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What should Sakurai do next?  

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  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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So um.. This is a thing. Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia is getting a Mii costume as well.

The birdman from mother apperently is also getting a Mii costume.

I actually kinda like it. I like using the Mii Fighters for fun (!) and cosplaying them with different outfits.

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My opinion of these Mii fighter costumes are slowly decreasing as it seems like they are determined to taunt people who actually wanted these characters in the game (well not so much the birdman).

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My opinion of these Mii fighter costumes are slowly decreasing as it seems like they are determined to taunt people who actually wanted these characters in the game (well not so much the birdman).

I personally would be fine with the mii fighters if the gunner and swordfighter were actually decent.

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I personally would be fine with the mii fighters if the gunner and swordfighter were actually decent.

Yeah, what gives.

Like if I were to even use a Mii, it would be Swordfighter, but lol.

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1321 Swordfighter (the one that I play) is actually surprisingly solid. Gale Strike alone is an incredibly powerful option that, among other things, simply says "no" to most projectiles and all dash attacks, forcing most opponents to approach from the air (where you have more options open up, such as intercepting with an upward-angled Chakram). The recovery is admittedly the least bad of Swordfighter's options (barring maybe switching out Chakram for the Ike Side-special), but Gale Strike and Blade Counter both give them a surprising amount of ledge game, since both moves stall your descent when used mid-air. The character is probably not best of the best, but they're not nearly as bad as you think, either. Especially with the quality Swordfighter costumes coming out, I highly recommend trying it. It's a really fun archetype to play, and one I would love the chance to pull out more often!

Edited by Tamarsamar
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Farore on stage isn't even good at higher levels of play (or medium tbh) where no one is going to just be sitting half a stage length away charging a smash attack...

Even though it's hard to hit, it's one of the most fun kill moves for me in the whole game. Hit the enemy with the first part of the move while you're both on the ground, teleport straight upwards and hit him again while reappearing. So satisfying. <3

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Even though it's hard to hit, it's one of the most fun kill moves for me in the whole game. Hit the enemy with the first part of the move while you're both on the ground, teleport straight upwards and hit him again while reappearing. So satisfying. <3

Though I rarely play Zelda, I find Farore's Wind can be a good out-of-shield option, especially if you can catch your opponent with a laggy move. Perfect for finishing them at higher percents.

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My opinion of these Mii fighter costumes are slowly decreasing as it seems like they are determined to taunt people who actually wanted these characters in the game (well not so much the birdman).

What's better: having costumes of these characters, or having nothing for these characters at all? Because that is likely the situation. People will be mad that their favorite character is "just a costume," but it was likely that or nothing. As far as Lloyd is concerned, I'm surprised he even got in as a costume. His fans should be happy about this imo.
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How's my man Ganon looking like in terms of tier lists and buffs and stuff? I haven't been on the smash scene much in the last few months at all.

Edited by Jotari
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How's my man Ganon looking like in terms of tier lists and buffs and stuff? I haven't been on the smash scene much in the last few months at all.

There still aren't any final tiers yet.

Rest assured, though, Ganondorf is still the Disrespect Tier.

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Though I rarely play Zelda, I find Farore's Wind can be a good out-of-shield option, especially if you can catch your opponent with a laggy move. Perfect for finishing them at higher percents.

Yes, this exactly. And they don't even need to be at really high percentages. 90% seems to be enough to kill most of the time.

(Just checked it to be sure: An npc-Lucario dies in training mode at 75%. I love it. <3)

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Maybe a potential buff in the next update for SwordFighter?

Swordfighter actually got a lot of buffs in 1.0.8. Mostly trimming the excessive end-lag they had on a lot of their attacks.

So, you know what to do. Don't let your dreams be dreams!

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Even though it's hard to hit, it's one of the most fun kill moves for me in the whole game. Hit the enemy with the first part of the move while you're both on the ground, teleport straight upwards and hit him again while reappearing. So satisfying. <3

this can be DI'd quite easily; you can adjust the angle on your teleport upwards if you can read the DI, but it's not exactly reliable iirc

that being said, it works pretty well for punishing stuff like bomb pulls and boomerang throws; farore's onstage isn't nearly as useless as it's made out to be

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I'm so happy about the costumes. I hate K. Rool with a fiery passion thanks to his worse than Ridley fanboys, and this is the fate he deserves. Flying Man and Chrom look good, and I love EarthBound and Chrom, so that's great, since there's no way they'll get anything better.

I'm so glad that K. Rool is out of the picture. Now my 6 that I want, Squirtle, Bulbasaur/Ivysaur (either works), Shantae, Red/Leaf (Leaf as an alt) Chibi-Robo, and Bandana Dee are that much closer.

In fact, I encourage everyone to vote Chibi-Robo. He is the most deserving with 5 games and yet nothing. He's great and the best candidate. I would legit cry at a Chibi-Robo costume.

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I'm so happy about the costumes. I hate K. Rool with a fiery passion thanks to his worse than Ridley fanboys, and this is the fate he deserves. Flying Man and Chrom look good, and I love EarthBound and Chrom, so that's great, since there's no way they'll get anything better.

I'm so glad that K. Rool is out of the picture. Now my 6 that I want, Squirtle, Bulbasaur/Ivysaur (either works), Shantae, Red/Leaf (Leaf as an alt) Chibi-Robo, and Bandana Dee are that much closer.

In fact, I encourage everyone to vote Chibi-Robo. He is the most deserving with 5 games and yet nothing. He's great and the best candidate. I would legit cry at a Chibi-Robo costume.

What if I said I hated Chibi-Robo and his fanboys with a fiery passion?

Edited by Knight
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I'm so happy about the costumes. I hate K. Rool with a fiery passion thanks to his worse than Ridley fanboys, and this is the fate he deserves. Flying Man and Chrom look good, and I love EarthBound and Chrom, so that's great, since there's no way they'll get anything better.

I'm so glad that K. Rool is out of the picture. Now my 6 that I want, Squirtle, Bulbasaur/Ivysaur (either works), Shantae, Red/Leaf (Leaf as an alt) Chibi-Robo, and Bandana Dee are that much closer.

In fact, I encourage everyone to vote Chibi-Robo. He is the most deserving with 5 games and yet nothing. He's great and the best candidate. I would legit cry at a Chibi-Robo costume.

Excellent. You've jinxed it now. We'll definitely get K Rool.

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Swordfighter actually got a lot of buffs in 1.0.8. Mostly trimming the excessive end-lag they had on a lot of their attacks.

But people are still putting the Swordfighter at the very bottom of the tier list? :(

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It probably means that people just aren't experimenting with him yet. Even with buffs, characters that aren't used a lot at all tend to be lower on the tier list. At least that's what I gather.

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Yeah, I hope that's all it is. Although, I bet one of the reasons it took me awhile to get even decent with my Frederick Mii is how big (heavy) he is. lol I mean, it's a FREDERICK Mii. XD (he looks so heavy in his armor!) And heavy means slow.

Edited by Anacybele
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It probably means that people just aren't experimenting with him yet. Even with buffs, characters that aren't used a lot at all tend to be lower on the tier list. At least that's what I gather.

Eyup. Tier lists, especially this early on, are reliable for one thing and one thing only: information on what other people are playing.

Edited by Tamarsamar
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Eyup. Tier lists, especially this early on, are reliable for one thing and one thing only: information on what other people are playing.

Minor correction: information on what other characters are winning.
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