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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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now where is fountain of dreams

there are plenty of people using every character in smash 4. the people who use worse characters don't win as much as those who use better characters. tier lists acknowledge results because of this. they also take character matchups into consideration; for example, pikachu in melee will never be s tier despite his 50-50 marth matchup because he gets wrecked by ice climbers and spacies (edit: sheik too).

Edited by PichuMaster3000
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Tournament Mode impressions:

This is one of the best things to be added in Smash Bros Online ever.

The tournament system plays like the Mario Kart 8 where you set up a lobby and then you get everyone to gather around into the lobby and have a blast together. This allows you to set up matches without having to bother with adding friends together to join a private match. You can also set the time limit so that the tournaments can last an hour or set it on forever. Tournaments are won by 2 different rankings, number of wins (meaning placing 1st) or by points (number of kills). However, the lobbies are setup so that you will be randomly matched with anyone in that lobby so you are not guaranteed to play against the people you want to play depending on how many people are playing in that lobby. For example, if a lets play person sets up a lobby with 100 participants then 100 people can join in for a chance to battle him/her without having to bother with adding him/her to the friends list.

Tournaments can be setup to the point where you can completely set any rules you want. This includes:

Number of participants (how many people can be in that rank)

Time battles, stocks, time stock, coins,

items on or off,

which stages are available for both omega or regular,

1vs1 or 4 player battles (edit: nvm it's 4 players. No teams But you can still play 1vs1 if no one is joining)

Turn on/off sudden death

Custom moveset battles

Setup a password system to join

Anything you want to set up in offline and friend matches you can set it up in tournament mode.

I played about 6 matches and it has been a blast to finally play stock, free for alls with reasonable battlefield style stages available. So this will be great if you guys want to setup a weekend smash bros gathering without having to add anyone in your friends list. I will probably be playing this mode for random battles only for now on and will never touch FG or For Fun ever.

However due note that you can only participate in about 4 tournaments at a time and if you want to join another tournament you have to unregister one of those tournament and lose your entire rank for the one you unregistered so be aware of that.

Edited by kingddd
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Tournament Mode impressions:

This is one of the best things to be added in Smash Bros Online ever.

The tournament system plays like the Mario Kart 8 where you set up a lobby and then you get everyone to gather around into the lobby and have a blast together. This allows you to set up matches without having to bother with adding friends together to join a private match. You can also set the time limit so that the tournaments can last an hour or set it on forever. Tournaments are won by 2 different rankings, number of wins (meaning placing 1st) or by points (number of kills). However, the lobbies are setup so that you will be randomly matched with anyone in that lobby so you are not guaranteed to play against the people you want to play depending on how many people are playing in that lobby. For example, if a lets play person sets up a lobby with 100 participants then 100 people can join in for a chance to battle him/her without having to bother with adding him/her to the friends list.

Tournaments can be setup to the point where you can completely set any rules you want. This includes:

Number of participants (how many people can be in that rank)

Time battles, stocks, time stock, coins,

items on or off,

which stages are available for both omega or regular,

1vs1 or 4 player battles (edit: nvm it's 4 players. No teams But you can still play 1vs1 if no one is joining)

Turn on/off sudden death

Custom moveset battles

Setup a password system to join

Anything you want to set up in offline and friend matches you can set it up in tournament mode.

I played about 6 matches and it has been a blast to finally play stock, free for alls with reasonable battlefield style stages available. So this will be great if you guys want to setup a weekend smash bros gathering without having to add anyone in your friends list. I will probably be playing this mode for random battles only for now on and will never touch FG or For Fun ever.

However due note that you can only participate in about 4 tournaments at a time and if you want to join another tournament you have to unregister one of those tournament and lose your entire rank for the one you unregistered so be aware of that.

Seriously? There's no option to set 1-v-1 only? How could they possibly overlook that?

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First thing I did?

Had the Black Knight mii swordfighter duel my Ike amiibo at Castle Siege with "Against the Black Knight" playing in the background.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

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First thing I did?

Had the Black Knight mii swordfighter duel my Ike amiibo at Castle Siege with "Against the Black Knight" playing in the background.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

And then Ike won saying that he fought for his friends...right? Right?

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And then Ike won saying that he fought for his friends...right? Right?

Actually, I played as the Black Knight.....and I won without trying very hard.....and my Ike was a lvl 50. Guess I'll need to retrain him a bit more.

Though the Black Knight winning would have been more appropriate if my Ike amiibo had worn his Greil color palette

Edited by Bullwine85
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this can be DI'd quite easily; you can adjust the angle on your teleport upwards if you can read the DI, but it's not exactly reliable iirc

That's probably true. It does seem to work for me most of the time, though. Since I'm not going to participate in tourneys, that's enough for me.

Funny how another post about Zelda just got posted while I was writing this.

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You know, I did not remember that Peach's Castle was this much fun. It can't just be because of the new grab-able ledges, can it?

I can't believe that I ended up buying the whole pack this time around. 15+ bucks for just 2 stages and a small bunch of costumes. Obviously the stages are a must have but this time I just couldn't say No to the costumes either. It was a really good selection this time. Lloyd, Chrom, the Black Knight, the King of Ks, the None Shall Pass guy... Apparently Sakurai said the DLC would be all Fanservice from here but if that's true, he seems to think Fanservice means to actually service the fans instead of merely a small part of the audience whose time would be better spend with actual porn. What a weirdo. Anyway, if this is reflective of the DLC we get in the future, my wallet will hate me. And maybe I might hate myself too. It's not like playing as the same 3 guys all the time is all that fun, no matter how many costumes there are.

So far, I used the Chrom hair on my Sayaka Miiki Mii. She used to have grey hair and the light blue Pirate suit. I now changed that to the blue pirate suit, since her should be brighter in color then the majority of her outfit. But I don't like the result too much. I mean, her hair should barely be blue anyway, let alone dark blue. So I kept the old version around. This means that now I have no less then 5 versions of Sayaka, with very few differences. I wish you could just edit color without creating a new Mii Fighter altogether.

I also gave my Oktavia Mii the Chrom suit combined with the Black Knight helm. I actually kinda like the result but the Awakening Falchion is not exactly an imposing blade.

I also gave the Black Knight suit to my Black Knight me. Surprising, I know. Maybe I also give the armor to my Mist Mii since I always like giving the Alondite to the real deal.

With all those Swordfighter costumes, I hope they receive a few more buffs to make them actually worth using.

Edited by BrightBow
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Just played my 'Blk Knight' and I never realized the Sword Fighter to be this strong.
(Sword Flurry B, Sword Flip >B, Sword Dash slash thingy ^B and reflect wind vB) It's a shame, you can't combo or string into anything. DThrow to Air attacks works a little, but barely. This needs a buff, I want to use the Mii's more.

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So, tried tourney.

No 1v1s.

3 player match.

2 players fight while a R.O.B. sits in the corner, spamming lasers and beyblades.

Not trying tourney again.

The Black Knight costume is cool. New stages are nice. Tourney desperately needs 1v1 option.

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I manage to have six videos from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U uploaded to YouTube and Miiverse last night and got K.K. Slider costume was free and it's automatically downloads like the Miiverse stage. I did post about Mike Jones from StarTropics series, Asuka from Senran Kagura series, Henry Fleming from CodeName: S.T.E.A.M., Quote from Cave Story, Shantae, and Impa from The Legend of Zelda as a Mii Fighter and put it in the title of the videos as "Vote ___ for SSB for DLC".


Speaking of which, when is the next Nintendo Direct trailer going to be showning? I only see they post just the Mii Fighters Costumes and the 2 Past Stages in the eShop, but, we haven't seen a DLC Fighter trailer quite yet.

And also, for the YouTube option that I forgot to mention, that you need the video uploaded that it's no longer than 3 minutes.

Edited by King Marth 64
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I manage to have six videos from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U uploaded to YouTube and Miiverse last night and got K.K. Slider costume was free and it's automatically downloads like the Miiverse stage. I did post about Mike Jones from StarTropics series, Asuka from Senran Kagura series, Henry Fleming from CodeName: S.T.E.A.M., Quote from Cave Story, Shantae, and Impa from The Legend of Zelda as a Mii Fighter and put it in the title of the videos as "Vote ___ for SSB for DLC".


Speaking of which, when is the next Nintendo Direct trailer going to be showning? I only see they post just the Mii Fighters Costumes and the 2 Past Stages in the eShop, but, we haven't seen a DLC Fighter trailer quite yet.

And also, for the YouTube option that I forgot to mention, that you need the video uploaded that it's no longer than 3 minutes.

With Iwata's death, it's hard to say when the next direct will be.

Granted, he wasn't in every single one, but he was pretty much the face of the Directs, maybe there was supposed to be a Direct that showed this costumes, but Nintendo decided against it due Iwata's death.

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So once again some rebalancing choices are fine, others are just wtf!

Luigi Buffs? Sheik barely got nerfed? Rosaluma stays the same? SAMUS STAYS THE SAME?

Then stuff thats random as hell like Shulk's backslash getting faster.

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Least Robin and WFT got some significant buffs, Sonic got nerfed once again for like the 6th patch running.

Is it time to start saying "Better nerf Sonic" instead of "Better nerf Greninja"?
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