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General E3 Discussion (Not FEE3 u nubs)


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Alright so as of this post, Sony has completed their E3 day one and there's lots to be said.

Xbone: 24 hour checks for internet

Sony: Astra said it best.

Xbone: Pay fees to use a friends game on your Xbone

Sony: Nigga plz

Xbone: Our console has great specs... seriously...!

Sony: Nigga plz

Xbone: $499

Sony: $399 nigga plz

Xbone: Racing, sports, and TV!

Sony: Kingdom Hearts 3, FF15, Knack, Infamous 3, The Order, AND SO MUCH MORE NIGGA PLZ

Xbone: Release date of november

Sony: Release date of november


Which one will YOU be buying?


Image of the ps4.


Edited by Klok
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I've always been a Nintendo fanboy and I will continue to be so, but I will probably pick up a PS4 if this keeps up. I love two major consoles equally, for once. Xbone is so far down on my hate list though, makes me sick with rage.

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I'll be sticking with my Wii U, by the looks of things.

Not for the sake of being a contrarian, since Sony fans clearly have a reason for parading, but with the bar set so low by Microsoft's unpopular moves with the Xbox One, it wasn't that hard for the PS4 to "knock it out of the park." I'm laughing so hard at everybody going nuts over this.

Edited by Arch
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Honestly, when I come back in 2 years, I'm buying a Wii U and PS4.

I plan on getting both as well haha. I just lack a JOB currently :<

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Wii U? What's that, some kind of who gives a fuck?

Seriously though, it's all the more satisfying since Sony hasn't exactly been very clear on their used game policy following up to E3. To basically immediately one up Microsoft in every category, while simultaneously assuaging all the worries everyone had about their potential policies is just great.

I've no intention of getting any of the next gen consoles, but it's just wonderful seeing Microsoft horrible anti-consumer practices getting annihilated by Sony. Here's to hoping that Microsoft crashes and burns in the future.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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[8:56:44 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): My gosh

[8:56:47 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): my dad was watching this

[8:56:49 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): like he's not a gamer

[8:57:00 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): but I explained to him how the XboxOne was making things more complicated with sharing games

[8:57:09 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): he saw the Playstation "how to share your games" video

[8:57:10 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): he laughed.

[8:57:11 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): So hard.

[8:57:14 PM] Sis: XD

[8:57:16 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): My strict Asian dad.

[8:57:17 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): Laughed.

[8:57:17 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): Hard.

[8:57:20 PM] Sis: Hey

[8:57:23 PM] Sis: It's friggin' brilliant

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I've got a ridiculously large backlog of games as it is, so I won't be dropping money down on a new console anytime in the near future (outside of a 3DS, which I've been planning to get for months). But, if/when I do transition to the next gen systems, the PS4's got the major edge right now. Still have to see what Nintendo brings to the table tomorrow (what can I say, I'm a sucker for their first party titles, so it would be odd not to have one), but I may have to make a tough decision down the road if I only decide to purchase one system. :/

EDIT - For the record, never been an Xbox guy (though I did have enjoyable experiences with friends' consoles) mainly for the forced "Pay if you want multiplayer" bull, so that's a strike against Sony so far, too. (And, obviously, Microsoft has done enough trampling of consumer rights so far (just look at the Supreme Court decision that allowed shrinkwrap EULA documents that could include the BS "You only bought a license to run the software, even if you bought a physical disc" crap), so I wasn't intending on getting a One anyway.)

Edited by Lord Glenn
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I've already got a Wii U, and I'm really looking forward to hearing about it tomorrow (as well as some 3DS stuff, I'm sure.)
But now that I've got a job, I think I'll definitely be getting a PS4.
I don't know if I'll get one right away or not, but I'll certainly be getting one... Sure, you have to pay for online now. But it's pretty cheap, and it's still a much better deal than Live overall, so I'm alright with it.

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Ahhh, this is so going to hurt my wallet someday.....but I'm happy that things are finally on the move with Square Enix. I figured its about time they changed versus to FF15 (look like a lot of changes were made too, doesn't look very much like what I saw a few years ago) and YAY for KH3; about f*cking time! :D

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It was probably a good move on Sonys part to announce the online fee while all the negative attention is so focused on Microsoft that hardly anyone noticed. For me online fees like this still are and will always be bullshit, but even then Sony is the lesser of two evils.

A Wii U is likely in the future for me. MAYBE I'll get a PS4 later on down the road if I have the cash.

FFXV looks nice, but so did FFXIII and a shit ton of people hated it. I'll hold my judgements 'til I get more info.

That used game video was a freakin dick-slap to Microsoft. Thumbs up.

Also, Microsoft CEOs right now:


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I'm actually excited for the list of PS4 games o:

KH3 (Dear lord /finally/), Dragon Age 3, Infamous 3, Witcher 3 (Look at all them threes) + Watch Dogs (But I'll most likely get the PS3 release of this. I'm in no real hurry to get a new console anytime soon haha)

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The fact that SE showed off cutscenes as actual gameplay footage for FFXIII is only more reason to be wary about XV.




And as always, E3 is a great source of GIFs.


Lol, Blazing Saddles

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So my boyfriend's not a Sony guy, but after today he offered to split the cost of a PS4 with me. How telling.

Also I'm so hyped for FFXV, and I have been ever since it was still Versus XIII. Kingdoms Hearts 3 means nothing to me but MODERN FANTASY SPARKLY BISHONENS GUYS IN TAILORED SUITS SIGN ME UP.

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I don't even care, I've been out of console gaming for years and probably won't go back. I'll just play whatever my brothers decide to buy and be happy with that :D:

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I hadn't checked any E3 stuff all day until now. I saw FFXV and KH3 announced. My heart started racing. I watched the trailers. Crying and hyperventilating. I can't, Sony, I can't! You're going to make me broke! I've been waiting so long for KH3 ;-; I can hardly believe that trailer is real. And FFXV looks incredible.

I skipped PS3 but I guess this means I will be buying a PS4 eventually...and I have a feeling Nintendo is going to seriously tempt me to get a Wii U in a few hours. Gah.

Microsoft, just pack up and quietly excuse yourselves until next gen

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