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Women are strange sometimes.

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...Well I guess a female would know better than me... I don't think any of the girls I like would appreciate me asking them to bear my child though... especially since I'm 13...

This is basically what I meant.

Ah, ok.

I got something different from your response.

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All in all, treat the ladies right. They can be confusing [no offense to the ladies here] but that's just all part of life. Us guys are just as confusing in our own ways.

Friendship is a wonderful part of life. I have had many crushes on girls in the past but in the end so far. All of them have just ended up as really good friends. You know what? I don't mind, I was able to meet these wonderful women and created lasting friendships.

Will I ever be more then just friends with a woman? No idea, but I am not going to sulk over it just because I have friends who are girls but not a girlfriend. Even if I was made fun of not having one in my highschool years. It was painful back then yes, but I grew up. I understood more.

Miroku? Is this some kind of weeb-anime code?

Miroku is a pervy priest from the anime/manga Inuyasha

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I like being strange and I don't even really classify as a woman!

My empathy to you for having your expectations busted, but sometimes a friend of the opposite sex is something great and reassuring to have, and it helps against the mysticisms about the other sex being 'confusing' or what have you. I don't expect you to be all fine and dandy right now, but hold no hard feelings towards what happened, and don't distance yourself from her if you can help. Unless your feelings will get bothered or you didn't want a relationship that doesn't lead to romance eventually, in which case, please do.

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Girls aren't really confusing.

Eh, they are to me. But as Cordelia said, the same could be said about us guys.

dude, females can just be cruel but men are confusing. okay, maybe not confusing but... oblivious. because women are complicated....and cruel.

Silly Cordy. But you're right.

Girls aren't confusing! You just have to not try to figure them out. If you try to figure them out you'll get a migraine and fail at relationships. Just get them flowers when their depressed. Not hard at all!

Said the guy who's never been in a relationship

I'm pretty shy around girls. I will myself to not say anything stupid, but something idiotic always comes out.

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All in all, treat the ladies right. They can be confusing [no offense to the ladies here] but that's just all part of life. Us guys are just as confusing in our own ways.

Friendship is a wonderful part of life. I have had many crushes on girls in the past but in the end so far. All of them have just ended up as really good friends. You know what? I don't mind, I was able to meet these wonderful women and created lasting friendships.

Will I ever be more then just friends with a woman? No idea, but I am not going to sulk over it just because I have friends who are girls but not a girlfriend. Even if I was made fun of not having one in my highschool years. It was painful back then yes, but I grew up. I understood more.

Miroku is a pervy priest from the anime/manga Inuyasha

The sheer amount of wisdom and life advice in this post doesn't belong in fftf! Go take your wisdom to Serious Discussion!


Damn, this topic got like 25 replies in 10 minutes.


I like being strange and I don't even really classify as a woman!

My empathy to you for having your expectations busted, but sometimes a friend of the opposite sex is something great and reassuring to have, and it helps against the mysticisms about the other sex being 'confusing' or what have you. I don't expect you to be all fine and dandy right now, but hold no hard feelings towards what happened, and don't distance yourself from her if you can help. Unless your feelings will get bothered or you didn't want a relationship that doesn't lead to romance eventually, in which case, please do.

Everyone likes being strange! I compete with others (who don't know about it...) to see who can be on top of the "today's top posters" list.

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Can we just say that human beings in general are confusing? It's not like all men think alike and all women think alike and feel the same way. It's the humanity in us that makes us all confusing to one another, not our gender.

Also, can't a person of the opposite gender be nice to you because s/he thinks you're an awesome person and that s/he wants to be your friend? Why does it always have to have something to do with a relationship?

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I'm pretty shy around girls. I will myself to not say anything stupid, but something idiotic always comes out.

Ah... I see. Never been one to be shy myself so I can't really relate.

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Can we just say that human beings in general are confusing? It's not like all men think alike and all women think alike and feel the same way. It's the humanity in us that makes us all confusing to one another, not our gender.

Also, can't a person of the opposite gender be nice to you because s/he thinks you're an awesome person and that s/he wants to be your friend? Why does it always have to have something to do with a relationship?

Because reasons.

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Also, can't a person of the opposite gender be nice to you because s/he thinks you're an awesome person and that s/he wants to be your friend? Why does it always have to have something to do with a relationship?

If you're in a relationship and the other person is too, it's easy to be friends. If one person is not in a relationship, then odds are it's a thing they want. If neither of you are in a relationship, good luck because one or both way want to be in a relationship with the other, unless they're both ugly.

If there's no attraction on either side though then it can easily work.

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If you're in a relationship and the other person is too, it's easy to be friends. If one person is not in a relationship, then odds are it's a thing they want. If neither of you are in a relationship, good luck because one or both way want to be in a relationship with the other, unless they're both ugly.

If there's no attraction on either side though then it can easily work.

Yet another stupid thought process. I'm friends with several girls I'm attracted to and I manage to remain nothing but friends easily.

Of course I'm a pinnacle of humanity so it could just be me...

Edited by bearclaw13
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If you're in a relationship and the other person is too, it's easy to be friends. If one person is not in a relationship, then odds are it's a thing they want. If neither of you are in a relationship, good luck because one or both way want to be in a relationship with the other, unless they're both ugly.

If there's no attraction on either side though then it can easily work.

That's ... a massive generalization that assumes that all anyone wants is a relationship ;/ My group of friends consists of like 8 guys and 6 girls. While I do admit there had been a few crushes going on in that group, as a whole most of us haven't developed additional feelings for one another. Also, bolded line is ;/

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Wow, I went in the shower and came out and over 30 replies came up!! Anyways I'm fine being friends with her. It's just that the way she acted around me made me think that there was more to it than just friends.

I hate it when girls act that way... the fact that I'm 13 and have run across it several times is horrible... not as much as when they're attracted to me though because I've decided to avoid dating until like college or something and I'e actually had to explain that before several times.

Edited by bearclaw13
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unless they're both ugly.

True attraction comes from personality.. The heart. Looks are just an added bonus. Unfortunately my words are a dying standard. As this is proof of

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Misleading appearances happen indeed, Paladin. Funny how things go.

Sometimes I wonder what's the line dividing really good friends and potential romantic interests, but I guess there's more than that rather than a linear relationship status improvment. I generally just assume nobody is interested in me unless they flat out say it, tends to cut the hassle for me. xP

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Sorry, but I have no interest in having a relationship with an ugly girl. And if a girl thinks I'm ugly, she won't want a relationship with me. Say all you want about how great personality and etc is, but if I find someone to be literally ugly and/or repulsive for any reason, I'm not going to go out with them. I doubt you would either.

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True attraction comes from personality.. The heart. Looks are just an added bonus. Unfortunately my words are a dying standard. As this is proof of

Dude! Seriously! Take your wisdom elsewhere!

I honestly agree with your statement though.

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Sorry, but I have no interest in having a relationship with an ugly girl. And if a girl thinks I'm ugly, she won't want a relationship with me. Say all you want about how great personality and etc is, but if I find someone to be literally ugly and/or repulsive for any reason, I'm not going to go out with them. I doubt you would either.

I hate you...

The fact that this is what most people say is kind of sad...

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