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Lamest Skills Ever!

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Lethality is almost as good as Aether, but people fap to Aether while they ignore Lethality.

My Yarne on my last playthough and my Cynthia on this playthrough seem to be blessed by Jaffar himself. They activate Lethality often enough to where I hadn't even considered removing the skill from them.

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Lethality is almost as good as Aether, but people fap to Aether while they ignore Lethality.

Well, I'd certainly pass over a skill that has a lousy activation rate like Skill/4.

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Well, people do have different opinions, of course.

I personally don't mind having a few Armstrhift users on my team, the problem is that by late-game, it's ANNOYING to get, as it requires temporarily gimping your unit for 10 levels to acquire the skill, then 10 more of a promoted class to keep them in that selection of second-tier classes.

Worse, the skill is a level 1 skill, so getting it if you don't like grinding is PAINFUL.

Not really seeing the "worse" part coming after the skill being learned in a unpromoted class. I mean, how would it be better as a level 10 skill?

Lethality is almost as good as Aether, but people fap to Aether while they ignore Lethality.

Aether has better activation and healing. Either way, I've never seen anyone "fap" to Aether. If anything it's ignored more than praised.

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Not really seeing the "worse" part coming after the skill being learned in a unpromoted class. I mean, how would it be better as a level 10 skill?

Aether has better activation and healing. Either way, I've never seen anyone "fap" to Aether. If anything it's ignored more than praised.

It'd be a bit less of a pain to go through the Mercernay class line if I actually felt like I had an objective. Since you get the skill right off the bat, it's like, "Congrats! You got it! ... Now what?"

It's a more personal annoyance than something truly negative about the skill itself. Sorry, I should have mentioned that in the first place.

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...You're asking if the unit who will be the same level as Lissa, your highest level character will have hard time to promote ? Yeah, most certainly...

how slow are you even playing this game in the first place

also Armsthrift at least goes from suck ingame to pretty cool in postgame, unlike some skills

Edited by shadykid
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The only skills I really don't care for are the ones that gives bonuses to nearby units, because I normally have my units split off into different paths.

Indoor/Outdoor Fighter, Defender, and Hit Rate +20 (atleast if not on Sorcerers) are also wasting slots in my opinion.

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how slow are you even playing this game in the first place

also Armsthrift at least goes from suck ingame to pretty cool in postgame, unlike some skills

It goes from useless to -more- useless because GG and IR get faster in the post game.

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It goes from useless to -more- useless because GG and IR get faster in the post game.

uh no?

it takes too long to find a particular weapon, and there's some stuff you can't even find there anyway

(oh i see, you think everyone can spend hours hitting up IR assuming they even bought it in the first place)

Edited by shadykid
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My turn

Not sure if serious.

Srsly. Armsthrift is cool because you CAN get legendary weapons from the Spotpass bonus box without the DLC. That and it allows for peeps to keep on going with them Brave Swords late game. I think some weapons you find on Event Tiles are there with Armsthrift in mind. Like Dying Blaze and Wilderwind.

Aether has better activation and healing. Either way, I've never seen anyone "fap" to Aether. If anything it's ignored more than praised.

I fap to Aether. I love that shit.

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Focus, Tantivy, and Relief are nigh useless, at least for me, since I stick my units together like glue. Focus really stands out though, since 10 crit isn't really worth it and you can get 10 more crit anyway by sticking a bunch of supporting units together with more bonuses. I suppose the same logic also applies to tantivy

Luck +4 is also silly because Olivia shouldn't be in danger of getting attacked at all

Slow Burn is also a meh skill for me since I like to clear chapters relatively quickly, so I never really get the full effect of it

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It goes from useless to -more- useless because GG and IR get faster in the post game.

assuming everyone can shell out money for dlc

assuming IR is going to give you what you want every time

assuming everyone has the patience to do IR 200 times to get this one goddamn weapon that RNG refuses to give you

I still have only 1 Ragnell after n runs of IR, where n indicates a very large number, and that one's from Priam. I'm not letting you touch it unless you have Armthrift. Seriously IR stop giving me tomes I have like 1:10 magic to physical ratio

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Focus, Tantivy, and Relief are nigh useless, at least for me, since I stick my units together like glue. Focus really stands out though, since 10 crit isn't really worth it and you can get 10 more crit anyway by sticking a bunch of supporting units together with more bonuses. I suppose the same logic also applies to tantivy

That's my logic for thinking that they (specifically, Focus and Tantivy) are wasted skill slots as well.

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Tantivy can be a nice skill, especially considering its class is a bulky flier, but Focus and Relief are pretty dumb. 20% healing already isn't much, but if there's no one around, how likely is it to actually matter?

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I like tantivy because I tend to have min 8 max 13 (pre-rally) move wyvern-branch fliers who just fly off and do their own thing and basically ignore everyone. bonus points if they have pass which only happens postgame but ohwell

stacks well with quick burn too, since most chapters just don't last that long for quick burn to run out. Avoidstacking works really nicely for units like Wyvern!Panne.

screw sticking units together when I can end the chapter a lot faster by just spreading out a bit and then killing everything in sight while being untouchable

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Yeah, I'm surprised people are lumping Tantivy in with trash skills like Relief. Recall that Tantivy doesn't lose its effect when you have a Pair Up; a Wyvern Morgan Paired Up with Lucina will receive +15 Hit/Avo from Tantivy combined with Charm, and that's not even counting their support bonuses.

I'm pretty sure Relief activated, like, twice in the playthrough linked to in my sig.

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Tantivy can be a nice skill, especially considering its class is a bulky flier, but Focus and Relief are pretty dumb. 20% healing already isn't much, but if there's no one around, how likely is it to actually matter?

I like tantivy because I tend to have min 8 max 13 (pre-rally) move wyvern-branch fliers who just fly off and do their own thing and basically ignore everyone. bonus points if they have pass which only happens postgame but ohwell

stacks well with quick burn too, since most chapters just don't last that long for quick burn to run out. Avoidstacking works really nicely for units like Wyvern!Panne.

screw sticking units together when I can end the chapter a lot faster by just spreading out a bit and then killing everything in sight while being untouchable

Yeah, I'm surprised people are lumping Tantivy in with trash skills like Relief. Recall that Tantivy doesn't lose its effect when you have a Pair Up; a Wyvern Morgan Paired Up with Lucina will receive +15 Hit/Avo from Tantivy combined with Charm, and that's not even counting their support bonuses.

I'm pretty sure Relief activated, like, twice in the playthrough linked to in my sig.

I just think Tantivy's not worth it when I can get the same bonus (or even more) from dual support, for one, and second, the condition that has to be met to "benefit" from Tantivy is what I'd call a violation of common sense, SRPG wise.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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You know you can just stack them right

add Dual Support+ on your back unit too, avoidstacking gets pretty powerful

I dunno man there's very few times where I wanted to stick my units together in FE13 in particular everything's either a rout which means spread units out so they can cover the most area to kill everything in sight or kill boss which is basically blitz the fuck out of everything and use full move forever (or if you're into rescueskip, do that) and nobody's even close to another person

Maybe if FE13 had defend or something

Edited by Thor Odinson
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You know you can just stack them right

add Dual Support+ on your back unit too, avoidstacking gets pretty powerful

I dunno man there's very few times where I wanted to stick my units together in FE13 in particular everything's either a rout which means spread units out so they can cover the most area to kill everything in sight or kill boss which is basically blitz the fuck out of everything and use full move forever (or if you're into rescueskip, do that) and nobody's even close to another person

Maybe if FE13 had defend or something

I really wish there would more defend missions besides Tiki's. That was actually incredibly fun - I just surrounded her with a wall and held the line. :)

More on topic though, I find Bowbreaker practically useless on anyone that isn't a flier.

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Rout maps are cleared most efficiently by spreading out your strongest units; for this reason, Tantivy is highly useful in these contexts (look at Olwen's 49-turn clear of HM, for example). Clumping your units together slows down the rout without improving reliability.

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I really wish there would more defend missions besides Tiki's. That was actually incredibly fun - I just surrounded her with a wall and held the line. :)

More on topic though, I find Bowbreaker practically useless on anyone that isn't a flier.

well yeah, that's kinda the point (unless you have DLC, then Iote's Shield trivializes it)

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You know you can just stack them right

add Dual Support+ on your back unit too, avoidstacking gets pretty powerful

I dunno man there's very few times where I wanted to stick my units together in FE13 in particular everything's either a rout which means spread units out so they can cover the most area to kill everything in sight or kill boss which is basically blitz the fuck out of everything and use full move forever (or if you're into rescueskip, do that) and nobody's even close to another person

Maybe if FE13 had defend or something

Rout maps are cleared most efficiently by spreading out your strongest units; for this reason, Tantivy is highly useful in these contexts (look at Olwen's 49-turn clear of HM, for example). Clumping your units together slows down the rout without improving reliability.

Well, I believe that Fire Emblem is at heart a game of numbers, for one, and second, I'm a defensive player, which means go fish for some mook who's dumb enough to charge alone and leave his allies and wallop the fool into submission, or camp and stall.

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well yeah, that's kinda the point (unless you have DLC, then Iote's Shield trivializes it)

I know, but even more annoying is that a good portion of my more permanent fliers can't get it. Sumia, Cynthia (if her father isn't Chrom), Cherche and Gerome (if his father doesn't have the mercenary class line) are out of luck in that regard: the only one that can is Cordelia.

Note that I haven't purchased that DLC yet.

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I know, but even more annoying is that a good portion of my more permanent fliers can't get it. Sumia, Cynthia (if her father isn't Chrom), Cherche and Gerome (if his father doesn't have the mercenary class line) are out of luck in that regard: the only one that can is Cordelia.

Note that I haven't purchased that DLC yet.

huh that reminds me, let me replace Renewal (lol) with Iote's Shield for my Dark Flier Sumia

why didn't I do that earlier....

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huh that reminds me, let me replace Renewal (lol) with Iote's Shield for my Dark Flier Sumia

why didn't I do that earlier....

At least you got Renewal on her. I'm far too lazy at level the girl's axe rank to be bothered half the time, so I commend you for that.

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