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Choose Your Own Character Anonymafia: D3 - Ends 6/15 at 0000 GMT-6


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- Signups occur in PM only. However, after making it through signups, you will be requested, in your confirmation RolePM to submit to me the name and source of a character.
- Said character can be from any source within reason (No obvious rule-breaking sources, nothing violating SF, etc)
- Submit any materials you'd like specifically included or added to your RolePM. Keep in mind, Role names will be used in flavor. I will build a story out of this game using the characters provided to me. Artwork and specific quotes are always encouraged.
- You will not know your alignment prior to character selection. You will not know your role prior to character selection. So no hunting based on flavor. It will be assured to be a waste of time and effort.
- I must approve of said character choice. If you do not provide to me a character within 24 hours of signing up, I will randomly find one for you.
- When I build your rolePM, feel free to ask any questions. I may be a bit vague/confusing with my terminology, specifically because I want to make the rolePM fit the character.
- The actual roles have already been decided, so if you pick a character, the role and alignment you recieve may or may not coincide with your character's flavor.
- I'm the mod and my word is final. Don't do anything that you expect will annoy me, even if it's not in the rules. This includes looking for loopholes. If you're modkilled, you lose unless I feel like giving you grace due to the circumstances.
- No Outside Contact, keep the talking to the game thread unless your role allows otherwise. This goes for dead players, as well as non-players.
- Don't directly intefere with the game if you're dead or not playing - if you're going to talk to other players or post in-thread I expect everything you say to have no game relevance whatsoever.
- Don't directly quote communications with the mod unless given permission. This includes your Role PM.
- Going 24 hours without a post nets you a prod. Going 48 hours without a post or receiving three prods will result in a modkill.
- Don't screenshot things.
- Don't edit your posts.
- Don't post after hammer. Warnings may be given.
- Don't talk at night unless your role allows you to do so.
- Have good integrity. This includes not being a dick.
- Play to win.
- Keep the insults to an absolute minimum. I will be happy to force sub/modkill if I see insult slinging. Vulgarities, I don't mind, unless used as or combined with insults.

- 72 hour days, 24 hour nights.
- This game features a Day start
- All lynch options (including No Lynch) must be Hammered. Hammers occur at 51%+ (Half+). Hammers are instant, and cannot be undone.
- A day without a hammer results in a No Lynch.
- 3 No Lynches result in Universal Loss for all players.
- Mafia may opt not to kill once. LYLO and variations not will be announced.
- A mafia-aligned role can't use their night action and go on the factional kill in the same night.
- This set-up is explicitly not bastard.
- Players will know if their action fails or if they are redirected.
- No Hidden anything, ever.



Blah blah blah Flavor.

You have no real abilities, but you control lynchings, night actions, rule enforcement and modkills.

In short, you are a Host.

You are aligned with the Representatives of Good Guys and Nice People Who Do Things That Are Generally Viewed as Lawful or Otherwise Heroic. You win when the only people alive are the members of the Representatives of Good Guys and Nice People Who Do Things That Are Generally Viewed as Lawful or Otherwise Heroic, or when nothing can prevent this from occurring.


  • Kaoz & Paperblade (Game Checkers)
  • Eclipse (Uninformed Backup Mod)

.::Phase Hotlinks::.

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6/9 spots are filled. I have one tentative signup as well.

Everyone who has signed up, feel free to submit a character and artwork for your avatar, as well as citing the source of said character.

Prims, can I get access to the Anon Accounts?

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I'm busy atm so it'll have to wait until tomorrow (I need to go through and save Volcanic's pages as files w/ the correct account names first)

Edited by Witch
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Signups are at 11/9, so full. I'll be randomizing te player's in list for all players, thereby having 2 subs.

Therefore, if you've submitted an application, you're very likely /in. Please submit all Characters and Sources (and a preferred Avatar image related to said character), and I will begin prepping the game accordingly.

Player RNG will occur and be posted when I have 9-10 character submittions.

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Subs have been decided. Please, continue to submit your player names accordingly. Subs, do so too, please!

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WRT the above post. I sent notices to the players designated as Subs. If you did not receive a PM from me, you are considered to be in.

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Awaiting the submittion of 2 more characters.

Also, Subs please do submit a character, to make things easier on the chance you are subbed in, for distinguishing purposes.

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Alright, 9/9 Player submittions are in. Role PMs are being distributed, and will start soon. Either in half an hour, or 12...I'm sleepy and have been dealing with my car getting repossessed, among other fun things.

eclipse may sub in as temporary mod in my stead, as well as Paperblade of course.

Anon Accounts are being reset before distribution. In the mean time, enjoy contemplating how I'm going to write a story using these characters (listen in Alphabetical Order, because I'm pro like that):

Joey Wheeler - Yu-Gi-Oh!

Leknaat - Suikoden

Madam Flurrie - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

Ovan - .hack//The World: R2

R2D2 - Star Wars

Silent Swordsman Lv3/5/7 - Yu-Gi-Oh!

Suzaku Kurumugi - Code Geass

Szeth - The Stormlight Archive

Tibarn - Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Substitutes have their own characters remember. They'll be announced if/when they are subbed in


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It has been a strange day for Leknaat, Advisor of the 108 Stars of Destiny.

What has fate dealt to the mortal coil of life this time? She asked herself, gazing into her pool of glowing purple water, as it swirled to create a distorted image of the future.

Leknaat saw masked figures, clenching knives and her very own Star of Destiny within their cold, dark hands. The laughter among them was maniacal, and with a spark and a flash, her aura bound pool shattered before her very eyes. This wasn't right. This was what the future held. This needed to change.

I must summon able warriors to combat this future. I know not of what they can do or who they are, but if I can bring forth the Eight Stars of Destiny Reborn, perhaps I can prevent this future.

Leknaat crossed her fingers and lifted her head towards the moon, and placed a prayer towards the gods, falling to her knees as she pleaded with those above her for aid to save her world.

One god answered, and came crashing down before her very eyes, landing in a crater just feet from where she stood. The belly of this shiny beast opened, and out climbed a young man, brash with brown hair and a skintight uniform, unlike that of which Leknaat had ever seen.

Su...Suzaku. Foretold by the heavens above, is that you? Suzaku, Fearless Harbringer from the Faraway World. Are you a god, or the mortal who has ascended beyond that of normal mortals?

Suzaku Kurumura looked around, an interspacial room, devoid of anything beyond a few white pillars, and a pedestal in the center of a small staircase surrounded by the space he was both amazed and terrified of. He tilted his head towards the woman in white, confused by what she addressed him as, but approached out of curiosity anyway. Before he could take two steps towards the priestly being, his mech behind him began to buzz. Louder the buzzing became, louder and more violent until an incredible implosion of energy lit what seemed like the god's candle itself. When the light subsided, and Suzaku reopened his eyes, he saw that in place of where he had landed, a small robot, almost trash can in shape, wheeled its way towards him.

What in gods name...? Suzaku let out under his breath, while the small robot quickly drove itself to the woman's feet. Stopping just inches before her, the unit opened its front casing, and slid forth a card, letting out several bleeps and whartts making no sense to the befuddled Suzaku.

So, you're called and R2 unit from where you come from? Leknaat asked, curiously. She touched the card hovering just outside of her reach, noticing the golden tornado insignia on its back, and the young looking warrior on its front. Silent...Swordsman...Level...Three? Leknaat muttered once, then shouted once more. From the card stood a pillar of light, and the image of the young armed boy on the card shot up and grew into a life size being before her very eyes. The armor clad boy, immobile for what seemed like an eternity, examined his own body before the surroundings. He was alive, but unsure why. This was obvious, but he did not seem interested in the purpose of why he was standing alive before a small crowd, but more interested in the purpose of why.

From behind one of the stone pillars appeared an older figure, glowing of purple almost identical to that of Leknaat's pool.

I believe you rang for me, my dear? Madam Flurrie, at your service, shouted the enigmatic figure. As she drew closer, it was apparent that this was no ordinary person, but a ghostly figure devoid of normal human features. Her luscious red lips were the only striking symbol of her womanly features, while her ghastly yet obnoxious voice made sure that she was well heard.

I could tell, through the winds, that something was amiss. I was aiding a plumber in this strange two-dimensional world, and now, I'm here. The winds take me where I belong, but tell me, who exactly are you and what are we here for?

Leknaat looked around the room. Four figures appearing within moments of her call, could this be true? The embodiment of her former aide, Luc, a mechanical contraption possessing powerful beings, an armor clad boy with a sword weighing more than her temple, and a boy who's eyes glowed with the fire of commanding passion? This is good, but I need more.

R2D2 blorped once again, and shot forward a beam of light onto the stand where Leknaat's pool once stood. Just inches above the pool, a figure appeared, clothed in blue, wearing glasses and holding his shoulders high.

Wh...Where am I? I've never been to this part of The World before. Is...Is this real? Ovan spoke, and to his surprise, drew curious faces from all those about him.

Leknaat chuckled. Heed, young ones. The answer will appear before you soon enough. Please gods, three more heroes. I know they exist, please bring them to me.

Before long, three men appeared, drastically different in appearance. A tall, broad winged man, clad with scars and essence of war, a young boy, comfortable in attire, with staunch blonde hair and a strange and large bracelet on his wrist, holding a deck of strange cards that Leknaat had seen just moments ago, and a middle age'd monk of a man, clothed in robes and with serious face. All looked confused, but none showed it more than the blonde.

What the. Hey, what's going on here! Somebody better know what's going on here, or else things ain't gonna be pretty for long.

Are we among the stars themselves? Am I standing where Zelgius now dwells?

Hmm...This is, unusual.

The three men stated.

Everyone, I am Leknaat. I have prayed to my gods for an answer to a terrible plight that lives before us all. Assemble, before thee, everyone. I will explain all. Shouted Leknaat.

After everyone settled in a circle around Leknaat, she shared her name, and explained the situation. The reason why such a variety of beings stood here was strange enough, but being in such a strange location was even stranger to the guests. Leknaat explained that she needed to relieve the worlds of a dangerous threat, one which could cause the fabric of space to collapse in on itself, and that only those in this room had the power to do so.

But wait, there is...something I sense. The two figures I saw in my vision...they're...here?

Something wasn't right, and everyone gazed at eachother in their own shocked and confused mannerisms. The nine of them, gathered around in a small open room, knew that the most dangerous threats to life itself, as well as the only heroes who could stop it, were in this room.

Conversation began, in open, and everyone remained in view of each other. This could either end well or not, and no one knew who was behind the conspiracy Leknaat spoke of. Some suspected the least frightening of the bunch, others suspected the most unusual looking. Some even took notice of those that were not even close to human, while most just remained baffled. Did Leknaat call these heroes here to seek allies and stop the heroes herself, so she could in fact destroy space itself? Was a band of villians sneaky enough to have predicted such events and covertly infiltrate the room, in order to acquire the key to this incredible power?

No one knew for sure what the immediate future held, but everyone did know one thing. There would be bloodshed and death among them, and the future of life itself hinged on the actions of the nine beings trapped in this very room.

Day 1 has begun, and will end in 72 hours, at 0100 GMT-5 (1 am EST, 12am CST, etc) on 6/8/13 (6/7/13 depending on the time zone).


If there are any problems with logging in, let me know.

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Joey Wheeler - yugioh = SB
Leknaat - dunno maybe Manix
Madam Flurrie- paper mario means Prims
Ovan - .does anyone even like hack other than Shinori
R2D2 - star was = Scorri
Silent Swordsman Lv3/5/7 - some cool dude
Suzaku Kurumugi - Code Geass = Blitz
Szeth - fantasy book = BBM, or maybe Strege because I expect his friends to be as nerdy as him
Tibarn - Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn- who even picks a FE character on a FE forum?

##Vote: Tibarn

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Additional Notice: If you post in this thread using your standard user account instead of your anonymous account, you are responsible for having it deleted. Contact Eclipse, Tangerine, VincentASM, Integrity, or eCut via PM and request that it be deleted.

Just a small request by your generous host.

Carry on.

Edit* ISO' links, as well as Phase Start links, have been added to the OP.

Edit to my Edit* Also updated the Sample RolePM

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Goddamnit, isn't the point of anonymafia to avoid meta?

##Vote: Silent Swordsman

i don't remember agreeing to that

the point of anonymafia is to figure out who everyone is and then use meta

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Yeah, but what if you're wrong? Then you just end up trying to meta the wrong person and screw up a lynch because of it.

im sorry, you must not know who i am.

im silent swordsman. the mafia elitest. and i dont have time for talk of meta that isn't correct.

i meta hard. i meta with passion. and i meta correctly.

this is a passion. this is a talent. and this is something for which i do not have shit-heads suggest that i might screw up a lynch.

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Very entertaining


Joey Wheeler - yugioh = SB
Leknaat - dunno maybe Manix
Madam Flurrie- paper mario means Prims
Ovan - .does anyone even like hack other than Shinori
R2D2 - star was = Scorri
Silent Swordsman Lv3/5/7 - some cool dude
Suzaku Kurumugi - Code Geass = Blitz
Szeth - fantasy book = BBM, or maybe Strege because I expect his friends to be as nerdy as him
Tibarn - Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn- who even picks a FE character on a FE forum?

##Vote: Tibarn

This game has an amazing amount of independence amongst the 9 players we have here.

##Vote: Some cool dude

You have nothing.

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Oh yeah, I should mention, my activity over the next few days will not be as good as one might hope; my parents' computer is going in for repairs, so they're going to be using mine. >_>

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Goddamnit, isn't the point of anonymafia to avoid meta?

##Vote: Silent Swordsman

If you wanted to avoid meta, why would you choose a Code Geass character?

Then again, Blitz isn't the only one who watches Code Geass. I recall Paperblade and Proto discussing Code Geass in irc, so it could be one of those, maybe. In fact, it's very possible that somebody chose a character that would point to another user, to deceive any attempts at meta. So I personally wouldn't focus too much into who the possible players are based on the characters.

Anyhow, if Ovan is really Shinori, then ##Vote: Ovan. Scumnori should always be lynched D1.

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If you wanted to avoid meta, why would you choose a Code Geass character?

Then again, Blitz isn't the only one who watches Code Geass.

You just answered your own question.

Assertion: Evil dudes are scum.

Conjecture: Ovan is .hack//'s final boss.


##Vote: Ovan

No flavor hunting.


##Vote: Leknaat

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