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The Next Ylisse game


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But there's really no happy ending other than Emmeryn having to take the role of exalt at such a young age.

Eh... Depends on how it's handled. If Chrom's Father is the MC and is merely Doomed By Canon, then cool. It'd likely come off feeling like FE5 with any hope- and it'd be fun to play the aggressors for once.

If our cast is Plegian, well, if they were looking for a way to make me stop resetting on deaths.... >_>;; Yeah, I'd get all of my characters killed. (And curse at every one that survives due to plot importance).

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Honestly, I'd like to leave Ylisse/Akaneia alone for a bit.

I forsee either remakes with the MU function (because that is a goddamn licence to print money apparently), an entirely new setting or another 1000 year timeskip for Ylisse/Akaneia.

That said, I have a sneaking suspicion/hope that we're going to see a Blazing Sword remake with the role of the tactician being expanded upon.

That would be, all things considered, pretty damn cool. Like shadowofchaos, I'd be kind of hesitant about them messing with a support system that was already in place, but if they pulled it off correctly it could be great. I mean, just the conversation between Avatar and Lyn after her DLC chapter had me close to tears from the nostalgia and feels, and I am not the kind of guy who cries over video games or movies, ever.

The fact that it could even be the same Avatar if you wanted, transported somehow through time and space, would be a bonus.

Although the difficult part would be - would they create new children characters for the 1st-gen women who can have relationships (and nearly all of them can, but only a few have kids, like Rebecca and Nino), and would they follow the Awakening system and make everyone marriageable with each other, overturning the limited support sets? Would they then include the story of FE6 as well? That would be a huge game, literally two-in-one.

I think the best candidate for a remake is actually FE4. The marriage mechanic in Awakening is more or less lifted directly from that game, so it would be an easy translation. That and the fact it's never had an English release make it a prime candidate.

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No, you disgusting pig gaijins, it's spelled "Iris".

I would honestly prefer if they made a completely new Fire Emblem than exploring the roots of Awakening. I mean, the whole scouring roots idea ever since FE6 and FE7 came out was like... beaten to death by fans.

However, the whole Future of Despair/Future Past alternate timeline scenario would be interesting... but then you'd run the risk of the whole waifu/husbando war unless they keep their default freaking hair colors that most of them get from their mothers. And again, though, to actually make this practical, they'd have to introduce other characters we'd have to care about... and FoD 3 pretty much had the main cast only as the children. As a sidestory as DLC for Awakening, that is amazing... but as a full on game... they'd have to pull some other stuff to make it good as well.

I honestly think a sequel to Awakening should be based off the Future Past storyline. For example the new protagonist can just be a new recruit, kinda like FE12, where he/she's asked questions regarding the 12 heroes, like who their parents were and such before they're introduced. Maybe not all at once but as the story progresses.

That way shippers can still have their OTPs be 'canon' in a way without making everything default and ignoring that side of the fanbase.

An example could be

>Hey, isn't that Lucina? Her father was the previous exalt, Chrom. Her mother was... uh...

>A Dancer

>A Noblewoman

>A Pegasus Knight

>His Tactician

>A maiden

(pardon the greentexting)

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