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General E3 Discussion (Not FEE3 u nubs)


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Oh, I read SMT Fan's line the other way accidently (and incorrectly) for whatever reason. I thought he was saying that XBox One had over 10.79 million pre-orders, more than the amount Brawl sold (I was like, "people are heavily supporting Microsoft's anti-consumerism, why?!?!?!"). I guess I should edit my post's reaction.

Sorry if the new IP talk for Wii U was bothering you. I just want to add one more thing that you might look forward to for next E3:

Miyamoto said he's been planning a brand new IP for the Wii U for quite some time (which is going to introduce a brand new character to the Nintendo library, so it's likely going to be a game series targeted to the "core" gamer and not something like Brain Age or Wii Sports), though he probably didn't have enough of the game developed to be able to show it off at E3, since he was focusing on Pikmin 3. We'll hopefully finally see a trailer of it at next E3. Seeing how this guy created the Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda, Star Fox, F-Zero, and Pikmin series, it's going to be really interesting to see what his new IP is.

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Miyamoto said he's been planning a brand new IP for the Wii U for quite some time (which is going to introduce a brand new character to the Nintendo library, so it's likely going to be a game series targeted to the "core" gamer and not something like Brain Age or Wii Sports), though he probably didn't have enough of the game developed to be able to show it off at E3, since he was focusing on Pikmin 3. We'll hopefully finally see a trailer of it at next E3. Seeing how this guy created the Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda, Star Fox, F-Zero, and Pikmin series, it's going to be really interesting to see what his new IP is.

I'll be willing to see it. Honestly, I really hope Nintendo are serious competitors for Sony in this generation. Microsoft have already made a laughing stock of themselves, but if Sony have free reigns on this generation they might get lazy. Competition between the consoles is good for us, so I hope to see more games in 2014 that will actually push the "next-gen" envelope, because right now there has been several unfortunate stories about EA and Ubisoft possibly shutting out support for the Wii U because they haven't sold enough consoles. I might not get a Wii U, but I genuinely want it to do well. I think a lot of people view Nintendo the way I see them right now - infinite Mario and Zelda games with "new" games like DK Country Returns and etc thrown in, running off pure nostalgia and stuck in the 1990's. It might not be enough to win people like that over, but more core IPs from Nintendo would be great for competition.

P.S: X (title wut?) looks great. Smash Brothers will also be a pretty good system seller. I'd say they aren't in the worst position ever, but they need to get their stuff down before the PS4 sweeps them. That is my concern.

Edited by Kelsper
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Well, there's no guarantee PS4 will heavily dominate. People said the PS Vita would dominate over the 3DS, and it turned out to be the exact opposite, despite the 3DS' slow start. Lately, game console sales for recent consoles always dies down after the first few weeks (it did for the 3DS, Vita, Wii U, and Ouya), so I'm guessing it'll be the same for all consoles from here on out.

Yeah, the EA part is true, but Ubisoft is still giving Nintendo rather heavy support compared to most 3rd parties. 3rd Parties have been lying about their exclusive Wii U Nintendo releases (like telling everyone that Rayman Legends and Deux Ex Machina: Director's Cut would be Wii U exclusive, only to announce that it's multiplatform later on down the line even before the Wii U version gets released), but that shouldn't affect them too much in the big picture, unless it happens for five or more other 3rd party exclusives. Even then, once they get the ball rolling with more 1st Party releases, they'll be doing a lot better.

You didn't want to get into the "Nintendo's heavy IP reliance" debate any further, so I won't say anything further about it for this post. Though it's tempting to since you're pulling the "nothing but Mario and Zelda" line and the "stuck in the 90's" line.

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It seems like I'm trying to be diplomatic and you're just trying to one-up me. That's kind of disappointing. Looks like you're trying this just as an argument and trying to "defeat" me because I'm saying the mean things about your Wii U. I took jabs at Nintendo, you're very welcome to take jabs at Sony. It's just personal opinion at this point, and the reason I don't want to discuss Nintendo IP reliance is because this is an E3 topic.

The PS3 was definitely the worst full console launch last generation and that generated about ~4.0 million sales where the Wii U has generated ~3.5 million sales in the same time if charts can be believed. Of course this isn't taking into consideration that the PS3 cost twice the Wii U or that Europe was excluded for the start of the PS3 lifespan. It's been poor for the Wii U so far. And no, there is no guarantee that Sony will heavily dominate. That's not what I said. And I'm not even going to go into PS Vita or 3DS here. I also knew or read no-one that thought the Vita was going to outperform the 3DS, but that's just me. I don't really pay attention to the handheld market.

Oh well. I'm done with whatever this topic has become. If you've got a problem with me, PM me instead.

Edited by Kelsper
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I have a big lame multi-paragraph thesis on humor lying around on the internet somewhere, and I am able to produce it for occasions just like this

Do not pursue

goto: 1:08

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I think what the government is doing is reasonable. I mean, privacy is a right that should never be invaded upon. Sure, the government wants cameras in places like buses and banks, but it's not like they'd go so far as to stick security cameras into homes.

Microsoft, I really hope that you're at least getting doubts regarding your methods with all of this negative press.

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