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So, how about that Galeforce?

But actually, I'm curious. How many people actually pray to the Church of the Latter Day Galeforcers? I'm not really an LTC kinda guy, but I've found it pretty helpful to get Severa a second turn (as well as other units, but I didn't necessarily optimize my galeforcening).

Is it actually as big of a deal as Far from the Galeforest would suggest? How many turns does galeforcening actually shave off, and is it worth the hassle of reclassing everybody?

P.S. Hope I didn't come in at the wrong time, I was actually genuinely curious about how good the skill is and if it's worth optimizing my second playthrough for this skill.

Edited by Arch
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Some people say that there are far too many Galeforce fans; I say that there are not far too many enough.


I think that Sain, Saul and Gatrie would agree.

I've accepted Galeforce Christ as my savior for he will deliver me into the lord's embrace in one turn.

Bro, do you even galeforce? Should only take 12 seconds. Edited by Arch
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*Looks at playlog

Yes I love Galeforce very much <_<

And Virion


Florina smiley happy!

But anyway, i do love me some Galeforce. Not gonna lie. I usually get it for postgame shenanigans and DLC funzies. I will build teams with lots of Galeforce so i can just have those harder DLC maps go "why gods!"

Is it necessary for the main story? Nope. Is it even necessary to LTC? Nope. Is it super convenient and pretty cool when it shows up on your guys? Absolutely.

Anyway, im really flummoxed on the number of threads about this that have been popping up. What is going on?

Edited by Florina Stark
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Galeforce is a good skill because it has a lot of immediate, straightforward usefulness -- kill some scrub, get an extra turn to move and do whatever, and it works wonders enough with this game's enemy density and player offense, especially thanks to pair up.

It is obviously more cherished if you want to LTC, but even in normal conditions there's a lot of immediate use, like trying to get done through a chapter with absolute annoyance for reinforcements/enemy phase fire, or better positioning yourself into enemy range or out of it. It's not that hard to get with sumia, cordelia, or female avatar around the middle point of the game either, but other first gen women with access seem to either not tend to do well enough as an offensive unit early or just don't get it in a fair time frame to justify or save turns.

I don't know the first thing about "efficient play", so I won't defend how it fares there, and I personally think that having a bazillion galeforcers for postgame is more of a grind headache than what it's worth, but I think it is indeed one of the best uses of a skill slot.

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Ah Gods... Another galeforce thread. Fanboy/girl-isms aside, galeforce is a skill I use when bullion farming and levelling up my characters, and in the occasional chapter as a guerrilla hit-and-run tactic. It isn't the best, for streetpass teams and super high density enemy clumps, as I find my galeforcer dead just as quickly as if he/she lacked said skill. I can't say I'm a fan of it for anything beyond my own laziness and lack of dlc purchasing, I don't understand the whole corner of the fanbase who devote their lives to galeforce, nor will I pretend to, I just don't see this skill for "what it's truly worth". Of course, I am also Mr. Armsthrift on all the characters, so my opinion might not be terribly valid. We all have our flaws, mine is being a cheap, but who can blame me when it allows me to swing my magical glass weapons thousands of times? No one.

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Not ANOTHER one?!

Galeforce gets too much luv. -.-

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Galeforce is obviously cool and all but the Dark Flier is an otherwise inferiour class to the falcon knight(except for MU) and I don´t like chosing classes based on one single skill, especially a level 15 skill.

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Galeforce is one of the best skills in the game, only beaten out by limit breaker. I don't think its always worth the effort to actually get the skill though.

My opinion exactly. You usually have to get the skill as early as possible to get it quickly and still have decent experience gains - and as I like to capitalize every part in changing to a different class, I find it pointless to spend 15 levels in class that uses tomes for two people (Sumia and especially Cordelia) with magic growth rates below 30%. Making their attack potential null with tomes. I COULD just use lances, but what's the honest point in that, since the class offers both? It's about as painful as getting Dual Support+ for Gerome (and that's a difficult experience, let me tell you).

I mean, it IS a good skill and all, but by the game I actually start getting the children and grinding, usually the experience I get from skirmishes isn't that high, and it takes far too long to get a skill that I could honestly play the game without.

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I kinda wonder why people keep on starting new galeforce threads instead of just commenting on the other recent ones

I don't see what's so vital that would need you to start another thread on it unless Galeforce would have multiple forms or something

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