, it can STILL be hard to tell... They could be complete flirts without wanting to pursue anything.

I think everyone is shallow to some extent, some more than others. There's usually some physical bit about another person that you're bound to fall for, whether it's the first thing you notice or it's something in later. Personally, I know I'm pretty shallow because I also take in someone's physical appearance along with their personality, job/career, etc... but the physical is still a pretty important factor for me. And yet, my past relationships can contradict this statement.

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I think some sort of physical attraction is required for a relationship. For me, the major reason I approach a girl is because I find them attractive on some level, mostly physical. That's not to say I only talk to very attractive girls, or only romantically pursue very attractive women. It just depends on what goes on my head in that very moment. From that point on, beyond the initial interaction, to me it's then where personality and all of that becomes integral.

A relationship cannot flourish without a personal connection, as opposed to just physical desire. A strong friendship should grow from an initial attraction, which is where physical appearance plays a role.

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Can we just say that human beings in general are confusing? It's not like all men think alike and all women think alike and feel the same way. It's the humanity in us that makes us all confusing to one another, not our gender.

Also, can't a person of the opposite gender be nice to you because s/he thinks you're an awesome person and that s/he wants to be your friend? Why does it always have to have something to do with a relationship?

We do have the gift of free will after all.

Boron and Jedi too wise for fftf.

True attraction comes from personality.. The heart. Looks are just an added bonus. Unfortunately my words are a dying standard. As this is proof of

Well, there has to somewhere to start, and people are often first judged by their appearance

Sorry, but I have no interest in having a relationship with an ugly girl. And if a girl thinks I'm ugly, she won't want a relationship with me. Say all you want about how great personality and etc is, but if I find someone to be literally ugly and/or repulsive for any reason, I'm not going to go out with them. I doubt you would either.


Alright, feel free to prove me wrong. Post a picture of yourself with your ridiculously ugly boy/girlfriend and show me your noble idea of what love really is. I never said personality wasn't important, but if someone doesn't have looks that I'm interested in, I'm not gonna be interested in them. I don't mind average and I can even be intimidated by someone being really attractive, but I also don't like women that I find to be unattractive, and neither would anyone else.

it's all in the eye of the beholder

As much as it probably bothers people to read this, this is the way I also see it. I don't like to think that appearance matters at all, but I feel like there's just a part of me that can't really help that. But I do aim for personality.

I'm just so lucky to have found somebody that I get along with super well and also looks gorgeous at the same time~

Me too.

I'd prefer a decent looking girl that's fun to be with over a gorgeous girl that's stuck up or an ugly one that's over-attached.

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