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Animal Crossing: Ruler of The World(Town)


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@pinkbubblegum I've got the modern wood bed and shelf in my catalogue!

Well I'm currently missing these fossils: dinosaur track, diplo neck, fern fossil, iguanadon skull, megacero skull, stego tail, tyranno skull/tail/torso. If it's not troublesome, then it would be cool if anyone would keep an eye out for them.

In fact, I've even made a list of what I've got at the moment. Click here. I'm holding onto quite a few fossils at the moment and would love to trade them off! (But I've put a dot next to ones which I might be trading with soon.)

God fucking damn it, I created a new town that started in November because I'm really tired of summer and so many fucking pigs are moving into my town. Get the fuck out piggies, I don't want any of you. Don't make me abuse you.

Haha, have you got another copy of AC then?

I'm getting a tiiiiny bit bored of summer... but I'm just going to take it as slowly as I can.

My town tune is just a made-up tune. I've been meaning to look up music scores and/or experiment more but I've been too busy playing AC to do that, ha!

Edited by MathematicsMajorGirl
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You can have it for freeee!

But if you have anything from the Modern (Chair, Dresser, Lamp) / Modern Wood (Bed, Lamp, Shelf, Stool, Table, TV) set I'd appreciate it c:

Oh thanks. :3

I streetpassed someone who I think has the full modern wood set, I'll have to check. :3

EDIT: I was able to get everything you needed but the lamp. Hope that's alright.

Zak do you still need some Hero's Boots? I have an extra pair that I've kept for some reason! xD

Still need. :3

What would you want for it?

Edited by Zak Stealer of Waifus
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Well I'm currently missing these fossils: dinosaur track, diplo neck, fern fossil, iguanadon skull, megacero skull, stego tail, tyranno skull/tail/torso. If it's not troublesome, then it would be cool if anyone would keep an eye out for them.

I found an Inguanadon Skull in my fossils today if you still need it c:

I streetpassed someone who I think has the full modern wood set, I'll have to check. :3

EDIT: I was able to get everything you needed but the lamp. Hope that's alright.

Oh wow, thanks! That's more than alright haha xD

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Still need. :3

What would you want for it?

I'll give 'em to you for free! :D

You'll have to wait until later though... I don't have access to internet that works with my Animal Crossing at the moment! x3

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SEGUE...ish... time...

What's your guys' town tunes at the moment? If you've had multiple ones in the past, what were they in the past? Maybe you can also share your town tune with others.

Mine is pretty simple right now. It's the jingle you hear when you highlight the game from the home menu to start it up.

My other town had Pon Pon for a while and my first town had Saria's Song because I'm not very creative and Ocarina songs are the first things that come to mind when improvising a town tune.

Mine is the first few notes of Stone Tower Temple.

I wanted to look it up at first, but after fifteen minutes told the internet to go fuck itself and winged it.

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Hey Rococo lovers! I just got a Rococo dresser (bless the HHA) and I think that might be the final piece most of us are missing? Or am I mistaken? I'm free mostly all day today if you want to trade.

Also my turnip price was 192 on Monday I think, and it is 201 right now! Do you think it's going to increase some more?... (Forgot to check the price yesterday though.)

Edited by MathematicsMajorGirl
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My town tune is the first few chords of Distant Utopia. My town IS called Arcadia. :)

Prices for me are at about 104 bells, which is better than last week at least. If someone's prices peak between today and tomorrow, please let me know though.

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Yeah, so my turnip prices have been decreasing ever since that 201!

People who lay down paths in their town... it must take a hell of a lot of time. I guess it's worth it when it looks nice in the end huh. ^ whoa have you laid down tiles EVERYWHERE? >_>

I've been planting flowers all over my town instead, and my paths are where the flowers aren't!

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I don't even have the faintest clue on how to do that...

Time to research (I don't exactly play much at the moment anyways).

I don't even know how you can hold all of those tiles at once.

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apple jam for breakfast tomorrow


p.s. she's so fucking cute i got her to move in fuck yes

p.p.s: I still regret naming my town this for that one-off joke in the beginning. Fuck. If I could change the town name after starting I would--

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apple jam for breakfast tomorrow


p.s. she's so fucking cute i got her to move in fuck yes

p.p.s: I still regret naming my town this for that one-off joke in the beginning. Fuck

XD My town name is boring, so I approve of anything that's cooler than mine.

And oh my God, she's adorable. Not Flora-adorable, but definitely up there.

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Why can't more animals camp at my campsite? =(

In my first town animals barely moved into my campsite but now they won't fucking STOP AGHHHHHH and I keep having to replace the paths in front.

Also, does anyone have a Modern Wood Wall and Floor? I have all 9 pieces from the set but am missing the floor and wall. If you do, shoot me a Pm and we can set up a time. I have quite a bit of stuff on my catalog so I might have something you might want.

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In my first town animals barely moved into my campsite but now they won't fucking STOP AGHHHHHH and I keep having to replace the paths in front.

Also, does anyone have a Modern Wood Wall and Floor? I have all 9 pieces from the set but am missing the floor and wall. If you do, shoot me a Pm and we can set up a time. I have quite a bit of stuff on my catalog so I might have something you might want.

I think I have the floor... I'll have to go check tomorrow - my little sister is playing Fire Emblem on my DS right now.

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"Yes Nook, I'd like my house to be put here, right in the middle of the mayor's fine brick path."



At least when it happens I have to re-work the paths and I actually end up liking it more that way. I think it looks a bit better now.

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Yay, I finally got my copy back from my sis today since she was able to get her own~

Man, I need to learn how to landscape. Let's see if I can find any cool path patterns~

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"Yes Nook, I'd like my house to be put here, right in the middle of the mayor's fine brick path."


"Oh, those are LOVELY Blue Roses and money trees! ...... *drops house overtop of them*"

Yeah, the villagers in this game are... More rude than before... XP

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