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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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On this subject, it looks like at least 3 for playable characters is confirmed.

From here at about 0:57: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRq5bz6ZNYU#t=62


Three completely different Wii Fit Trainer trophies, and all appear to be different poses of her game model (unlike Paper Peach, which is also in there).

Oh awesome. I really liked the Smash trophies in Melee for some reason but they were one of the last things I expected to come back.

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Oh awesome. I really liked the Smash trophies in Melee for some reason but they were one of the last things I expected to come back.

I wasn't a huge fan of the way Melee did it, but I thought Brawl's final smash trophies were a good idea, so I wouldn't mind having standard, classic, and final smash trophies for each character. Thing is, while the first WFT trophy obviously looks like the standard artwork and the middle one could be the classic, the last doesn't look like a final smash trophy. It could be based on what WFT's final smash is, but I would expect a final smash trophy of that to be the pose she actually takes when activating it.

I also wonder how they'll do the alternate gender trophies. I imagine it will probably just be one standard trophy for the alternate genders, mainly because creating 4 versions of each trophy for the Villager would be a little overkill.

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I wasn't a huge fan of the way Melee did it, but I thought Brawl's final smash trophies were a good idea, so I wouldn't mind having standard, classic, and final smash trophies for each character. Thing is, while the first WFT trophy obviously looks like the standard artwork and the middle one could be the classic, the last doesn't look like a final smash trophy. It could be based on what WFT's final smash is, but I would expect a final smash trophy of that to be the pose she actually takes when activating it.

I also wonder how they'll do the alternate gender trophies. I imagine it will probably just be one standard trophy for the alternate genders, mainly because creating 4 versions of each trophy for the Villager would be a little overkill.

Maybe there will be only one piece of information per trophy but you can cycle through several different models for it.

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Maybe there will be only one piece of information per trophy but you can cycle through several different models for it.

Possible, though in that video I linked at 0:38, there's a male Wii Fit Trainer trophy in a different pose than any of the female WFT trophies. Your theory could still work (and I'd quite like it, actually), though this suggests the poses would be completely different.
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I hope Fire Emblem doesn't get the shaft in the trophies. I want 3D models of ALL the Lords.

This a million times. Brawl had too few FE trophies, imo, even for the series' popularity then. Awakening really boosted it now, so SSB4 needs to add a lot more. Come on, Sakurai, be smart here! D:

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Yeah, it was. You also needed the Rare Coin which you get by beating the Jetpac game.

That never bothered me. Jetpac was fun. At least much more than the DK arcade game.

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Fire Emblem has a long history that is pretty much completely obscured from the western audience. We didn't get any Fire Emblem trophies in Melee at all except for Marth and Roy from what I can remember. We really need to see things from Gaiden, Holy War and Thracia. It's a big, long lasting series and if that's highlighted then I think a lot more people would have interest in it (plus there's five full games already made that they could release in some form. I know it's not likely but I'm always holding out hope for those remakes, or even less likely Virtual Console releases).

Edited by Jotari
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I imagine that there would be a couple different ones for the Villager, one or two each for the Miis, one with Luma alone...Masked Marth as one, female Robin, too.

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Not anymore. With Awakening boosting the series' popularity and also introducing westerners to Japan-only characters thanks to DLC, there's not so much obscurity anymore.

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Ana, that's what's known as reverse ninjaing. Enjoy the thought.


My post was responding to Jotari, not you. You just happened to post at the exact same time.

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm really hoping for the return of the coin launcher, as I thought it was a really fun way to get trophies instead of that boring trophy machine that was in Melee.

You also had to get the Nintendo coins by beating the original Donkey Kong (the arcade game) three times on a single life. I wish I were joking.

Except that's wrong. You only had to beat the arcade game twice: Once to get the Golden Banana and once to get the Nintendo coin.

The problem with DK64 is that you had to constantly juggle five different characters because the zillion collectibles you have to get on every level can only be collected with a specific Kong. Not only there was a lot of stuff to collect, but the amount of backtracking required to get everything was painful.

Random made-up example, but say you have to use Diddy to activate a Switch with his guitar attack. This opens a room that has green bananas that can only be collected by Chunky, so you go back to the tag barrel and switch. You get the bananas, but then there's a Switch that need to be stomped with Tiny, so you backtrack and Switch Kongs. After Tiny activates the switch it opens a door that has an enemy that needs to be defeated with Donkey. Backtrack and switch. After that, there's a Bonus Barrel that has to be entered with Lanky. You probably spent 30 minutes in one section of the game doing all that, and didn't get much in exchange. This stuff happens ALL through the game, on 7 GIGANTIC levels.

Most people who give up on DK64 don't do it because it's hard, but because the game is ridiculously tedious.

I just got everything I could with DK, switched to Diddy, and got everything I could with him, switched to Lanky, and so on... It's a far more efficient way of doing things.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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So I was messing with the smashbros-miiverse fansite checking each character and found pics regarding some char's custome move set that I hadn't seen:

[spoiler=Mario]Neutral Special 2


Fast Fireball

Neutral Special 3


Fire Orb

Up Special 2


Super Jump

Up Special 3


Explosive Jump

Side Special 2


Shocking Cape

Side Special 3


Gust Cape

Down Special 2


Scalding F.L.U.D.D

Down Special 3



[spoiler=Link]Neutral Special 2


Electric Boomerang

[spoiler=Kirby]Neutral Special



[spoiler=Pit]Neutral Special 2


Penetrating Bow

Neutral Special 3


Free Bow

[spoiler=Rosalina & Luma]Down Special 2


Catch & Release

Down Special 3


Guardian Luma

[spoiler=Little Mac]Neutral Special 2


Firespin Lunge

Neutral Special 3


Shock Lunge

Some of these seem weird to me, though.

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I want the Magical Boomerang from Minish Cap for one of the Links. It could be a faster and stronger variation of the regular boomerang that flies farther, but is harder to aim and takes longer to return.

Edited by Anacybele
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What's the difference between Mario's normal and first custom up specials? Does he jump differently? And something to call Kirby's ice breath is Ice Breath, from the Ice copy ability, which is what it looks like.

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I want to see Urvan Aether.

Mario's Up specials are:


Explosive, which does more damage, but probably less range

And Super, which is higher range, but no damage. Better for recovery.

These are educated guesses, mind you.

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I want to see Urvan Aether.

Oooh, I'd love that! ^^ But how would it be different from a Ragnell Aether other than aesthetics?

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I want to see Urvan Aether.

Mario's Up specials are:


Explosive, which does more damage, but probably less range

And Super, which is higher range, but no damage. Better for recovery.

These are educated guesses, mind you.

I agree with Ninian. Super Jump probably lets Mario jump higher than normal but do less/no damage.

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More powerful, but less range due to its weight.

I think Urvan is longer than Ragnell though, so it'd give more range. I'd say more range, but a bit less power.

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I want the Magical Boomerang from Minish Cap for one of the Links. It could be a faster and stronger variation of the regular boomerang that flies farther, but is harder to aim and takes longer to return.

Have you played the original Smash Bros.? Link's boomerang in that game flew a lot like the magic boomerang. When it was spinning it was also blue in colour similar to the Magic Boomerang in the first game. What I also find odd here is that the Electric Boomerang is listed as his neutral special, I would expect it to be his side special like the Gale Booerang. I wonder if that's a mistake.

I want to see Urvan Aether.

I'd love to see Urvan on Ike in some form but for his alternate Aether's I'd love more to see them be Sol and Luna, sacrificing some recovery gain for health restoration or extra damage respectively.

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