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Hello there !

I have been using this website quite a lot since I started my FE raid a few weeks ago (hidden treasures, I hate you) and I thought it could be nice to join the community as well.

Fire Emblem is a relatively new thing for me as I discovered the games last year. That was thanks to Nintendo Ambassador Program for the 3DS, which included The Sacred Stones as a gift for purchasing its new console. Despite having launched the game without any particular hope, it was love at first sight. I played the game twice in a roll for a total of roughly 120h. Oh, my.

I then hunted for Path of Radiance, which I have heard to be one of the best installment. I managed to find a copy and enjoyed it as well. I finised the game two weeks ago and I'm now playing both Radiant Dawn and Awakening. So yes, one could say that I quite like Fire Emblem games.

My favourite characters are Tormod and Lute, which are both mages. I do think that those units are the most useful due to being able to attack as proficiently may it be directly or indirectly, but I guess that's just my opinion. I also have a rather weird fashion to enjoy playing a Fire Emblem game (or at least, I think) since I spend hours on each map, desperately tring to train even the weakest units. Therefore, I do not have a favourite or strongest team, which can sometimes results in some major struggles since I don't think the games are meant to be played this way, but whatever, I enjoy doing so.

Regarding some personal information, I'm 22, student, and I like video games as well as other japanese stuff such as anime and manga. I'm a huge fan of Kingdom Hearts, Persona and Tales of series. Oh, and I don't know to what extent this forum is international if it is at all, but I'm French so please don't mind my mistakes ;-)

Oh, and this just has to belong somewhere in my introduction, so here it is : :Lute:

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Thanks everyone ;-)

And look out for Counter, it's a pingas.

Do you mean the skill ? I heard that it could be quite troublesome in Awakening because regular foes have it, but I haven't experienced it myself. For some reason, I can't seem to be able to enjoy Awakening as much as I should. I think it is my least favourite game in the serie :/

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Do you mean the skill ? I heard that it could be quite troublesome in Awakening because regular foes have it, but I haven't experienced it myself. For some reason, I can't seem to be able to enjoy Awakening as much as I should. I think it is my least favourite game in the serie :/

Yes. Counter bounces back the damage taken, like it did in Tellius, but with several differences - one, it always activates (assuming you're attacking at melee range) and second, it bounces back the full amount of damage taken, unlike in Tellius, where it didn't always activate, and only reflected half the damage.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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You DO realize that you're talking to someone that likes mages, right?

Welcome~! Don't forget to introduce yourself to Boron read the rules and all~!

(end generic greeting)

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You DO realize that you're talking to someone that likes mages, right?

I do, because I like mages as well. And incidentally, that just might be why I prefer Awakening - since mages FINALLY didn't get shafted for once.

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Thank you =)

And yay, another Tales fan! :D

It has been so good to be a Tales fan recently :lol:

@Pikachu : I love your avatar. For some reason, it reminds me of :


also learn how to use emulators.

Not gonna happen. I dislike playing on computer. I don't even have a PC. But thanks for the suggestion anyway ~ :Ewan:

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