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New EU DLC released


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Rogues Pack

Future Past Pack

As well as Spotpass:

FE4 (Gen 1) Bonus Team

Astra (bow) Bonus Item

Gregor's Swell Swords/Say'ri's Ascension Bonus Challengers

Edited by Henry
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I think they messed up a tad.

I'm able to play R&R 2, unsure about the other one.


Unable to play R&R 3, darn!

But, I can open FP 2.

Edited by Henry
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shit i don't have the funds on me today; i was planning to pick up an eshop card tomorrow under the assumption that the dlc's not going anywhere, but odds are they'll fix the erroneous release of four episodes at once soon so...

oh well waiting a week won't kill me if they do fix it

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They never fixed the early EXPonential Growth release in America, so they're probably not gonna do anything about this, either.

Even though it's a different "they" in this case? Probably won't make a difference.

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Hang on a mo, are the reinforcements in The Future Past 1 supposed to move as soon as they appear? I thought I heard something like that before (or were the people playing on Hard mode?).

I'm just asking because they don't do that for me (playing on Normal).

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Hang on a mo, are the reinforcements in The Future Past 1 supposed to move as soon as they appear? I thought I heard something like that before (or were the people playing on Hard mode?).

I'm just asking because they don't do that for me (playing on Normal).

They must've been playing on Hard mode.

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Hang on a mo, are the reinforcements in The Future Past 1 supposed to move as soon as they appear? I thought I heard something like that before (or were the people playing on Hard mode?).

I'm just asking because they don't do that for me (playing on Normal).

it does on hard/lunatic, watch out for Mire douchebags

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I kept using Update now since yesterday evening every once in a while, I always do that when I know there is some new content, but the "unable to receive new data" message pops-up every time. The DLC thingy is okay, I can buy the new maps with no problems.

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I was getting worried for a few days when they hadn't announced anything when the last batch ended.

Ufortunately I have alot of grinding on my hands due to an accidental deletion of my main save. 100 hours gone. Oh well get to try some new pairings at least.

I'm looking forward to playing the future maps. I haven't looked at any info on the story of them but i'm assuming that this is another parallel universe to the ones that the playable kids come from?

Also Limit Breaker soon!

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I was getting worried for a few days when they hadn't announced anything when the last batch ended.

Ufortunately I have alot of grinding on my hands due to an accidental deletion of my main save. 100 hours gone. Oh well get to try some new pairings at least.

We're on the same boat here :S

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We're on the same boat here :S

I was so annoyed when it happened. Was starting my first lunatic run and because i'm so used to saving as quick as possible with only one save I had forgotten to press down to go to a new slot. >_>

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