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MU Headcanons

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The point of this topic is simple: just share your headcanons about your MU here. It doesn't have to relevant for each other because we have different opinions(and save files if that matters with MU).

I'll start:

Alicia(my FeMU) married Libra at the time of peace(the 2 years gap between Plegia and Valm arc). Before the marriage, they shared quite a relationship and some stories, including Libra's past(and Alicia was the first one who know about this).

She actually likes drawing(which makes her ingame support with Libra more relevant), but she isn't really talented at it, and thus she always practices drawing sketches, in order to improve her drawing skills(she could even draw until midnight). After countless times of practicing(and helped by Libra), she could finally pull off a decent drawing, and gave it to him as a thank-you gift. Since then, she still practices to improve her skills though.

She disguises as Libra once and almost everyone doesn't recognize her true identity, until the real one walked into her.

I know this is Libra-centric. Bias.

Edited by Noire
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Oh, that's easy for me. ^^

My Avatar, Kelli, and Frederick were wed at the same time your Avatar got married, basically. Had a nice honeymoon too and once the whole conflict with Grima was over and Kelli returns (I'm going with the ending where the Avatar destroys Grima), the couple trains the most powerful Ylissean army ever together! And despite that Kelli lost her memory again (the Avatar does have no memories again in this ending, right?) Frederick helps build all new ones with her...and perhaps she eventually remembers the old ones anyway. ;D

Of course, they later have Morgan and also a daughter after. I figure that since the parents survive this time around, that opens way for more children to exist in the new future.

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I don't think that the Avatar loses their memories in the ending.

Anna and Avatar travel through the Outrealm Gate back to Marth's games where they set up the Secret Shops there. Extra points if Avatar's name is Jake.

Edited by Serious Bananas
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My headcanon is that the Male!Avatar and Female!Avatar are twins. My male, Sparrow, is the actual Vessel for Grima (being the elder), and marries Cordelia during the two year peace. My female, Sahra, marries Chrom and acts more as Chrom's emotional support than Sparrow, especially after Emmeryn's death (S-support triggered after chapter 10 typically).

Sparrow's Speed+,Defense- while Sahra is Strength+,Defense-. Both end up as Wyvern Lords. Sparrow's tactful and a workaholic, while Sahra is sarcastic and overworks at making sure no one overworks.

Also, they both live long and happy lives with the Shepards, because I think this is a game where you really want the happy endings for everyone.

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I have no idea. I liked going the ending where Chrom ends Grima so Avatar doesn't lose any memories nor does it require finding Avatar again. But I guess.... probably just... that Chrom and Avatar rebuild Ylisse again with baby Lucina as well as the older Lucina and Morgan... and then have another baby Morgan! I never thought about what will happen with the older Lucina and Morgan when their infant selves are born... (well more like Morgan since Lucina's been born) but... well... in the Hot Spring Scramble, Avatar tells Lucina that she'll think of something for them to coexist. So either that or Lucina probably takes Morgan elsewhere.


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I'm gonna one up all of your endings with WEEB AND VISUALS.







Rufure [Robin] and Olivia:

After the conflict, Rufure's memories never returned.

He didn't mind however, as he spent his efforts together

with Olivia to grant her dream of building a theater.

In that theater, Olivia's dances gained popularity and

brought smiles to people from all over.

How much fanart am I getting?

Art style clashes, but we have a progression here:



After the Conflict


[spoiler=The Best Out of the Three]Happyending.png

Hey look, a copy and paste post.

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I've stated mine in the "headcanon" thread in the general section, but I'll state it again.

Robin (male) and Iona (female) are half-siblings. Iona is the older and she was not born with the ability to accept Grima's power. Robin was. Robin's mother left Plegia with him (much like the story says), Iona and her mother stayed in Plegia. 15 years later, Iona gets fed up with Plegia's nonsense and leaves.

She meets Robin 3 years after she leaves, and they were planning to travel to get to know each other, then Grima from the future came by and caused the events of the game to kick off. Which is why Robin was in a field in Ylisse. Iona's recruited sometime after chapter 6 (maybe 7) to avoid any awkward questions about Validar trying to assassinate Emmeryn.

I like to imagine that they act like two of my IRL friends, who are both quite snarky.

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Sigrdrifa married Basilio and is adopted as Flavia's sister and became a very powerful figure in Ferox

Morgan becomes the next khan in the future because he is very strong


I also imagine her to look more like this than the tactician robes because she's a wyvern lord 99% of the time

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Payne burns with just as much positive energy as her son, but tactfully keeps it veiled with sarcastic remarks and assertions of superiority. She may not remember her childhood, but the after-effects of Validar's parenting linger in her psyche. She had it rough, being groomed as she was for her purpose, but she learned much more from him than he expected; she was his intellectual equal by early adolescence, and almost refused to leave when her mother decided to escape.

All that said, she cannot entirely suppress her enthusiasm: she expresses affection physically, by jumping on backs, punching shoulders and kissing cheeks. At the bottom of a tankard, she even starts pinching inappropriately.

When preparing for a battle, Payne sets a dozen contingency plans in place before she issues her orders. This way, she can take point with the knowledge that her troops are prepared for anything and that she doesn't need to break off from the fighting to reorganise them. She restructured the Shepherds with a heirarchy of command and spends hours each day making sure her captains are up-to-date on the latest tactics and formations.

She is extremely diligent when on the march and always insists that they double up on scouting patrols, deploy foraging parties and entrench the campsite in case of attack. Gregor often remarks that she is more like an old, grizzled general than a prodigous tactician, and that she is the true leader of the force - but never within Frederick's earshot.

Secretly, Payne is extremely maternal - to a degree that is almost obsessive - and often daydreams about designing the perfect nursery, having family portraits painted and what her grandchildren might be like. Leaving Lucina to join the Shepherds on their last campaign was both terrifying and heartbreaking for her, and ultimately, the thought of leaving her without a mother was the hardest part of making the choice to sacrifice herself.

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I copy/pasted mine from the other headcanon thread....enjoy....

Long story short (aka unnecessarily long story), Seraph and Aramis, my male and female tacticians from FE7 (who are their own separate characters from each other), got together after the events of the game (Blazing Sword) and had twins. The boy, Raem, would go on to become Roy's made up Tactician in FE6, while the girl, Raet, would wander through the Dragon's Gate (Elibe's version of the Out realm Gate) in search of adventure. She'd wind up in the world of Awakening and be unable to return home.

She eventually ends up in Plegia, meets Validar, is compelled into joining the Grimleal, has his children (twins, again) after being told by Validar that it is her duty as a Grimleal to carry on the line with him, and essentially finds out about and gets caught up in Grima's Awakening ritual which requires either one of the twins, who were both born with the Mark of Grima. Raet escapes with the children but is hunted by and eventually killed by Validar after nine years of being on the run; the twins, a girl named Seraphina (my Female Avatar), and a boy named Micah (my Male Avatar), manage to flee and evade the Grimleal but become separated in the process.

They both wander the continent for ten years, using their inherited talent for strategy as tacticians to work for mercenary groups until the day they suddenly faint, acquire amnesia from Grima's time travel and are found by Chrom, eventually, on the same day. Seraphina is found first on the side of the road, and Micah is found after the Risen in Chapter 1 are defeated; Masked Marth tells Chrom where Micah is collapsed in the woods and they take him to Ylisse for treatment. This kicks Awakening into motion........only in my head..........

As the story plays out, Chrom has not one, but two twin tacticians that direct him and the Shepherds in battle; though the siblings tend to work in unity, they have different tactics that reflect their ideals and personality (Seraphina is an idealist, and Micah is a realist, much like Soren vs. Titania in PoR). As the end draws near, the fact that they are twins becomes a problem since both were born with the power to house Grima's power and either (or even "both") could be used as vessels; the "both" part is because of the theme of duality that exists in the world and to evenly combat Naga's male and female chosen wielders of her power (Chrom and Tiki) with the male and female avatars of Grima's power (Micah and Seraphina). The ending is the much the same in game except the only way to fully destroy Grima is to destroy both vessels, not just one.

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