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Characters You Don't Want Anywhere Near Smash Bros.


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Just to underline this point further...


Not only in NSMB Wii does Bowser appear several times larger than Mario, but also in Sunshine, 64, and the original SMB to name a few... So I don't get why Sakurai says Ridley is simply too big as if it's undeniable fact.

Edited by Owain Dark
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To be fair, in some games, Ridley is gargantuan, but in some he's not too much taller than Samus. In all the 3D instalments, he is quite a giant, but in the SSBM intro movie, he appeared in a perfect size to be put into Super Smash Bros.

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Chrom...yeah I said it. We don't need a third blue haired swordsman representing FE, and I do believe Marth and Ike are staying. I would prefer Lucina if only because she would be a blue haired female sword user, but I'm hopeful we'll see someone more unique, like Tharja (popularity), Anna (mascot status), or maybe even Tiki (ditto)?

Bold: Something tells me that this is wishful thinking... I don't know what you're thinking, thinking that Tharja - a minor character - even has a ghost of a chance of getting in. I'll believe that when I see it. I mean, I'd like to see more FE representation, but I think your way of thinking is wrong.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Ugh, I do not like Tharja, so I would hate to see her in too. I'd rather have Chrom-cloned Lucina as playable and that's saying something because I don't want that either.

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Bold: Something tells me that this is wishful thinking... I don't know what you're thinking, thinking that Tharja - a minor character - even has a ghost of a chance of getting in. I'll believe that when I see it. I mean, I'd like to see more FE representation, but I think your way of thinking is wrong.

Lol, it's totally wishful thinking, hence "but I'm hopeful that..."

It's 99% surely going to be Chrom or Lucina.

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i think super smash bros has too much nintendo representation they really need to cut out some of the nintendo characters (mostly the ones who arent from mario) and add in characters from other popular series, like john madden, sega sanshiro, and pepsi man.

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i think super smash bros has too much nintendo representation they really need to cut out some of the nintendo characters (mostly the ones who arent from mario) and add in characters from other popular series, like john madden, sega sanshiro, and pepsi man.

Bwhahahahahah Pepsi man.

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Nobody, I want all the characters, especially the ones with the most annoying fanbases (and Segata Sanshiro, never forget)

I think the number of Pokemon (including Pokemon Trainer) is a good number and they shouldn't take up any more roster slots. I wouldn't mind if Lucario and Pokemon Trainer's mons were shuffled around, though. I just don't want to see it become Pokemon: The Fighting Game. The Pokeballs are already a way to stick a large number of Pokemon into the game.

Bowser Jr (or any Jr for that matter) is also a nope for me. So are "X character but profession Y!" like Dr. Mario. The Mushroom Kingdom roster is pretty saturated too.

Any other Kong other than adding Dixie. Donkey, Diddy, and Dixie would be a perfect trio but unless King K. Rool comes back (and I don't think he will) I can't think of any other characters from that universe that I honestly want to see.

Metal Gear stuff. Snake was a weird choice for Brawl and Konami has never made Nintendo consoles the premier MGS experience. Plus he was OP.

Personally, while I'd be fine with Snake himself either staying or being removed, I think his movelist and general properties should be preserved somehow, he was pretty unique and managed to be really fun for a slower paced weighty, methodical character. and he wasn't OP, almost everybody else was just UP

Edited by Rehab
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About Lucina, I'm pretty sure they don't care about spoilers regarding her anymore, as she has a profile on the official site that tells everything.

Didn't they also spoil Mother3 or something in Brawl?

But anyway, I'd like them to get rid of duplicates, like Toon Link, but it isn't that big of a deal.

I can't figure out why they kept Jigglypuff in this whole time. And I don't really want Mewtwo back.

Edited by L95
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I thought Kojima oversaw Metal Gear, Z.O.E., and Policenauts, but not Castlevania. Remember, IGA is the guy who controls Castlevania right now.

I know Kojima doesn't direct Castlevania. I'm saying that if Konami starts planning to put Simon Belmont in and they're only allowed one Konami character, Kojima will likely step in and make sure that it's Snake that gets in instead of Simon Belmont.

Apart from being playable in Super Mario Bros. 2, Toad hasn't done much of note in the main Mario series (the Toads in NSMBWii/NSMBU don't count as they are generic Toads and not "The" Toad).

You're forgetting the two Wario's Woods games which starred Toad. And for someone who doesn't do too much in the main Mario series, Nintendo sure does feature him a lot on their official sites and newsletters alongside Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Bowser (all mainstream Mario character in Smash Bros). And I don't blame them, seeing how Toad has a lot more seniority (28 years as opposed to Bowser Jr.'s 11) than Bowser Jr.

And if being a generic counts against Toad, how about Yoshi and Pokemon? Remember, the Yoshi in all of the Yoshi games that are independant from mainstream and spinoff Mario games (like the Yoshi's Island games, Yoshi's Story, and Yoshi's Touch and Go) isn't the official Yoshi either, yet they based his moves off that version like the Ground Pound, Flutter Jump, and Egg Throw. "The Yoshi" that exists in the same time as adult Mario and Luigi was never established to be able to do those moves in the N64 era, yet they used those moves in SSB64. It isn't a stretch that they could have "The Toad" using moves from the console NSMB games.

And even if Bowser Jr. does make it in over Toad, he'll likely be a clone of Bowser, knowing Sakurai and what he's done to characters in similar cases (he said Brawl wouldn't have clones, and look what he did to Toon Link). Do you really want that over someone who'll more likely be unique?

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You're forgetting the two Wario's Woods games which starred Toad.

I said "Main series" games. Wario's Woods is a spin-off title. :facepalm:

Remember, the Yoshi in all of the Yoshi games that are independant from mainstream and spinoff Mario games (like the Yoshi's Island games, Yoshi's Story, and Yoshi's Touch and Go) isn't the official Yoshi either, yet they based his moves off that version like the Ground Pound, Flutter Jump, and Egg Throw.

All of those moves were present in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island...

Do you really want that over someone who'll more likely be unique?

I like Bowser Jr. a lot more than I like Toad. :P:

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Bowser is massive in the majority of the main 3D Mario platformer games. Olimar and Kirby are only the size of like a coin. Size is definitely not an issue. The only issue would be his shape, he looks like he'd be awkward to program into the game as playable. But I wouldn't mind him, it'd be pretty cool and Metroid needs more representation.

Metroid does need more representation, not from Ridley, but from Adam! His final smash: Authorisation!

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I said "Main series" games. Wario's Woods is a spin-off title. :facepalm:

Fair enough. I still think Toad's history with the general Mario series spanning decades and the loads of appearances that he has (whether it's playable, major NPC, announcer, or playing big roles as a general species) makes him more important than Bowser Jr., despite the latter's many appearances as a villain in mainstream Mario games. But, I guess we'll find out if either makes it in and in what role as more of SSB4 gets announced.

All of those moves were present in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island...

True, but the Yoshi in the SNES Yoshi's Island is not "The Yoshi." The Yoshi in Yoshi's Island and the Yoshi in Super Mario World and all other games with Adult Mario and Adult Luigi are established to be two different Yoshis. That wasn't officially establisted in the SNES and N64 era (but was slightly implied with the huge time gap between the games, with Mario, Luigi, and Bowser being babies in SMW2 and YS, but them being adults in SMW1), but in Yoshi's Island DS, they even show "The Yoshi" hatching at the end and being established as one of the Star Children, along with Mario, Luigi, Peach, Donkey Kong, Bowser, and Wario (where they were all babies at the time, including "The Yoshi").

So in that sense, "The Yoshi's" moves in SSB64 weren't his own and was actually taken from the past Yoshi (the one in all Yoshi's Island games, Yoshi's Story, Yoshi's Touch & Go, etc.) So they could do something similar with Toad's moves. Also, all of Zelda's special moves (barring transform) were all moves that were used by Link in the N64 Zelda games, and all of Ness and Lucas' moves (besides Ness' PK Flash) were never actually used by them and were actually moves used by other characters in their games (Ness took Paula's and Poo's moves, while Lucas took Kumatora's). So Smash characters using other characters' moves has actually been a reoccurring tradition.

I like Bowser Jr. a lot more than I like Toad. :P:

Well, there's no point in arguing about your favourite character, so I can't say much about that.

Of the Mario characters that aren't in Smash Bros. (besides Rosalina, who sadly isn't as likely in SSB4 as either Toad or Bowser Jr.), Toad is my most favourite.

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Wait... I thought the Yoshi in Yoshi's Island was THE Yoshi...? :blink:

Oh... And Bowser Jr. wouldn't be a clone, he could use his paintbrush from Sunshine! :P:

Not the case. It's established in Yoshi's Island DS, where the plot revolves around Star Children: seven people that possess an extraordinary amount of power. Six of the star children are Mario, Luigi, Peach, Powser, Donkey Kong, and Wario.


The seventh star is shown to come from a green Yoshi that was just very recently born after the game's ending.


Seeing how the first six star children are all babies, and the baby Yoshi at the end is also a star child, it's heavily implied that the baby Yoshi at the end is "The Yoshi."

Knowing Sakurai and what he did with Toon Link, I don't really he'll bother making him unique. But then again, he did say diversifying characters in SSB4 is of priority, and SSB4 Bowser and Pit's movesets have changed rather heavily compared to the previous games.

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Not the case. It's established in Yoshi's Island DS, where the plot revolves around Star Children: seven people that possess an extraordinary amount of power. Six of the star children are Mario, Luigi, Peach, Powser, Donkey Kong, and Wario.


The seventh star is shown to come from a green Yoshi that was just very recently born after the game's ending.


Seeing how the first six star children are all babies, and the baby Yoshi at the end is also a star child, it's heavily implied that the baby Yoshi at the end is "The Yoshi."

Knowing Sakurai and what he did with Toon Link, I don't really he'll bother making him unique. But then again, he did say diversifying characters in SSB4 is of priority, and SSB4 Bowser and Pit's movesets have changed rather heavily compared to the previous games.

Ohhhhhh. I haven't played Yoshi's Island on the DS yet, I only played the original. My bad.

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It's a common misconception, and I myself thought "The Yoshi" and the Yoshi in Yoshi's Island were the same for the longest time, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Come to think of it, they never established if the Smash Bros. Yoshi is the current Yoshi or the past Yoshi (from Yoshi's Island). I always thought it was "The Yoshi," since it'd make sense having "The Yoshi" with adult Mario, Luigi, and Donkey Kong in SSB64. Then again, Yoshi represents the Yoshi series which has games like Yoshi's Island and Yoshi's Story, which has the past Yoshi as playable, so it could be that Yoshi. This is so confusing, and I'm thinking it should be moved to its own topic.

Well, to go back on topic, I really don't want Marx from Kirby in. I really hate him and find him overrated, and he's only really in one game (he's just cameos in the rest and Super Star Ultra is just a remake), so even Dark Matter and Zero reoccur more than him.

The betrayal reveal was really pointless when Marx's intro scene was skipped by practically everyone (not many people wait 20 seconds on the title screen just to see the demo/story scenes, especially when Kirby Super Star had so many to go through being multiples games in one), and I didn't find it epic or insanely evil whatsoever. Magolor's betrayal was so much more well done, with the intro scene not having to require waiting on the title screen to see it, Magolor building up a friendship with Kirby throughout the game, allowing Kirby to try out his challenge rooms and minigames in his ship, and not even having to say anything or communicate with Kirby to get Kirby to help him (making his betrayal so much more unexpected) with his ship and the Landia.

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