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Choose Your Own Character Anonymafia: D3 - Ends 6/15 at 0000 GMT-6


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Excited that Ovan was removed from this catastrophic situation, everyone rejoiced and sang songs of joy and laughter. Even Pinkie Pie showed up, but was promptly escorted back to Ponyville by a fly-by-meteor.

And nachos. Because nachos.

Anyway, after much deliberation and discussion, everyone decided that Ovan needed to go. His display image seemed too misleading, and just made sense to be conspiracal...somehow...

But wait guys! This isn't right! I promise, I'm a good guy! I'm just...confused is all! Liste-

But before he could finish, R2D2 shut off transmission to Ovan's frequency, removing him from the plane of which this ragtag team existed in. Lekhaat saw a message in her pool, from which Ovan was displayed over.

Dear USER, you are Ovan, Representative of Underappreciated Gaming, Cryptic Yet Informative Wordplay, Grinding for Guildleading, and Digital Superheroism.

You are a very mysterious person. Generally quiet, when he does speak, everybody listens. He is capable of commanding the attention of everybody around him with little effort. He seems to know quite a bit about events in The World R:2, though his quiet nature makes it unclear exactly how much knowledge he actually has. He frequently disappears from the game for long stretches of time; while he says it's related to his job in the real world, whether that is true or not is up for debate. As a Steam Gunner of an extremely high level, he has progressed beyond having to worry about trivial matters such as leveling or PKers, leaving him plenty of time to work on his long term goals, whatever they may be. One thing to note, though he never seems to lie, he has the habit of not giving a straight answer, leaving others to make their own judgments.
Since you're a character in a game, and have no actual bearing on reality, you're stuck with your word. Other "PC"s can hear and see you, but cannot feel you or anything you appear to do. Therefore, you're armed with your Ex-NAB experience and charismatic conversational skills.
In Short, you are Vanilla.
You are aligned with the Representatives of Good Guys and Nice People Who Do Things That Are Generally Viewed as Lawful or Otherwise Heroic. You win when the only people alive are the members of the Representatives of Good Guys and Nice People Who Do Things That Are Generally Viewed as Lawful or Otherwise Heroic, or when nothing can prevent this from occurring.

They could still hear his screams...

Night 1 has begun. 24 hours to submit any night actions (0200 EST on 6/9).

Also, 2 subs are being added to the list. I expected more poetry, people.

Edited by Elieson
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It was a strange morning for all to arise in. A fly-by meteor returned with Pinkie Pie still clinging onto it, screaming something about cupcakes, and it jolted everyone awake in an instant. It was a rude awakening, but one that couldn't be ignored. Every single character was nervous to see the turnout for the gathering, fearing that all the others might be dead.

The gang gathered around the pool that Leknaat had granted her story to. Each arrived, one by one, each appearing more tired than the last. All except for R2D2, as it is a robot, and doesn't really have a face.

First was Suzaku Kururugi, the fearless military officer. His keen eye scanned the area for any danger, and he spotted nothing worth his time. Szeth was second, barely opening his eyes at all in order to feign himself as asleep against a nearby pillar. Following them came Joey Wheeler and the Silent Swordsman Lv?, who had changed overnight. He appeared to have evolved, or grown up, and was most definately a Lv5 Silent Swordsman, over his previous Lv3 identity.

R2D2 and C-3PO stumbled and scooted into the humbling courtyard, simply gazing about at the others. Tibarn. flew down from his overloft atop another piller, and landed straight next to Joey Wheeler, startling him.

Joey punched Tibarn.'s rock hard abs using all of his sleepy Brooklyn might, but nothing really happened.

They waited and waited for Leknaat to join them, and minutes went by. Hours even. Something didn't seem right. Joey walked around anxiously and took a look in Leknaat's pool.

Hey, don't look in there! That's hers! You'll break it punk!

Hey, who do ya think you're callin' a punk, punk! Why I...woah. Uhh, guys. Remember that message about Ovan being with some weird blue coded representatives?

All nodded their heads.

Well, this one has Leknaat's name in it. Her name and...nothing else.

The curious and confused survivors gathered around the pool, all seeing her name spelt out in the glowing waters, but nothing else. A glimmer of hope was lost, as it was obvious that this meant death had fallen upon Leknaat herself.

Eyes arose from the pool, and gazed about the others. There were seven left. This couldn't end well.

Leknaat has been killed. She was;

-u are Leknaat, R-

Torn at their loss, discussion began after hours an hours of silence.

Day 2 has begun, and is set to end in 72 hours at 0200 GMT-6 (2 am EST, 1am CST) on 6/12/13.

With 7 alive, 4 votes will result in a hammer.

All results should have been sent out. If you didn't receive a result and think you should have, PM me.

Edited by Elieson
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Bleh, I thought the mafia would leave Leknaat alone because a few people thought he was suspicious. BTW Elie, he got janned right?

Anyways, like I said near the end of D1, interactions between Ovan and Suzaku didn't read like they were oppositely aligned, which makes me think that Suzaku is town. Also as I said at the end of D1, Flurrie's posts were bad, especially his post about Ovan. It pushed Ovan, and despite Flurrie saying he thought Ovan was scum, also allowed him plenty of ways to back off, with the stuff about the frustration not being a scumtell. Also, literally the only reasoning he gave for finding Ovan scummy was in this post. He didn't say anything about Ovan before that, and all he says in this post is that the self-hammer threat is so anti-town it's by itself enough to make Flurrie want to lynch Ovan, which seems like pretty shitty reasoning to me.

##Vote: Madam Flurrie

Also, is Tibarn back?

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^At least people can spell your name!

Don't like Flurrie still. The first post they made was just dropping an RVS vote and not contributing to what was going on at all. In his next post he mentions me, pretty much spending the entire post doing it, and then doesn't vote me to keep me at L-2. That would be fine, except the fact that he decides to votepark on an inactive, and doesn't push any other scumreads. He also didn't me ever again after that post, which is odd considering I'm supposed to be his primary scumread. Then this post here is pretty scummy as well. On the surface, it looks like it has some decent amount of content in it, when in reality it has no reads whatsoever in it, except maybe the last bit about Ovan. The emotion is a nulltell bit is also really wishy washy. He doesn't actually give an Ovan read until he's prompted to, and then his last post is just a single comment when the lynch is getting close, before buggering off to god knows where and ignoring the rest of the game.

I think this goes without saying.

##Vote: Madam Flurrie

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Hi guys, I'm active now, sorry for not being here most of Day 1. I couldn't talk on Night 1 so here I am. Anyways, I tried to skim through the thread and figure out what was going on. It was difficult to keep track of everything in such short time but the most suspicious player I found so far is Suzaku Kururugi. He started by complaining that he dislikes meta and later seems to have assumed a player identity based on liking .hack. I'm also not liking how he voted for Ovan without a strong reason but kept it there till the end. Anyhow, I'm gonna avoid voting based on Day 1 content since it's not easy to make a sound judgment from reading 150+ posts in just a few minutes. I should be able to follow Day 2 and onwards though.

btw can somebody please explain to me what a neighbor is?

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Sigh. Well, Ovan's flip makes me less sure about Suzaku. I really thought Ovan was being bussed. I have a bad habit of becoming too short-sighted, so I don't want to get too short-sighted. That said, I didn't like Suzaku's post before phase end. I'll reply to the Flurrie wagon tomorrow, after I get some Z's.

I felt like the post here was pretty weak. From two pages of new content, it felt like he cherry-picked a couple random quotes. He didn't say much about any of them either. Bringing up about Ovan's “condescending tone” was a nonsense position, imo; tone can be interpreted several ways and it's not indicative of alignment. I thought it was strange that he took issue with Ovan calling the votehop “weird,” when he already acknowledged our criticisms of the votehop and his weak Ovan position at the beginning of the post. He asked if we had any questions without responding to my post less than an hour before, where I said he hadn't answered my question.

That being said, I *did* like his last post. He seemed motivated and gave some detailed content. I liked the point about Madam Flurrie being voteless at phase end. I noticed that too, and I thought it was weird, considering MF was here ~4.5 hours before phase. Removing the Ovan vote and not coming back seems scummy to me (more on Flurrie tomorrow, gotta sleep).

Basically, I'm still leaning scum on Suzaku. I don't like most of his content, but I'm bad about being too short-sighted, so I'm trying to keep an open mind. Silent Swordsman, can you explain why you think Ovan's flip casts a better light on Suzaku? I got what you meant about them being scumbuddies, but I don't understand how town!Ovan exonerates Suzaku. You said it seemed like Suzaku and Ovan were on the same team, but if Suzaku's town, he wouldn't know Ovan's alignment, right?

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Well, like I said last phase, and Tibarn pointed out just now, the Suzaku wagonhop to Ovan was made for really flimsy reasons, at a point where the lynch was swinging to Ovan naturally anyways. It seems to me that Suzaku would have just stayed away from the lynch if he were scum. I feel like it's sort of a WIFOM argument, but it relies on the fact that Scumzaku would know Ovan was going to flip town.

To be fair to Madam Flurrie, at the point where he unvoted, the only lynch that was really going to happen was Ovan, and he didn't want to put Ovan at a position where he could self-hammer. So I don't think the bit about him being voteless is that valid. However, I want Flurrie to explain what happened to his Suzaku suspicion. His first content post was basically all about Suzaku and the other was basically all about Ovan. There's no explanation of what happened to the Suzaku suspicion, not even a cursory "I don't find him as bad anymore". Just "Ovan threatened to self-hammer so he's obvscum". I think this is different from Suzaku's bad vote because Flurrie gave himself a bunch of outs in his post switching to Ovan, and also because both his content posts have just involved sheeping onto the largest wagon at the time.

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Kinda worried how active the thread will be without Leknaat. >_>

Madam Flurrie made himself look pretty bad in the hours leading up to phase end. A lot of us (me, SS, Leknaat) were going pretty hard on Ovan, but MF sat the fence, imo. He had no particular reaction when SS accused him of being wishy-washy here (i.e., explaining his thought process or why he was consistent). He also didn't answer if Ovan's emotion/self-hammer threat was a scumtell in his opinion (although I thought SS phrased the question a little awkwardly, tbf).

That being said, I was more bothered by his attack on Suzaku. I thought his post here was pretty half-assed. MF gathered several quotes, but his only criticism of Suzaku was that he was “grasping.” Each quote/criticism said the exact same thing – “this feels like grasping.” The only other criticism was on Suzaku's Leknaat misrep, and it felt pretty phoned in. He just said there was nothing wrong with Leknaat's post format, and again, that Suzaku was grasping. I thought this was a very weak/unmotivated attempt at analysis. That said, I don't want to put MF at L-1 this early in the phase.

R2D2, what are your current scumreads, other than me? How do you feel about Silent Swordsman and Szeth? Also, Szeth – what's up, wise guy? Be more of a presence today, aah? Could you give us some current scumreads?

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Joey, you asked me why I thought that Ovan's flip put Suzaku into a better light, right? Did the answer I gave affect your read on Suzaku at all? Also, yesterday, you said that the Ovan/R2D2 interactions could be bussing. You mentioned that Ovan's flip made you less sure about Suzaku- what about R2D2?

Also, if Szeth is Kay like you suggested earlier (and I agree), I doubt that she'll post until the weekend is over.

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To be honest, I didn't think it was a great answer. I felt like it was saying “Well, to flip flop at that point with so little justification – it's so scummy, scum would never do it.” I can see both sides. In my mind, if Suzaku is town, then he had no way of knowing that Ovan was town, hence his vote. If Suzaku is scum, he didn't go after Ovan that hard for most of D1, but took advantage of the mislynch situation when it presented itself.

That said, I do think Madam Flurrie's attack on Suzaku shines a better light on Suzaku. I'm not sure why MF would have made a case against scum!Suzaku on June 6, but then flip to the Ovan wagon on June 7. I don't think MF would have tried to bus one of his buddies on June 6, when town!Ovan was also taking heat from several people. If MF is scum, I think it's more likely he was flipping from one town mislynch to the other.

If anything, Ovan's flip makes me feel a little worse about R2D2. Ovan was town, so I take his reads with more clarity. I do think R2D2's been laying low; I've seen him browse the thread several times today without popping in, which makes me uncomfortable. It sounds like he's busy irl, so I can let it slide. That said, I'm hesitant of him. I felt like he cherry-picked my post here. I thought he misrepped me on Szeth; he said my read was based on Szeth's posting style, when I made it clear that his posting style wasn't indicative of alignment. He then said I didn't give a read at all. I had said Szeth hadn't done much, and I wanted to hear more reads from him. I think R2D2 faulted me for not saying “null read" explicitly (I clarified this afterward). I felt like that was grasping. He found my Ovan/R2D2 idea scummy without any explanation or defense, which I thought was lazy. I'm leaning scum, but I'm keeping an open mind. I think this could be Scorri being hyper-sensitive, so I'd like to hear his/her reads on SS, Szeth, and MF.

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Hmm, ok. Leknaat being killed isn't a huge surprise. Pretty sure she was most everyone's town read. Nice to see Tibarn appear for all of one post, would enjoy seeing more from him. Hopefully sooner rather than later. Also, for reference, I'll probably only be around in the evenings. If it appears that I'm on at other times, it probably just means that I'm checking the thread while at work and not actually able to post much of merit. If I'm able to get posts out during the day, they probably won't be big ones.

Alrighty, onto things. I appear to have been asked what my thoughts on people are, so here it goes.

SS: Hmm, honestly, he would have been my second pick for a night kill behind Leknaat. He seems to be pretty pro-town to me. He's actively scum hunting but also being reasonable. Yesterday with Ovan he was trying to actually figure out what was happening and wasn't pushing harder on the emotions like I would expect scum to do. Overall, I'd say that I find him to be pretty town.

MF: Hmm... while I see what people are saying about him fence sitting, I'm not sure I buy that he's scum. I think that he's apathetic, yes, but I have a gut read of town here. I'll try and reread later this evening, but to me his attitude was more of "I think that he's scummy but don't want him to selfhammer" as opposed to the fence sitting light it's been getting painted in. Would not be a priority for lynch.

Szeth: Seems to just be asking questions, not really giving reads. They dropped their vote on Suzaku and didn't bother updating their read or explaining why they still found him scummy. Getting a scum vibe here, and would enjoy seeing more out of them.

Now, onto Joey's points about me.

If anything, Ovan's flip makes me feel a little worse about R2D2. Ovan was town, so I take his reads with more clarity. I do think R2D2's been laying low; I've seen him browse the thread several times today without popping in, which makes me uncomfortable. It sounds like he's busy irl, so I can let it slide.

So I'm laying low which makes you uncomfortable, but I've been busy, so it's ok.

That said, I'm hesitant of him. I felt like he cherry-picked my post
here. I thought he misrepped me on Szeth; he said my read was based on Szeth's posting style, when I made it clear that his posting style wasn't indicative of alignment. He then said I didn't give a read at all. I had said Szeth hadn't done much, and I wanted to hear more reads from him. I think R2D2 faulted me for not saying “null read" explicitly (I clarified this afterward). I felt like that was grasping. He found my Ovan/R2D2 idea scummy without any explanation or defense, which I thought was lazy.

My point there was the only thing you talked about with Szeth was their posting style. Nothing more. Your "read" was a non-existent one and kind of just handwaved their existence. My point with the Ovan/R2D2 thing was that you were seeming to make connections there without a flip to help strengthen those chains.

I'm leaning scum, but I'm keeping an open mind. I think this could be Scorri being hyper-sensitive, so I'd like to hear his/her reads on SS, Szeth, and MF.

See now, that's fence sitting. "I think this, but I could maybe be wrong." Also, I'm not 100% sure what you meant with the next bit? Even if I was scorri, I'm not aware of scorri being known for being hyper-sensitive, so I'm not even sure why you included that part since it's an attempt at meta in an anon game.

##Vote: Joey

Stuff from yesterday combined with the fence sitting on me while voting MF for similar things.

If not Joey, I'd also be ok with lynching Szeth or Suzaku, Szeth for reasons listed above and Suzaku for reasons listed yesterday.

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I guess "too scummy for scum to do it" is one way to look at it, but I look at it as "too unnecessary for scum to do it"?

I think you're thinking ahead a bit too much though. If you think Suzaku is scummy, lessening your suspicion just because he makes unlikely scumbuddies with MF, who you think is scummier, doesn't seem like a good idea. It's possible that MF is town and Suzaku is still scum.

As for Ovan's R2D2 read, while I thought his point about R2D2 not saying anything about Ovan or Suzaku until being pressed for it was good, the rest of his case seemed mostly based on inactivity, and knowing his alignment, feels more like town being frustrated because they felt that someone else was getting away with stuff that they weren't. "Also if we were still in RVS when R2D2 posted their post why was someone looking for me to make a solid stance on something that was based off of a gut feeling? If we were still in RVS why did I get flak for PROD VOTING an inactive during RVS?" Also, tbf about the Szeth thing, R2D2 never actually replied to you clarifying that (which I'd like them to do). And I sort of agreed with them then that your Ovan/R2D2 buddy idea was sort of grasping. R2D2 didn't give a reason for why your idea was implausible, but nor did you give a reason for why it was plausible, beyond that scum!Ovan was trying to give a buddy towncred before he left.

I also sort of dislike how yesterday when you thought Ovan was scum, you said the interactions looked like bussing, and now that you know he's town you say that the interactions look like town/scum. Sort of feels to me as if you already kind of think that R2D2 is scum and you're just interpreting things in whichever way will further that. It's not scummy exactly, just not good play IMO.

Also, Suzaku, when you get back, what do you think of Joey now? Yesterday one of the things I found scummy that you did was randomly switch away from him with no explanation as to how your read on Joey had changed,

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