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Worst unit in the game


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Dead, dead, deadski... on someone else's blade because they, too, are weak as all get out.

That reminds me, as far as children go, I think Inigo has it pretty bad relative to all the others.

Fair point. Though I have no problem training her in drafts, and that's LTC.

Owain, Brady, and Inigo have it the worst. Lissa, Maribelle, and Olivia's stats don't help them out in the slightest unless you stall for them (which would probably take the entire game) or grind, which is usually frowned upon.

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I'd say not even being fathered by Chrom is enough to undo the damage that being connected to Olivia does to his case, particularly because he (arguably) has the hardest paralogue out of the children.

thats true especially when it comes to getting the rewards from his chapter on lunatic.

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Owain and Brady can at least join early enough. Not even Inigo has that luxury.

And it's not like Brady has much going for him, so he might as well just insta-promote and become a rescue-bot.

Owain could make use of the +5 STR the assassin promotion gives.

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how is Inigo bad in your opinion?

He's a bit like Donny in sight(low caps assuming no-grind Olivia, Paralogue issues), with no Aptitude(except you make Donny!Inigo which could arguably be the worst Inigo) and low availability.

I beg to differ though, you'll grind Olivia to get Galeforce(unless you're in no-grind run, where he's pretty doomed), and he starts out as Merc(which is kinda something).

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Also, why do people think Ricken is bad? Being a Rescuebot with high magic makes him a good unit in every context there is in the game.

The Man Who Never Listened: a One Act play by Interceptor

LOLwen: lol guys, why do people think that binder clips are good? staples are better in every context.

Person A: Staples are nice, but clips can hold larger stacks of paper.

Person B: Well, there's more than just paper. You can use them to hold cables at desk height.

Person C: You could put a couple together and make a smartphone stand.

Person D: Plus, they don't damage things, and you can take out the wires if you want.

LOLwen: lol guys, why do people think that binder clips are good?

*sound of four facepalms*


Edited by Interceptor
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Owain and Brady can at least join early enough. Not even Inigo has that luxury.

what do you mean they join early enough? the mothers? Inigo may start off a little bad but he is usually a pretty good unit. Brady on the other hand isn't so good because raising two healers at once is a pain and it's easier to raise one. lissa is usually chosen because Owain is actually a good unit unlike Brady.

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Inigo's chapter is several degrees harder than Owain's or Brady's, that's what I meant. Realistically, you won't have the capabilities to finish Inigo's until far later than Owain's or Brady's.

And again, at least Brady can do something. What does Inigo have?

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what do you mean they join early enough? the mothers? Inigo may start off a little bad but he is usually a pretty good unit. Brady on the other hand isn't so good because raising two healers at once is a pain and it's easier to raise one. lissa is usually chosen because Owain is actually a good unit unlike Brady.

Their paralogues are also easier than Inigo's.

EDIT: Constable Reggie got me this time...

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Hmmm... Who is the worst? Depends how your playing, obviously, so if you're doing a no-grind run I'd say Donnel. If you're playing with grinding, then no-one is actually bad. If your doing that LTC thingy, I guess you could say anyone who joins with bad stats is terrible.

No child can be terrible, technically. When it comes to Awakening, a child almost always beats its parents in terms of max stats, and usually growths as well.

But... Virion is a pretty bad character, though he's your only archer for quite a while.

Miriel is decent because she has dark mage access, so she can nosferatank.

Ricken is bad, I guess.

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In my case no children other than Lucina, Morgan, and 2 others made by women with good combat abilities exists before postgame so I'm not even going to count Inigo in the discussion considering I'll have to grind to get him born in the first place and I don't grind before postgame

So I'm just gonna say Donnel because his recruitment pisses me off, especially on Lunatic, for a unit that brings nothing of value to the table there

At least his chapter nets a Rescue staff and he could be a blood sacrifice but I'm too much of a perfectionist to let anyone die

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Donnel is the obvious choice, although Brady might be a competitor. Still, at least he can Rescue when you get him.

Anyone who says Virion hasn't tried using him on the higher difficulty levels.

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Firstly: **** LTC or "Efficiency".

In game (Lunatic+): Donnel. Still haven't figured how just how I'm going to even get him. Probably come back in postgame with 5 Arms Scrolls, a Paragon, and a Forged Brave Lance. About the only worse than Virion is a unit that dies if he so much gets looked at funny, has no offense, and is required to see combat to be recruited.

In game (Hard/Lunatic): Virion. Irritating to work with, and lack of skills (Archer is the worst class line the game for skills) makes guy irredeemable, and Second Seals are rather limited until Nah's Paralogue is down. He's semi-useful on Lunatic+, due to not being eaten by Counter, but at the same time: Aegis+ exists, and pretty much completely shuts him down there.

Post Game: VIRION. Lack of Skills pokes its head out harder than usual.

Edited by Airship Canon
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Granted while there is a little favoritism involved (no grinding, but he's paired with the Avatar until Cordelia shows up, and then he pairs up with Frederick) I actually find Virion to be pretty good on Lunatic.

Donnel is basically unusable on a no grind run on higher difficulties so I'd say Donnel is the worst unit in the game.

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And not everyone values Veteran or Galeforce. People's opinions have no bearing on usefulness. That not everyone values Rescue doesn't change the fact that Rescue can:

1. Save a unit from death

2. Move a unit so that they can save another unit from death

3. Get an extra kill for exp

4. Catch a Thief who is running away

5. Save Say'ri

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In that case, why bother asking people's opinions on who they consider to be the worst unit in the first place.

Just make a "who should be at the bottom of this tier list" thread if all you're going to do is tell everyone they're wrong.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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I told no one that they must value Rescue more. All I did was say that it was wrong to not consider Rescue useful--much like how other members debate with each other all the time.

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Semantics master at play yet again.

Donnel vs Ricken:

Let's compare a bunch of contexts and see who comes out on top.

LTC: Donnel is unsalvageable; Ricken is great here thanks to Rescue.

Efficiency: Donnel is not as bad but still horrible. Ricken is still great here because he can become a Dark Knight or he can use Rescue.

Drafts: Never played one, but I think Donnel would be shitty here too. Ricken can become a Dark Knight.

Lunatic+: Ricken can avoid Counter and become a Rescue bot. I think Donnel might be untrainable here.

0% (hypothetical): Ricken can become a Rescue bot. Donnel is completely unsalvageable.

Casual: Nothing matters here.

You'd have to be.. well.. to say that Ricken is the worst.

Every word from your mouth afterwards has not helped at all.

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