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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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^If that's the case, I hope Ike is in it. Of course. :3 And Luigi!

Which the new trailer is only two days away. :D

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How can someone think that SSB Shiek is not female?

Heck, I think OoT is female, too, because of the fact that it's Zelda in disguise.

Doesn't matter how she disguises herself. She's still Zelda. And Zelda's female.

Also, I also support Jack Frost.

And FE Avatar.

Hopefully, we'll find out tomorrow!

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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EDIT: I wonder how you'll unlock Luigi in this version. Or if he will be a starting character.

Edited by Kyea
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Well, I think of it like creating a fictional character. Zelda created the Sheik persona, which is basically the same. She made up the appearance and gave it a name. If I disguised myself as one of my male OCs, does it make that OC female because I'm a female? No. So for the same reason, I've always considered Sheik, in any media, to be a man. This is just how I interpret it though, and obviously people don't agree with me. I just thought I'd give a more civil explanation. I meant to before, but I was getting rather irritated with people's arguments against me and I didn't feel I was even going to get a chance to give a more in depth explanation.

I also support Avatar, yes. :D

EDIT: Uh, Luigi was confirmed way back in August, Kyea (for the Year of Luigi). You never noticed? :P

Edited by Anacybele
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I know this is a bit late, but on the topic of leaks a few pages back, this picture pretty much sums up my thoughts on all the rumors, 'leaks', etc. surrounding SSB 3U:


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I know this is a bit late, but on the topic of leaks a few pages back, this picture pretty much sums up my thoughts on all the rumors, 'leaks', etc. surrounding SSB 3U:


this is still my favourite photoshopped image.

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Well, I think of it like creating a fictional character. Zelda created the Sheik persona, which is basically the same. She made up the appearance and gave it a name. If I disguised myself as one of my male OCs, does it make that OC female because I'm a female? No. So for the same reason, I've always considered Sheik, in any media, to be a man. This is just how I interpret it though, and obviously people don't agree with me. I just thought I'd give a more civil explanation. I meant to before, but I was getting rather irritated with people's arguments against me and I didn't feel I was even going to get a chance to give a more in depth explanation.

I also support Avatar, yes. :D

EDIT: Uh, Luigi was confirmed way back in August, Kyea (for the Year of Luigi). You never noticed? :P

Oh yeah they even showed his poltergust in final smash and stuff. I just derp a lot. As I'm sure has been noticed. Maybe I was thinking of Capt. and Jiggs then.

Oh wait, I just thinking of them being hidden/unlockable. Not announced :P My bad.

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Ah, that makes more sense then. :P

Yeah, if we get a group shot, I'm more so expecting Mario, Link, Pikachu, and Kirby to be the four there rather than Ike and Luigi being two of them. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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Ah, that makes more sense then. :P

Yeah, if we get a group shot, I'm more so expecting Mario, Link, Pikachu, and Kirby to be the four there rather than Ike and Luigi being two of them. lol

If it isn't those guys maybe we'd get a newcomer group shot? Mega Man, Wii Fit, and Villager since they were announced last year. The quote could say something like "Here's the some of the new characters for SSB! I can't believe some of them are already a year old!" Then the last spot, if they wanted to use it, is a toss up between Rosy, Little Mac, and Greninja.

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I love that image. I don't think I've laughed at something smash related since the hype train images and that one thing comparing how tons of characters are getting buffer

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Funny thing about that buff image though: Muscle Ike already existed way longer than the other two. XD (RD first came out in Japan a year before Brawl, remember? lol)

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Yeah, people have just suddenly started catching onto it is all. Now that buffer Ike has made his way to a bigger audience, more people can react to his redesign (I myself haven't played Radiant Dawn, so I didn't know Ike had such a cool new design)

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So I noticed, haha. Which reminds me, when Sakurai put up that pic of the day showing the new Wii U FE stage, I saw a bunch of fangirls on Miiverse going on about how Ike is so handsome. That made me giggle and smile. x3

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I know this is a bit late, but on the topic of leaks a few pages back, this picture pretty much sums up my thoughts on all the rumors, 'leaks', etc. surrounding SSB 3U:


Question Man is like, my favorite character ever. He has so much versatility. Kid Icarus, Pokemon, Astroboy, and Lucina are pretty cool also.

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I love that image. I don't think I've laughed at something smash related since the hype train images and that one thing comparing how tons of characters are getting buffer

Bara characters all the way.

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I wish I knew what time zone I'm in right now. It's twelve a.m.

It starts in 11 hours, so 11am for you.

EDIT: 11, 11! I was accidentally thinking of the time I'm waking up.

Someone double check my math anyway.

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