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'Fire Emblem on Forums' Sidestory - Game/IC Thread


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Cameron clutched his chest from the poison bolt and saw several others charging their position. He decided to turn and move back.

Cameron moves to (5, 7). After getting there, he uses a vulnerary.

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The blast of dark magic hit Mercenary B in the same moment in which Cameron snorted some of his white medicine.

Kelbara vs Mercenary B

Hit: 96+10-14 = 92

Hit roll: 52, hit!

Damage: 16-1 = 15dmg

Cassandra heals Grant

10+7 = Up to 17HP restored

Cameron uses Vulnerary

Up to 10HP restored


Cameron Mordren: 25/25 Poison (4/5)

Cassandra Short: 18/18

Grant Lovell: 23/23

Jen Swift: 20/20

Karina/Lilia: 19/19

Kelbara: 19/19 //Forgot that +5 from PS :P

Kress Moore: 21/21

Luke Labroue: 21/21

Warren: -/17 3/3


Bandit A: -10/27

Bandit B: 27/27

Bandit C: 27/27

Bandit D: -7/27

Mercenary A: 23/23

Mercenary B: 8/23

Mercenary C: 23/23

Myrmidon A: 8/22

Myrmidon B: 22/22

Mage A: 11/22

Mage B: 22/22

Mage C: 22/22

Bow Knight A: 19/19

Bow Knight B: 19/19

Crossbowman A: 22/22

Crossbowman B: 22/22

Brahan: 30/30


Leo Kesselring: 23/23

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When Luke and his current travel companion Jen happened to walk into a fight in the middle of town, the young knight had a feeling that this was something they couldn't avoid. "Think that it might be Bandits, Jen? Those guys are spread out more across town, while the other group is pretty much stuck near the blacksmith. Let's see if we can't avoid the fighting for a while, I still wanna check this out though..."

Luke moves to (6,3) and waits

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"If they're bandits, they look like they're more interested in attacking that group than pillaging. It looks like they're in a bad spot, we shouldn't stay out of it for long." And as much as they might need help, she wasn't about to charge past four 'bandits' alone to join up with them.

Jen moves to (7, 3) and waits

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Things were looking bad. They had to regroup if they wanted any chance of surviving, but one of their number had already fallen, and Leo was stranded. There was nothing she could do about that though. For now, they had to just avoid being overwhelmed.

Kress moves to (5,8) and attacks the Myrmidon, cantoing to (5,7) to take it's place.

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The spear plunged right into the heart of the swordsman, giving him a quick death.

Grant vs Mercenary B

Hit: 92+15-14 = 93

Hit roll: 65, hit! Crit roll: 2!

Damage: 14+1-5 = 10x3 = 30dmg

//Ba-linga-ding, level up after this turn V:

Kress vs Myrmidon A

Hit: 101+10-20-19 = 73

Hit roll: 76, miss!

Myrmidon A counters!

Hit: 118-10-19 = 89

Hit roll: 24, hit!

Damage: 11-5 = 6dmg


Cameron Mordren: 25/25 Poison (4/5)

Cassandra Short: 18/18

Grant Lovell: 23/23

Jen Swift: 20/20

Karina/Lilia: 19/19

Kelbara: 19/19

Kress Moore: 15/21

Luke Labroue: 21/21

Warren: -/17 3/3


Bandit A: -10/27

Bandit B: 27/27

Bandit C: 27/27

Bandit D: -7/27

Mercenary A: 23/23

Mercenary B: -22/23

Mercenary C: 23/23

Myrmidon A: 8/22

Myrmidon B: 22/22

Mage A: 11/22

Mage B: 22/22

Mage C: 22/22

Bow Knight A: 19/19

Bow Knight B: 19/19

Crossbowman A: 22/22

Crossbowman B: 22/22

Brahan: 30/30


Leo Kesselring: 23/23

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"Huh wha- did he drop dead?" Lilia thought out loud while looking as one of the group fell over as a sword pierced the side of his torso, the whole scene feeling sudden. "Uuugh, we can't get distracted by that, darned... If only I could use a sword..." Frustated, but not reigned by it, Lilia decided it was best to help those who are actually putting up a fight to keep the group alive.

Lilia rushes to follow the group (5,8), dancing and reinvigorating Kress (4,8) and Kelbara (4,9).

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"Me? How sweet, I'll show that horse something extra special..."

Being needed again, Kelbara got ready to move. She was in for a few fights, but her position was solid, nothing would take her by surprise.

Kelbara moves to 3,10 and attacks Horseman B with Flux.

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Kelbara vs Bow Knight B

Hit: 96+10-17 = 89

Hit roll: 80, hit!

Damage: 16-1 = 15dmg

~~Enemy Turn!~~

"Hey, there! Some guys are trying to sneak past!" The crossbowman pointed at Jen and Luke, and together with the bowman on the horse, they went after the two, shooting at them.

Bow Knight A vs Luke

Hit: 104-5-17 = 82

Hit roll: 29, hit!

Damage: 12-5 = 7dmg

Crossbowman A vs Jen

Hit: 98-5-16 = 77

Hit roll: 50, hit!

Damage: 12-2-9 = 1dmg, Poisoned!

Jen counters!

Hit: 99+5-16 = 88

Hit roll: 48, hit!

Damage: 11-7 = 4dmg

THeir two comrades went after Leo - the ugly axeman attacked from the trees, whilst the mercenary attacked Leo more honorably.

It didn't went well for both of the enemies.

Bandit B vs Leo

Hit: 83-10-18 = 55

Hit roll: 61, miss!

Leo counters!

HIt: 103+10-20-7 = 86

Hit roll: 82, hit!

Damage: 12-0 = 12dmg

Leo counters once more!

HIt: 103+10-20-7 = 86

Hit roll: 65, hit!

Damage: 12-0 = 12dmg

Mercenary A vs Leo

Hit: 107-10-18 = 79

Hit roll: 93, miss!

Leo counters!

Hit: 103+10-14 = 99

Hit roll: 41, hit! Crit roll: 3!

Damage: 12-1 = 11x3 = 33dmg

Then, the myrmidon hiding in the trees attacked Cameron, thrusting her sword deep into his side whilst her mage friend blasted Kress with Wind.

Myrmidon A vs Cameron

Hit: 118+15-11 = 122

Hit roll: 11+1-5 = 7dmg

Cameron counters!

Hit: 85-15-20-19 = 31

Hit roll: 43, miss!

Mage B vs Kress

Hit: 115-10-19 = 86

Hit roll: 58, hit!

Damage: 11-1 = 10dmg

Then Bow Knight B sent an arrow that embedded into Kelbara's neck and forced her to the ground.

Bow Knight B vs Kelbara

Hit: 104-10-14 = 80

Hit roll: 33, hit! Crit roll: 2!

Damage: 12-1 = 11x3 = 33dmg

A mage and a bandit went after Karina, but miraculously both of them missed.

Bandit C vs Karina

Hit: 83-10-25 = 48

Hit roll: 49, miss!

Mage A vs Karina

Hit: 115-10-25 = 80

Hit roll: 82, miss! //stop haxxing my rolls v:!

Then, Myrmidon A stabbed Leo, and Leo crisped Myrmidon A a bit in return.

Myrmidon B vs Leo

Hit: 118-10-18 = 90

Hit roll: 29, hit!

Damage: 11-1 = 10dmg

Leo retaliates!

Hit: 103+10-19 = 94

Hit roll: 63, hit!

Damage: 12-0 = 12dmg

~~Allies Turn!~~

Leo moved to Cameron and then scorched the myrmidon hiding behind the tree.

Leo vs Myrmidon A

Hit: 118+10-20-19 = 74

Hit roll: 55, hit!

Damage: 12-0 = 12dmg

~~Player Turn 3~~

Poison rolls:

Cameron: 5

Jen: 3



Cameron Mordren: 13/26 Poison (3/5)

Cassandra Short: 18/19

Grant Lovell: 23/23

Jen Swift: 16/20 Poison (4/5)

Karina/Lilia: 19/19

Kelbara: -/20 3/3

Kress Moore: 5/22

Luke Labroue: 14/21

Warren: -/17 2/3


Bandit A: -10/27

Bandit B: 3/27

Bandit C: 27/27

Bandit D: -7/27

Mercenary A: -10/23

Mercenary B: -22/23

Mercenary C: 23/23

Myrmidon A: -4/22

Myrmidon B: 10/22

Mage A: 11/22

Mage B: 22/22

Mage C: 22/22

Bow Knight A: 19/19

Bow Knight B: 4/19

Crossbowman A: 18/22

Crossbowman B: 22/22

Brahan: 30/30


Leo Kesselring: 13/23

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She hadn't expected to miss the swordfighter, and so his blow, while fairly weak, gave Kress a slight shock. Still, she appeared to be faring better than some other members of the group. She would have to tend to her wounds quickly, then repel the horseman to the south.

Kress uses a Vulnerary, cantoes to (3,11) and attacks the Bow Knight on (3,12).

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Grant wasn't sure if the tides were turning in their favor or not. Two of his comrades had fallen, and he was hoping he could prevent the third.
"This is payback." Grant moves to (3,8)and attacks Mage B.

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Cameron turned to the Mage that was being attacked, and he started towards him as well, seeing that Grant was keeping him occupied.

Cameron moves to (4,7) and attacks Mage B.

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Luke moves to 4,2 visits the house (will canto after GM post)

Luke let out a curse as an arrow pierced his arm, it was shallow enough to not worry about bloodloss if he just yanked it out though. "Jen cover me! I'm gonna go warn these villagers!"

Galloping ahead the Cavalier stopped in front of several houses. "Bandit attack! Everyone bar your doors and get inside! If you have anything that could help fight them off it'd be appreciated!"

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"Ha... haha... hahahahaha!!" Lilia burst out into laughter surprisingly fast after just risking her skin. "Can't even hit the broad side of a barn! No wonder these mages chose wind magic! Hahaha..." Mocking after a surprising success was too good to pass up, but she really had duties to do, and couldn't let the pleasure of the moment sweep her. Falling back, she looks at the wounded and at the fighting.

Karina moves to (2,9) and dances for Kelbara (3,10) and Grant (3,8).

"Those two over there are confounded and wasted their efforts, it's the best time to finish them off --don't you dare let them live, I taunted them to hell and back!"

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"They won't get past me." The poison would make things difficult, however.

Jen moves to (6,3) and attacks Bow Knight A.

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//Oh wait, action + attack isn't allowed by unspoken fairness rule. Oh well, my mistake for saying otherwise v:

Kress uses Vulnerary

Up to 10HP restored

Kress vs Bow Knight B

Hit: 103+10-19 = 94

Hit roll: 77, hit!

Damage: 11-3 = 8dmg

Oweewooo~ Kelbara was back on her feet.

Cassandra heals Kelbara

10+7 /2 = Up to 8HP healed

Grant and Cameron went after the mage, but Grant impaled the magician on his lance before Cameron could even lift his axe.

Grant vs Mage B

Hit: 94-10-15 = 69

Hit roll: 29, hit! Crit roll: 4!

Damage: 14x3 = 42dmg

There was silence at first when Luke shouted inside the house. Then, some hairy hand tossed a scroll at him, and the door was slammed shut.

Luke gets Secret Scroll!

After that, there was a TWANG. And then another.

Jen vs Bow Knight A

Hit: 99-17 = 82

Hit roll: 30, hit!

Damage: 12-3 = 9dmg

Bow Knight A counters!

Hit: 104-21 = 83

Hit roll: 85, miss!


Cameron Mordren: 13/26 Poison (3/5)

Cassandra Short: 18/19

Grant Lovell: 23/23

Jen Swift: 16/20 Poison (4/5)

Karina/Lilia: 19/19

Kelbara: 8/20

Kress Moore: 5/22

Luke Labroue: 14/21

Warren: -/17 2/3


Bandit A: -10/27

Bandit B: 3/27

Bandit C: 27/27

Bandit D: -7/27

Mercenary A: -10/23

Mercenary B: -22/23

Mercenary C: 23/23

Myrmidon A: -4/22

Myrmidon B: 10/22

Mage A: 11/22

Mage B: -20/22

Mage C: 22/22

Bow Knight A: 10/19

Bow Knight B: -4/19

Crossbowman A: 18/22

Crossbowman B: 22/22

Brahan: 30/30


Leo Kesselring: 13/23

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"I need to stop making a habit out of this, they might expect something back..."

Kelbara moves to 3,9 and casts Flux on Bandit C. She'd been bailed out again, and would have ripped the horseman to shreds if someone had not beaten her to it. She looked over at Warren's body on the floor, wondering if he had anything worth taking.

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Kelbara vs Bandit C

Hit: 96+10-7 = 99

Hit roll: 85, hit!

Damage: 16-0 = 16dmg

Kelbara strikes again!

Hit: 96+10-7 = 99

Hit roll: 29, hit!

Damage: 16-0 = 16dmg

Grant vs Mage A

Hit: 94-15 = 79

Hit roll: 67, hit!

Damage: 15-1 = 14dmg

~~Enemy Turn!~~

The enemy boss' group moved closer as the archers north began shooting at Jen again.

Crossbowman A vs Jen

Hit: 98-5-21 = 72

Hit roll: 64, hit!

Damage: 12-2-10 = 0! Poisoned!

Bow Knight A vs Jen

Hit: 104-5-21 = 78

Hit roll: 35, hit!

Damage: 12-2-10 = 0!

Jen counters!

Hit: 99+5-17 = 87

Hit roll: 19, hit!

Damage: 12-3 = 9dmg

In the meanwhile, Leo found himself under attack again. The bandit missed, but the myrmidon did not.

Bandit B vs Leo

Hit: 83-10-10-18 = 45

Hit roll: 88, miss!

Leo counters!

Hit: 103+10+10-7 = 116, autohit!

Damage: 12-0 = 12dmg

Myrmidon B vs Leo

Hit: 118-10-10-18 = 80

Hit roll: 43, hit!

Damage: 11-1 = 10dmg

Leo retaliates!

Hit: 103+10+10-19 = 104, autohit!

Damage: 12-0 = 12dmg

~~Allies Turn!~~

Leo placed his hand over his wounds and quickly retreated behind Grant, smiling weakly to him as he passed near his side.

~~Player Turn 4~~

Poison rolls:

Cameron: 4

Jen: 4



Cameron Mordren: 9/26 Poison (2/5)

Cassandra Short: 18/19

Grant Lovell: 23/23

Jen Swift: 12/20 Poison (4/5)

Karina/Lilia: 19/19

Kelbara: 8/20

Kress Moore: 10/22

Luke Labroue: 14/21

Warren: -/17 1/3


Bandit A: -10/27

Bandit B: -9/27

Bandit C: -5/27

Bandit D: -7/27

Mercenary A: -10/23

Mercenary B: -22/23

Mercenary C: 23/23

Myrmidon A: -4/22

Myrmidon B: -2/22

Mage A: -3/22

Mage B: -20/22

Bow Knight A: 1/19

Bow Knight B: -4/19

Crossbowman A: 18/22

Crossbowman B: 22/22

Brahan: 30/30


Leo Kesselring: 3/23

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Cassandra moves to 3,10 and heals Warren


"Erm, more of them, huh? And here I thought things were getting easier..." Lilia sighs, instinctively taking cover at the back of the team. "Hey, all the wounded guys are back up, right? Let's get set and moving then."

Lilia moves to (1,10) and dances Warren (2,10) and Cassandra (3,10)

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