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'Fire Emblem on Forums' Sidestory - Game/IC Thread


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"All but one," she replies to the Innkeeper. "That one should fall soon enough. We were lucky, with so many brave men and women around to fight. Now, I should return to the others and make sure they are all right."

With that, she takes leave of the Inn.

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"Well, well. The quicker we move, the faster we can react, let's get going!" Karina felt confident enough, and tried to cheer the team into completing the task quickly, probably to get back to sleep. Still, she wondered if the lone man was planning anything, considering he's not going anywhere... at the very least, he seemed that he could put up a scary fight, if he's so much a mage as he looks. "People may need your healing soon, better get moving now, chop chop!" She addresed the healer girl.

Karina moves to (10,7) and dances for Cassandra(10,5).

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"Right. I'll move as fast as I can."

She follows the Dancers advice, hurrying to catch up to the others. She wonders briefly about the men that had fallen against them, the kind of lives they'd led and the people they'd left behind, but quickly forces the thoughts from her mind. Instead, she sets her sights on the lone enemy, standing near the river, and continues her march.

Cassandra moves to (6,6) and ends her turn.

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~~Enemy Turn!~~


~~Allies Turn!~~

Leo walked up to the bridge and prepared his book.

Bud7XmY.png"Okay! Now tell me, who are you! You're not simple bandits, are you? Tell me, or--"

Tzoik0S.png"Or what, kid? Ye will kill me? Ha! You will be dead yerself in a minute. And that will earn me a hefty sum of gold!"

Bud7XmY.png"A bounty?... Ah, damn you!"

Leo then cast his thunder at the shaman, barely scorching his robes, and then ducked away at the dark magic just in time.

Bud7XmY.png"D-dammit, that wasn't my brightest idea..."

Leo vs Paus

Hit: 103+10-15-14 = 84

Hit roll: 30, hit!

Damage: 11-1-7 = 3dmg

Paus counters!

Hit: 105+15-10-16 = 94

Hit roll: 95, miss!

~~Player Turn 7~~



Cameron Mordren: 24/25

Cassandra Short: 18/18

Grant Lovell: 22/23

Karina/Lilia: 18/19

Kelbara: 19/19

Kress Moore: 20/21

Warren: 15/17


Bandit A: -11/25

Bandit B: -1/25

Bandit C: 0/25

Bandit D: -7/25

Bandit E: -9/25

Mercenary A: -1/21

Mercenary B: -7/21

Archer A: -1/21

Archer B: -9/21

Fighter A: -3/24

Fighter B: -2/24

Paus: 19/22

Cavalier A: -6/21

Cavalier B: -3/21

Cavalier C: -5/21

Ramzar: -3/21


Leo Kesselring: 22/23

Dalban: 25/25

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Warren moves to 4, 13, just above the boss

On his way past leo he wispers, Leo how much gold do you have?

He then speaks to the boss, I heard you have a bounty, correct, who is your employer, how much is he paying you?

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Grant moves up one space to (5,12)

As he watched the thief boy try to gain information from the shaman, Grant clasped Leo on the shoulder and spoke. "It seems as though you're not that useful against this guy huh?" He took another good look at Leo before speaking again. "You know, I couldn't tell from far away, but you're definitely not a mercenary. It's clear to me that this guy had more on his mind than attacking that inn. In fact, I think he was after you." He paused once more before continuing. "I don't mean disrespect when I say this, but I think it's best if you step back. Guys like him? All they need is a lance in the face before they start spewing information like a book."

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Bud7XmY.png"I have maybe two thousand pieces... why?"

Leo whispered back, and then nodded to Grant's suggestion, just as the shaman scoffed at Warren.

Tzoik0S.png"And why I should tell you all that?"

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While they seemed to have almost won the battle, the Shaman was bothering Kress. Why had he not turned and fled, rather than waiting for them to come to him? Kress was concerned that the man may have a trick up his sleeve. Perhaps he was just plain draft, but it still made her uneasy.

Kress moves to (11,6).

"Dalban." She addressed Leo's guardian, waiting for him to acknowledge her before continuing. "Don't you find it... odd, that the Shaman hasn't fled yet? He must know that he's fighting a hopeless battle here."

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M0IJDsP.png"He sounds either foolish or desperate. Or maybe he is too afraid to report a failure. Which worries me even more." Edited by Haspen
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Cassie moves a bit closer, watching as the others attempt to reason with the enemy shaman. She stays a bit away from the enemy, preferring not to get blasted with dark magic, but close enough to rush in and heal anyone, if the need arises.

Cassandra moves to (5,7) and ends her turn.

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"The man's dead regardless, whether we kill him or his employers do. I'm sure we can get some information from him as he screams."

Kelbara moves to 4,10.

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"I think he was the one leading the rest. Personally, I'd rather not learn the name and story of this man, when we're about to take his life. I'm sure if there's something really important, we'll learn of it soon enough."

Cassandra ends her turn, staying where she is.

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~~Enemy Turn!~~

Tzoik0S.png"I won't tell you anything. Now die, pest.

Paus said and then cast magic at Warren, hitting him in the chest. The roused scavenger then stabbed Paus several times. Blood gushed everywhere.

Paus vs Warren:

Hit: 105-10-25 = 70

Hit roll: 51, hit!

Damage: 16-2 = 14dmg

Warren counters!

Hit: 102+10-14 = 98

Hit roll: 81, hit!

Damage: 10-3 = 7dmg

Warren counters again!

Hit: 102+10-14 = 98

Hit roll: 65, hit!

Damage: 10-3 = 7dmg


Warren gets yet another attack!

Hit: 102+10-14 = 98

Hit roll: 19, hit!

Damage: 10-3 = 7dmg

~~Prologue Complete!~~

The shaman collapsed, whilst Leo and Dalban moved closer. The bodyguard of the young mage rolled up the sleeves of the shaman's robe and then pulled his hood off, as if checking for something.

M0IJDsP.png"No markings, no emblems, no tattoos... he really doesn't like to share information."

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I don't think he will be needing that old tome he has there. Warren reaches down and retrieves Pauses tome from the ground

It would seem that these were no ordinary bandits, and that they where after you Leo, does your family have any enemies who could gain power from your demise, a sibling or cousin, who might hope to take the throne from you?

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Cassandra slowly moves forward, taking the time to glance around the battlefield at the bodies of those who have fallen. She makes her way to the man that had taken out the last enemy.

"You're hurt. Please, allow me to help."

She raises her staff and begins mending his wounds. She then steps back a bit, trying not to interrupt their conversation.

"If anyboby else is hurt, come to me, and I'll fix you up."

With that, she steps back a bit, out of the way.

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You with the staff, see if any of the bandits or cavalry have any life left in, if you find one stabilize them and send for us immediately.

Warren Examines the tome, seeing it is a simple flux tome, and that it is to blood soaked to be of any use and returns it to the ground.

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Cassie mentally scolds herself, not having thought that the enemy could have survived.

''These people aren't so bloodthirsty that they would take lives if it could be helped... at least, I'd hope not."

With that, she moves to check each fallen enemy for any signs of life.

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Kelbara found Cassandra's thoughtfulness for the enemy rather amusing. With her around, they probably didn't even need healers of their own.

"Heh, I'm sure most of them are pretty dead. I can help finish them off if you want."

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He had been watching from afar, and was astonished at the boy's nimbleness. The battle had ended in a matter of seconds and it made Grant laugh a little. "Magic, eh? Doesn't seem very useful when a kid like that can show you up," he thought while throwing a glance over at the magician. That guy...Wasn't he the reason the bandits had come in the first place?

He had overheard the shaman spewing something about a bounty, which led Grant to believe that either this guy was a wanted criminal or somebody really important. However, given the circumstances of the attack, he was led to believe it was the latter.

It the midst of his reflecting, he realized everyone had begun to scatter, diverting their attention to their own tasks. Before they all separated even more there was one thing Grant wanted to get out of the way.

He hurriedly moved to a position where he could see everybody, and where everybody could hopefully hear him. "Friends," he began in a loud voice. Speeches like this were something Grant had grown accustomed to in his time commanding Lovell's Guard. But it had been some time since he addressed a group of people as large as this.

"I'd like to get one thing out of the way. Today, we, people from countries near and afar have fought together as allies against a common enemy. I wish to know the names of those whom I have fought with today. I am Grant Lovell, former commander of Lovell's Guard and I hail from Mercia."

He paused, giving those who wished to speak, a chance to do so.

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Warren Glances at Grant saying, My name is Warren

He then turns to face kelbara saying, You will harm them no further, if we are to learn their cause they must be alive. also who are your face is familiar to me, did you study in Ys?

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Cassandra takes a short rest from checking the enemy, which so far all seem to have caught a case of death, and turns toward the person that called to all of them. Her voice is quiet as she responds.

"I'm Cassandra, although... people call me Cassie, or Cass. I'm actually from near here. I just left home a couple weeks back, and... this is the first time I've seen anything this... savage."

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