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Your Very First FE File


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Oh dear.....I don't like to remember those days....my first was FE7, and after losing dozens of units I managed to blunder my way to the endgame chapter using nothing but Marcus, Hawkeye, and Pent. I never finished it. Such a silly, naive little girl I was to the brutal ways of FE, so much so that for a long while I always considered it to be the hardest FE I had ever played; I had such a stigma against it that it wasn't until after beating Radiant Dawn that I felt confident enough to come back and finish it. Now its far easier and I mentally smack myself whenever I think back on my dumb days....

Of course, now that I'm playing FE4, I feel those days are returning with a vengeance; I have counted so far how many restarts I've had so far on my first blind run: 7 and counting. Not looking promising for someone who thought they were a veteran by now.... XP

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Mine was FE8. All I remember was that I grinded Amelia up and her level-ups were off the charts and she capped almost everything by endgame. I told my brother that she was the best and he proceeded to get a very crappy Amelia and was annoyed at me.

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FE10, Easy Mode because I was new to the series. I reset when someone died, even way back then. But...I didn't know I was supposed to "recruit" green units. :D... Missed out on Haar. After I recruited Heather, I was like "...HEY WAIT, you mean I was supposed to send someone to talk to that guy?!" Heheh...
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I bought game guides (spoiled jerk) commonly around the time I got fe7, so I skipped straight to "intermediate-casual player," as opposed to "what do you mean they don't come back"

Got all the characters, no deaths, near-max levels etc, not the most interesting final team but Dart/Florina/Based Nino did their jobs admirably

I'd say with how well Marcus lasted you through the game, it's a testament to earlygame prepromos being a good thing instead of a bad thing.

My first game was FE8. Nothing spectacular. Cormag died in the Final and I didn't want to restart for him because I wanted to be done with the game. It did give me some of my habits of always using a Pegasus Knight and the Red/Green cavs, and I avoided the "Jeigans are bad!" stigma by having my first game have Seth as the Jeigan.

I think his situation indicates more that the game is bad at telling people how to play it, moreso than that "prepromotes are a new player's best friend/well-executed facet of gameplay."


My first casualty was Lugh, the banana mage.
Then it was... Lot, I think?
I didn't really pay attention that much since I was so used to Front Mission 3 and "I'm gonna come back after I die."

Nope, and I already saved over the file. I was also disappointed I couldn't A support Roy and Lilina because I pressed "Support" every time I got the chance to and filled up all 5 support conversation opportunities. I thought at first that it was like FE13 way back when that you can view as many as you liked.


This memory hurrrrrts youuuuuuuuu


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I played FE7 and used nothing but Marcus, Hector, Eliwood, and Lyn. All my other units were basically ignored except for Guy who I AA'd to level 20/20. Eliwood was level 12, Hector Marcus and Lyn were all level 20. For the love of me I could not beat the final chapter (In my current level of skill I'd beat it with ease but ehhh w/e) and so I deleted my file and restarted the whole game, this time completely ignoring the lords and playing slowly, always keeping them from combat.

I used to be kinda bad at FE :B

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FE 8. Just remembering it makes me want to cry. In one hour ten minutes on hard mode I reached chapter 8 with just ephraim, Erika, and a weapon less Gilliam. Impossible to kill tirado.

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FE4 back when the SNES was still around, my brother had imported a bunch of Japanese games and had a friend come over and modify my SNES, I can't remember exactly, he did something in the bit where you put the cartridge and removed tabs or something.

First FE game ever, I killed everyone off except Sigurd, Adan and Midayle.

Best start to the series ever.

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FE13 Normal/Classic. I used Frederick and promoted at level 10. IIRC: Lissa, Sully, Miriel, Stahl, Sumia, Kellam, Lon'qu, Ricken, Panne, Cordelia, Nowi and Tharja died. I got stuck at Chapter 11 and deleted the file. Though if I'd have finished Chapter 11, I'd probably have had Chrom x Maribelle.

I didn't know how to have units get married as well. .-. I thought it happened randomly and was just down to luck. I never used pair ups.

...yeah, I sucked.

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My first was FE13, Normal/Classic.

I soft-reset every time I lost someone, because I absolutely did NOT want to lose a single character. Chrom was married to my Avatar, since I had no idea he was force-married at chapter 11. Needless to say, I wasn't exactly pleased with that (since I had wanted to marry my Avatar to Gaius and was on their A support, darn it.)

I actually took the time to train Donnel - he became the world's most amazing Bow Knight. Seriously. He beats Chrom, and I'm sure it's no secret about how much I love Archer!Chrom, even if Archer skills are super terribad. I did some experimenting with reclassing, and I DID make some seriously dullard decisions Sorcerer!Cordelia but fortunately, in Normal mode stupidity is usually forgiven.

I had no problem relying on Frederick at first and Libra became a core part of my team.

All in all, for my very first single-handed playthrough of a Fire Emblem game (and I say single-handed because I played Radiant Dawn with my cousin), I think I did pretty well.

Say that to the amount of times I've reset.

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Since I only played Eliwood Normal Mode once I actually still have the Battle History from my first ever play through of Fire Emblem back in 2004.


I think it speaks for how well I played back then.

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FE7's Final: Light was pretty fun when I was 11 because it was actually a challenge, ha ha. My characters were pretty terribad, the only character more reliable than Athos was Jaffar, and so the only way I won was by getting a lucky run-through where he Lethality'd Uhai, Ursula, and Lloyd. I had to do it again twice though, because I lost once to the berserk druid and again when Eliwood got bolting'd.

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Let's see, my first file was FE7, Blazing sword. I had played a lot of tactical games before this, and even in games without permadeath I never allowed a unit to die as I'm likely crazy. So for that reason at least, I wasn't caught off guard. I remember having a few tough chapters here and there (not sure which anymore) and having a couple of restarts. I also know that this game started my favoritism to units who join early, as I loved the Lyndis Legion characters. Dorcas was one of my personal favorites as his strength was ridiculous, and I know now he must have been RNG blessed. I loved the game to bits, played it over and over, and have gone all to play nearly all of the fire emblems now. I'm hooked :)

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I started with FE 9 being new I treid "easy" mode where patheticaly I eventualy had problems lets see not realizing that the Black knight would apear on ch 11... oh and don't get me started about the chapter with Nasalea imagine my shock when my lv 20 Titania died...(yes she was used THAT much...) I was BAD... even worse outside of Titania everyone was way underleveled... why becuse not only did I require myself to recruit every unit, I had to promote EVERYONE and I abused Titania.... a lot... why... must not think about faliure...

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Since I finished my very first FE file just now and reached the ending, I thought I should attach it for everyone to see (it's file 3 in the attachment).

When I really look back at the file, it was nowhere near as bad as I thought it was for a first run. I had plenty of good/decent characters to utilize. It was all just a matter of surviving Michalis' army and dealing with the thief in Chapter 17.

FE3 First File Completed.zip

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My first Fire Emblem was Sacred Stones. My friend let me borrow his copy every so often. I think he was on chapter 15 when I started. I beat the game before he did. I don't remember much about my first try except that I started over pretty early on when I realized I wasn't going to be able to finish with so many dead units. On my second try Amelia was my most badass unit as a level 20 great knight with Vidofnir. The next year, the same friend gave me Path of Radiance for my birthday. He was on chapter 22 when I started. I beat the game before he did. Titania hit level 20 way early so I stopped using her. Mia was pretty useful that time.

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FE13 Normal/Classic. I used Frederick and promoted at level 10. IIRC: Lissa, Sully, Miriel, Stahl, Sumia, Kellam, Lon'qu, Ricken, Panne, Cordelia, Nowi and Tharja died. I got stuck at Chapter 11 and deleted the file. Though if I'd have finished Chapter 11, I'd probably have had Chrom x Maribelle.

I didn't know how to have units get married as well. .-. I thought it happened randomly and was just down to luck. I never used pair ups.

...yeah, I sucked.

Now I want to play through the game using Chrom, Avatar, Frederick, Virion, Vaike, Donnel, Maribelle, Gaius, Gregor and Olivia. (and subsequent characters, of course, save the children of the fallen)

Basically I want to finish that playthrough for you it sounds fun~

Anyway, my first ever playthrough was FE7.

I somehow had just Lyn, a horseback unit, and maybe Nils or Wil left at Chapter 9? Even with Wallace that was too tough for my newbly little self.

... I really want to try to finish some of these badly-botched-up runs. It sounds like an interesting challenge.

Edited by Starlight36
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I let Gilliam, Franz, and Kyle die :(

And i didn't recruit Rennac or Amelia.

i had a horrible team by the final chapter....

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