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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Lucina's voice clip 32, 33. Funny how she insults Marth and Ike.

Congratulations, Lucina. You've managed to make me dislike you more. Although, her insulting Marth makes no sense to me. Doesn't she highly admire him?

Edited by Anacybele
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Wow so first thing I did, beat classic with Kirby. EZPZ unlocked first standard unlock.

Second thing to do, beat classic with Robin. Second standard unlock 2EZ.

Third, beat classic with Marth. Standard unlock char again, but I screwed up and lost oops.

Fourth, 100-man smash as Kirby.

Character approaches!

[spoiler=It wasn't]Wario. It was Dark Pit, just like when I beat Classic 3 with Marth


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So now I've lost 1 out of 5 For Glory matches, but to be fair, there was a LOT of lag in the one I lost. I'm having a lot of error messages too. Seriously, this online is looking to be worse than Brawl's. :/

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It's still release day. Not only is it Nintendo having its servers probably uberloaded right now, but there's still bugs and things for the NOA version that probably haven't been caught yet, that are leading to lagspikes now.

I'm sure things'll be better in a few days/weeks

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Yeah, but Nintendo ALWAYS gets lag on their online because of that. The same thing happened when they tried to release Pokemon Bank. They actually had to take it DOWN because their servers were overloaded. And it was only out in Japan at the time. They honestly just need better fricking servers. It's the same thing OVER and OVER because they have bad servers. It gets laggy and errored as hell when a lot of people get on. I never hear such things about Microsoft or Sony's online. Nintendo needs to use servers as strong as theirs.

Anyway, as soon as this guy I was playing in For Glory switched to Captain Falcon, he totally destroyed me. But I soon came back and kicked his butt. Haha. He repeatedly used Falcon after that first Ike vs Falcon match though. He must've realized I'm no pushover Ike player and switched to his main. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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on the topic of ike, he no longer has godly range with his fair. why sakurai........

What does she say?

it's something on the lines of "is that all?" or "i expected more."

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Congratulations, Lucina. You've managed to make me dislike you more. Although, her insulting Marth makes no sense to me. Doesn't she highly admire him?

Wow, congratulations, you completely took the line of out context, considering you don't know the full story.

She says "They call you the Radiant Hero?"

That's it. It's a winquote by the way. Multiple newcomers now have winquotes.

Palutena (to Dark Pit): Poor little Pittoo...

FeRobin to Lucina: How can you protect Chrom if you cant even protect yourself?

Dark Pit (to Pit): Where's your goddess now?

Oh wait, you have an irrational hate for Lucina, it's literally hopeless. I guess my hoping Lucina gets a unique moveset next time is just such a terrible thing then, isn't it?

Anyway, I won't be getting the game for a week or two, so meh. I'd ever so be happy if one of you could record Dark Pit and Falco's taunts.

Edited by Apricot Luma
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I appear to have discovered an issue with Ghirahim and the Reset Forest. XD All he's been doing is hopping down into the pit in the stage's first form.

The same thing happened to me on the Gaur Plain stage...

Anyway, I've unlocked Falco, Ness and Dark Pit (in that order).

Finally, according to Gamefaqs, you either have to play 50 vs matches or complete Classic Mode on a difficulty of 5.0 to unlock Dark Pit - which is why I've unlocked him by playing Classic on 2.0... (something is surely wrong here).

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Man, and to think I bought the game on a whim when I noticed during a break that I had no 3DS game that I felt like playing. Otherwise I would have saved my money for Bajonetta 2 but the Wii U doesn't help much during a long bus trip.

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I know the positive reception overwhelms the negative nitpicks people have... but why were you expecting your favorite characters to be the same as in Brawl?

You should have seen it coming that they would play different.

Especially the complaints about Ike with his jab cancels, quick draws, or his fair.

This is a new game people.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Wow, congratulations, you completely took the line of out context, considering you don't know the full story.

She says "They call you the Radiant Hero?"

That's it. It's a winquote by the way. Multiple newcomers now have winquotes.

Palutena (to Dark Pit): Poor little Pittoo...

FeRobin to Lucina: How can you protect Chrom if you cant even protect yourself?

Dark Pit (to Pit): Where's your goddess now?

Oh wait, you have an irrational hate for Lucina, it's literally hopeless. I guess my hoping Lucina gets a unique moveset next time is just such a terrible thing then, isn't it?

Anyway, I won't be getting the game for a week or two, so meh. I'd ever so be happy if one of you could record Dark Pit and Falco's taunts.

Firstly, I'm aware of win quotes. A lot of characters have them. Second, my "hate" for Lucina is perfectly reasonable. Just because a lot of people like her doesn't mean it's stupid for me to dislike her.

Thirdly, what else did you expect me to make out of "she insults Ike"?

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I wish those medleys had more tracks from the first game.


what you said has nothing to do with this, but meh

I cannot stand when people say that Sticker Star shouldn't have been the focus of the stage. I admit, having Super and Paper Mario N64 would be great, but hating Sticker Star is ugh.

Although the Bowser's Sky Castle part is inexcusable. Worst design ever. The Spinning Head of Death is stupid, I knew it when I first saw the stage.

edit post-script: You've literally given no reason ever for your hated of Lucina. Never. You got your character, so stop whining about her. I bet you'd be happier even if she wasn't in. I really don't care.

Edited by Apricot Luma
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on the topic of ike, he no longer has godly range with his fair. why sakurai......

...I don't believe this. So far, I'm thinking Ike is nerfed. He can no longer Quick Draw Cancel (using Quick Draw, but stopping right in front of his opponent and then immediately following up with his jab combo), which was one of my go-to strategies with him and one of his best tricks. Just...why, Sakurai. :(

Two of the things that I hated the most about him. Yes! I love it! <3

I've unlocked all characters now. Me and my friends played the game the whole day long. It would be a shame if I didn't have every char.

Are we now allowed to "spoiler" in this thread? It's not like anyone really used the extra-thread.

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Wow, congratulations, you completely took the line of out context, considering you don't know the full story.

She says "They call you the Radiant Hero?"

That's it. It's a winquote by the way. Multiple newcomers now have winquotes.

Palutena (to Dark Pit): Poor little Pittoo...

FeRobin to Lucina: How can you protect Chrom if you cant even protect yourself?

Dark Pit (to Pit): Where's your goddess now?

Oh wait, you have an irrational hate for Lucina, it's literally hopeless. I guess my hoping Lucina gets a unique moveset next time is just such a terrible thing then, isn't it?

Anyway, I won't be getting the game for a week or two, so meh. I'd ever so be happy if one of you could record Dark Pit and Falco's taunts.

Just curious, are these unused voice clips or actually used in the victory screen?

Edited by Smogon'sLawnMower
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The same thing happened to me on the Gaur Plain stage...

Anyway, I've unlocked Falco, Ness and Dark Pit (in that order).

Finally, according to Gamefaqs, you either have to play 50 vs matches or complete Classic Mode on a difficulty of 5.0 to unlock Dark Pit - which is why I've unlocked him by playing Classic on 2.0... (something is surely wrong here).

Yeah, almost no one knows what unlocks what. Just doing versus or random stuff in classic is the way to go.

Just curious, are these unused voice clips or actually used in the victory screen?

They are used in the victory screen iirc.

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Second, my "hate" for Lucina is perfectly reasonable. Just because a lot of people like her doesn't mean it's stupid for me to dislike her.

Honestly, people would give you a lot less crap for it if you didn't post in this thread at every opportunity to display your Lucina hate just like it's your blog.

Essentially you actually USE her popularity to say "HEY, I'M SPECIAL GUYS! I DON'T LIKE HER AND NONE OF YOU WILL CHANGE MY MIND," since you display it so readily.

At every single opportunity you have fangirled with great joy at Ike's every single attribute and/or complained about "he's not as good as he was" implied from your statements as well as displaying "Oh great, Lucina, you just made me dislike you more" as if we ALREADY DIDN'T KNOW you disliked her. That is also in addition to you taking it completely out of context. You took it as an opportunity to jump the gun and show everyone how much you dislike her. You were looking for it. Is it so much to ask to just keep the hate to yourself in your posts unless people are legitimately asking for your opinion about Lucina?

Seriously, just search the thread for "dislike" and "Lucina" in the search query with you as the author.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Yeah, almost no one knows what unlocks what. Just doing versus or random stuff in classic is the way to go.

They are used in the victory screen iirc.

guess it's random chance then since I haven't encountered the voice line when i was fighting him using her.

For Trophy Rush, Megaman makes this minigame really easy. His ground tilt up+A and up+A air tornado destroys so much. I think i gotten about 25 trophies just doing this with full max coin inputs.

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