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Anyone else hate limit breaker?

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Basically this. Limit Breaker isnt even necessary for the main game. Most of the DLC skills arent (but some help.) so i dont see why Limit Breaker would be hated based on the main campaign.

It doesn't exist! Worst skill EVAR!!!11one111

But well there's kind of some truth to that. Main game, it isn't there, so who cares? Post game, everyone pretty much has to get it, so who cares? It's just so boring. I think that the only thing that gets by without Limit Break is rallybots, and even they sometimes want it so the amount of combat they can see without dying is non-zero.

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I hate it because I don't have any money to buy the DLC for it

How don't you have 3 dollars? Even considering packs, it's still pretty damn cheap.

EDIT: I read that as "i hate it how people don't have any money to buy it". Sorry.

Anyway, I don't dislike Limit Breaker itself as I dislike the fact enemies in Apotheosis have ridiculously high stats and caps making it necessary for you to go under tedious hours of grinding. I think this has gone to hell with those ridiculous caps.

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who recruits kids that late

I mean who even recruits Severa anyway

i always recruit severa, she usually ends up as my 2nd best unit behind my avatar. I love limit breaker because it makes apotheosis possible with my avatar's family only and i can just mess around and destroy weak enemies with ease.

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No, you use Limit Breaker on Streetpass teams or your team is dirt easy, there is nothing you can do to make a challenging team without it.

Lethality? You'll miss.

Counter can't kill without the Counter User's HP being higher than the other units'. Unless you 1-locked the unit with Counter, which creates an exploitable dead zone, Counter is useless.

Once matched stats wise at base, your team loses, that's all you need to know.

Having more than half the team with Counter and Lethality still makes units unapproachable due to either RNG screwage or the enemy attacking you directly with counter. You can't really be reckless against a team full of Heros/Swordmasters with Tomebreaker/Counter/Lethality sets.

Of course it's possible to beat a team without Limit Breaker but it's still a cheap way of increasing the strength of your team without really adding anything.

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Having more than half the team with Counter and Lethality still makes units unapproachable due to either RNG screwage or the enemy attacking you directly with counter. You can't really be reckless against a team full of Heros/Swordmasters with Tomebreaker/Counter/Lethality sets.

Of course it's possible to beat a team without Limit Breaker but it's still a cheap way of increasing the strength of your team without really adding anything.

If you don't limit break it, I can.

Counter is useless unless 1-locked (So, Ragnell, Amatsu, Levin Sword, Helswath, Tomahawk, etc. Are dead in the water for SMs and Heroes), but like I said, that creates a Deadzone. And Tomebreaker does not cause players to miss. I'll still have 100% CG hit on your units, which means they go bye-bye on initiation- or if you're really speed stacking (AKA: all of LQ!Yarne!(+SPD,-Something that doesn't lower SPD)Morgan) I pull a Javelin- or Brave Sword, before they can do anything. LB lets them survive my opening swings. If it doesn't live thru 6 attacks, it's dead without thought, before any action can be taken.

I autobattled several teams that were like that to death at con. Limit Breaks are required.

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i always recruit severa, she usually ends up as my 2nd best unit behind my avatar. I love limit breaker because it makes apotheosis possible with my avatar's family only and i can just mess around and destroy weak enemies with ease.

I was joking about skipping Severa, of course I wouldn't pass on recruiting my daughter

it was more of a joke from the "panic" thread from a few days ago

also, streetpass team summary: the only winning move is not to play

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It doesn't exist! Worst skill EVAR!!!11one111

But well there's kind of some truth to that. Main game, it isn't there, so who cares? Post game, everyone pretty much has to get it, so who cares? It's just so boring. I think that the only thing that gets by without Limit Break is rallybots, and even they sometimes want it so the amount of combat they can see without dying is non-zero.

But thats only really for the final DLC map. As far as i know anyway. And that map is designed to be balls hard so sure, youre gonna want the best stats and shit.

Limit Breaker is a skill i can take or leave. Latter if im not arsed to play the final map.

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But thats only really for the final DLC map. As far as i know anyway. And that map is designed to be balls hard so sure, youre gonna want the best stats and shit.

Limit Breaker is a skill i can take or leave. Latter if im not arsed to play the final map.

you actually don't need it to win (not surprising, most enemies have speed in the 50s even on the alternate route)

Edited by shadykid
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you actually don't need it to win (not surprising, most enemies have speed in the 50s even on the alternate route)

You do on the other hand need a lot of prep, Aggressor and Galeforce.

You won't win if you're not ORKOin'g because without LB, units can't survive the EP in Apo if they're taking attacks (As even with LB, there's plenty in there that can easily do 40+ Damage before silly things like Luna+)

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You do on the other hand need a lot of prep, Aggressor and Galeforce.

You won't win if you're not ORKOin'g because without LB, units can't survive the EP in Apo if they're taking attacks (As even with LB, there's plenty in there that can easily do 40+ Damage before silly things like Luna+)

preparation yes, Galeforce almost certainly yes, I have my doubts on Aggressor (7/8 damage per strike on each attack for 80/99 HP enemies is pretty minimal)

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7/8 damage? 20 damage, surely - 10 per strike, and brave weapons. Well, I guess if your Agressors are at the back there's only like a 95% chance Dual Strike activates, but still average of like 18, right?

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7/8 damage? 20 damage, surely - 10 per strike, and brave weapons. Well, I guess if your Agressors are at the back there's only like a 95% chance Dual Strike activates, but still average of like 18, right?

12 hits (4 from front, 8 from back)

obviously you'll rely on back damage more, but the point still stands, 12x8=96 HP, so 3 more damage takes out everything

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also, streetpass team summary: the only winning move is not to play

Hey look, my JP copy isn't compatible with US streetpass, and my US streetpass team is a shop.

Win-win for me.

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Hey look, my JP copy isn't compatible with US streetpass, and my US streetpass team is a shop.

Win-win for me.

look guys, the real streetpass winner

still lose to other people with a Japanese 3DS

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12 hits (4 from front, 8 from back)

obviously you'll rely on back damage more, but the point still stands, 12x8=96 HP, so 3 more damage takes out everything

That's... an extremely convoluted and misleading way of stating it. It took me a minute to work out if you were even replying to my post or just hit quote by accident.

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That's... an extremely convoluted and misleading way of stating it. It took me a minute to work out if you were even replying to my post or just hit quote by accident.

not really, it makes plenty of sense

unless you meant 20 damage per round (from one strike from the main attacker+two from the back)

you really think your main attacker needs to be dealing 20 damage a hit to kill stuff?

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I never said anything about what damage the main attacker does. I just said Aggressor adds 10 damage per strike. That's exactly what it does. If you want to argue that, under some specific scenarios you want to talk about how that damage doesn't matter, sure, go ahead, but state your assumptions, explain why the scenario makes sense, and actually say that's what you're trying to say.

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I never said anything about what damage the main attacker does. I just said Aggressor adds 10 damage per strike. That's exactly what it does. If you want to argue that, under some specific scenarios you want to talk about how that damage doesn't matter, sure, go ahead, but state your assumptions, explain why the scenario makes sense, and actually say that's what you're trying to say.


I wasn't even responding to you on that, I told airship you only need 7/8 damage per strike to ORKO then you randomly mentioned the attack loss without aggressor

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No, you use Limit Breaker on Streetpass teams or your team is dirt easy, there is nothing you can do to make a challenging team without it.

Lethality? You'll miss.

Counter can't kill without the Counter User's HP being higher than the other units'. Unless you 1-locked the unit with Counter, which creates an exploitable dead zone, Counter is useless.

Once matched stats wise at base, your team loses, that's all you need to know.

Unless I'm wrong, Limit Breaker don't raise HP cap right? Anyway, I find it amusing that people grind lb for troll teams.

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